  • Report:  #1471397

Complaint Review: Remax Elite - Jacksonville North Carolina

Reported By:
John - Jacksonville, North Carolina , United States

Remax Elite
300 Western Blvd. Jacksonville, 28546 North Carolina, United States
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What horrible human beings in my opinion. They are unempathetic bullies. My wife and I have had a horrific time with them and I am more then willing to explain the entire situation to everyone. So my wife and I moved from Maryland to North Carolina over a year ago and several months after moving in we decided we wanted to buy our home. We spoke with the homeowner, Huntley Bodden, who agreed to sell us our home and that was that. His original property management company was Century21 Champion in Jacksonville, NC. Theare were issues we tried to deal with C21 about but most times they refused to repair the damages to our home.

When the homeowner/Huntley Bodden was working with us to sell us the house from my understanding they fired him for micro-managing but I also heard he fired them for not taking care of the house. So who knows what the truth actually was. Either way we had a broken tub that was up unusable from day one, no smoke detectors in the upstairs room and no carbon monoxide detectors either all of which we had to buy ourselves.

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That was the responsibility of the landlord but was never taken care of. We had a leaking sink that wasn’t taken care of till over a year later, had a gigantic hole in our ceiling for nearly the same time, confirmed rot under the one sink and so many more issues. After C21 was out of the picture Remax Elite came into play.

They sent our Mandy who did a walk through of the house and told us and Huntley that we were the ideal tenants and she told him to continue to rent to us until we closed on the house. Mandy also told us because of the subpar living conditions we had to endure that she was going to reduce our rent drastically "down to nearly nothing” was her exact words because she thought that was a just thing to do for us since we had lived with such problems.

Well that was lie number one. So we entered into a verbal and written contract with Huntley to buy our home and we thought everything was fine. This is where things took a turn. Huntley and his wife had previously come up from Georgia to inspect our home and was not happy at all what the previous tenants had done to it.

Luckily we submitted everything wrong with the home before we moved in so our butts were covered. So they knew we did nothing but take care of the home. Exactly 3 days Huney’s Attorney was supposed to send the final documents over to us to sign we received a phone call from Mandy at Remax Elite saying she was so sorry.

She was literally crying because she had to reject our contracts and kick us out. Little did they know in the state of North Carolina we have what’s called "Forst Rights to Refusal” And we NEVER refused to end the agreement. It was not only implied but we agreed upon a price and have in writing his exact intentions. Huntley broke our contracts and ignored our state allowed rights.

So once again we have had our rights trampled on by these people who think they are too big to be touched. So me being who I am I refused to accept their termination and demanded the home be sold to us and told them we were not going anywhere. Remax filed an illegal eviction and even broke several North Carolina laws that protect us from wrongful evictions but we plan to file charges shortly for those violations.

You can not evict through self help and you can not evict under retaliation and you can not evict when you’re already paid up and under contract. So believe me when I say I coming for them legally and I will win. Since I know they are reading this too it pleases me to tell them we have physical tangible evidence to prove this as well.

When we refused to leave we were still under contract and paid up in full, and under contract to purchase our home, Remax Elite filed eviction papers on us which we had to close up our business for the day and go into court. Remax Elite never showed up and the judge dismissed the case with prejudice.

They knew they can not evict when a tenant is fully paid up and under contract to buy the home. Plus the way they did it was illegal too. They filed the eviction to harass us and bully us. It’s a passive aggressive way to intimidate someone and stress them out to the point they will give up and cave. I am not that person.

You push me and I will attack with claws out and I wont stop until I am satisfied and my enemy is utterly destroyed. So they picked a fight with the wrong Pisano! We left and spoke with several attorneys and we were correct in our line of attack, our line of thinking and the laws that were being broken. Remax Elite was not even started up yet in their abuse and bullying.

They were just warming up but so was I. We found out that the homeowner had gotten into an agreement to sell our home to a company called Home Buyers NC for $47,000 LESS then we agreed to pay for our home to Huntley. It makes no d**n sense! We still can’t understand why he would take a $47,000 loss. Stupid. Absolutely stupid.

Regardless we still wanted our home and we were going to deal with Bodden and the charges against him at a later date once we had secured our home. During this time Remax Elite and the Huntley Bodden decided they were going to bully us further and force entry into our home without our consent. I had told them no previously and my answer was still going to be no. I told them to leave us alone and not contact us again because their harassment was unwanted but they kept up with the threatening text messages and phone calls.

They kept telling us they would have us arrested, charged and have charges filed on us. They bullied us like this through email as well as written paperwork several times a week. We were still paid up and have the right to lie in our home free from this sort of thing. The harassment and stress of it all became so overwhelming for my wife that she had lost nearly all of her hair. We had her seen by a doctor who confirmed it was stress related and due to the severe stalking and abuse from Remax Elites direct actions against us. They were relentless.

Everything came to a head the one day where Emily had enough and demanded entry. I said no so her reply was she was coming over anyway. I told her if she stepped into our home illegally without my consent there would be the Devil to pay but she decided to do it anyway. I told her point blank my daughter (who is a high risk NICU child with extreme disabilities) is having an episode and no one was coming it. It could literally kill her.

Her health is that critical when she has a flare up in her lungs so when I say no I mean no. Emily did not care and kept pushing the issue. After half the day arguing with them she decided to call the police and show up at my doorstep. I immediately drove over to the magistrates office and spoke with magistrate Jonathan about what was going on. He told me to tell her she was not to enter my home and that I need to relax.

So I went over to the police station and while I was there I was confronted by a police officer who was aware of what was going on. I told him my side and he said the police were coming down to my home now to illegally enter it. So the officer call the magistrate back up again who decided to call Emily personally. Everyone was on three-way so we all heard the same conversation.

Magistrate Jonathan said to Emily specifically "Do not enter this mans house.” She argued and said she was and she had a contract that said she could. His reply back was "I don’t care what your contracts say. It does not over rule federal law. This man does not give consent and you will not enter his house.” She again argued with him and said she was going in anyway.

So finally magistrate Jonathan said "let me put it to you like this, if you enter his home, I will have you arrested and charged. Do you want to go to jail?” She rambled on but that was it. She turned around and left. I got back home and my wife and I tried to control Blum daughters flare up but the stress from the whole ordeal was too much and we had to take her back into the hospital.

They put her back on machines and she was on heavy treatment for the following several days while we tried hard to get the flare up to calm down. Now you think Remax Elite would have settled down by now but they did not. They continued with the harassment, bullying and intimidation. We would not back down and fought back. So we spoke with HBNC about buying our home since they were now the ones who were buying our home and their response to us was "Absolutely.

We will sell you the house. We don’t care about anything except money. So if you want the house we will definitely sell it to you”. End of story. So we paid hard money in the amount of $2500, paid for the appraisal and the home inspection and everything lined up. We had our approval letter from our mortgage lender and had the deposit ready. At this point Remax sent us a text message saying we could remain in our home until the date of closing so we were looking forward to getting Remax Elite our of our hair.

Unfortunately, the Sunday we were to close on our home was the same Sunday Hurricane Florence came through and wiped out North Carolina. This unfortunately is where it gets even worse. Our home had received some damage from the hurricane and needed to be fixed before we could close on our home. We had spoken to the homeowner about getting someone out to fix our home and that’s when the fighting began.

We fought and fought and fought for the repairs to be done. Remax sent out one company to pull up the carpets but they left the tack strips and didn’t remove all the nasty carpets. Remax fired them. Our refrigerator had remained broken for months and cost us over a $1000 in food having to be thrown out. Remax sent out another company to which they also fired them too. By this point I had enough of my children bleeding every single week from the tack strips and for some unknown reason being sick nearly every day.

We were giving my one daughter treatments every single day and sometimes two and three times daily. Finally we had a company called Multi-Vision From Michigan come out to repair our roof. This adventure was terrible. What a nightmare. Back in the day I used to do roofing and general contracting not to mention I’m also a certified electrician so when I say I know what I’m doing, I mean it. The guys showed up to my home smoking marijuana in front of my children and smoking cigarettes like chimneys.

I probably should have said something but I needed a roof more then I cared about the lifestyles of these people so I kept my mouth shut and let them repair my roof. We agreed to pay an extra $750 for the 300lbs architectural shingles and drip edging to which was not done at all. He took us to ABC where we picked out our shingles but what was installed is not what we picked out. He put on the cheapest low grade 200lbs shingle that Landmark makes and tried to upcharge us.

Well I’m not stupid and I called him out on it. They had their employee fall off my roof from being so stoned he couldn’t see straight and in the process damaged my one gutter. While in the process of trying to save this guys life other employees lunged at him and their ladders damaged other parts of my gutters. They nailed the shingles wrong which forced nails through my front fascia of my home, they damaged all but two gutters and my front soffits were broken because of them.

One Guy was kicking my vinyl siding and left boot marks on it and they installed the roof improperly. Hell...they didn’t even install the drip edging like they were supposed to and took a utility knife and cut the shingles all the way past the house trim. So it’s still leaking into our home! Of coarse I confronted Eric who is the owner of Multi-Vision about this and he lied to Remax and said I cussed at him and threatened him.

That was a completely fabricated lie. I guess at this point in time I should mention that Multi-Vision is not a company approved by the state to do repairs. It wasn’t until later we found out from the city, the homeowner; Huntley Bodden was having the repairs done without permits. So when Multi-Vision installed the roof it was done the wrong way and without permits.

They used the wrong nails, improper amount of nails per shingle and so on. To make matters worse there was confirmed mold in our home. We stated to Remax Elite they needed to rehome us temporarily while the repairs are being made and they refused. They told us they don’t have to and then said the home is safe to live in. I have no expertise in mold so I don’t know what it does and what and when it becomes unsafe. So we continued to live there.

We have all been deathly sick and I’ll since we had moved back in from the hurricane and never gave a second thought to it being mold related. It wasn’t until Danny from the city came out and confirmed the house had dangerous mold and he was condemning the house. He gave us 10 days to leave and that was that.

There’s a lot more to the story but you’re getting the gist and the egregiousness of what we have gone through. When we demanded our home to be repaired properly in accordance to our contracts, is when all hell broke loose with both parties and us. No one wanted to be sued or held liable for the damages to our home or the additional damages caused by the contractors Huntley hired that damaged our home further. At the same time someone mysteriously called the city on ya to complain about a storage POD we had to move our belongings into.

Then someone mysteriously called the city again about the vehicles we had on our property. And then at the same time someone mysteriously called CPS on us and said we were abusing our children and so on. In over a year we have never had a single issue with anyone and we are all close with all of our neighbors so there is absolutely NO question in my mind who made those reports. I’m certain in my opinion it was Remax Elite in retaliation because we refused to let them walk all over us.

We refuse to bend to their will and illegal demands and because we refuse to let anyone out of our contracts. Because of this HBNC told us they were afraid we were going to sue them and they were not extending out our contracts. The homeowner deliberately procrastinated and refused to fix our home so we would be forced out of our home. Again that’s illegal to do. You can not maliciously refuse to fix a home to deliberately cause a breach of contract or be the sole reason for a contract to not be extended. However that did not stop them from doing it anyway.

HBNC extended our contracts several times and all of a sudden when we demand our home be fixed the right way, everyone bails and we are refused our contract extention. In addition Sarah said she was specifically working with Remax Elite to evict us out of our home so now we have two huge major companies coming against us and bullying us. We now have two major companies trying to force us out to save face and not be held liable.

This is not even scratching the surface of what we have had to go through but you’re getting the idea. So they file yet another wrongful eviction against us of which when we went to court was again ruled in OUR favor. Mandy from Remax Elite Lied to the magistrate and was caught committing perjury of which I was more then pleased to expose.

Remax Elite and Home Buyers NC are some of the most corrupt companies I have ever had to deal with in my life. The treachery and decitfulness is beyond contemptible. They are wicked and will stop at nothing for the almighty dollar in my opinion even though they said all they care about is making money. It’s disgusting! The turmoil they have put us through to bully us out of our home is appalling and I refuse to let them win.

We have contracts that need to be upheld. We have had our rights trampled on that we need to be dealt with. We have had our health affected drastically of which we financially have the right to be compensated for not to mention many other issues. I would love for an attorney to come forth and help us in this matter but I have NO problem suing all of them myself. I am foaming at the mouth in excitement about the day I get to take them to deposition.

I am not letting them off the hook nor am I letting Huntley Bodden off the hook nor am I letting HBNC off the hook. This injustice must be dealt with and I will not stop or rest until they are all held accountable for their actions. We have told the truth but Huntley Bodden, Remax Elite and Home Buyers NC have all lied.

Report Attachments

1 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,
United States

#2Author of original report

Tue, February 12, 2019

So Remax Elite in Jacksonville, NC have decided to continue to harass us and bully us by hiring an attorney named Nathan Sweet, to threaten me with a Cease and Desist letter. I am filing a report with the North Carolina Bar Association (Grievance Commission) and see how they feel about their own filing an intimidation letter.

By the way, I know my rights. It is ILLEGAL for you to tell me I can not exercise my rights to leave truthful reviews. There is no law that prevents me from doing so and as many times and as many places as I see fit. What Remax Has is their feelings hurt because of the truthful reviews I’ve been leaving are affecting their reputation and business. Well GOOD! That’s the point of a review. Don’t like it; Well too bad.

You’re a day late and a dollar short. You shouldn’t have broken the law. You shouldn’t have bullied us. You shouldn’t have acted in a vicious and wicked way. You shouldn’t have hired an attorney to try and intimidate me and harass me through an electronic device when I expressly told you bastards again not to contact me in any manner and yet you refuse to honor my demands. Mandy and Emily...screw you both. I’m not going to stop until I get justice and financial compensationthat im satisfies with for me, my wife and my children.

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