  • Report:  #981295

Complaint Review: Reanna Henshaw - DeLand Florida

Reported By:
Sunshinekwfl - DeLand, Florida, United States of America

Reanna Henshaw
120 N. Boundary Ave Unit B DeLand, 32720 Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Beware of Reanna Henshaw in DeLand, Florida, originally from New Hampshire.

This individual is a con-artist. She pulls people in using her 'woe is me I am a pathetic broke single Mother" shtick, to make people feel sorry for her, in order to take advantage of them.

My former partner and I initially became involved with Reanna when she moved to Florida to hide from her babys father so he could not serve her court papers. I did not want to get involved whatsoever, but my partner insisted that he felt sorry for her and that it was our duty to help the less fortunate.

After many, many favors to help the pitiful girl our, I had some car troubles, and Reanna had just been given a free car from a old friend of hers in New Hampshire. I offered to pay her for the vehicle, since she was on the verge of being homeless and needed rent money, and I needed transportation, figuring it would be a mutually helpful trade.

Months went by and she never got me the original title, claiming that she did not have it and could not get it from New Hampshire. I was lenient about this, and agreed to just let her keep the money, and I continued driving the car, and figured she would come up with the paperwork soon enough. Come November, the license plate expired, and today, 12-12-12, a man came into my apartment complex and removed the license plate from the vehicle.

 I notified her of this matter, and at first she acted bewildered, then stated that "yeah she has the title". She had the title and did not give it to me all this time. I informed her I was having i towed, as I can not have an untagged car on my property, and she became very nasty & bizarre, claiming that it is her car, I have no legal tie to it, basically to butt out, and that she will have her supposed "boss" from her under the table job come and tow it for her, so she could get the cash for it.

When I informed her that I already have a towing arrangement made, she said that she already had it under control and that she needed the cash, and that she would report it stolen if I had it towed before she could sell it for cash.

I have no interest in selling the car for cash, as I dont have the title to it and couldnt anyways, thanks to her lying & misleading me about the title, yet I feel like she has taken a huge giant crap on me by stringing me along about the title, and swindled me out of money in exchange for a car she never planned to sign over to me. And it miffs me that she got the car for FREE, sold it to me under false pretenses, then gets nasty with me when I run into troubles from her not taking care of the legalities, and is going to turn around and sell it AGAIN.

Anyone in the Volusia County area, mainly Deland, be very aware of this girl.

She will brag about how broke and pathetic her life is and how the world is cruel to her as a single Mom, and the stupid state of Florida wont take care of her, to reel people in to feel sorry for her, and thus give her favors, babysitting, transportation, food, help with rent and utility bills and phone bills, basically act as parents to her,  and proceed to pull you into a scam. Do NOT enter into any financial or business deals with her, as you will most very likely get ripped off.

If you choose to feel sorry for her and adopt her as a charity project, use great caution.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Key West,
You Ripped off a Widowed Mother and her Child

#2General Comment

Tue, January 14, 2014

I am going to go ahead and post a novel here, I have to stand in defense of my Daughter in Law and her children. I heard about this whole story, and was very concerned for my Daughter In Law and her children when I heard of this horrible situation. yes it is in the past now, but I will stand up for my family, for the woman my son loved dearly, and for my grandson and step-granddaughter.
In order to sell a vehicle, you need to have a bill of sale drawn up, and transfer the title over to the buyer. You lied and deceived my Daughter In Law to believe that you were in the process of retrieving the paperwork for the vehicle in God knows wherever you came from, and would shortly be able to take care of the legal paperwork so that she could get the vehicle legally in her name, and get her tag and title. It is impossible for you to have sold a car and not know that you did not make it legal. YOU would have had to come up with paperwork to transfer the title to Stacie to make it legal. Since you failed to do that, and apparently had no intent of doing so, you have exposed yourself as a liar as well as being a thief.
In the meantime, YOU knew what you were doing was illegal. Everyone in the scenario knew that until Stacie got the car legal, that it was being driven illegally. Unfortunately, you conned Stacie into thinking that you were going to get the paperwork to make the car legal. My Daughter In Law was in a tight spot, with needing to get her little Son to school, and to errands and Doctor appointments. So she went ahead and gave you the money, knowing you needed it, and made a trade with you, that you accepted. 200 dollars and a gun, correct? So you were not in danger of losing your home, and that was another lie of yours?
My Daughter In Law has no reason to lie about that, that she gave you money to help you not lose your home, in exchange for the vehicle, and a gun as well. If you did not  want to sell the car, and you were not willing to be honest about the paperwork, you should have never accepted money and other items, and handed over the keys, with the promise of making good on the paperwork.
The only illegal thing my Daughter In Law has ever done, was drive that car without the paperwork, and that is because she has a child that needed transportation, to school, appointments, errands, etc. and to be able to drive to Orlando to pick up her Daughter wheh she flew in to see her Mommy.  I told her not to do it, but she assured me that it was ok, that you would come up with the paperwork anyday and you and her would make a legal sale and transfer. I was scared out of my mind that she was driving that car without the paperwork, and had bond money and our family lawyer on standby, thank God nothing came of that.
You were fully aware it was illegal, and not only that, you had the intent to defraud my Daughter In Law, you knew you never intended to make it legal, you obviously figured you would take the money, sell a car that you got for free by somebody stupid enough to feel sorry for you, and since you admit that you would have never been able to afford to make it legal for yourself, you would just let somebody else buy it, drive it for awhile, then re-sell it a second time for scrap metal when the tags expired. You cant fool an old lady honey, you are a con artist and an opportunistic sociopath.
And pray tell what my Daughter In Law does that is illegal, or how she is out to make a buck off anybody?
My Daughter in Law is a very respected and beloved woman in her community back home, by people of all walks of life in the community. She was married to my son, a very respected employee of the Police Department, business owner, notary public, and pillar of the community. You are a little sh*thead snot that came from nowhere, probably because you ran out of welfare benfits like Florida does not have enough freeloaders and con artists coming in from other states. Is working and developing entreprenial businesses considered "making an illegal buck" in your lowlife world? Maybe because it is a foreign concept to you, seeing as how you live off of welfare. Whose fault is it that "you had no job"? I worked and supported my children while studying for my bachelors and masters. My Son, Stacie's first Husband, worked while he got his bachelors. From what I understand, Stacie even got you a job and you got fired. Wouldnt be surprised if it was for theft.
You are the one who ripped Stacie off, that would make you the one out to make an illegal buck anyway you can. My son died, and left Stacie a widow, and my Grandson without his Bio-Father. It is God -Awful of you to be so unscrupulous to a widowed woman and her child. Luckily, thank God, Stacie is a strong, tough woman who stays on her feet no matter what life throws at her, and thrives. 
And do tell, what is this "lower class community" you speak of? Do you not live in the same community? Did you not, at one time, live in the same building? So you must live in a lower class community as well, if the part of Deland she and her family live in is considered lower class. If anything, people like you moving in is what brings the community down. I remember hearing the stories of how you brought a bunch of low-class chaos and drama to the building that you lived in when Stacie lived above you. Fights, threats of violence, people ringing Stacies doorbell at all hours looking for you. It is truly a blessing in disguise that Steven got them out of there, even if it was not in a good way, I loathe the idea of my precious Grandson and my Sons lovely widow and mother of his child living amongst such scum. I am SO glad they are out of there and away from you and your ilk. If Stacie, who is a Mother, the beloved wife of my son, loved by many in her home community, and a hardworking woman who has developed businesses is lower class, then you are below no class. Stacie comes from a very well heeled family in the Big City, and was married into one of the most known and loved families in the Florida Keys. You could never be the woman she is on her worst day, on your best day. You must hate yourself and your life to rob a widow and her little boy the way that you did, you very likely justified it to yourself that since you were miserable, you were entitled to be a little lying thief.
Are you not the one who whines about how it sucks to be a single mother? And you turned around and robbed a widowed mother and her child. How do you justify that? You cant, you are a liar and a thief, and of low character. And despite being very leary of you at first, she pitied you and actually started to like you, and thought of you as a friend and as someone whom cared about her and her child. Despite going through her own troubles, with coping with losing her Husband, and Stevens drinking and him losing their home, she was hoping to help lift you up a little bit, and thought she found a nice friend in you that she could count on in had times and that you could count on in hard times. She didn't want you to go through the same event of losing a home, and tried to make a mutually helpful trade with you, and gave you money. You obviously used the money, if you were lying about being in danger of losing your home, on something, because you surely did not return it. You stuck your foot in your mouth and admitted that you lied about calling the tag in, because I saw the messages where you played dumb on it, and made a threat to make a false police report. You are quite a lucky girl that our family lawyer did not rail you over the coals, and that's probably the only luck you have ever had in your sad sack life. Stacie had been through so much over the
Stacie has been through so much over the years, my Son died and left her a widowed Mother, she had to sell her home in Key West for way below value, Steven had some drinking problems, how dare you disrespect such a beautiful strong woman, how dare you disrespect the woman my son adored and loved, and the Mother of my beautiful Grandchild. Luckily for her, she always stays on her feet.
She does not need your "prayers" or your "Godspeed". She has a beautiful teenage Daughter who is a lovely young lady, a precious wonderful little Son, a baby on the way, and has not only survived, but thrived through her Husbands death, Stevens past drinking issues, and people like you taking advantage of her. She has developed 2 entrepreneurial business, purchased 2 vehicles, and built up a healthy savings and financial portfolio, and is looking to either buy as property in the DeLand area, or move back to Key West, while you are probably just sitting around rotting in your own misery, stuck with a kid who you didn't want, try to pawn off on everyone else, and a "BabiesDaddy" who likely does not give a crap about you or your kid, or he would have been the one to give you 200 when you needed it. You stay away from her and her beautiful children, you are not worthy of licking the dirt off of her shoes. Stay away from my family, you do not ever speak to nor look at my Daughter In Law, her Daughter, her Son, and any and all future children.
And let me guess what happened in front of the tow truck guy: You were called out for being the lying thieving sad sack of s**t that you are. Good. I always encouraged her to be a strong woman who stands up for herself and her family, ever since I met her as my Sons young, wide eyed beautiful bride. I knew there would be hateful, wicked, jealous people like you out in the world that lashed out on others because of their shitty lives and misfortunes, she would unfortunately encounter, and I taught her to stand up for herself. I know she did not hit you or beat you, not that you don't deserve it, but because her family is more important than going to jail over a worthless miserable girl.
Oh and about Steven? Yes he WAS an alcoholic, and I don't know anything about the crack part but wouldn't doubt it with the way he was screwballing his family and himself up, and yes he did make many horrible mistakes, one being involving you in Stacie's life, Steven has cleaned up his life, has been sober for over a year, has a baby on the way, is doing right by his family, and has a nice salaried chef job. He has gained my respect back, which is a very hard thing to do with me. And since Stacie originally filed a ROR about you over a year ago, she was not with him at the time, hence why she used the term "former partner". And why were there quotations around the word partner? A partner is a Spouse or a Long Term Relationship in which you raise a family. Of course, since all your kid has is a scumbag deadbeat of a father who likely denies the both of you, or perhaps you don't even know who your kids father is, and have never had a Husband who loved you and your kid, you would not understand the term partner.
I would not doubt for a second that you indeed have sonme serious substance abuse, mental health, and drinking issues, surely nobody can be that idiotic in a state of sobriety. You need help before you destroy your child with dysfunction, low morals, and poverty.
Stacie, dont waste time ever replying or corresponding to this girl again, you are strong and have made a good life for yourself and your children. And while I know that you can defend yourself and call out injustice just fine, you keep your energy on your family and your new baby.
And since you are bringing prayers and religion into it, are you not aware of what the bible says about mistreating widows and orphaned children? Shame on you, wicked little thief.
Deuteronomy 27:19
“‘Cursed be anyone who perverts the justice due to the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow.’
Mark 12:40 Who devour widows' houses and for a pretense make long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation
Malachi 3:5 Then I will draw near to you for judgment. I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, against the adulterers, against those who swear falsely, against those who oppress the hired worker in his wages, the widow and the fatherless, against those who thrust aside the sojourner, and do not fear me, says the Lord of hosts.


These people are out of their minds

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 29, 2013

I hardly know these people.  The boyfriend of the woman who wrote the complaint is a known alcoholic crackhead.  There is also no former "partner", they are currently together, known fact.  I was never going to lose my home, but was not able to pay for state fees to own a vehicle here as I had no job.  I gave them the car in return for a reliable transportation for my daughter to get to kindergarten.  They never changed the tags on the car and drove it illegally under my name so once I found this out i had the car towed to a scrap yard.  The owner of the tow company could tell you a good story about how unbelievable this woman was when I had them come and pick up the car, that's all I have to say about that, as I am not going to make her look worse than she already does herself. MUnfortunately they live in a lower class community and would do anything to make a dollar off of someone.  Including doing anything illegal or owning something illegal and selling it.  They will take advantage of anyone that crosses their path.  Good luck and God speed to that family, they need all the prayers for help they can get.

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