  • Report:  #183537

Complaint Review: Real Social Dynamics - Internet

Reported By:
- Albertson, New York,

Real Social Dynamics
realsocialdynamics.com Internet, U.S.A.
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I am going to try and make this review of my experience of the Real Social Dynamics workshop as unbiased as possible and let you decide come to your own conclusions.

The instructors for this workshop were Mike, Jlaix (Jeffy) and Christophe. The first night the instructors told us it was going to be nothing but approaching. I wasn't looking forward to this considering that going into the workshop I had done over a 1,000 approaches (which is over 20x more than any of the other students). Since the workshop was held in my hometown Chicago I suggested that we head off to a bar called the Apartment.

When we get there Jlaix asked anyone if they want drinks and orders one for himself. He makes me open a set which I do and afterward he says I did really well so the rest of the workshop he's pretty much off my back about approaching except maybe 4 other times. The entire reason I took this workshop was to see the instructors game, not to approach.

The entire night I continue to pick Jlaix's brain because I think he's got phenomenal game even though I haven't seen him ever open a set and I try to get him to approach the whole night. I eventually get Jlaix and Christophe to open a set and I sit one foot away from them to listen. From my perspective Jlaix's girl looks into him for the first three minutes or so and Christophe, for whatever reason, stops talking to his girl. Soon after the girls go to the bathroom.

The set lasted about 5 minutes. At the end of the night we debriefed in a pizza place and Mike was reading off of a card what we need to do better next time. That was day 1. On day 2 the instructors stated that the goal was for the students to use a routine stack. We went to the same bar, the Apartment, and I once again was forced to do very little which was fine by me as long as the instructors approached.

The only thing I had to do this was reopen the same girl with the same opener about 4 times which was no problem. Jlaix was testing my anxiety and persistence and thought the girls might become more into me if I looked like I didn't give a f.

At one point in the night every student was with Christophe and I realized no one had any idea where Jlaix or Mike were. They had been gone at least half an hour. I asked Christophe where they were and he didn't know so he had the other students open sets while he and I went out on a mission to find them. We went upstairs and found them in a corner laughing with drinks in their hands and having a good time.

Christophe started screaming at them and they replied that they were opening sets for students. There were clearly no students around them or even on the same floor as them and there were clearly no girls near them. At the end of the night when we debriefed one of the students flipped out that Mike and Jlaix were gone so long and Mike replied that he was doing demos then the student yelled out Bulls**t! and they had nothing to say back.

These debriefs were all held in the same pizza place which was a very public setting were people could hear us talk about game. That night one guy who was not in the workshop and was eating at the pizza place yelled out I have a question to Jlaix and Jlaix responded Yes, you're fat. The guy, who was about twice Jlaix's size, then charged at Jlaix and shoved him in the chair he was sitting in so hard that Jlaix got knocked right into the wall and broke the chair he was sitting in into 3 pieces.

The cops then came but Jlaix didn't press charges so it was a very short dispute. The past 2 days the instructors had said that the third day would be all demos so I was reallllllly looking forward to this day.

Before we headed out I mentioned to Jlaix and Mike about how they were gone so long last night and they claimed they couldn't remember this. They didn't deny it or accept it. They claimed they just couldn't remember. I assumed that either they were lying or they had drinken too much last night or a combination of both. When we arrived at the same bar the Apartment once again for the third day in a row they told us that only the second half of the third day would be demos.

Like the rest of the days, the other students were pushed into sets and didn't do anything else the first half of this day. When we got there Mike saw that the college he attends UCLA had a close football game on TV so he took some time out to watch it and not pay any attention to the students. He was by himself at the bar watching a football game.

During the second half of the day Mike and Jlaix opened a set of girls and Mike soon told one the girls that her head was shaped like a pear. She angrily went to the bathroom and Mike grabbed her arm but she pushed it away.

Next set of girls Mike and Jlaix talked to were 2 girls. I was right next to them the whole time. Mike talked to his girl for a few minutes then she started losing interest and turned the other direction. For whatever reason the girls left 10 minutes into the conversation. Jlaix talked to another girl for about 5 minutes and then she left. She ran to her friends saying ewww. That guy said he would do ----- if I kissed him so I left. At the end of the night none of the instructors sets were going that well. Jlaix ended up talking to a girl that was approximately 5'5 and 250 lbs. All Christophe could say was she's not sleeping in our room tonight.

I took a cab ride back with two of the other students and both students were saying how none of the instructors were that good. One of the students said he didn't think Christophe talked to any girls the whole time he was there and the other student compared them to another workshop company saying that the other workshop instructors didn't go for super hot chicks but at least they had some skill compared to the RSD instructors.

So here is where I put in my opinion. I'd say the instructors skill level was very low. I honestly have friends who on their worst nights still do better than any of the instructors were doing which made me very unsatified. Christophe goes in high energy on the girls he talks to and never drops it which I thought was totally a beginner's mistake. I don't think any of the instructors were good enough to be teaching guys how to get women. Also, expect to take s**t from the instructors.

They know that 99% of the guys who take these workshops are wimps and don't stand their ground so they take full advantage of this. On the third night I really didn't want to go to the Apartment bar for the third night in a row because I wanted to go to a nice venue and see the instructors talk to really hot women. On the third day Mike said we could go someone nice if all the students agreed.

Well, all the students agreed then Mike said how only the instructors know which place is best for the students. The real reason the instructors wanted to go the Apartment bar was because Mike and Jlaix wanted cheap drinks. Every night they drank and Jlaix even mentioned to me about how cool it was that they had $2 St. Pauly Girl beer.

Overall I think the students got very little value out of the workshop. All most of them did was go into set for a few minutes and then leave. Another things the instructors do is say that they make barely any money off of these workshops and that they just do it for the students which is completely off.

The CEO Nick wears $800 D & G shoes from what I've heard and I know someone else who saw the other CEO Tyler (Owen) with 4 full shopping bags of clothes in his hands after shopping at Melrose in L.A. which is extremely expensive. After the workshop I talked to Tyler about the issues I had with the workshop and he said he was going to call some of the students to verify it and get back to me but he never did, even after I tried to contact him several times after.



Albertson, New York

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