  • Report:  #1480475

Complaint Review: Robbins-Madanes Training - Santa Barbara California

Reported By:
M - california , United States

Robbins-Madanes Training
3905 State St #7 Santa Barbara, 93105 California, United States
(877) 325-9040
https://rmtcenter.com , https://rmtcenter.com/platinumupgrade
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I inquired to Robbins-Mandanes Training. I was actually looking to see if there was any way to get coaching or even one conversation directly with Tony and was told there was not. My interaction with customer service was quite pleasant and Julie I thought was an outstanding representation of the brand.

I got 4 videos to intro the coaching program from RMT and after watching them and then downloading and listening to both Relationship Breakthrough, Cloe Mandanes book and Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins I was decided this was the path I needed to take. I knew right then I was signing up for the program and I scheduled my discovery call.

I spoke to a man named Quovadis Burwell. Being strongly intuitive and also having many conversations with people thru my past businesses. There were definitely a few red flags. But I looked past this not to judge that and knew I wanted to learn from the techniques of Tony Robbins. Part of picking the right coaching program for you is picking a teacher whom you really believe in.

I told him this call was not a question of whether I wanted to do the program as that was already decided, I just wanted more information and my options and all of that. He goes thru the Core100 for $3500 with 6 months live power calls or I could do the “platinum upgrade” core200 for $5000. With that I would get 2 years of practice labs and live calls and more learning material geared towards public speaking and working in groups.

We finally conclude our call ... which before we do, I asked him a few questions which led him to telling me he found the manufacturer for Louis Vuitton on a trip to china so he has all his “ counterfeit goods” (he texted me his website & i have copies of that too) - done by the same manufacturer as LV. Even boasting that he got a cease and desist letter from LV after one of his shipments was seized justifying it by saying oh so they can get stuff produced in china for cheap and I cant?

I was just able to find the same manufacturer there’s plenty to go around. Ok then tells me how he runs a lingerie business he’s off for a trip next week to Miami. Now he goes to this convention and he doesn’t buy a booth... he buys tickets for girls to enter the convention, rents a hotel room and then has the girls bring customers from the convention up to his room to buy his merchandise... and his reasoning in his head is he is actually contributing to the convention and not hurting it.

These were some of the red flags but this was not about him and his shady dealings. This was a reputable brand and I was ready to commit to my learning. So now I had a decision to make. $3500 or $5000. 3500 would get me the basic training and 5000 would get me the most I could learn and get from the program. I received an email from Quovadis with both links.

One for the core100. And the “Platinum Upgrade”which has Tonys picture front and center saying to be one of the top 50 trained coaches upgrade today! I asked many questions thru email in contemplating which one to go for. I wanted to make sure the upgrade wasn’t just a sales tactic to get me to spend add-on money. I didn’t want to make a quick decision so I slept on it. 2 days later I decided I am going to make the full investment. If I was going to do this, I would do it to the fullest, I believe in myself and the program and I want access to all the learning material I can get. I am ready.

I pay the $5000 and send Quovadis a copy of my invoice that I paid the $5000. I get a welcome email and after reviewing it the next day, I realized it said something about if I am one of the first 20 to signup I would receive a complimentary ticket to UPW to see Tony! I’m like no way why didn’t they say anything... So I messaged Quovadis Burwell. He tells me he isn’t in charge of this I need to look out for an email.

I responded that when I asked him about being the first 100 for the core100 program special he was able to answer that for me that I was so why is this different? In the meantime I also email customer service to ask them what is going on and if I was infact the first 20. Julie from Customer service responds to me saying they have no idea how I got that link that was an old promo from last year. And that program isn’t even available for purchase until the fall.

That I would have to purchase the core100 for $3500 first. And the platinum upgrade core200 program was a separate charge of $5000. What??? They tell me they will refund the 5000 and just charge me the 3500 for the core100. What is going on here. Qouvadis never told me that the core100 had to be purchased separate from the core200 and it’s not an “upgrade Option” because that’s exactly what he sold it to me as. I have a lot of intuition about people. I can quickly pickup on things.

I truly had asked so many questions and was 100% that my options were 3500 for basic or 5000 for upgrade. So now he calls me and tells me I got it all wrong but he takes responsibility for miscommunication . After realizing I was going to get nowhere with someone like this, as it’s clear he is not very good at taking any type of responsibility from what I already could tell. I asked to speak to his manager.

His manager Steven Cawiezell calls me. And without even asking or hearing anything that I have to say, he quickly jumps to Quovadis defense. Saying he said the core100 had to be completed first.I say if it were CLEAR. He would have stated Core100 is a separate program and must be PURCHASED separate. There was a million and one ways he could have and should have made it clear but he did not. I wonder if he wasn’t even clear about it as well. From what I was told from customer service that link should have never even been sent to me.

After I pointed out he started the conversation hot and as Quovadis' attorney not as a manger, he apologizes for this and he offers me the same, to refund the $5000. And just do the core100 at $3500 and he will give me $300 off for the misunderstanding. I say no because I know what I was told and promised. I reviewed this very carefully and made a HUGE decision about my future. I made this decision based on the information that was given by a representative of this company and I expect for this to be honored.

Honestly what are we talking about here. You uploading some more content to my library to honor what I was told and make good on a miscommunication. I wasn’t even asking for any money back. I just wanted what I was told and promised. Steven told me that probably isn’t going to happen. I also request to speak to someone above him and am told he is the highest level I will speak to (another red flag in my experience) At the very beginning of this ordeal I also reach out to customer service asking to speak to someone else that is higher and or the directors of the program. Mark or Magalia. This is a pretty big deal and would think its important that someone who can implement changes so this does not happen again would be important.

I have Steven follow up thru email and we finally touch base on monday after the weekend. He informs me he was able to add the core100 at no additional charge. I will get the core100 and the platinum for the price I already paid. Naturally, I must confirm all the details of everything. I confirm that the power calls and labs are for 2 years, he responds well its actually 12 months now but since you were told that I will honor It. Not only told by Quovadis but also on the actual webpage I was sent.

Days now over a week has gone by where I have had to present information and my case advocating for myself to get what I was originally told and promised... Crazy huh? All while I am the one with 5000 on my card and still no program to access. In one the the final emails he’s basically telling me he has no way to reset the refund period of 30 days and I say I’m not comfortable having a refund period going back to when I didn’t even have the material to review, it needs to start the day we finalize this agreement and move forward and I receive the material.

Also at this point now that we have finally gotten back to almost square one of what I was presented as being the program in exchange for my $5000 I asked that he take a step beyond and do something in the form of a credit, material or a book as a gesture for all this unnecessary nonsense Ive been put thru. He starts on his train again how him giving me the core100 for free is above and beyond etc etc . Not any way you would hope for a manager to speak to you.

Now I’m done. I’m sick of the day to days that it takes Steven to respond to me the attitude the remarks, the answers, the disrespect etc. This is not how I should be treated as a paying customer of $5000 to a program I am supposed to believe in and want to learn from. I once again demand to speak to mark or magalia. Someone. Im done with him and Quovadis. As he proclaims he’s worked with Quovadis for 3 years now. Huh? So I blow the whistle on all his fraudulent behavior did you know that?

Enough is enough already. Why are we still having this conversation. Really what is this even about ? All they had to do was honor what was said. Add material to my account. Reset the refund period to the day we get to agreement and you upload all the material. And issue a small credit. Or send me a book for god sakes. Really ? All this for that ??? You were wrong. Why not own it and do the right thing. I’m starting to see what they are really about and become more and more scared.

This is not a company with any morals and values. This is how they treat a customer paying $5000 for a program? I spent this money because I trusted in this program. You could clearly look back at the emails and you can see he never once said they were entirely separate purchases. Even the website is misleading saying UPGRADE and not to mention I should have never even been sent the link if its not available to students until they already pay for core100. The webpage and advestisement is completely false & misleading. I even get a welcome email about a promo that has long since ended.

So now I’m just totally disgusted because he’s gone back to the original comments of defending his buddy when he’s just down right wrong. After I write him a huge long email once again advocating for myself and He leaves it off he is working on the refund period and credit but needs to talk to others in the company.

After all of this, I receive a message from customer service . Probably the most cowardly of all :

Hi Michelle,

Mark asked me to pass this email on to you after your conversations with Steven in our enrollment department:

This is Mark Peysha. I understand there was some confusion about the training materials that come with the Platinum Program. I’m sorry to hear this. This training is offered only once per year and only to previous Core 100 students. This offer was made to you without my permission. I apologize for the resulting confusion and will discuss it with all parties involved so it doesn't happen again.

We will go ahead and issue a full refund to you for the Platinum program. If you’d like to proceed with the Core 100 training, we are happy to offer you a 10% discount.



Robbins-Madanes Training



3905 State St Unit 7 Santa Barbara CA 93105

Are you kidding????? After over a week of emails and calls back and forth. And having Steven agreed to include the core100 in the $5000 charge like originally advertised. Now the entire thing is pulled by the great and powerful oz .. that doesn’t even have the respect to face me? Thats how im treated? He can’t even reach out to me directly. Has nothing to ask or hear. Just makes a decision that I have been so patient and understanding and have spent time doing all of this to stand up for whats right and in the truth.

That I should have never have had to do. He's now changed it back to the original offer a week and half ago? After Ive been now promised TWICE that core100 would be included in the platinum upgrade. This is disgusting. So disrespectful. So horrible to treat humans this way. Humans that are paying A LOT of money. Investing and trusting in a program to learn. And this is what is done? This is a person who is teaching and guiding others to help people? Where's this guys skills? Where is his communication? Where is his respect for others?

He’s written books about coaching but this is how he chooses to handle a serious matter like this. We aren’t talking about a purchase of a shirt. And it’s not even just the $5000. This is a life decision. A career path. Truly coming to a point where I trusted in a program enough to spend $5000 and then to be treated like this with no regard. Every word in this statement is the truth and fact and can be backed up by documentation.  I don’t think this is a onetime thing or a simple misunderstanding either.

There’s actually multiple past webpages I pulled after the fact that stated the core100 was included in the platinum.. There is conflicting info all over the place. Employees are usually a reflection of the owner. And now I can see he’s surrounded by what he’s surrounded by, Because he chose this and He’s worse than all of them. I wrote back that this was not acceptable and to have him contact me directly. no response I then emailed the next day no response.

Since then, there is clear refusal of any communication from the company or from Mark Peysha or Steven Cawiezell. This is not acceptable behavior by a company and they should be held accountable.  False & misleading advertising is not something that should be taken lightly especially when they are extracting thousands of dollars.

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