  • Report:  #1141588

Complaint Review: Regal Marketing Solutions - Ranch Cordova California

Reported By:
Lucy - Sacramento, California,

Regal Marketing Solutions
11500 Sunrise Gold Circle Suite E Ranch Cordova, 95742 California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Regal Marketing Solutions is a brand new marketing company in the Sacramento area offering an once in a lifetime oppurtunity. They offer the oppurtunity to own and operate your own business in 6 months and make 100k and all you have to do is be willing to work hard. Does this seem like something you would be interesting in doing? Of course it does! They make it sound so nice and neat, it is almost impossible to pass up. I highly suggest you do. I worked for them for several weeks, and it is the worst decision I ever made.

Regal Marketing Solutions in an afflitiate of Smart Circle, a known pyarmid scheme, run by a 24 year old named Kristina Gonter, with the cosmetic branch, Makeover Essentials. When you go into an interview the job is so hyped up, that you get excited by this oppurtunity placed in front of you. Then you go on a second job interview where you job-shadow one of their leaders for 2 hours. They make the job seem very simple and easy.

I later found out it is a requirement of the leader to sell something during the interview, cause who would want to join something where even when the experienced one is faced with not selling and showing the real side of the business. No, they want the interview to see the easy side. But from my second interview I should have realized it all as dodgy, and there were many red flags that I should have seen and ran the other direction, as fast as I could. One of them being when I asked if the position was hourly, I was answered "Well it is performanced based." Not getting a direct yes or no should have in fact been a big red flag! 

The job is business to business direct sales for a high end cosmetic company...which is fancy terms for selling makeup made in China out of the trunk of your car, for door to door solicitation at businesses. And the answer to my above question was a big whomping no! It was commission based only, only making $3 off of the makeup sets, only if you collect the tax! And how do you collect this money? You go up to people, at gas stations, in grocery stores, in their cars, and annoying people, getting kicked out, threatened, and one some occasion (didn't happen to me) get actually physically assulted.

They straight up tell you that 90% of people will tell you no, what they don't tell you how much that 90% can eff with your head. Also there are no benefits at all, and honestly there is no days off. Even being violently ill is not a good enough reason not to come in and work. Sure, that is exactly what I want to do when I am extremely sick with the flu, affect the world population starting with this small group of people. This is my world domination plan! Seriously, they would make you work with the flu, subtly saying you will be fired.

This job is very physically demaning, you basically walk several MILES a day, and are expected to walk extremely fast, even basically run to the point where your feet are bleeding. Also you can't complain or vent about it either, because then they will just tell you you are having a bad attitude. You also work almost 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. It is also very demanding on your vehicle, which you basically run into the ground. My car has not worked the same since! And you get no compensation for that wear and tear. 

This company, along with most other Smart Circle companies, is based on lies. In the morning we go to a thing called "am atmo" in which you practice your pitch. "Oh, you get all this makeup (made in China) for only $2O bucks! Yeah, normally this whole thing is $80, and guess what! We are giving you a second one for free! So you get 2 for $20!" Guess what, the second one isn't free. The sets are only $10. It is just a ploy to make the customer to buy more. Lie. "Oh, you don't need two? Well, here, instead of a second bag, I'll give these brushes, normally $40, for free instead." Another ploy, they are $10 as well.. We spend the entire morning atmo practicing ways to manipulate people into buying from us. 

And then after morning atmo, you have these impacts from "high rollers" telling you what you can do to be a top earner as well. Kristina comes in for an inspirartion speech about how she is 24 years old making over 100k this year alone. I have a hard time believing these people make that much because they all live in what is known as a "merch house" 6 total including the owner. I am sorry, if you were making that much money a normal person would have a hard time with believing it when you share a room with someone else. And if you are not in this close knit circle, this job is not fun. 

From what I have learned in my research is that these Smart Circle owners are required to allow Smart Circle access to their finances and bank accounts. So the validity is not there that you actually will make 100k and own your own business. To me that sounds like Smart Circle owns it all. 

I left this job after I was verbally threaten by a store manager, making me feel like a criminal, threating me to throw me in jail for trespassing, and when I went to find my leader to help from "losing my attitude" (like what I was supposed to do) I was told by him that he got the same thing said to him and he didn't care. They are very uncaring if you are not in their little circle. 

I highly suggest you research Smart Circle before applying or accepting this job, and ask a surplus of questions. Other post from Smart Circle have claims of not paying their employees, bad business practices, scare tactics and false promises. You will be told that in the room you are standing in 80% of you won't make it, the truth is more like 97% if that. These places have a high turn over rate and even though I was there for just a few weeks, I refused to learn new names unless the person showed up the next day.

Hopefully that gives you the idea of how many people come and go. It is very deceptive and will run you down to where you cannot even function. I do believe it is possibly to make money, but I believe you have to be willing to sell you soul and degrade yourself to do things and harass people, for something you have less than a 3% of achieving and probably isn't actually legal. 

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