  • Report:  #1149197


Reported By:
Crystal L. Cox - Port Townsend, Washington,

Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?


Ripoff Report is a forum for people to post true complaints that can help other people by informing them about a problem.  It is also a good forum for a business to show the world how it responds to customer complaints.  Ripoff Report is not a forum for people to post false complaints, or personal attacks. And, Ripoff Report is not a place for people to commit extortion.


Ripoff Report has dedicated enormous time and resources to protecting free speech.  Complaints can make businesses people angry.  Complaints that expose scams and frauds make scamming fraudsters very, very angry.  Angry people can put pressure on authors to recant, to take it back, to take it down.  Ripoff Report protects free speech in several ways, including not ever taking down reports so that there is no use to pressure an author about it and every reason to show the world how to resolve a complaint with courtesy and respect.  Ripoff Report also fights lawsuits against taking down reports, and dozens and dozens of times Ripoff Report has defeated lawsuits that attempt to suppress free speech and force the takedown of reports.


Ripoff Report does not take down reports for money.  If there is a false report posted, there are many policies that allow the false statements to be rebutted, disproven, exposed as false, and at times even removed from the website. There is a program sponsored by Ripoff Report, designed to be much much easier and less expensive than a lawsuit, called VIP Arbitration.  It allows a challenge to a statement to prove that it is false, a defense by the author, and a decision by a neutral arbitrator based on the evidence.  False statements can be identified and refuted in this manner.  And, the law allows and encourages the Ripoff Report to use good judgment to show the results of the arbitration, and even to redact the contents that someone posted.


Ripoff Report is taking a stand against abuse of the website, and its carefully designed programs to protect free speech.  Some people abuse the website by using it for personal attacks, or using it as leverage to harm and extort other people.  One of those people is Crystal Cox.  Cox has a pattern of behavior that Ripoff Report finds offensive, harmful and disgusting.  Here is how the Ninth Circuit Court of appeals described this pattern of behavior in an official written opinion:



“ . . . Crystal Cox published blog posts on several websites that she created, accusing [her victim] of fraud, corruption, money-laundering, and other illegal activities in connection with the Summit bankruptcy. Cox apparently has a history of making similar allegations and seeking payoffs in exchange for retraction.”


That conduct is wrong. It is disgusting.  Ripoff Report is against that kind of thing.


Here is a link to an article on the Ripoff Report that is all about Crystal Cox, and what she does, and how some of it is protected as free speech by the laws of the United States.



Here is a link to the same article posted on another website. http://popehat.com/2014/01/19/protecting-the-free-speech-of-censors-the-crystal-cox-saga/

Protected Free Speech

Well, the law has to protect some speech that is bad speech, in order to protect everyone’s right to free speech.  But, Ripoff Report has freedom of speech too.  And Ripoff Report chooses to exercise its right to free speech by NOT GIVING CRYSTAL COX A VOICE ON RIPOFF REPORT. That’s right.  We did some research and looks like Crystal Cox has used and abused Ripoff Report somewhere around 45 times.  And, Ripoff Report does not respect Crystal Cox or what she does, so she she can’t voice her opinions or post her allegations or say anything at all on Ripoff Report website. If we detect her trying to post things, we will not allow it to post. Ripoff Report believes she has abused the opportunity to post on the website and so she loses the opportunity.  What about the things she already posted? Well, we are going to redact the heck out of it so that it doesn’t hurt anyone, but the world can see just what kind of garbage it is.  And we are posting this statement for everyone to read.


What else?


Ripoff Report will repeat some interesting things written by others about Crystal Cox.  In the opinion of one very intelligent and wise author named Ken White who was speaking about the law (you can see the full article in the links above) “We protect the Nazis’ right to march at Skokie . . . We protect the right of Fred Phelps’ family to protest funerals even though the America of Phelps dreams is a theocratic hellhole . . . So it shouldn’t be any surprise that we protect the free speech rights of the disturbed and vengeful blogger Crystal Cox, even though she abuses the legal system in an effort to censor and retaliate against people for criticizing her. That’s how we roll.”


Mr. White documents several additional examples of reprehensible conduct by Crystal Cox, and his article is an excellent and interesting read about why it is important to protect free speech, even for people who do bad things.



It is also important to exercise free speech rights AGAINST people who do bad things like Cox does.  So, Ripoff Report is standing against Cox and the way she abuses people and the internet.



(((REDACTED BY EDITOR DUE TO ABUSE OF WEBSITE))) wants to suppress the TRUTH about what he, (((REDACTED))), and (((REDACTED))) are up to in regard to the massive estate fraud in the (((REDACTED))) Estate and (((REDACTED))) Estate out of (((REDACTED))).

Folks, this issue is of massive public importance as these rogue attorneys and the judges that protect them are NOT carrying out the wishes of the deceased. This affects a large amount of people in (((REDACTED))), and these attorneys, judges and insurance companies ( (((REDACTED))) ) need to be exposed in order to protect the public at large. 

(((REDACTED))) has repeatedly attempted to silence the investigative reporting of Blogger Crystal Cox, me. This is to attempt to silence Fraud, Forgery, Frauds on the Court, Altered Documents and more in a high profile Florida Estate case. This affects you all. Your tax dollars pay the judges that let this happen. Your rights in your own estate and the rights of your TRUE heirs are affected as attorneys such as (((REDACTED)))(((REDACTED)))(((REDACTED))) seem to be protecting lawyers and insurance companies such as (((REDACTED))), to do as they please with your estate after you die, no matter what your TRUE wishes were and no matter how much money you spent on attorneys like (((REDACTED))) to make sure that your wishes are carried on after you pass away. 

(((REDACTED))) has pulled out every dirty trick in the book to try and suppress the investigative reporting of Blogger Crystal Cox. He has even has been in contact with attorney (((REDACTED))), my former attorney, to set up, harass, stalk, intimidate and to "shake down" (((REDACTED))) and suppress the speech of Blogger Crystal Cox who is reporting on the 13 Trillion Dollar stolen technology story, (((REDACTED))). ( (((REDACTED))) ) AND who is reporting on fraudulent documents, fraud on the courts, estate fraud and possible murder in connection to the (((REDACTED))) Estate and the (((REDACTED))) Estate of which (((REDACTED))), seems to be enabling.


More Research Links to this Story (((REDACTED))) Story









Proudly Posted here by Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Port Townsend,
Murder of Chairman of (((REDACTED BY EDITOR DUE TO ABUSE OF WEBSITE)))? Attorneys (((REDACTED))) Violated Law - See more at: (((REDACTED)))

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, November 26, 2014

On, September 13, 2013 (((REDACTED))) and his son, (((REDACTED))), claimed he died from poisoning and pointed the finger at (((REDACTED)))'s girlfriend!

Ripoffreport Report Image


For information re the sudden and unexpected death of (((REDACTED))) see (((REDACTED))) @ & (((REDACTED))) Report # (((REDACTED))), see SHERIFF CORONER REPORTS.

Months after (((REDACTED)))’s death it was learned the Law Office of (((REDACTED))) committed forgery & fraudulently notarized documents for 5 of (((REDACTED)))’s children & one for (((REDACTED))) POST MORTEM. The documents then used as part of an elaborate plan to improperly close the estate of (((REDACTED)))’s predeceased wife (((REDACTED))) & change beneficiaries and fiduciaries.

The Fraudulent documents were posited with the Court & beneficiaries. (((REDACTED))) acting as Executor/PR was then improperly used to close the estate of (((REDACTED))) months after he was dead.

In a September 13, 2013 hearing, Transcript (p.16) before Hon. Judge (((REDACTED))) of the (((REDACTED))) Judicial Circuit for (((REDACTED))), upon learning of the illegal activity, announced to (((REDACTED))) acting as a Fiduciary and his counsel, (((REDACTED))), also acting as a fiduciary that he had enough evidence of their crimes at that moment to read them their Miranda rights, twice! (((REDACTED)))'s Estate was then reopened by Judge (((REDACTED))).

(((REDACTED))), a legal assistant & notary public for the law office of (((REDACTED))) was later arrested by (((REDACTED))) Sheriffs and sentenced for the fraudulent notarization. She admitted to forging six signatures, including POST MORTEM for (((REDACTED))). See CNN Report

After months of misleading the Court and Beneficiaries as to the extent of their crimes, while being investigated in January of 2014 by Sheriffs, (((REDACTED))). admitted to investigators he intentionally fraudulently altered a trust document for (((REDACTED))) & used it to change beneficiaries to benefit his client (((REDACTED))) & his sister (((REDACTED))), both had been disinherited from their parents estates & trusts.

(((REDACTED))) were initial seed investors in (((REDACTED))), prior to funding by (((REDACTED))), former Chairman of (((REDACTED))) owner, and they held a 30% interest in the (((REDACTED))) companies and patents filed for the groundbreaking technologies. The technologies heralded by leading engineers from (((REDACTED))) and others as “Holy Grail” inventions that revolutionized the digital world, worth billions upon billions.

Inventor, (((REDACTED))), son of (((REDACTED))) has claimed his former Patent Attorneys from (((REDACTED))) converted the patent royalties to themselves through patent pooling schemes like MPEG. (((REDACTED)))’s family auto was car bombed and death threats levied against him, leading to a riveting RICO fed lawsuit filed in the (((REDACTED))) Southern District under the tutelage of the Hon (((REDACTED))) who then legally related (((REDACTED)))’s RICO to a (((REDACTED))) Supreme Court Attorney, (((REDACTED))) whistleblower lawsuit. (((REDACTED))) revealed a mass of corruption in the (((REDACTED))) courts, prosecutorial offices and (((REDACTED))) Attorney Conduct regulatory departments. Recent news shows the cases legally related to (((REDACTED))) were obstructed & citizens like (((REDACTED))) were illegally monitored 24/7/365 for years using unauthorized & illegal wiretaps and more to obstruct their cases. Judges and others were also wiretapped, see the (((REDACTED))) homepage for more and Motion to Rehear for more.

Are the Attorneys at Law accused of stealing the inventions of (((REDACTED))) involved in the Estates of (((REDACTED))) and (((REDACTED))) and perhaps MURDER of (((REDACTED))), the answer is yes, see @ (((REDACTED))) Petition & the (((REDACTED))) Report .

The Lawsuits ongoing are at the (((REDACTED))) Judicial in (((REDACTED))) County and Federal Court are:

(((REDACTED))) # (((REDACTED))) – Hon. (((REDACTED))), transferred to Hon. (((REDACTED)))

(((REDACTED))) # (((REDACTED))) – Hon.  (((REDACTED)))

(((REDACTED))) Trust # (((REDACTED))) - (((REDACTED)))

(((REDACTED))) Lawsuit # (((REDACTED))) - (((REDACTED)))

(((REDACTED))) Lawsuit – Fed Northern District of (((REDACTED))), Hon. Judge (((REDACTED)))  # (((REDACTED)))

The cases are being heard and both (((REDACTED))) and (((REDACTED))) have been removed from the cases as Fiduciaries and Counsel and resigned from any matters involving the (((REDACTED))) family. Ongoing legal actions are in both state and federal, civil and criminal proceedings for a plethora of alleged other felony misconduct in attempts to steal millions of dollars of (((REDACTED))) and (((REDACTED)))’s Estates and Trusts. (((REDACTED))) is now represented by (((REDACTED))) of the law firm (((REDACTED))).

The question of if (((REDACTED))) was murdered and who did it, how and why, to be answered


Port Townsend,
(((REDACTED BY EDITOR DUE TO ABUSE OF WEBSITE))) Attorney Loves SECRETS and to Suppress Free Speech

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, June 14, 2014

Why is this such a secret? Is it because (((REDACTED))) says there is no TRUTH in Court?


"(((REDACTED))) - I want (((REDACTED)))'s deposition scheduled as soon as you can notice him.  We can discuss the strategy once he is served. I want to go through each claim with you and/or (((REDACTED))) to determine the legal necessity to respond.  If any reply is necessary, the record must be straight with respect to each. 


This is a rambling, filled with contradictions that need to be exposed for what they are.  If (((REDACTED))) does not want to tangle with (((REDACTED))), remove (((REDACTED))) immediately. I am sorry to be this blunt, but I do not want to address the (((REDACTED))) issue again. 


If he is not 100% in support of me as trustee, including how I have protected myself with trust assets and will continue doing so as necessary, and being aggressive and forceful, if need be, with eliot, remove him as counsel.  


I do not want to spend another unnecessary dollar with counsel that is not going to zealously defend me as trustee and protect trust assets.


I cannot be more decisive re this and I say this with no animosity - simply for efficiency sake and my best interest. 


(((REDACTED))) is in default of production.  Let's serve notice on him that he is in default.


I want (((REDACTED))) to produce everything he has with respect to these cases, including:


Documents he refers to having that provide trusts for him and/or his children.


Agreements he has signed with my father and mother, together or separately.


All correspondence between him and my parents, together or separately concerning anything he has referenced in his ramblings through this one.


Anything and everything pertaining to iviewit, including his harassment of (((REDACTED))) and their firms. 


I want court proceedings, lawsuits, all correspondence to him and from him including paper and electronic, including video tapes and electronic interviews.


History of incidents at (((REDACTED))) school.


All correspondence with bill (((REDACTED))). Everything related to (((REDACTED)))


All bank accounts, credit cards, sources of income, loans and gifts.


All correspondence with anyone he has shared estate details.


All correspondence of every type with: (((REDACTED))) and every person on his email distribution list. If he doesn't comply, I want all of them deposed.


Everything in which he has mentioned my name including emails, phone calls, letters, complaints to whatever agencies he has made complaints including police, federal, state, regulatory.


Everything and anything he is doing that we are not yet aware of such as online web site attacks.


Everything connected to crystal cox concerning me and anyone else he is extorting and harassing together with her.


(((REDACTED))) filed production requests. If it is possible to hand eliot a subpoena for his deposition at tomorrows hearing, that would be great. 


I also want (((REDACTED))) deposition taken in connection with this case and what he is doing with (((REDACTED)))


If mediation is scheduled and you feel this is better done after the mediation, I am okay with that. If it is not, let's take his depo.


How much is in (((REDACTED))) trust account that has been stolen from us? 


I want an accounting. 


Has any money been used for (((REDACTED))) defense thus far?


If we are scheduled for mediation, will this be revealed? If we are not, I want to know ASAP what is in account, I want all statements and any expenditures. 


I'm sure I will think of more.



Crystal L. Cox

Port Townsend,
Alan Rose of Page Mrachek, Fitzgerald & Rose is trying to suppress Free SPEECH and Stop the Flow of Information.

#4Author of original report

Thu, June 05, 2014

People's lives are at stake, the deceased is getting documents notarized, insurance companies are paying on claims where murder is alleged, all manner of fraud is affot. Yet Alan Rose wants secrecy and is fighting to STOP transparency. So here is what he don't want you to know. 


An email from a brother to a brother, a REPLY, a RESPONSE email that Alan Rose wants HIDDEN.

"From: Ted Bernstein [mailto:[email protected]

Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2014 10:52 PM
To: Eliot Ivan Bernstein
Alan - I want Eliot's deposition scheduled as soon as you can notice him.  We can discuss the strategy once he is served.
I want to go through each claim with you and/or John to determine the legal necessity to respond.  If any reply is necessary, the record must be straight with respect to each.  
This is a rambling, filled with contradictions that need to be exposed for what they are.  If John does not want to tangle with Eliot, remove John immediately. I am sorry to be this blunt, but I do not want to address the John issue again.  
If he is not 100% in support of me as trustee, including how I have protected myself with trust assets and will continue doing so as necessary, and being aggressive and forceful, if need be, with eliot, remove him as counsel.  
I do not want to spend another unnecessary dollar with counsel that is not going to zealously defend me as trustee and protect trust assets. I cannot be more decisive re this and I say this with no animosity - simply for efficiency sake and my best interest.  
Eliot is in default of production.  Let's serve notice on him that he is in default.
I want Eliot to produce everything he has with respect to these cases, including:
Documents he refers to having that provide trusts for him and/or his children. 
Agreements he has signed with my father and mother, together or separately. 
All correspondence between him and my parents, together or separately concerning anything he has referenced in his ramblings through this one.
Anything and everything pertaining to iviewit, including his harassment of Jerry Lewin, Al Gortz of Proskauer and their firms.  
I want court proceedings, lawsuits, all correspondence to him and from him including paper and electronic, including video tapes and electronic interviews.
History of incidents at st. Andrews school.
All correspondence with bill Stansbury. Everything related to Feaman / Stansbury 
All bank accounts, credit cards, sources of income, loans and gifts.
All correspondence with anyone he has shared estate details. 
All correspondence of every type with: walker, puzzio, SAHM, Diana banks, Scott banks, NACLERIO, Dietz, Gefen and every person on his email distribution list. If he doesn't comply, I want all of them deposed.
Everything in which he has mentioned my name including emails, phone calls, letters, complaints to whatever agencies he has made complaints including police, federal, state, regulatory.
Everything and anything he is doing that we are not yet aware of such as online web site attacks. 
Everything connected to crystal cox concerning me and anyone else he is extorting and harassing together with her.

Manceri filed production requests. If it is possible to hand eliot a subpoena for his deposition at tomorrows hearing, that would be great. 
I also want feamans deposition taken in connection with this case and what he is doing with Eliot. If mediation is scheduled and you feel this is better done after the mediation, I am okay with that. If it is not, let's take his depo.
How much is in Feaman trust account that has been stolen from us? I want an accounting. Has any money been used for Stansbury defense thus far? If we are scheduled for mediation, will this be revealed?
If we are not, I want to know ASAP what is in account, I want all statements and any expenditures.  
I'm sure I will think of more. 

Ted Bernstein"
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