  • Report:  #730890

Complaint Review: Rick Whitfield - Euless Texas

Reported By:
Ralph R. Brescia - Delray Beach, Florida, United States of America

Rick Whitfield
1300 Bear Creek Parkway Euless, 76039 Texas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was referred to Rick Whitfield by Gary Roberts of Robert's Credit Group as a source for procurring business lines of credit on or about 2/5/11. Gary assured me Rick was legitimate and had known him for 20 years. With his assurance I proceeded.

On or about 2/10/11 I received my first call from Rick Whitfield. During this initial conversation I was told he could secure a Black Amx card for a $5K fee. I checked the Amx website first and discovered Whitfield gave me incorrect information as to the terms of the card for repayment. He emphatically insisted the card had an 11 year amortization. In point of fact upon first checking I discovered it had a net 30 only which did little good for my business needs. 

I was then told he could secure a line of credit totaling $250K utilizing (3) different lenders and that it would take 13 to 15 business days for me to receive my cards. At this point I tendered a deposit check in the amount of $2,500 on 2/18/11 made out to Rick Whitfield personally at his insistance.  After 30 days of waiting with no cards I called Whitfield again despite the fact he told me to expect the first of 3 cards would be, "arriving any day now". Whitfield told me he'd been hospitalized for several weeks and that his office manager "Tabitha", "had made horrible  clerical error on hundreds of files"!

At this point (around 3/30/11) I demanded a full refund and had very strong words with him. He then said he could secure an aged Florida corporation that would take 4 weeks to process and another week to attach a line of credit in the amount of $125K.

Despite offering me a refund when I asked for it he told me it would be several weeks to process and to please give him this one last opportunity to "do the right thing". Before agreeing to proceed I spoke with Gary Roberts at length and asked him directly if he knew Whitfield to be guilty of any unscrupulous business practices to which he reponded no. I then proceeded.    

It's now5/18/11. I sent my first email to Whitfield on 4/20/11 and several subsequent emails and phone calls ... all have gone unanswered to date. Additionally, I had Gary Roberts leave him several messages and emails ... none of which have been returned.

Clearly Rick Whitfield is both a coward and pathelogical liar. I would VERY much like to find others who have shared a similar experience to mine and take him to task through the legal system. I know the duress he has caused me. In addition to recovering my money I would like to stop him from his corrupt practices before others are harmed as well.  In a best case scenerio I would really like to see him prosecuted and sent to jail for interstate mail fraud and collecting advance payments on credit cards prior to their issuance.

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Another victim

United States of America
Another Victim

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, September 13, 2012

This man has my car and I cannot get it back...technically stolen. I need any and all help to retrieve my property as well as help any others who have been a victim of his fraud. Please contact me ASAP because I do have some inside information about where to find this man. Justice must be served for all the victims this scam artist has taken full advantage of. I have many other personal alliances that are dealing with similar situations. Please help.

Ralph R. Brescia

Delray Beach,
List of felony, misdemeanor convictions and arrest dates of Rick "Ricky" Gene Whitfield DOB 5/19/1960

#3Author of original report

Sat, May 28, 2011

1/7/87 - Oklahoma Dept. of Corrections -"Receiving, possession and concealment of stolen
              property" - Felony conviction.
2/18/1987 - Oklahoma Dept. of Corrections - "Uttering forged instrments" - Docket
                    #159723 - (2) or more bogus checks together over $50.00 - Felony conviction-
                    sentence length 2 years.
5/12/1999 - Williamson Ctny, TX. - "Theft" - $1,500 - $20,000.00 by check - Felony conviction.
1/25/00 - Arrested @ Ctny. Atny. Ofce. - Sherman, TX. - "Theft of property" - $500-$1.500.00 by 
                check - case # 901758517X - convicted. 
6/6/01 - Collin Ctny, TX. - "Theft by check" - $500.00 - Misdemeanor conviction.  
12/22/05  Ctny. Atny. Ofce. Sherman, TX. -Case #9099168519 - "Theft of property" - $20-$500 by
                 check - Midemeanor conviction.
12/22/05 - 336th District Court- Sherman, TX. - Case#010643 - "Theft of Property" - $1,500-
                  $20,000.00. Felony conviction - state jail.                 
12/23/05 - 213th District Court - Ft. Worth, TX. - "Theft of property" - $1,500 -$20,000.00.  
                  Arrested at District Atny. Ofce. Case # 020038090 - Felony conviction.
  8/31/06 - 196th district Court Greenville, TX. - "Theft"- $1,500.00-$20,000.00. Case #21472.
                  Felony conviction - state jail. 12/3/09 - Last day of Probation now complete.

Ralph R. Brescia

Delray Beach,
Rick "Ricky Gene Whitfield is a thief, pathological liar and multiple times convicted felon in Texas and Oklahoma

#4Author of original report

Fri, May 27, 2011

On or about 2/5/11 I called Gary Robert's of Robert's Credit Group located in Sherman, TX. I have a business affiliation with Gary and his office and have come to know both as being extremely reputable, honest diligent and hard working who's opinion I value and trust. I told Gary I was looking to secure a business LOC and asked if he knew of a reputable money broker. He recomended Rick Whitfield. I had my initial phone contact with Whitfield on or about 2/10/11 at which time I deliniated my needs and wants. He emphatically stated he could secure an AMX Black card for a fee of $5,000. After checking the AMX website I realized I had been given incorrect information. I called him back and stated it wouldn't meet my needs as I needed an amoritized loan not a net 30 day. He apologized for his mistake and then told me he could secure a $250K LOC for my business through the issuance of (3) credit cards from as many lenders. It would take 13 to 15 business to receive my first of (3) cards. On 2/18/11 I tendered a deposit check in the amount of $2,500.00 made out to Rick Whitfield personally at his insistance, signed a "contract" provided a copy of my driver's license ans SS card along with a signed POA. On 2/21/11 I recived a call from a cashier at a check cashing store in Texas asking me to verify certain information about my check and that Whitfield was standing in front of her impatiently waiting. I answered her questions and Whitfield cashed my check. On the 16th business day I called Whitfield and asked were my first credit card was. He told me to be patient and that, "it will arrive any day now just be patient it's been issued". I waited another 2 weeks with no card. At this point (3/30/11) I called him and demanded my deposit be returned in full immediately. He told me it would take several weeks to receive a refund and that his so called office manager "Tabitha", "had made a horrible mistake on hundreds of files" . He asked that I give him another chance to, "make things right". He proposed setting up an aged Florida corporation with an LOC of $125K. It would take him 4 weeks to register me as the new owner and another week to attach a $125K LOC. After calling Gary and stating I thought Whitfield was just stalling me and that I thought he was a scam artist, Gary convinced me Rick was legitimate and that it was my choice to wait several weeks for my refund or proceed, I proceeded. Gary and I  sent the first of several emails to Whitfield on 4/20/11 asking for a progress report. As of this date (5/27/11) Whitfield has not responded to either of our emails or phone calls. Realizing my inital instinct was correct about Whitfield being a thief I initiated a personal and criminal backround check on him. The following is a synopsis of my findings: Whitfields's first of several felony convictions and arrests took place on 1/7/1987 in Oklahoma for "receiving and posessing stolen property". On 2/18/1987 another felony conviction for "issuing 2 or more bogus checks". His probation for these felonies ended on 8/18/1993. He has numerous other felony and misdemeanor convictions along with a (9) page report of various civil judgements, state and federal tax liens, voluntary and involuntary evictions, bankrupcies and several banks who brought civil actions against him. Whitfied's most recent felony conviction and arrest took place on 12/22/05 in The 336th District Court in Sherman, TX.  for "theft of property between $1,500 -$20,000.00". His probation for this felony ended on 6/25/09. Whitfield has lived in over 9 states. In almost ever instance the story is the same. He has left behind numerous innocent and unsuspecting victims in his wake from as far notrh as a credit repair business in NYC to his own former backyard of Sherman, Texas. I've been contacted by several of Whitfield's more recent victims in the DFW area. We are actively searching for other victims of Whitfield and will soon present our evidence to the appropriate prosecutor's offices in the respective locals. One final note of caution. Whitfield has several other complaints against him on The Rip Off Revenge site under another of his company names - "Southwest Marketing Solutions". Do yourself a tremendous favor and run your own criminal and civil actions backround check on Rick "Ricky" Gene Whitfield DOB - 5/19/1960. He's a thief, a coward, a pathological liar and in my opinion the most unconscionable and amoral excuse for a human being as I've ever had the displeasure of crossing paths with.

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