  • Report:  #1096836

Complaint Review: Rick Rosen Jr. - Morristown New Jersey

Reported By:
Chris - Indianapolis, Indiana,

Rick Rosen Jr.
10 Lafayette Ave. Apt 564 Morristown, 07960 New Jersey, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Here are my dealings with Rick Gene Rosen, Jr., so I can expose the truths on this con man and prevent others from being victimized while working to get back the $35,000 he stole from me.

I've known Rick for close to 5 years through various business deals, and with knowing him so long, we started to build somewhat of a friendship. I've talked to him 100+ times on the phone and we've had lots of email and text message correspondence over the years, mainly about business, investments, capital funding, etc.

Rick came to me with a proposition. He claimed that his best friend, EJ Howard, who was also his best man in his wedding, was starting a business with him called Paradise Group, LLC and was applying for a loan to get some start up capital. The terms of this supposed loan would hold any assets of Paradise Group, and needed 25% cash collateral to finalize the loan. After talking extensively with Rick and speaking with T-Lynn Redmond, President at Faith Capital Funding (the lender) out of Fort Worth, Texas, I decided to go forward only after getting a copy of the signed loan contract, Letter of Intent, and a signed contract between Rick Rosen Jr. and myself, as well as a copy of his driver's license and social security card.

The total needed was $44,500 which would secure a business loan for $178,000. Rick was to provide $9500 and I was to provide $35,000. As soon as the $44,500 was provided, the loan would be funded and I would be sent $45,000, an extra $10,000 for my help in getting the loan funded. I did ask to speak to EJ, but Rick said he wanted to keep the deal between him and me and not involve EJ in this part, as EJ may not want to provide as much of a "bonus" if he knew other people were involved. And knowing Rick for so long, I believed him.

I provided Rick $35,000 on a Tuesday as my part of the 25% capital. As soon as this 25% was received, the loan was to be funded and then $45,000 was to be immediately sent back to me within 1-2 business days. Now, mind you, had this been any other random person, no way would I do this. But because I have known Rick for many years, sadly, I trusted him. We had a signed contract. He sent me a copy of his license and a copy of his legitimate social security card - I felt good about moving forward, and in a worst case scenario, I would destroy his credit and his reputation in my mitigation process. Sadly, that's what I'm forced to do now.

The instant I sent the funds to Rick, things got weird. He said I would have funds the day the loan got funded. So day one came and went... Nothing. That's fine, I didn't expect repayment the same day. However, that night, Rick said he confirmed that Faith Capital sent $60,000 to Rick, and $118k to EJ.

First red flag... But funds were already gone. Why would, and how could, a lender send $60k to one party, $118k to another party, and ask one party to repay the entire $178k plus interest? Hmmm... Of course Rick had an answer... He said that he has a special working relationship with Faith Capital, a private lender, and since EJ is his best friend, they had special arrangements worked out. However, I'm not dumb... At this point, on day one, I'm privy to the fact that I've been robbed of $35k from someone I trusted.

But, I figured, hey, let's be nice and see if that gets me anywhere. So Rick assures me that I'll wake up to $45k deposited in my bank account the next morning, Wednesday. Guess what? Nothing was deposited into my bank account. I wasn't surprised. So I called him... Surprisingly his communication was impeccable. He responded to every text in minutes and answered every call. His excuse? Because it was such a big wire, the funds from an incoming wire were pending. Really? So with the giants like Facebook and Walmart who send funds in the millions... Chase bank is concerned about a $60k wire?

So then he PROMISES me that I'll have funds by lunch time. Noon comes and goes... Nothing. "I sent your funds and you'll have your deposit before the banks close" is what he says next. This is the 4th promise he has made, and the last one says he ACTUALLY SENT me funds. But I guess a promise means nothing from a conniving, sleezeball, fraudster.

So when nothing shows up I asked him what happened. He explains that the wire bounced because we were transferring funds too much in a 24 hour period. What a lame excuse. So, how did you send me funds if the funds were never available? Oh that's right... You didn't.

So I demanded proof that a pending wire was coming into his account. He said he had it and emailed it to me. Guess what? Out of all the emails he sent me, that's the first and ONLY email I ironically didn't receive. So I called T Lynn Redmond with Faith Capital at phone number 940-231-3976. TLynn Redmond is obviously in on this scam because he acted as though he had to search deep in his brain about the loan I was referencing... if your story is true, you're a private "lender/broker". Give me a break! You knew exactly what I was talking about... and after about ten seconds, stuttering for words, he said "oh yes! The loan with EJ... That loan is finalized". He said he wasn't in the office but could access the "CMS" from his home office. After BANGING on the keyboard to make it apparent he was typing something, this guy gave me a totally scripted response and said the wire was sent at 10:39 am... Seemed surprised that Rick hadn't paid me yet and told me to not be a stranger and that was it.

But I digress… I demand from Rick a screenshot of his online banking showing the pending wire. He said he sent it again. Hmmm... Nothing. So at this point, I do some research on Rick Rosen Jr and realize he's screwed other people over. Do a quick search for Rick Rosen Jr and you'll see this isn't Rick's first rodeo. He got someone last year for $50,000.

So... So far we have Rick telling me the wire is pending. Then he tells me the funds are available and has sent them to me and doesn't understand why I can't see them in my account... Then he tells me the wire bounced. What an idiot. We talk the rest of the evening through text message. He feeds me BS excuse after BS excuse and assures me I'll wake up to the funds the next morning, Thursday.

Big surprise... nothing again. Guess what? "You'll have it by lunch."

Really? This again? Lunch comes and Rick said the wire is still coming. I gave him until 4:30 pm before I take action. So, I went to the bank at 4, filed fraud and disputed the transfer I made to Rick. I was working with my banker, and because I have Rick's SSN, he was able to pull up Rick's account. Of course my banker didn't disclose any details of the account, but he told me there has been no incoming transfer into Rick's account except for the transfer I made. Rick called me while I was at the bank and said the wire was still pending and I'd have funds within the hour. I told Rick my banker said there's no incoming wire even happening in his account. Rick had the audacity to tell me my banker was lying to me and I would have the funds in half an hour. So anyway... Excuses keep coming in from Rick, but I'm now taking matters into my own hands.

So, the wire apparently bounces again, and TLynn is now going to wire the funds to Rick's business account instead. I demand a wire transaction receipt this time. Rick says he has it and will send it...

This goes on for a month… EVERY day Rick saying we will be all settled up. Every day lying and saying I'll have the $45,000. In fact, he even said he felt bad and would make sure I get $50,000 in return. Everything that spews from his mouth is just an attempt to put off legal action. He even said his attorney was going to send me a "release form" at one point, on a Friday, and then the funds will come immediately after. Guess what happens? You guessed it… nothing from this supposed attorney and nothing in the form of payment.

TLynn called me recently to follow up and see if this ordeal has been settled. I told him it hadn't and he said he would have his compliance department follow up with Rick and I would be paid back 'tomorrow'. Tomorrow came… nothing. So it appears that Rick has other accomplices involved is this ponzi / theft scheme.  I've had numerous other conversations with T-Lynn, and every time, T.Lynn says his compliance department is on it, he'll send proof that the loan is legit, etc. In fact, the last time I spoke to him, he told me that Rick took my funds and used it for another deal. He claimed to have another pending deal with Rick but put it on hold until Rick paid me back. I get contradicting stories from TLynn Redmond each time I speak to him… so it's blatantly apparent that T Lynn Redmond and Faith Capital Funding is in on this scam as well.

This web of lies goes on and on… it ended with Rick telling me that his attorney, Paul Foreman, was sent a check because Rick had to collect funds from Faith Capital - who says the wire was sent to Rick on day 1. As soon as the check cleared, Rick's attorney would send me a "release form" and then promptly send funds to me. Several days pass and no word from his attorney. I try calling Paul Foreman twice. I leave messages with the paralegal and don't receive a return call. 3 days later, Rick says the check bounced. I demanded that Paul give me a call. Not even a call from his supposed attorney. This whole thing is just a web of lies and a huge fabrication, and I have NO clue where my $35k is. Probably spent on a sports car… or payment on a mansion like all these Bernie Madoff idiots seem to do.
So, if you are communicating with Rick… please beware. This guy is the NICEST person on the phone… but I guess that's how all con men are. After all, they have to build that trust before they can strip you of whatever they want. However Rick - here's where you screwed up - you screwed over a professional Inetner Marketer who has a lot of free time on his hands and deep pockets. Giving me your SSN and Driver's License just to screw me over was probably the worst move you could make.

At this point, I'm fed up… I've got an attorney on board. I'm filing a law suit and I've filed reports with every legal and justice system accessible… FBI, FTC, Attorney General, etc. My goal is to neuter this con man's ability do this to other people. It is so blatantly obvious that I have been flat out robbed of $35,000. You'd think a guy like this would at LEAST try to cover his butt by claiming my money was being invested or something… like a Madoff Ponzi scheme. But no… this guy goes straight to people he builds relationships with and flat our robs them of tens of thousands of dollars… talk about the lowest of lows… while sending his driver's license and social security card. What an idiot. Being an internet marketer, it won't take long to destroy his reputation and his credit. And once I get a judgement, this dude will spend the rest of his life with potential employers saying "Nope… sorry. just pulled your background history." Creditors saying, "sorry… we can't fund a person with a 530 credit score." So, Rick, you might be laughing now… but I'll bounce back from this $35k loss. You, however, have a lot of life left to live, and a lifetime to deal with the repercussions.

I have a wife, a 2 year old son, and another baby on the way. I have a family to support, and this crook makes a living by building relationships and then stealing money. What a slimy way to make a "living". Keep in mind - this wasn't a business deal that went bad… where I fronted the money and knew my potential risk. Rick swore up and down there was no risk and I'd be paid back in 1 - 2 days. Rick Rosen Jr. flat out stole $35,000 from me. If he'll do this to someone he has called a friend, imagine what he would do to anyone else.

So here I am... Defrauded, robbed, and completely violated by someone I thought was my friend. I think what bothers me the most is I trusted this fraudster and knew him for 5 years. I don't care how much it costs me. I won't stop until justice is served and this crook is thrown behind bars. I feel bad for his wife and son, but this man needs taken off the streets before he screws up more people's lives. I know he's screwed over more people. I know of at least one guy he got for $50k. If we have enough people and it amounts to enough money, I know the legal system will do its job and get this guy off the street. If you've been screwed by this lowlife, let me know and we'll get together a class action lawsuit.

So, for any employer, potential employer, or client - if Rick Rosen Jr. is anywhere in your sights, RUN. If he would do this to a 'friend', imagine what he would do to someone he's not friends with. This person is a heartless, soulless, piece of crap. I'm sure there are other Rick Rosens out there, so for verification, his SSN ends in 3470 (Rick - you better count it a blessing that I'm keeping copies of your SSN and DL confidential at this point).

In closing - stay away from Rick Rosen Jr and stay away from Faith Capital.

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