  • Report:  #1448987

Complaint Review: Rafael Arce owner of FIT Credit repair - Carlsbad California

Reported By:
Attila - Richland, Wa, United States

Rafael Arce owner of FIT Credit repair
1265 Carlsbad Village Dr. STE 100 Carlsbad, 92008 California, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I am the owner of CCEG INC. my dba/website is and has been www.elitecreditcare.com. I have been in the credit repair industry for many years and have done radio shows, seminars as well as worshops but my true passion is helping people achieve their credit goals! My ex wife Julie and I started the company over a decade ago. Her role and what she was very good at was dealing with websites and mine was the business itself and sales.

We purchase the domain www.elitecreditcare.com early in the companys history. It was so long ago that I have forgotten the exact details except for the fact that I proudly came up with the website name. Since then thousands of clients later I am proud to say I have had only one BBB issue concerning billing and thats it! 10 plus years and thousands of clients processed with just one BBB complaint, that my friends is hard to do much less in credit repair!Fast forwarding to today 6/25/18.

A lot has happened since we set up this business. We had two beautiful girls together as well as our divorce in 2016. I am sorry to say as with most divorces it was not amicable. Hang in there as there is a purpose for sharing this history. We have had the usual ex type disagreement from custody to child support all the usual suspects I think.

What is not normal and a bit out of the ordinary is how I got to this point of having to write a report on a gentleman that seems normal but is not behaving as such. He is truly a predator of many kinds, this is where it gets interesting and perhaps explains a few things. Julie and I use to travel to Credit Repair Boot camps and seminars etc.. They were a good source of information as well as a good opportunity to network with others in the industry.

One year however because of the business and raising two young girls ( my pride and Joys ) Julie and I decided that I would stay home and take care of the girls and the business while she traveled to the Bootcamp. I dont remember the exact year but I do know we were very much married at the time. LOL I bought her a nice flight and a great Hotel room wanting her to be comfortable as she was going to be alone this time. So off she went and I was happy for the Daddy daughter time.

Now one thing about Julie is she loves her phones and she was always making sure her phone was always charged and near her. She arrived in Florida and the first night we talked and the girls who missed her also had their chance to say goodnight. Hold on folks I am almost to the point. Thesecond day we spoke on and off and I told her I would have the girls call her later inthe evening. Evening rolled around and the girls and I called to say goodnight but it went straight to voicemail. That was very odd for Julie not to say goodnight to at least the girls.

Several more calls late into the evening with the same results. I became worried but put the girls to bed and went to bed myself. Morning rolled around and I called with the same result again. Finally in late morning she answered and seemed short and annoyed with my concern. You have to know my ex but this was very out of character as she knew I was apprensive about her being alone in Florida. I was happy to hear from her none the less and that she was ok. She flew back the following day and we picked her up and the girls and I were happy to see her.

Now not only did her behavior start to change but her phone screen saver had a picture of a very young man on it. I am not the jealous type so I did not think that much about it. Soon I kept hearing about this Rafael guy she met at the boot camp and they texted and spoke frequently. Now I know what your thinking why was I so naive. Well one I am not the jealous type and two I trusted Julie my wife. Ok you were right! I was naive. Lol fast forward again and we are divorced and guess who she married? Low and behold Rafael Arce a kid almost a full decade younger than Julie, Later Julie confessed that she lied about her marriage and he lied about his age. LOl

He even was so cocky and tasteless and bragged to my eldest daughter about their first date at that very same Bootcamp. Yuk, yes she is disturbed by it. At least my expensive room went to good use. LOL The aha moment! My ex who took my website codes with her without my knowledge ended up I find in the hands and ownership of FIT Credit Repair and the owner Rafael Arce a direct competitor. Now that might seem to be not a huge surprise except for the fact that the divorce decree clearly stated that I received full ownership of the busiess and its assets which yes indeed includes www.elitecreditcare.com.

Now I laugh about it now and joke about how he to this day, even though there are  kids involved has  never even  shook my hand or looked me in the eye. Well a predator he is and unethical he is by his actions. First my wife then my website. Whats next my cat? Truthfully I should not have to beg or take legal action to get what is rightfully mine. Basically it is theft. By the way why wont he give it back? To damage my business more than he has  already or does he have plans for my site? I dont know but I would not trust a guy with such basic character flaws and unethical conduct. I want my site back? Can anyone other than expensive attorneys help me?

Rafael Arce owner of FIT Credit repair Rafael Arce has control of my website and refuses to give me back control so I can make important changes to it. I am the owner of Elite Credit Care a competitor of his and my business is suffering everyday I do not have access to my site. This is not only extremely unethical but perhaps illegal. My site is www.elitecreditcare.com I have had this site for many years and now need to make changes and when I called Godaddy for help and they said that I do not own the site. Weird because I bought it many yearts ago and have been using it since. It has my 877-604-4489 phone number that rings to my office and my old Bellevue address? Wow his refusal to give it back to me is bordering on Wow! What is wrong with this guy? Bordering on....... issues? since 


6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Documents pertaining to original report

#2Author of original report

Wed, July 11, 2018

 Documents that were not uploaded properly the first time.


United States
Adding some interesting documents

#3Author of original report

Wed, July 11, 2018

 Adding some documents in regard to judgments on Rafael Arce including his defunct California Credit Services


United States
Updating original incomplete report on 11exhale and Yoga Marketer.dba yogamarketer.com

#4Author of original report

Sat, July 07, 2018

 So he sank the original 11exhale partly because he refused to give Julie back services crucial to running 11exhake such as access to the payment system and then turned around and opened an 11exhake Inc in California before the original Washington 11exhake was even officially dead and basically given away for a pittance. Did you understand what I just said? Before the original 11exhale was taken over by the successful Steel3 studio Mr. Arce has already planned to open up the new California 11exhale with only him at the time on the paperwork. Now my interest in all this as the previously pissed off drunk but now sober ex husband is Rafael’s business ethics and honesty among other things which I have seen first hand on several fronts of my own. He seems to maintain a great reputation and marketing presence took Rafael Arce claims on yogamarketer.com that he was responsible for generating 360,000 in revenue for his yoga studio. Now that sounds good but being a business owner myself, the total revenue number could have been a million dollars but it’s not that number that counts. The important number is what is left over to spend. Lol In marketing to get peoples attention it is important to throw out big shiny things like numbers but they at the time are seldom backed up by accounting. Furthermore Mr. Arce also advertises as a financial and credit expert yet he has had two judgments against him including one against his no where to be found California Credit Services. On top of that he has started and run thru several other company’s, Vanquish Capital Investments ( SOS Suspended ) Wellness Logistics Corp ( Dissolved ) and don’t forget the one started by his wife Julie Arce, the original failed 11exhale. Now failure can lead to success by learning from your mistakes but that being said, the new 11exhale is not even a full year old yet and Mr.Arce and his wife did arrive back to California until late 2017. So when and where did the 12 months of revenue start. I am also questioning the statement of success that he boasts for several reasons. One his wife Julie Arce had her car repossessed in early 2018. My Mother also heard from Julie at Xmas 2017 claiming that they were so broke that they were having a hard time buying presents for the girls. Also why do I her ex husband constantly hear about lack of money like when she called crying in 2018 saying she had 300.00 in her account? And yes I gave her money, I hate crying. And why even though we had several verbal agreements regarding child support not to mention the money that went to try to bail out the original 11exhale that I gave/traded/lent her, why does her and Rafael keep wanting money from me under the guise of child support. They even insult me calling me a deadbeat. And why did Rafael exort to stealing affiliates from me as well as my website which Julie claims I will only get back if and when I sell my home and give them half the proceeds which I agreed to anyway when I sold the home. So who is the real Rafael? The successful bling bling Rafael that is doing just great and is stand up and ethical or the one that I know first hand that apparently needs money pretty badly? Well folks you choose as I am just laying out the facts that I know and have found. Be warned because if you follow him you might end up as rich as he is.


United States
Rafael Arce now in the yoga business owning www.yogamarketer.com also corrent owner of fit credit repair and former owner of the defunct California Credit Services and Vanquish Capital Investments etc

#5Author of original report

Fri, July 06, 2018

 I spoke to Rafael tonight but he was upset that I was was giving him one last chance to be a man and give my site www.elitecreditcare.com back. He even enjoyed taunting me saying that he not only owned and controlled my site but quote " I also stole all your affiliates as well” Wow that’s impressive I guess I should thank my lucky stars that I am still in business. Lol. Well none of this is a surprise once unethical always unethical. I did further research and found out that our recently turned 28 year old Rafael also at one time owned the now defunct California Credit Services which was sued in 2011 for 4,886.68 and a judgment was attained against him. Last activity on that suit was in 2912. Shortly thereafter he opened Vanquish Capital Investments LLC which also which status is reported Suspended and not active. He then moved in and opened Wellness Logistics Corp. Now that one sounds rather soothing, but wait! It’s disdolved. He also in between made time to attain another judgment against him in 2014 for 2959.22 from. This kid I must admit has been busy. At his age I only had time to running one legitimate business but I sold it instead of the alternative. Ok folks now his newest venture is owning 11exhale Inc as well as www.yogamarketer.com. Stay tuned about those ventures. Read further. Extortion: The crime of obtaining money or property by threat to a victims property by intimidation or false claim of right. Deceptive: Giving an appearance or impression different from the true one. ( misleading ). I am going to tell you some history by telling you a true story involving Mr. Rafael Arce. I know the story because I was present from the beginning of it and I am still entangled in it like a a fly in the spiders web. My name is AttilaThiry the ex husband of Julie Arce and better known as the angry angry old drunk who to this day continues to be plagued by Mr. Arce and his unethical " to put it politely " behavior and taken advantage of again this time it’s the website, stolen affiliates and more.....To this date it all stands unchanged. Well since last time things have changed in one sense, more information has been brought to my attention as well as now I will have to share Some more history which again confirms Mr. Arces consistent unethical and misleading behavior bordering on perhaps even extortion. You decide but I hope that thru all that I have witnessed and been put thru that you are now properly warned. So I will start by saying that Rafael other than running a credit repair business apparently with the aid of my stolen affiliates, also has expanded now into yoga. Yes yoga! He runs www.yogamarketer.com and somehow attained control of 11exhale Inc. Now

I tried to find actual physical addresses for both but it looks like they are using a mail address only. No surprise as a lot of what he does is online marketing. He also definitely likes to hear himself talk and provides regular appearances on many marketing venues. That actually is a good idea. Now let me tie this all together for you. His latest venture yogamarketer.coms big tag line or bait is that thru his efforts which he of-course will share with you ( for a price ) his yoga studios revenues jumped to 360,000 in the last 12 months. Firstly I am not stating that this might be untrue as many businesses create revenue. But claims like this are seldom backed up at the time of the claim with accounting. Also in yoga teacher training programs running at a cost of 3 to 5 k and up it would not be a surprise to run such revenue. Secondly as a seasoned business owner who started at age 22 owning a restaurant to my current unglamorous business of repairing people’s financial mulligans at age 54 I have learned that I can claim all sorts of revenue but what really counts I actually can keep and spend. As you read on you will see why I brought this point to light. Back to Rafael and 11exhale Inc/studios. Firstly it has not even been a full year since he incorporated. Secondly if he is referring specifically to 11exhale than let two things be noted. Firstly that studio has been run mainly by his wife Julie who no doubt is truly a great yogi but secondly he does not mention another bit of fact. The history of 11exhale and his involvement actually started as 7exhale in Washington State. I will try to speed history up a bit. I unfortunately now have to involve myself in what actually occurred as I was there throughout the debacle. In 2015 the now Mrs. Arce was Julie Thiry my wife at that time. Due to my drinking habit which I picked up in highschool in the 80s and never let completely go, as well as to be flat out honest Julie’s relationship with Rafael, we filed for divorce. I actually think Julie filed and I agreed to it. Now Julie never thought I knew about Rafi as she refers to him, but they really weren’t ad clever as they thought and I will leave it at. I unfortunately started accelerating my drinking after finding out. I want to make this clear that my drinking and it’s consequences were all me and not Julie’s fault. Rafael also admitted to my eldest daughter in that he was the one who pursued Julie many years ago after they met at a credit repair boot camp which ironically I sent her to. Lol Yes she was fully married at the time with two beautiful children ( mine ). Now let’s fast forward a bit. After the divorce Julie and I got along fairly well and even took trips together with the kids etc.. Julie was working at Golds gym at the time as a yoga instructor and was not making much money but she enjoyed and excelled at it. I made up

for it at that time paying 1600.00 monthly for child support as well as paid for her car and insurance. I agreed to pay 400.00 more a month than legally was obligated on top of the car etc.. but I truly wanted the kids to be as comfortable as possible. But eventually that also changed. One day out of the blue Julie asked me if I thought she could make a go of it in yoga? And knowing Julie’s work ethic as well as her marketing savvy I without hesitation said hell ya! So we cashed in a 13,000 life insurance policy and away she went! The first studio she opened was in a CrossFit gym with an extra room to to rent for 450.00 a month. The name at that time of the grand opening for those who are history buffs was 7exhale. This my friends was the humble beginnings of the eventual 11exhale. Due to Julie’s efforts the studio grew quickly and other than supporting her efforts as I always have done with positive reinforcement this time I had to be brought in to sign her first lease on a much larger and appropriate space. I was also recruited to paint, hang lights as well as build dressing rooms etc. at that time Julie and I were still amicable and my reasoning for helping was not what you might think. It was not to woo her back to me. I knew about Rafael as well as had moved on socially myself in a difrent direction. Christianity. I have always done my best to support her ambitions from law school to yoga and wanted her to succeed in whatever she wanted to achieve. I have always had a coach’s mentality as it runs in my blood. Now at this time Ralfi as I call him was nowhere to be found except that I later found out that he had asked Julie to Marry him over the phone two days after I signed her lease. The new studio was starting to really gain momentum and to make decent money. So of course now guess who shows up to sniff a buck. lol yes sir the guru of all trades himself the one and only Mr. Rafael Arce. Now the story I was told later by Julie herself after their first

breakup was that Rafael wanted to get out of the credit business because some months he was only making around 1,000 or so a month. My business at the time was making 14 times that so it now makes sense as to why he resorted in the end to the Rafael I know and love and focused on stealing affiliates from my company I am sure with a lot of his bad mouthing and with Julie’s knowledge of my business and help. Wow I was so impressed when tonight he so proudly exclaimed it to me. Lol As my Father said to me once that ego is a double edge sword and just like bragging to my daughter about asking a married woman out on a date so many years ago he just could not help himself again to be proud of stealing from my business. This guy is as transparent as they get. His facade is like staging a home for sale, it looks great but when you remove all the decorations it just ends up to be the same old house. So Rafael moved in with Julie and my two girls in an apartment and away he went with Julie’s permission and started to take over 11exhale. From the payment program that I signed over to him to everything else Julie made the mistake of allowing him to take over he relished in his new role. What is funny is that that time he knew about as much about yoga as I did. Lol Now what I noticed is now that Rafael was here Julue became increasingly hostile to me as well as I saw less and less if my girls which frankly broke my heart. My drinking became worse and frankly I felt I was losing control as I am attached to my children and they were everything to me. I took them to church, coached their soccer teams and cooked and cleaned for them, took them fishing and camping and Julie whether she will ever admit to it knows all this. My neighbor David says that I am the best father he had ever seen. I take pride in that as my drinking I did not take pride in. What happened next surprised everyone but perhaps me. The business started to lose ground under Rafael’s control many teachers became unhappy and Julie even fired a male teacher who was very good because Rafael could not stand him. ( jealous ) lol . One day I received a call from Julie stating she had sent Rafael packing back to California because she was not impressed with the way things were going she cited one morning that he did not want to get out of bed to do payroll a crucial part of any business. She basically said he was more of a burden than he was help. My daughter commented later to me that Rafael loved his cuestas and beauty sleep. Lol so long story short Julie filed an article of amendment dropping Rafael from 11exhale on 4/3/17 and she was so mad at Rafael that on 3/24/17 reopened an old corporation we started many years earlier and kept open for just this kind of occasion. It was called Raining enterprises and weirdly probably to piss him off she used my last name filing it under Julie Thiry and Attila Thiry. The reason for this was to open up a new payment system as Rafael

hijacjrc alk her online systems and refused to turn them over to her. Now 11exhale really started to flounder from the damage Rafael had caused and was causing. The payment system he hijacjed among other systems he now controlled and refused to give back to Julie we’re writing on the walls. He had nothing to with all the hard work that was put into the studio to make it succeed but he had a lot to do with its failure. Julie was crying a lot and even started smoking again as her stress level was thru the roof. One day she told me the truth that after Rafael had sold his condo he had paid the upfront money to hold the reservations for the resort in Costa Rica where teacher training was going to be held. Apparantly he told her that he would not give her the payment systems back or anything else she needed in order to keep afloat until she gave him all the money that he had volunteered to put up for the retreat. So I was tired of his BS and dug up around 20 k to pay him off and pay her bills as well as buy badly needed merchandise for the studio. She also wanted to then expand the business so I signed two more leases for her. Yes I am a sap but I wanted her to succeed despite if Rafael efforts. In the end his damage was done and on 5/7/18 she accepted some money and gave up 50 percent ownership to Brenda Steel. Later Julie basically gave Brenda the rest of the studio. Now hang onto your hats as this is the kicker. Julie and I talked and for the sake of the girls we were going to move back into together. It was weird but to have my girls back was all I focused on. Sadly Julie was not in the forefront for me, it was the thought of my girls that excited me. So one weekend Julie the girls and I went to a water park in Idaho to spend the weekend and that’s where she dropped the bomb. She had told me that he’d abd Rafael were going to work things out and she was going to move to California. I was in shock as I knew what it meant. I would not see my girls like I was use to ever again. I was in shock. She tried to sweeten the deal so I would sign permission for them to lesve the state by trading child support for my signature. This of course did not account for the oversupport I already paid as well as all her car payments insurance and the 20k I lent her or all the leases I signed. My eldest daughter was also shocked as she wanted to stay with me. So I did not want to stand in the way of her happiness and begrudgingly signed. My eldest daughter convinced Julie to allow her to stay with me but 8 days later after dumping the car and my eldest daughters stuff off at my house she disappeared with both daughters without even letting me say goodbye to them and snuck down to California with of course Rafael’s help. What hurt the most was no being able to say good bye to my babies. So I started to drink heavily and my anger boiled over and I left over a hundred nasty messages for Julie on her voicemail most I probably do not remember. I ended up in the hospital and the doctors told me I was dying from the alcohol and had basically suffered a nervous breakdown. Fast

forward to now. I am sober and my eldest daughter after trying to commit suicide in California came running back to me. We are enjoying life together. So here we are, Rafael Arce with two judgements against him several company’s that are no longer functioning as well as largely responsible for the failure of the original 11exhale in Washington State. And don’t forget how he pursued a married woman with children. He also is as now holding my website hostage and bragging about stealing affiliates from me. Dumoed 3 leases on me and 20,000 of debt. He now owns the new 11exhake in California and claims in his thru his www.yogamarjeter.com that in the last 12 months he has made 360,000. If true then explain why Julie has called me for money as well as threatened me for child support ( she said that was Rafael’s idea to get more money from me ) even though she made the verbal agreement not to if she moved the kids to California so I could afford to visit them. well as at Christmas 2017 told my Mom that they were so broke they could hardly afford presents as well as her Jeep being repossessed early in 2018 as well as the threat to sell my domain name that they stole for 3,000 dollars and only give it to me for trade of 1/2 the house sale proceeds which I was already going to give her as amshe well knows from my communications and the latest non- revelations that they apparently had to steal my affiliates to make his business fit credit repair successful. So I have warned you with facts that still continue today with Mr. Rafael Arce. So now you decide your involvement with the slick talking Rafael I myself go by his actions and not all the staging. I will keep you posted.


United States
Latest update on attempting to regain ownership of my website

#6Author of original report

Sat, June 30, 2018

 Well I have an update on what is really going on behind the scenes in regard to regaining control of my website elitecreditcare.com. Today I was informed that I would only gain access to my website if I went thru with the sale of my home in Richland, Wa, and give my ex wife Julie ( Rafael’s new wife )1/2 the proceeds of the sale. I made sure in our divorce that she already was entitled to those proceeds. I was told this was Mr. Arce’s idea in whole. I m not sure what to think other than I am being extorted. I have told my ex about every aspect of the home sale as it happens in pretty much live time just so she would know when she would receive her half of the proceeds. I now think that this is some weird control thing that Rafael Arce is perpretating as the home sale was already agreed upon and in progress. Now I think I might have to think twice about how I move forward as I suspect this might never end and he will find another excuse after the sale of the house to not give it back. Is this extortion should I notify CI3 or the FBI? This is getting weird.


United States
Update on my initial report on Rafael Arce

#7Author of original report

Wed, June 27, 2018

 The good news is that tonight Rafael actually texted me his thoughts. He told me that he was going to post a picture of me on my own website. The picture was from my DUI almost a decade ago. He seems to thinks unfortunately that I did not face my mistake. Well anyway I have been sober for a long time. Thank you very much. What a mistake but the end result is worth it. It shows if I can do it than others can. Anyway I heard from him and it was not to return the stolen site. Will let you know more as I learn more. You know I try not to put down my competitors and just do business the right way but I guess I was hoping the same was his intention. Well if he does post a picture I at least will look a decade younger.

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