  • Report:  #675035

Complaint Review: Rick Landry property Management Of Plattsburgh CVPH Hospital - Plattsburgh Nevada

Reported By:
Pete - Spencerport, New York, U.S.A.

Rick Landry property Management Of Plattsburgh CVPH Hospital
Plattsburgh, Nevada, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments


The hardest part of writing this all down onto page for me is where to begin (?). Being a victim of Lyme, Toxic Mold / Bacteria not to mention having been lied & tricked into a root canal from hell in which the packing cotton was left in both the temporary & permanent filling EVEN after the temporary packing cotton got infected & nearly killed me the first round of Jerry Cellura DDS put the first wack on me.

The next hardest thing is reliving it in my mind & soul. Its been a roller coaster trip to hell for going on 4 years now.

Then, as if the above listed hurdles are not enough to make me go 19th Nervous Breakdown.. Well, who in the world would want to believe this to be real? Who could fathom doctors & dentists alike bowing to the almighty insurance companies when it comes to covering up the truth about mold, lyme & many other ailments derived from biotoxin exposure. It goes as deep as the pockets behind funding medical students & dentists alike. Big Pharm cant see profit in $200 of CSM, total avoidance & nutritional methods of therapy. They have yet to make a magic pill because proving so would turn this Urban Legend into reality & then liability from the means of exposure comes into play & many times they who pay the highest taxes & get the iron clad insurance goons would be forced to fork over billions in damages world wide from el cheapo construction that could have been done right the safe way.

Once you go broke proving your illness, youre an outcast from society in more ways than you could imagine. If getting mocked, the eye roll, complete patronization from doctors, dentists, immunologists, etc. Is that not enough to make you want to slap the taste out of some ones mouth? Then feel free to enlighten me. People judge you for living outside when all I want is a safe apartment in Plattsbugh, or Vermont; possibly California. I could explain to the sheep people of the world all day in an attempt to explain to them why I live like this yet its science over the average I.Q. & people never want to think of how mind blowing the parameters of biotoxin illnesses grip on your life once its sucked you in with the help of the global propaganda set in place to de-educate the populous into ignoring the signs & the greed behind the perfect crime. Its like killing without a human physically doing it. Reminiscent of the Darth Vader scene where he uses the Force to choke out an under performing general by merely thinking of it.

Our world leaders, elected officials, greedy elite have all set the pawns in place so cleverly that its tough to hammer down on one thing so change might arrive. Its such a social & legal boondoggle to navigate possible solutions that your stuck in the mud from day one. Almost no one is going to try to help you. Mold victims get so wrapped up in their own nightmare that dealing with people, let alone rationally helping is nearly impossible on an economic & physical level.

The CDC, ADA, Health Department, ALL look the other way as mothers, babies, college students die & suffer while living.. All out of greed, fear & the almighty dollar.

Im an example of a life ruined by mold, a root canal, a bug bite carrying lyme & a system that

covers up for hospitals, doctors, dentists, land owners & insurance mobsters. You can believe what I say, or smirk like Dr. Gill of CVPH Hospital mocked me; my mold samples & refused to watch the video of the moldy shower when I passed out in their lobby & briefly came to with a cop jabbing his finger in my eye & a nurse using her knuckle laden hands to grate on my chest like a cheese grater.

You can not discount the hairline fracture down my #30 that was soaking in microbes by the billions that over four dentists including Richard Foreman DDS fought me on pulling, nor did they even seem alarmed Richard told me I had cured my own trench mouth; refused to consider my #30 theory. It took me calling a 14 hour round trip radius; 20 phone calls a day by myself & advocates for months to find a dental surgeon that took Fidelis Medicaid. And going through dentist to dentist spanning multiple 600 mile trip desperation trips back to Eastman Dental caused a deadly tooth to continue to rot in my mouth from March to July 09 even though I had referrals, etc. Five months to find someone to save my life. Each time getting the door slammed in my face. All as my body suffered more.

Doctors refusing to run further lyme tests after the most error ridden one that my death option Medicaid covered proved nothing. The doctors at Spencerport Family Medicine are tied with the Unity Health Umbrella of silence due to their connection with St. Marys Hospital in Rochester, NY.  They seemed quick to label me with early onset arthritis due to the swelling in my joints & just put me on pain killers even though my father & others saw the BULLS EYE BLOTCH on my right temple when my drunken mother decided to send the cops over to R-Wing me for writing her a pissy note that got me a one way ticket to lyme. I dumped her beer out for jerking my chain on the drunk & got another nail on my coffin as if the root canal she duped me into was not enough to earn her a trip to purgatory as soon as I felt the poison enter my veins on that nightmare night around April 22, 2008; waking up from a dead sleep with brain shattering pain shooting through my head.

Some might snub their noses at my linking Karma into the mix as this story unfolds. Others still will surely roll their eyes at the possible spiritual elements, not to forget the corporate / super rich connection that might come off too scary to swallow.

I wish this was all a hoax, delusion or figment of someone elses imagination folks, but what your about to read is truth.

Ive created films; acted; sang; wrote music; was an avid photographer; videographer & editor; computer geek and free spirit. I try to write a story like your seeing it unfold. This might be a bit long winded for some. Its my first book, so please have an open mind.

Some of what your about to read has situations that might shock, or offend & language that might not meet Sesame Street. Im from NY. We tell it like it is. See the truth & movie script behind my story. If I feel taking my word for it is not enough for you; Ive added links to factual data relation to all scientific topics covered. Many people get turned off by the medical jargon, bio-hazard protocol procedures, basic sub-molecular biology; hence the look I often get when people grill me 20 ?s for living in a tent. I could have been a doctor, but I lacked the patience.

Im not claiming to be a saint, perfect, or a mold doctor. Im just someone who had bad luck multiply from a chain reaction that started 20 some years back in a dentists office & culminated with the ruining of a life of a man with skill & ability that saw what he could have been if he had started the trip to Plattsburgh in his early 20s & was able to talk an oral surgeon in 2001 into pulling the Dirty #30, rather than keep trying to get hired by Kodak (a family employer) in an building not being sold off to Chinese investors. Say that three times fast.

My parents were middle class victims of drunk & or crazy parents. So you can see I was at a dis-advantage at birth. Miles long & eons of drinking, domestic violence to name a few topics were the norms on both sides. If you were me & you pissed my father off a good expectation was getting kicked in the kidneys till you pissed yourself & Mommy Dearest told him to stop because I might call CPS in time for them to record the bruises; or for a fun change of pace there was always the throat choke slam bang my head off the ceiling & drop me down on the carpet spikes barefoot & splat me across the room favorite of his. I think my only prized moment was when I pissed in his mouth for tickling me while I was in diapers. Other than that; 62 / 195 lbs of roid like bi-polar rage could scare you into jumping off a cliff, let alone go off to Jerry Celluras for a deadly operation.

People see health care providers as all knowing. We rarely question their advice. Our hope is they want to help us, yet in many cases their treatment protocols are profit driven.

Root canals are one of these such procedures. For over 60 years, the ADA has knowingly hid the negative effects of root canals. A dead tooth does not uptake blood which carries microbe fighters that control a tooths health. As the calcium diminishes coupled with the fact that microbes can pass freely into said tooth & into ones bloodstream as hidden as Bin Laden has ever been. This deadly tooth now seeps poison into an unsuspecting patient / victim till the tooth is removed. Root Canal Cover-Up Exposed as cited by Dr. Karen Shrimplin states:


Dr. Weston Price, a renowned dental research specialist, observed many patients with crippling degenerative diseases who did not respond to treatment. He suspected infected root canal teeth to be the culprit. He developed a testing method that revealed the presence of infection in a tooth. By implanting a root filled tooth from a patient under the skin of a laboratory animal, usually a rabbit, he found that in almost every case the animal would develop the same disease as the patient, lose weight, and often times would die. Later, Dr. Price found he could embed small pieces of the root instead of the entire tooth, or pulverize the teeth and inject the powder and cause the same results. Eventually, he found he could culture the bacteria found in a root filled tooth and inject the toxins from it into the laboratory animal and reproduce the disease from the toxins alone. It is important to note that when he implanted sterile objects or uninfected natural teeth, such as those removed for orthodontic purposes, no adverse health effects resulted.

Dr. Price found many types of degenerative diseases, including endocarditis, other heart diseases, kidney and bladder diseases, arthritis, rheumatism, mental diseases, lung problems and other degenerative diseases could be transferred to laboratory animals. He also found that a large percentage of patients recovered from their illnesses after the root filled teeth were extracted.

The primary bacteria in root canals found by Dr. Price included streptococcus, staphylococcus, and spirochetes. He found 90 percent of bacteria in the teeth that produced the patients' acute diseases in the animals were streptococcus, and 65.5 percent of the time they belonged to the fecalis family. Bacteriologists today have confirmed that Price's discoveries were accurate.

If this is all true, then how did anyone over the last 60 years get duped into a death trip to the dentist? Why its the $1,500 - $2,700 a tooth + $2,500 for the crown. If your still alive when it rots out they can nail you for a $4,000 implant & fund their kids college hopes on your coffin ride. Some would like to THINK dentists dont know the side effects of root canals. You would hope the ADA would regulate procedures that might harm someone yet the almighty dollar of greed sways the pendulum over to the By the time someone can prove it their either dead or over the 2 year limit G.W. Bush helped set up to cover their tails with thanks to heavy lobbying by the ADA.

I dont know about you, but if someone sets a death clock into your body like something out of a Saw flick; thats attempted murder at the least. The courts cover up for the elite & the poor soul that could have just had the tooth pulled & implanted gets ripped off & dies prematurely.

Dont even get me going on Chem. Trails yet. (Here is a link to get you started:  http://www.healthymoneyvine.com/supportfiles/chemtrails_photos_information.pdf)

Chapter 1: Serendipitous Back Tracking, Running Scared, Braces & White Lies

Little Boy Made a Mistake!!! Hey. Pink Cloud Has Now Turned To Grey.. Ohh Yeah Angry Chair By Alice In Chains (All Rights Reserved)

Anyone can tell you Braces Suck. They hurt, & are hard to brush You have metal scraping your tongue; wires that stab, poke, pull & prod. Its torture in my book. Did I mention that braces are bacteria magnets? So the braces I hated & fought for years ended up causing cavities in my molars; especially where the back brackets were cemented in. They formed perfect cavities in both molars; top & bottom. Side cavities from the brackets made a structural weakness in my #30. My teeth always hurt with the braces on. Im sure my tooth sensitivities were caused by my inability to keep them clean being the 13 year old candy addict caffeine fiend I was bred to be with the excellent media spending of the major sugar pushers. Is it no wonder why I wanted to wait till I was 20 to get my teeth fixed?

I fought tooth & nail to get them off. I pulled them out; broke them; raised hell & protested. My parents got off on pushing something on me that I did not want just because they could. Had I asked for braces, I might have gotten out of the ordeal if you catch my drift. I had this grand idea that if I complained of tooth pain related to the braces it might convince the two braces Nazis that I needed them off. All it did was give Jerry Cellura a reason to put his kid through college to continue killing people with root canals when he decides to hang up his rubber gloves for golf gloves.

I told my parents I made it up Still, Emmy dragged me into the dentist kicking. Once I saw the Mid-evil looking tools, needles & devices of pain my inner voice said Run Pete This guys going to hurt you more than you could image. I ran like Thuman Thomas in his prime; spinning away from this butcher & locking myself in the car. This went on for two trips. Then Mommy Dearest decided to pull off one of the most harmful lies of her career by stating We are not going to give you a root canal any longer. You just need to get a checkup. That got me doped up & duped into the first chapter of my toxin exposure by the hands of incompetent health care providers & alleged do gooders.

Jerry burned my tongue with one of the hot pokers; sending me screaming like a Michael Jackson fan, yet that was just his warm up for the big show. The packing cotton that was placed in the temporary filling abscessed, my throat closed up & I felt like death. Ray took me to a dental ER on a Saturday just so someone could drill off the top so the puss could squirt all over the wall. Crying, pleading & begging my parents not to let this hack hurt me any further only resulted in mockery, threats such as your going to the next appointment or Ill beat you in your sleep you little (((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE))) were persuading tools often used by these control freak tyrants. NICE FOLKS EMMY & RAY HELFRICH NICE FOLKS INDEED.

I was so doped up, I dont recall him dropping the cotton in my tooth, yet I remember asking him not to forget to LEAVE IT OUT THIS TIME!

Years passed. In 2001, I had good dental coverage at Kodak. An abscessed set of wisdom teeth were pushing my lower teeth out of wack. A fine oral surgeon was hesitant to pull my #31, yet I talked him into yanking the shanking tooth. He advised me to get a crown on the #30. I wanted it pulled, yet I never chewed on that side so what could go wrong? RIGHT!?!?!?!?

In 2007, I was finishing up my A.A.S. after a somewhat disappointing semester at Suny Oswego in which the technology promised was not provided & the professors failed to impress me, I flipped back on my B.A. to knock out my A.A.S. in Visual Communications: TV, Radio, Audio, Photo, Computer geek extraordinaire & ended up Deans List  for the 7th time. All was not well though. I had witnessed the bullying of my grandmother by both my egg donor & her brother Donn (AKA: Drunk Ol Don) which gave me the brave idea of staying once again at the 5 story house to play Sheriff. Little did I realize at the time that my grandmother gets off on the drama involved when Don & Emmy fight each other as well as when they start fights with me. Don has attacked me numerous times. He has had numerous restraining orders against him from his wife, myself & others. Emmy likes to pick fights & cry wolf to the police. Most of the cops knew these clowns & their M.O.s , so when something hit the fan it was usually squashed.

I had found a job in Rochester as a video editor that looked promising & my loyal at the time girlfriend Aviviah was also a motivating factor in being back home. At a longer glance this was all a bad idea, but bare with me for the full scoop.

I was bouncing between my fathers 150 year old Helfrich Homestead, my grandmothers house, Aunt Lizs & Hippie Mikes while enjoying my photography courses & the new job. My attitude started to change for the worse when unknowingly at the time the ceiling tiles started degrading & shredding my eyes up. From summer of 2007 till d**n near November it took me to realize what was going on. The roof leaked & I black gooped it after bitter protest from Don & Emmy. They thought my eyes were pussing up, oozing & shredding due to my imagination. Sick twisted drunks these two.

My job ran out; my promised raise after 6 months was just 6 months buying time for them. I had to fight for my unemployment for about that amount of time + because Theo Wheeler of Wheeler Communications was paying me with company checks & keeping the taxes away from the IRS. My personality was shifting towards the dark & gray. A long haul from who I was in Oswego. Vs mom was driving her nuts so my dad allowed her to stay at his house. She spent $300 + a month + my $200 on food for my dad. I was advised of my great teeth & gums during my tooth cleaning at Monroe Community College. I was even asked if my techniques could be shared with the students professor so as to help future dental students. I had lost .5 mm of gum line since 2005. I bought a softer tooth brush. Boy was I in for a surprise.

Aviviahs mother Ruth seemed to me like a controlling, obsessive mental case. She would run right up to me as soon as I walked into her house, get right in my face & yammer orders to me that I was supposed to order V into doing. She was bizarre. Her moods were all over the place. The woman freaked me out & quite honestly I was having a hard enough time with Emmy at Grannys. Ruth was the extra straw that this camel liked to avoid.

None of her family could understand why Ruth was always tired, having many health issues: chronic fatigue, muscle pains, sleeplessness & headaches. She was having a hard time working even part time. I just thought she was crazy Crazy like my mom, yet not my mom & not my problem.

Ruths birthday celebration came at Vs aunts house A celebration that ended with people asking Ruth if she was drunk (she never drinks), or high. She was just being a loon. Jammering like an auctioneer on meth. I left the party saying your moms (((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE))) nuts, Im going home People started leaving the party as I left due to her behavior.

All of this seems trivial till Ruths cancer screening came back. A tumor in her brain stem could very well be the culprit. I apologized to V for my attitude towards her mom, yet the damage was done.

Our relationship was over in a flash. V could not handle me still recovering from the 60 year old ceiling tile nightmare & take care of her mom. The woman I hoped to thank if I decided to go to the graduation ceremony no longer wanted to speak to me understandably.

Eight months of eye agony took their toll on my relationship with Aviviah coupled with the fact that she was jealous of all my female friends that never tried anything with me; it was her friends that needed a scolding. We were incompatible. She was the best girlfriend I ever had to an extent. Very caring, giving, smart, funny. Ive often regretted how I treated her during those times as much as I regret how we ended up on a bitter note that is mostly my doing. Loss of sleep & intense pain for that long can really knock you down.

Chapter 2:

Well, I've been down so  long That it looks like up to me Well, I've been down so very d**n long That it looks like up to me Yeah, why don't one you people C'mon and set me free

I said, warden, warden, warden Won't you break your lock and key I said, warden, warden, warden Won't ya break your lock and key Yeah, come along here, mister C'mon and let the poor boy be

Baby, baby, baby Won't you get down on your knees Baby, baby, baby Won't you get down on your knees C'mon little darlin' C'mon and give your love to me, oh yeah

Well, I've been down so d**n long That it looks like up to me Well, I've been down so very d**n long That it looks like up to me Yeah, why don't one you people C'mon, c'mon, c'mon and set me free


Artist: The Doors

Album: L.A. Woman

Realizing that the woman that helped me graduate a woman I loved more as a friend than a lover hated my guts for the verbal abuse suffered thanks to me was tough to swallow. I was happy not to be dating her, yet missing her as a friend. The stress from this + looking for work & being under / over qualified (or being turned down all together due to a 10 + year old Misdemeanor {sending a prank post card through the mail}) xs the court fight for my unemployment insurance was bringing me to my boiling point.

By March, I was cracking. I filed for disability. My hope for a job in this economy was lost. I felt black listed for a 10 year old error in judgement.

April 17th; a day that relives in my mind like a film loop. I went down to Emmys basement lair for some chicken that I cooked the day before only to be tweaked by Emmy in a rude manner. I took the bait; dumped her beer & rode to Hippie Mikes.

As I puffed the last toke of candy cane chronic & kicked it off in the ash tray, I jokingly said to Mike It would be just like Emmy to call the cops.


Monroe County Sheriffs.

Mike took his time coming down, as did I. He ended up outside with Officer Wiebeld (it could be Weibeld.. his true spelling is not as important as the storyline..) attempting to enter Mikes 86 year old fathers house without a warrant. At the time it was un-known that Emmy told the office I beat her up, threw ketchup packets at her & was going over to Hippies Mikes To get machine guns, grenades & kill her / blow the house up not quite an LOL in my book.

Officer Wiebeld was acting like a Gestapo officer. His Dirty Harry demeanor set me off from the get go.

Mike: Your not welcome in my fathers house without a warrant. There is no felony in progress; is there a warrant for his arrest?

Officer Wiebeld: What are you his(((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE))) lawyer; hippie!!??

Mike: His moms a crazy cop calling drunk. Shes filed false charges against Pete, his father & other people.

Officer Wiebeld: Im calling for backup.

In come the clowns. 7 squad cars over a dumped beer.

Officer Wiebeld: Youre my new project. Say hi boys.

Officer Wiebelds Goon Squad: Hi Pete, your our new project.

Officer Wiebeld: Im gonna get you, (((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE))). Im going to be seeing you soon.

Officer Wiebeld Goon Squad: Is that your car, or your girlfriends? We will be following you.

I gave them the n**i salute a few times & told them to show me my charges or get a warrant. He called for a warrant & Mike ran in to call his sister. Colleen is married to a musician related to Mafia yet is legit. Coleen knew Officer Wiebelds & the Goon Squads bosses boss from church. She came over just in time with her cell phone to tell the boys the party was over Talk to your boss..

Officer Wiebeld: Yessss. Yes sir.. Right away sir

Ohhh.. you did it this time.. Your (((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE))) Ill get you This is just the beginning!!

I raised hell from the Governors Office on down & our favorite officer & his boss hauled me in to speak to me out of the fear of what I could do to them legally. I was told that they apologize for the error & that it was not up to them as far as the charges. It was up to Emmy to drop them, or show up in court.

Later that week, I got the court appearance date & instead of just standing tall like the many time before; I flipped out over the fear of having a new charge on a long gone record of a petty misdemeanor. My newest stroke of genius was to try to make Emmy feel guilty for filing the false charges.

I wrote her a nasty note to the effect:

You lying drunken b***h.?.. Youve done your best to ruin my life & this latest game of yours will cost me the ability to find a job. I just want to die & I hope you live to be 120 to have to live with what youve done to me over the years you mental case b***h.

After I wrote it I threw so much hate down on the paper that I was shaking. Negative energy, if you believe in such a thing. Some call it Projection. Looking back at things, this experience turned me from skeptic to believer. Seeing was always believing to me.

Things just increasingly got worse to the point of living hell on Earth.

I rode off in my 2005 Honda thinking an oil change at my dads house would cool my head off & be therapeutic. Mistake #3. The Sheriffs came to my dads just about drooling over the fact that they now get to rip on me some more & stick it that much farther up my wazu with a ride to Saint Marys booby hatch. Try sleeping in a room with the lights on, crazies yammering & some nut next to me coming in my room to tell me how Red China, the Russians & some aliens were making a new super weapon out of wave frequencies & that HE was locked up here because he was trying to save the world as a double agent set him up for the fall.

I was refused anything to help me sleep. The first gentleman doctor heard my story & was supposedly contemplating letting me out, yet my manacle mother kept speed dialing the ward stating such things as: dont ever let him out, hell kill me. The irony is, she put the wack on me with the root canal The effect of this incarceration proved to be the next nail in the coffin.

They, like the n**i Sheriff Goon Squad previously; took her words as spoken from Gods mouth. The next doctor was female & she seemed to be taking joy in keeping me there.

I was wheeled into the ward by lunch time. I was stuck there till a lawyer could spring me; my hope was to make the best of it. Joke.. Laugh. Make friends. Be positive!!!! I was introduced to my cell mate; Jon. Polite, kind, soft spoken & real. Jon was a great friend to have there. He was suicidal, but not really one of those Gotta email planet Zoloft about the inter galactic planetary conference & save the Cabbage patch Kids if you catch my drift.

Before the visit turned tragic (bug bite), it was like a vacation from my a*****e uncle & egg donor witch from the East.

The food was not half bad, most (MOST I SAY) of the staff seemed well intended with the exception of the diabolical Dr. Mustafa. You think Im kidding about the diabolical part Oh, you nave readers.. Ill cross that scarred memory when the time is right.

Jon helped introduce me to people, find my room & all the basic introductory to the mad house rules. When lunch was served, I noticed a exorcist / medusa haired (Im toying with metaphor, the only snakes she had were in her heart; after later analysis) just got done with a good head spin, a fight with 5 guards, a good projectile puke, wall crawl & a fart. Jon made the notice of her outer beauty. I was on this new kick about giving all people the benefit of the doubt & since I just got done with the royal ream job it was only right to try & see if this roughed up beauty was beast or maiden. I could see her brain squirming like a toad. This should have been my first warning, but without trying to sound like a sex machine, I often go where my second brain pushes my ID. 

Medicated & under captivity, Jen came off like another victim of circumstance. She painted her mom out in a similar tone as what my experience was. Little did I know, or get the vibe that she was not utterly the most manipulative Black Widow / Devil Woman / Succubus I have ever come in contact with; the girl was a close second. I was sucked in like a school boy. We both had intelligence & vowed to fight to get out of here by using reverse hegemony. We exposed the flaws, safety hazards, etc. that if proven could have landed the hospital in hot water. Our other duality is that we teamed up to spring ourselves out by exposing the fact that Dr. Mustafa had little or no idea of our past medical issues, & that he was handing out pills & dosages much higher that I, or Jen were used to; on top of trying to force drugs on her that were giving her bad reactions.

The flaky yet almost mouse like (as in timid) intake nurse asked me the usual 20 questions while my sarcasm threw her off. This set the tone for an awkward relationship with someone that ended up not being a bad person. Many of the other nurses & staff came to realize that my mother needed to be locked up & I needed to be freed after Emmys perpetually incessant drunken rants to the main desk added up as they got to know me as a person. I had two nurses say as much. As it turned out, Emmy was also calling the Sheriffs stating I escaped from the nut house & was coming to kill her with machine guns.&nbspAs much as the staff knew I should be free, Dr. Mustafa had obviously been leaning towards following Mommy Dearests protocols for locking me up as long as possible with the most amount of corporate dope in my system.

 Being in such a place, your credibility becomes a non factor. You lose your rights as a US citizen. You either take their drugs or get hog tied or worse. Some clown from a third world country who came here to bank roll ends up in a place no shrink would be proud of is given the power to drug me up against my will; keep me there longer if I refuse the drugs, & intimidate me with the promise of even a longer stay if I went into court to object to the prolonged stay.

It seemed as if Jen & I were being held longer than most people due to each mothers energy pushing that concept with all their will. This was going to be a fight. A real team effort. Joining forces, we advocated for others as well as ourselves. I was wondering why a kid can come in with slit wrists for a day or two & someone like me was being held 4-5 days so far with no hope of getting out unless a judge stepped in. I was born to fight for justice. It was in my blood & I came like that straight from the factory. Like a double agent (it just add humor come on a nut house; attractive woman wanting my help to spring herLOL) Jen was sucking me in. She dumped her boyfriend & we began a relationship as we filed complaints regarding our care & the care of others. People were averaging 1-3 days stay. Was I just over reacting with the thought we were being made examples of (the rabble rousers getting extra time for sticking up for those who needed avocation)?

There we many funny moments during this hell. None of it makes me laugh anymore. I might share a few of the top 5 in the end of the book for those who care to laugh. All jokes end from here on out.

Act 3: The Bite in the Night from Hell

Im not the one whos so far away

As I feel the snakebite enter my veins

Never did I wanna be here again & I dont remember why I came

Godsmack: VOODOO Lyrics (All Rights Reserved)

Your just a parasite; I feel you in my veins

I lie awake @ night; its driving me insane

PJ Helfrichs Parasite

I awoke on the night of the 7th day stay with immense pain shooting like ice picks on a steel shore right next door to hell. A bite on my right temple felt like hell fire being injected into my brain. Tic? Spider? Either or is not my choice for want.

On repeated deaf ears, my pleas for medical attention were swept under the rug even as I saw the eyes light up from the staff as if they KNEW what it was yet were afraid if the Genie escaped. Can anyone say LAWSUIT!? My father was too much of a camera phone cave man to keep the pic of the bulls eye blotch & white puss center that is a classic introductory marker for lyme. Had I been able to videograph the bit & my surroundings, I might have gotten proper care or had at least had enough money to find proper care.

Being ignorant of what lyme can do, I played it off after the headache cleared. Had I known that the equivalent of a nuclear attack on my body was underway, you can bet I would have raised more hell.

There were numerous safety issues being ignored across the board during my experience there. Shower areas had slippery tile floors with no safety mats. I warned them someone was going to fall & two days later two people got hurt. They even used harmful floor stripper in the wing with no safety masks or ventilation! All of this was blown off & our complaints were lost, missing, could not be found upon a later request. Hospitals are pros at playing CYA. And yes, I now believe that you can get sicker at a hospital.

As Jen & I filed complaints; they just kept messing up more. Our heat on the system was starting to work; we were making their lives difficult & exposing their neglect which was giving them incentive to release us.

After our court date (approx.. 10 days into my stay), it was clear that Dr. Mustafa was keeping me there longer than average with no factual reason. I was released after 14 days, a tic bite & nightmares Ill keep with me to the grave. I had two dreams during that time that came to fruition in a sense. One of them Ill speak of.

I was in a mess hall full of zombies. My grandpa Bob was there with a jammed shot gun. I covered for him. He was laughing like the days of old. We ran out into the desert to avoid these devils. I took the dream to mean that I needed to stick up for an old fellow named Mr. McPhearson, who reminded me of my gramps. Almost a week had gone by & no one bothered to get him batteries for his hearing aid!? Some of the staff seemed confused as to why he was not hearing them. I helped get him his batteries. It did little to reset my karma. The desert connection comes later in the story.

Jen had a small apartment in Rochester set to go. She told me I could live there. I arrived 3-4 days ahead of her. After putting her clothes away, I got ready for my hearing with Wheeler Communications. I won a hard battle & got my unemployment.

When Jen arrived, she was still medicated. Within three days, she made the b***h from the Exorcist look like Mother Teresa. One minute she proclaims her love for me, the next second she never wants to have sex with me ever again. Its rare that someone tweaks me to the point of wanting to gouge their eyes out & stuff them in a dumpster. Imaginary people listening to us from her car speakers; making an argument out of thin air; going to bars to pick fights with drunk guys so that they start (((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE))) with me rather than punch her out; & lastly going out & having sex with one of her slew of male friends just to hurt me & piss me off were just some of the things this she devil was capable of when the coo coo meds wore off. It was clear she set me up to spring her & now I was like a tampon in the toilet; time to flush me out & find a new neck to suck on. How I managed to find someone as slick, dangerous & downright wicked as my mother so fast made me feel cursed.

I had night sweats; chills; a hanging cough; flue like issues. Awaking from a dead sleep, I found myself deliriously wrapped up with Jen like a pretzel. She was caressing my face & chanting I love you Pete, I love you; over & over like a friggin witch. I was scared & so out of it that I nodded off 2-3 times only to awake to it again.&nbspThe next day she made it a point to state we are at the age when our bodies are going to start breaking down. I was clueless as to why she made this such an issue out of thin air. Was she projecting? It was the way she said it that made me think of a B-Movie storyline She-Devil From the Funny Farm! Watch as they seduce men for their personal gain. See them suck the life out of their un-suspecting victims as they sleep! No man is safe from their kiss!

One thing I did know; if there was evil, this b***h was it. I ran out of there the next day like my balls were on fire.

 Act 4

Out of the Frying Pan & Into The Mold Pit:

I set off packing to my fathers. I was not happy about living at my dads. He sleeps 3 hours a day if he sleeps at all & has a bi-polar slant that can drop on a dime. I never had any physical issues visiting my dads. No allergies, or anything that would tip me off that there was mold in the house. I was ignorant of what having a virtual pond in the basement could do to people.

Within two weeks, I awoke writhing on the floor like a wounded python. I crawled two hours to the tub & smoked two joints just so I could crawl down the stairs. My ankles, knees, hands, neck, spine, elbows had al swollen up to the point of not even being able to see my ankles. This IS LYME DISEASE I proclaimed!! d**n, if I only had a camera with video in the funny farm.

I immediately called Spencerport Family Medicine. My regular doctor; Patrick McGrath was not available. The doctor that took his place just gave me pain meds. Even though I spoke of the bulls eye blotch, no blood work was taken. I was nave enough to think that a place I had gone to since I was a teen would have my best interests in mind rather than covering up for St. Marys. They are one big conglomerate; joined right down to the insurance provider, lawyers, & other legal goons.

Not seeing any relief, I got a meeting with Dr. McGrath. He ran the standard test (60% failure rate.. See for yourself (((Redacted))) Google; Lyme Tests 60 % Failure Rate), which convinced him I was not hit by Lyme & he refused to run any other tests as my insurance did not cover anything but the Death Panel Option level of Care.

I did my best to fight through the arthritis & set up things to transfer to Suny Plattsburgh for a fresh start 300 miles from my crazy family of drunken maniacs, tics & She Devils. I was convicted of Aggravated Harassment when my first Public Pretender failed to inform me of his leaving his job. If that was not enough, all my records proving Emmy a chronic cop caller & story teller were not given to J.B. Afoh Manin. I was basically given a clown to play dumb & plea to the D.A. which I refused. I was denied the request to postpone the trial by J.B. He refused to even ask my mother if she was drinking, nor did he allow me to ask Emmy question as I wanted to represent myself if this joker was going to botch my case.

Emmy put on a Emmy Award winning poor victim act, with full boo h*o, (((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE))) & conflicting answers. He hit me.. Well, he might have. No, he missed me. She admitted that I was 15 feet away from her in one breath & then flip flopped six ways to Sunday. None of this seemed to matter. The cops needed a guilty verdict to get off of the harassment they shot my way, so they got it. I was given no fine, no punishment. It was a face saving conviction.

I would have smiled over a year in jail rather than pay for what was to come.

Hippie Mike often redundantly yet prophetically pointed out like a stoned Christian Yoda on Chronic: I never tell anyone my birthday. Because to the wrong ear, your birthday can become your death day. I thought he was just too ripped off the high test. Turns out the guy should read palms.

A bit late in the game & scrambling for an apartment where I was solo came down to one last open studio. It was either that or live on campus. I hated living on campus in the dorms & would not make my car payment plus the high rent charged for campus living. It was take the s****.>

The long drive my father & I took on the 23rd of August 2008 was movie script. We stopped to fire up a Jay and recalled the trip. My grandfather had a shoe store in a town along the way. I was so filled with the hope of a new life. A total transformation. Rebirth.

We got there way late due to my over bearing & stubborn pops demanding to skip the GPS & follow his back roads style. It added almost 4 hours to the trip. It was just after 12am on the 24th of August 2008 when I signed my life away on the rental contract. The bathroom was the size of a closet. The shower was a dime store chop job to say the least. It was caulked. I saw no mold at&nbspthe time, so I just went with it. Rick asked me if I wanted to see another possibility. I should have jumped on it, yet it was all I could afford. The next wave of attack on my body was just warming up the death drums.

We moved in & hit the town. The ladies were dressed to kill & the cool air spoke of hope in the breeze. After eating a sausage with my dad we were like two kids at a strip bar. Totally in awe of the town.

Within weeks, I was feeling weaker. My mouth was dry no matter how much I drank. I was peeing more. My eyes were watering like crazy for no reason? Nose bleeds. Flue like issues. I was getting sick more. Was it just due to a mass population of international student bringing in foreign microbes? It had to be. I mean if it was lyme, I would be swelling up again (?)

I had this positive projection thing going. I was going to make tons of friends, excel in class & try to find a good woman. Walking down Brinkerhoff Street led my the soon to be Oraja Lounge. I introduced myself to James the owner & his red headed chick friend whom I thought was his girl. We instantly had a connection & became friends. Its all coming together, I thought. Im braking my losing streak. Old Karma out, new in. I was fooling myself.

I made so many dear friends, I had a sore elbow waiving to them all in the halls. The classes were going well. I was honing skills that I enjoyed as a hobby. Getting paid would be even cooler.

The next seemingly un-connected symptom was gum loss. It was slow coming. No pain involved. I just needed a softer toothbrush I thought. This was 1-2 months into this Elm Street story. By the third month, I was crapping 4-7 times a day. It was more foul than normal. What on Earth was going on?

I just ignored these issues & went head strong into my studies, friendships & hobbies. Besides, how bad was Lyme anyway? My immune system was solid, or so I thought.

As my life was becoming Heaven in one aspect, the underlying Hell was whispering to me but I was metaphorically listening to my Ipod. Nothing would stop my new found Nirvana. Or so I thought. The gums kept dwindling. I pleaded for full blood work from the college hospital. I was never given the results. Once again I was brushed off, given pain pills, psych drugs, & more questions than answers.

All my scholastic & personal goals were coming true, but my body was failing. The doctors just went for the easy fix. Treat the pain, dope the brain. I started waking up with spiking pain in my kidneys?? How could all these weird symptoms be happening? Coming & going without notice.

Then in March, I woke up one night with my gums on fire. I ran crying to the bathroom mirror & was shocked to see my gums were eaten away. Bleeding puss was oozing out of every square inch of my gums. Plaque was literally forming as I watched. Scraping it away, it was forming back in minutes!! All I needed next was to hear Rod Sterling talking with the classic Twilight Zone song in the background. It HAD to be that dam root canal tooth. That was the mystery issue! Well, I had 2 out of three. If I could just convince ONE health care provider of it. The overnight rate of gum loss was massive. Im guessing at 3-4 mm off yesterdays gums. I packed my gums with garlic & cried myself to sleep. I had to see if I had dental coverage with Fidelis.

It took hell & high water to find a basic dentist to even see me. No one wanted Fidelis. It was like calling to inform your soon to be date that you had leprosy & wondering why she never came to the meet spot for a beer. Richard Foreman saw me in May. His determination that I had cured myself of trench mouth. He refused to listen to my rotten #30 hypothesis as well as refusing me a referral to an oral surgeon, or even antibiotics. What threw him off was the super antibiotics I was given for a sinus infection I earned a week before. The pills knocked the infection down just in time to dupe Dr. Foreman.

I had bruises that would not heal. A simple tap, bump, or just by resting my hands on my hips would leave a bruise that stayed for months. This tooth has to go, I thought. It must be harboring the Lyme. Was this my miracle cure? Michelle & Delia of Student Support Services were calling non-stop across a 6+ hour distance just to find me someone to pull the tooth. No one took Fidelis. I was going to die with this thing rotting in my mouth.

It took me driving 14 hours round trip back to Rochester countless times just trying to find someone to save my life. Oral surgeons can pick what they want to make for the most part. They, like many of the higher educated feel entitled to the high life. Its a profit driven business. No money? No high end insurance? I guess you find a dill & a pair of pliars, or die then.

At last, a receptionist told me to go into Strong / Eastman Dental ER & demand they pull the tooth. I even got a referral from Q-Dental. Anti-biotics, anti-fungals & a referral. I should be all set. Healing at last?

 Strong ER is filled with students, & newly graduated dentists. They have this cookie cutter way of seeing you. It takes 4-5 visits just to get them to work on you. I had a wasted appointment for X-Rays when I had them on a flash drive. I had to demand to speak to a supervisor just to get them to realize how serious my issue was.

On the day of the last meeting before the operation, I was waiting to be seen as someone wheeled in a frail-sickly woman into the ER. I did a double take. No It cant be!? Emmy? The wicked b***h from the East? What are the odds?! I walked by her like Obi Wan Kenobi attempting not to be seen. She was in this dazed off, drugged up stare at the wall state. My God, it is Emmy! I was lucky she did not fall off the chair, scream ouch, hes hitting me! Dont let him kill me! We were 1 room away from each other. She was getting a biopsy. I was getting a tooth pulled. We BOTH had root canals from Cellura.

After Emmys cat died from a weird seizure out of nowhere, I warned her of the mold issue I faced in 1998 & she arrogantly mocked me just as she did with my ceiling tile hypothesis that was dead on 8 months late. Now she had mouth cancer & I had massive gum loss & two teeth that needed pulling for now. What was the duality? This had to have some higher meaning. What were the odds?

Three + hours of pulling, drilling, blood, & carnage. I stood strong like a solider & watched the blood & bones fly. Dr. Jiwani was a petit woman of possible Indian decent. It was a bear for her to pop the top off that #30. My roots went right to the main nerve. I thought she was going to pop my jaw off, & then finally a snapping sound. As she pulled the top off, rotten black, grey & green cotton came out like clowns out of a VW Rabbit. It smelled like a coffin opening. Oh my god, what did they do to you? was all she could say.

After 1.5 hours of drilling Dr. Jiwani was sweating. A student with more experience came by twice to see if she needed a break. By the third visit, she was ready for a break. You dont have to worry about bone density thats for sure made me smile. They both admired my grit. Advanced necrotization of my sub-ginvinial tissue were two key words I picked up on. They thought they were speaking in a code that most people could not decipher. Im not most people. They also were miffed over the white sloughing of tissue in my mouth. I was in shock. That b*****d Cellura went two for two on killing me with cotton. This HAD to be the end of this Hell!?!? It was not even close. Had Dr. Theire come in to see these issues, I might have had more of a clue myself as to the underlying issue of fungal infection. But where was I getting this exposure? I was clueless.

Around this time all my Youtube videos of the mold, doctors / dentists screwing me over, etc. had created a buzz in the mold click. Witzer Law soon peaked an interest in my case. Right up to the end they had me fooled into thinking they were helping me. I was working with Miriam, who answered to Brian Witzer. She told me to get samples, but not where or how. She failed to warn me of the company I had go in to take the samples were working for Rick Landrys goons. Miriam even told me NOT to have air quality samples taken. Even when I paid for them, the firm kept my money & never took the air samples. Witzer law used Croft for a mold case yet waited till after I paid out the nose for bioptic samples, cloth testing, etc. that Crofts science does not hold up in court. So why did she knowingly let me waste my time, money & chips on a fraud?

It was one of the biggest let downs yet. Witzer was losing mold cases as my case went from a shoe in for them to a dirty tampon in need of a bio-hazard bag.

All the time we worked together, Miriam told me how good of a case I had. We were like a team. I was led to think we were friends. It ended up being an elaborate hoax that just sapped more hope & life out of me. Never trust a lawyer when mold involved. NEVER! They will screw you in your sleep if it means $20 more in their pocket on the insurance industries bill. Believe it. I know people who went through 7 years of court; turning down $150, 000 to hold out for&nbspfew million (which never buys your health back, nor your sanity) that had a lawyer with a coke & tranny habit the insurance goons held over him to throw out the case. He played her for 7 years. Many lawyers do this. They make it look like they tried. Its all like professional wrestling & politics. They talk smack on screen & play golf after work.

So it took summer classes passing by and a wait from March to July just for a tooth extraction. I was stoked Woodstock was soon to be. August 14th baby. I met a 19 year old super hot hippy friend with tats on her legs on up to party with. We had sex for hours. But I could not climax, nor could I keep it going for more than an hour which was weird. I could go 1-3 hours no issues just a while back. I knew that things were serious. But the mystery was still an open case & hidden clues.

September 7th, 2009. A day that replays in my mind like an endless loop. I had prayed the night before for an end to the pain. I pleaded for truth or death. My mouth was burning in agony. My nose was bleeding. A morning shower revealed the clue. My shampoo bottle fell & the black mold hiding behind it revealed the killer behind the shower. If it was Norman Bates, I stood a chance. I had the grand idea to take samples & videograph the evidence. Little did I know that NY law stands behind mold being an allergy. The rules that prove a mold case are so ridiculous that you would not imagine what it takes to win a case.

I became so sick for the added exposure that I stumbled to CVPH Hospital like a delirious zombie. Mold videos & samples in hand I passed out in the front lobby only to come to briefly thanks to a cop jamming his finger in my eye while some nurse grated on my chest with her ring laden hands.

I came too once on the elevator ride up. I was very much out of it; the toxins were ravaging my body. They took my ID, treated me like some doped up junkie & rolled their eyes when I showed them the mold & the video CD. As soon as it was mentioned WHERE I got molded, I could tell that the 20 minute group huddle was to try to make this issue go away with Property Management of Plattsburgh smelling like a rose & me looking like an idiot. To top it off, they send in this decked out blond with the longest legs along with the shortest skirt or Earth to Wonder Woman me into the looney bin. I was basically told I was crazy to think mold hurts people. My gum issue was explained as: you need to change your tooth brush every 90 days. I wanted to smash their heads on some concrete & shove some statchy up their anuses to turn them into believers. My pain, frustration & toxin load had me ready to snap. I yanked out the IVs, called them all a bunch of idiots.

I might be crazy, but your stupid & I can get counseling. You will always be stupid. I walked back to the death box on Clinton Street in total shock. The hospital covering up for the biggest tax cow in P-Town? How could. This is when I really started to see how big this cover up was. It was the first big sign that the norm of the medical community capitulates to the almighty dollar as opposed to the health of the sick. Even an orderly knew toxic mold was harmful as I spoke to him before leaving that den of hyenas. I was wondering how Dr. gill got his degree (Cracker Jack Box, or an on-line college)?

(Insert Youtube Link: CVPH Hospital)

Wandering back in utter disbelief, I spent one last night in the death box. Little did I realize the far reaching aspects of this debilitating curse from Hell. I was learning behind the 8 ball & the room for error was measured in microns.

I had this blind faith that truth & justice would prevail. I had yet to even talk to another moldie.

My research began & has yet to stop since. Facebook had a few mold victims sites. I had met some good people on there. Looking back now, many of these people gave me bread crumbs rather than hit me over the head with the anvil of reality all at once. I wish I had gotten the full education instantly To know what I know now might have changed MANY of my future actions.

Many of the moldies had varying concepts of advice. I had hope that someone had a cure, or a way to end this madness. Homeopathic concepts, avoidance, etc. I was told all my things were now toxic!? PLEASE; not my super computer!? Not my music!? Not my favorite outfit!!! I could not FEEL these things hurting me. No one told me about detoxing, the herximer effect, or how the hypersensitivity curse comes ONLY after total avoidance of approximately 3-6 months. No; for now I was fooling myself into thinking all would be well if I got out of the apartment. I actually felt ok after I got out. No pains to speak of. Some woman in her late 40s that was in my class with Dr. Dann told me I could sleep on her floor. Three days of that & getting hit up in my sleep for money to support her crack habit was one more baseball bat to my groin. It was like the town was turning on me overnight & eating me alive.

I had an offer from a disability advocate for free safe housing. I prayed for it to work out. The woman in (INSERT COMPANY NAME HERE) charge assured me that anything regarding my last land lord would be ignored due to the circumstances. Three days later, she was a completed *360 from her previous demeanor. Rick Landry & his goon squad got to her. I have the audio of the conversation on tape.

(Insert Link)

Cheated & beaten at every turn with my wits questioning reality. How could such pure greed be able to get away with murder? I was only scratching the surface of the evil at work. The entire system in NY is designed to cover up for land owners while victims get black listed from safe housing for speaking up.

Complaints to the Health Department, CDC, Attorney General, Governors Office right on up to The White House all basically played its not my problem. There is no law that makes any government agency test for mold in a building. There is no proof mold harms people. How perfect the design of this new age genocide by turning a blind eye. Good ol Al Einstein said it best: its not the evil of the world that scares me. Its those that know what to do yet do nothing. What a sad truth Al. Say it aint so. Its as if mold victims are the new (((REDACTED LANGUAGE)))s of the world & they found a way around spending money on bleach & ammonia to knock down the population through hegemony. I new about greed, corruption & evil yet this was like walking through an alternate reality that changed my outlook on the human race forever. It makes me sick to be human. I regret being born, let alone being labeled with such a mass of self serving devil worshipping a*s clowns as those that collectively worked towards making sure people like me die before we see justice. I recanted my give peace a chance persona for the Charles Bronson / Bruce Willis option from that time on. Knowing the full scope of this experience now, I would send a birthday card with a thank you to anyone suffering from this who decided to locate the owner of the property that ruined their life to go out like Joan Of Ark rather than pull their pants up & crawl in a hole as most people do. If you have 6 months to live or less why not go out a hero sending a message to these evil bastards rather than just die a victim? Many people get offended with my opinion on this topic. I hope you can set aside our differences in opinion & still get the essence of why I feel this way. You cant imagine how I feel unless youve been through 2-3 years of this plus living outside like an animal for a year. Show me Rick Landrys CEO & give me a month in a Homer Simpson suite with air tanks to go SAW 4 on that b*****d to give him a crash course on mycotoxicosis. Rick deserves to be skinned alive & dipped in honey for the fire ant colony that I would bury him head sticking out next to. Hey, if he cried for water, I would gladly urinate in his mouth. I did one better. I sent him a voodoo doll that was created on Halloween! Go ahead & laugh, but half of projecting / manifesting anything at someone is getting into their head & rattling their psyche. Kind of like what happens when I see, smell, or know mold is around. I just go ape. Can you blame me?

Judges, lawyers, witnesses, labs, & even doctors have been bribed, intimidated & threatened into tossing a victory over to the insurance mafia that would rather kill than admit molds best kept secret. If your just the average person that either is not being affected, or your still in the dark about being sick from a biotoxin this might sound rash. Dont give up on me yet. As much as I spit out a dash of venom at the opposition, this story needs to be told if only to convince one person how unjust, unacceptable & unreal this injustice is. Its your choice on how to handle your own experience. Lay down & die, give justice a chance, or otherwise. But dont let your voice go unheard. Dont die in vain.

Ok, enough soap box vigilante for now. Ive probably lost 35% of my audience by now, but thats the price of freedom of speech. We might not agree on the solution. Just dont hate me for my opinion & dont let it lessen this story.

Act 5

From National Honors to Public Enema #2 How fast they turn on you.

I ended up thinking dropping my classes was the best idea. Its a regrettable concept as I sit here typing & wondering how it got any worse than this from here on out. From October till now I have been a car or tent dweller. People just cant imagine why. Explain it to them & watch them look at you like your from planet Uranus. My, how the corporate media had sheepified the masses. BAHHHH.. Indeed..

Thinking dads house was safe, I stayed in the House of A Billion Mold Spores from September 09 till October 20th. I only started to realize what the house was doing to me by seeing what it was doing to my friends. I had a female friend that would come by & watch movies. After about an hour she would get a debilitating headache, faintness. She would apologize for feeling ill & leave like the cops were on the way. I started to see the light. She was like me.

Sujei was living in the basement of a friends house. She spoke of tooth loss, some gum issues, the flu like sickness & even admitted that the walls dripped water at times. Like myself & most others the truth was too much for her. She could be dying down there as I type. So many people are dying like this & just letting the doctors hand them corporate dope rather than expose the root cause. Sujei was just the beginning.

During this time, my friend Mark was back from Georgia I believe because he & his brother had a falling out. Mark got molded at his brothers house & was having similar issues. Since Mark moved in with Hippie Mike out of desperation he was getting sick too!? Mike fought the issue as if I was just projecting this whole nonsense & now Mark was mimicking my issues. Mark had some of my issues & many of his own. Mike was just playing the ignorant stoned hippy to the max. He finally admitted his dads house had a leak in the basement, but how did we know that!? as if we snuck down there with a bunch of mold detecting devices. Our bodies where the alarms. You just need to listen to the sound & make the connection yourself.

Emmy died in the middle of October 2009. To think of all the years of harassment, be

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