  • Report:  #131119

Complaint Review: Rochelle Gordon Wendy Carol - Milford Connecticut

Reported By:
- Duluth, Minnesota,

Rochelle Gordon Wendy Carol
167 Cherry St., PMB 292 Milford, 06460-3400 Connecticut, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I'm glad I checked the Internet and found this web site and information on these "psychics" before sending any money to them. The following is the email I just received from Rochelle Gordon. I understand that she sends identical emails to other individuals. If anyone else has gotten this email, I hope they see this report, as well as the others listed on this web site, before they send any money for "The Secret Realm of Your Personal Power" by Wendy Carol, or for any other publications by her other cohorts.

Dear Gail,

As I mentioned in my last letter, I've been working on your first Forecast for Health, Wealth & Happiness, and I will be sending it to you in a few days, so please watch for the delivery in your inbox.

It's very unusual, but every now and then I'll be doing a reading for someone when suddenly I get the strangest feeling...almost like a tingle of excitement or electricity...and I know right away, that person's life is about to take a major turn for the better.

So when I got this exact feeling tonight, as I was working on your Forecast for Health, Wealth and Happiness," I said to myself, "Rochelle, you better drop everything and tell Gail what's going on!"

On February 26, 2005 Your Life

Could Be Completely Changed Forever And Your

Money Problems Solved!

You might remember, in the first email, I showed you how my free forecast helped one of my friends win an award in excess of $500,000.00. Well, now it's your turn to reap riches and rewards beyond your wildest imagination.

Yes! I can see a series of extremely beneficial events coming your way, but for reasons that I will explain to you in this letter, you may be unable to take advantage of these opportunities to improve your life...

That is why it is important that you PAY CLOSE ATTENTION to what I tell you below.

As a psychic astrologer, I can get a "vision" of your Destiny by examining your chart. And, I have discovered some very important information that I am going to reveal to you now!

The true hidden reason

of your problems will be revealed to you!

Listen: Some facets of your Natal Chart indicate that you possess an extraordinary unusual beneficial power -- in fact, you have as much potential for Good Fortune as the most successful and famous people on Earth!

Yet Success and Happiness always seem to slip through your fingers because you've never been able to GRAB the opportunities for Luck that come your way at the moment they present themselves to you. Your chances for Luck pass you by without your even seeing them!

I'm sure you wonder what makes "successful," "lucky" people different from you. Why do you continue to struggle to pay bills and make ends meet when everything in your Natal Chart says that you should be living in a pretty house all your own and be free from money troubles?

In fact, I've discovered that you are surrounded by negative waves which could not only spoil your relationships with others but also ruin your chances of success in finances. That would explain the contrast between the strong Luck Potential within you and the life you are living.

Indeed, you should be living a life of success and happiness without any worries, surrounded by sincere friends.

Unless we fight together against that negative energy, you may never be able to take advantage of the Luck that comes your way. It is time to free you from this bad influence!


Yes, as the aspects in your chart confirm you possess an amazing Personal Power asleep within you...a power that could be the KEY to your Lifelong Happiness!

Think carefully...No matter how impossible your problems have seemed, no matter how often you've felt "This is the last straw...", you've always managed to stay afloat, haven't you? You've managed to get past a good number of stumbling blocks in your life, if you stop to think about it...

It is the glimmer of your own, inner Personal Power that has given you enough strength and creativity to conquer your obstacles!

And think what you could do

if you learned to MASTER this Power...

By learning to cultivate this benevolent ATTRACTIVE FORCE that is yours, you could become the captivating, powerful person you have always dreamed of being...


Your personality as well as your future are inscribed in the Map of your Destiny. These gifts and talents that are YOURS BY RIGHT OF BIRTH are revealed to anyone who knows how to read them -- as are any of your shortcomings.

But, do YOU recognize these strengths and abilities within you - such as your own PERSONAL POWER - that can lead you to success?

Do YOU know which of the weak links in your character are keeping you from the Luck and Happiness you deserve?

I know someone who can reveal to you these untapped resources within your personality -- and show you how to USE these resources to become the true Master of your Destiny!


By mastering your own hidden strengths, you can know INSTINCTIVELY which opportunities you absolutely must seize to improve your life during your upcoming Lucky Period beginning on February 26, 2005, as well as those you absolutely must avoid so as not to fall into new problems during this crucial time of your life. I especially see the time around March 3, 2004 as a time for you to be extremely careful... but there is no room here to go into specific details.

What I am proposing is to introduce you to a long-time colleague and friend of mine, Wendy Carol, a brilliant psychic astrologer, with more than 23 years of professional experience. Wendy can reveal to you precisely these elements of your personality so that you can become the true master of your destiny!

For example, I predict that on or near March 14, 2005, you will meet a person who can bring you many emotional or financial benefits. If you don't know how to tap into your inner POWER, you won't know how to profit from this meeting and you run a big risk of letting a DECISIVE chance to better your life slip by. Wendy Carol can show you exactly how to do this...

The revelations Wendy can give you about your astral profile will let you tap into your inner PERSONAL POWER and know whether this person is operating in YOUR best interest... or whether you should avoid him at all costs!

You've been playing the lottery regularly for many months, but Lady Luck only very rarely keeps the appointment. And yet, a win of $3,000 or $4,000 would really put your affairs in order, wouldn't it?

You play the lottery, but did you know that there are hours and days that are more beneficial for you to play games of chance? For example, April 2, 2005 is a day when Good Fortune could be on your side in games of chance!

Numbers even exist that are especially beneficial for you, which you should ABSOLUTELY PLAY if you want to be sure to put the most Luck on your side!

And remember, you definitely want to have these numbers on hand before February 26, 2005 to get the MOST PROFIT from your upcoming Lucky Period!

By following the revelations Wendy can make for you, about you and your personality, you will know your hours, your days, and your Most Beneficial Numbers not only for the lottery, but also for work and for Love! (No, they are not the same ones!)

Yes, all this, and lots of other things too, are what I am proposing that you discover in...


You will find in this precious document everything you must do to free this Fantastic Force within you! I actually worked on the material and methods that Wendy relies on in providing you with this illuminating and empowering analysis of your birth chart. So I know that it will give you exactly what you need to know to achieve long-term success.

You will also find a whole range of useful advice so you can eliminate from your life certain ill-fated aspects of your personality and, on the contrary, emphasize your best qualities.

By learning to cultivate your benevolent Attractive Force, you will become the captivating and powerful person you've always dreamed of being...

You can learn to know yourself better, to master yourself, to act according to firm and definite ideas that will allow you to influence and dominate other people and events.

Of course, we will need time and patience to reach a perfect result, but this will lead only to joys and pleasures for your future.

My friend, you are going to get nothing but satisfaction and rewards. Believe me, the goal is certainly worth the effort...

In everyone's eyes you will become a captivating, influential, admired and envied individual. Your company will be sought by everyone. Your advice will be solicited. Nothing will be done anymore without your agreement or your opinion.

You see, by learning to develop your inner Personal Power, a whole new world will offer itself to you, a world positioned under the benevolent signs of Love, Money and Luck in Everything!




Similar guides are offered elsewhere on the Web for $29.95, but none are as detailed, insightful, and personally crafted to address your most immediate needs as what Wendy has to offer you.

And most important, because you are a special friend of mine, Wendy has agreed to give you this amazing guide for only $9.95. She is making this gesture so that nothing will keep you from fulfilling all the promise and potential that lie inside of you and ahead of you!

Plus, you get the protection of Wendy's

unconditional lifetime money-back guarantee

You take absolutely no risk by accepting Wendy's offer of help! I am sure that "The Secret Realm of Your Personal Power" will give you the breakthrough you need to open your life to true happiness and success, but if at any time, for any reason you feel that "The Secret Realm of Your Personal Power" has not helped you become the charismatic, influential person you wish to become, just send Wendy a note, and you will receive an immediate refund, including the shipping and handling...with no explanation necessary.

This ironclad guarantee lets you rest assured that Wendy and I have your best interests at heart.


Wendy wants to give you something I know you'll love...


This exquisite goldtone pendant is a mystical amulet with a centuries-old history of empowering those who wear it to WIN BIG and ATTRACT FORTUNE ($100,000? $200,000?) everywhere they go!

Combined with your guide, "The Secret Realm of Your Personal Power," the Secret Treasure Talisman could help you win the lottery, raffles, sweepstakes, and games of chance - If you trust in its strength completely...

As soon as Wendy receives your answer, she will send your Free Secret Treasure Talisman to you right away, along with your 45-page copy of "The Secret Realm of Your Personal Power."

Get the edge you need to break through into a new era

of wealth, happiness and riches -- don't wait!

Remember, you can awaken the sleeping power of your mind! It could be the edge you need to benefit fully from my guidance and finally break the barrier of Bad Luck you feel around you.

ABOVE ALL, DON'T WAIT ONE MORE SECOND, because as I told you, you are an extremely lucky person who should be practically "rolling in riches," and you are needlessly wasting your chances simply because you don't know how to read the signals Destiny sends you! You must admit it's a shame...

I see you flooded with LUCK, SUCCESS, MONEY, and everything you've ever wished you could have! I've given you the facts. The rest is up to you!

Just click the button below, and you can soon be basking in the riches of your dreams!

Your Friend,



Duluth, Minnesota

17 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
why see a physic?

#2General Comment

Wed, December 02, 2009

why see a physic if you do not believe in what they can do?

Note: when you signed up for the letter it stated in small print for entertainment purposes only.

Back to the letter at hand yes it is the same for every one. it is a auto response when you fill in the request form.

Next if you did not wish to receive the letter and all the messages why did you join the mailing list?

I am in no way for or against this form of business practice.

It is call white listing. you gave them the right to add you to receive promo's of physic products when you filled out the form. that showed them your interested in tarot, visions and other physic items.

It is a business. Just like  infomercials Where they claim you could make $1,000's a week.
The info they provide is tested and proven to work.

the only part of the testing they claim in the small print is if you do not fallow methods or give up before you start you make $0.

I can tell you that visions are real.

I can tell you Ghosts, Sprites, Guardian angels and other life forces do exist. 

I can tell you I can read playing cards with a physic tool to know what card is next to be drawn before it is even flipped over.

I can even find items with a map of the area where the item was lost.

I can and have jumped out of my body and travel thousands of miles to check on loved ones when they don't call in weeks.

I can hear voices & get thoughts that are not my own.

So if you do not believe in such things why are you even seeking a

!!!!!!!!!!!  FREE READING    !!!!!!!!

That is how you got the letter. a free reading.

What do you want for free?

Understand the book is full of good info.

But you will never know that because you want to bash physic insight.

do your self a favor and understand that people can help you change your life and guide you in achieving what you desire out of life.

They are called physic's, life couch, friends and family.

every one you let in your life makes your life what it is today.

and the only way to change your life is to start with the only person who can make a difference in your life.

Like micheal jacksons song says "The Man in the mirror"

set your goals, make a plane, set your intent & mind to achieve them.

So in closing. business is business and the life you live is your own to create.

Be happy, love and enjoy the life you create, because only you made it happen.

peace and good will to all who read this.


North Carolina,
how many wendy carol are there?

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, October 10, 2009

I got a letter in the mail from a wendy carol saying all the same words as in all these postings except she only want me to send her $5.00 for shipping and handling.  I gotten many letters from so many people saying the know everything and I burn them.  There is no way some many people can know everything about me and never see me.  If she is getting all this tingling then she may be having convolsions or starting to have epileptic seizures.  hope she is down low when it happens then she won't herself falling.  the address she gave on the letter is:

wendy carol, PMB 395, 4057 route 9 north, Howell, NJ  07731

I even went to the website and there is no contact info or any way to send an email.  She has to be paying for an email address list to get your email or someone is giving her your email address from going to a certain website.  I think they call this 3rd party affiliate advertising or mailings.  I never tried her or fell for the bs and I greatful I didn't.  I have talked with one named Raylene Van Worth and she always gave what i sent for and it was good but no fortune was promised.  She writes a books for each person every month and it is called "Follow the Good Red Road"  not bad books but will guide you into believing or getting involved in reincarnation.  Scary thing.


I have received this email as well and wondered about it.

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, April 11, 2008

I too have received an email, mine coming from a so-called known psychic who goes by the name of "Bethea Jenner". Others have posted the same email in here, so i wont do that, but it is exactly the same, word for word. I have gone to see a psychic before here in Portland Oregon, and was very impressed with what she told me about myself, my past, and what she had to say about my future. I was tempted to spend $10 dollars to see what this one had to say, but after reading these comments, I think I will save my $10 dollars for gas.


Wheat Ridge,
Astrology Hokum

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, January 28, 2008

The e-mails extracted and the one I received wk 23 Jan 07are identical in wording only he dates are changed. If one looks at dates, first series started in 2005. You would think the perpatrators would make changes in wording outsided of changing only dates. Price does not seem a lot but multiply with probable return, this is a very lucrative scheme. Internet cost is negligibl. Mail lists can be obtained for a low cost. Postage is a major cost, but the ''''fish" has paid this one time cost. No solicitation via US Mail, so unless bogus claims are in the mailing, there is no recourse. If you feel adventurous and the cost is not a factor, go ahead and be their next "FISH. JUST BEWARE that you are now on their list


Wheat Ridge,
Astrology Hokum

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, January 28, 2008

The e-mails extracted and the one I received wk 23 Jan 07are identical in wording only he dates are changed. If one looks at dates, first series started in 2005. You would think the perpatrators would make changes in wording outsided of changing only dates. Price does not seem a lot but multiply with probable return, this is a very lucrative scheme. Internet cost is negligibl. Mail lists can be obtained for a low cost. Postage is a major cost, but the ''''fish" has paid this one time cost. No solicitation via US Mail, so unless bogus claims are in the mailing, there is no recourse. If you feel adventurous and the cost is not a factor, go ahead and be their next "FISH. JUST BEWARE that you are now on their list


Wheat Ridge,
Astrology Hokum

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, January 28, 2008

The e-mails extracted and the one I received wk 23 Jan 07are identical in wording only he dates are changed. If one looks at dates, first series started in 2005. You would think the perpatrators would make changes in wording outsided of changing only dates. Price does not seem a lot but multiply with probable return, this is a very lucrative scheme. Internet cost is negligibl. Mail lists can be obtained for a low cost. Postage is a major cost, but the ''''fish" has paid this one time cost. No solicitation via US Mail, so unless bogus claims are in the mailing, there is no recourse. If you feel adventurous and the cost is not a factor, go ahead and be their next "FISH. JUST BEWARE that you are now on their list


New Brocton,
same scam new name Bethea Jenner

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, April 08, 2007

Bethea Jenner


exact same email tingling sensation when preparing my charts

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, July 08, 2005

I also just received the email about how she got a tingling sensation when preparing my charts, and I got the link to buy a guide and a necklace for $10.00 I read the previous posts and my email was the exact same, it is not personalized to each person, rip off.


This has the potential to take a lot of desperate people to the cleaners.

#10Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 25, 2005

If you read her bait, this fraud says many of the right things. I'd have a hard time rewriting her story to make it a lot more effective. I can see a few improvements, but this fraud is clearly above average. Her story does ramble on a little long. But, that's just me. A real loser has nothing better to do in life. They got all the time in the world to sit down and read her promises of wealth and fame. Even if it takes 20 minutes. Naturally, $10 is just for openers. Once these crooks get a live one on the line, they'll bleed them dry. Here's why this nonsense is so effective. Imagine if you are a total loser. A loser in love. Money. Career. Nothing works. Who would you turn to? Ya got no real friends. Then, this woman shows up. Offers you some hope. Psychic mumbo jumbo. Losers are already in tune with their psychic energy anyway. They don't need much of a push to fall for everything these psychic cons are saying. The only good thing is that these crooks are wasting their talents on losers. People who are failures don't have ten grand to pay the psychic scam lady. And, the people who do have the money don't feel like listening to her loony stories. So, she's stuck at the low end of the earning scale. Still, at $100 a head, times 1000 losers. Maybe more. Remember, we're talking about the draw of the internet. I predict somebody is going to fall hook, line, and sinker for this nonsense. And since the victim will see this nonsense as their only hope, I can't see any real way to warn them off. Hopefully, they'll do a search and come here before they send out the money.


This has the potential to take a lot of desperate people to the cleaners.

#11Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 25, 2005

If you read her bait, this fraud says many of the right things. I'd have a hard time rewriting her story to make it a lot more effective. I can see a few improvements, but this fraud is clearly above average. Her story does ramble on a little long. But, that's just me. A real loser has nothing better to do in life. They got all the time in the world to sit down and read her promises of wealth and fame. Even if it takes 20 minutes. Naturally, $10 is just for openers. Once these crooks get a live one on the line, they'll bleed them dry. Here's why this nonsense is so effective. Imagine if you are a total loser. A loser in love. Money. Career. Nothing works. Who would you turn to? Ya got no real friends. Then, this woman shows up. Offers you some hope. Psychic mumbo jumbo. Losers are already in tune with their psychic energy anyway. They don't need much of a push to fall for everything these psychic cons are saying. The only good thing is that these crooks are wasting their talents on losers. People who are failures don't have ten grand to pay the psychic scam lady. And, the people who do have the money don't feel like listening to her loony stories. So, she's stuck at the low end of the earning scale. Still, at $100 a head, times 1000 losers. Maybe more. Remember, we're talking about the draw of the internet. I predict somebody is going to fall hook, line, and sinker for this nonsense. And since the victim will see this nonsense as their only hope, I can't see any real way to warn them off. Hopefully, they'll do a search and come here before they send out the money.


This has the potential to take a lot of desperate people to the cleaners.

#12Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 25, 2005

If you read her bait, this fraud says many of the right things. I'd have a hard time rewriting her story to make it a lot more effective. I can see a few improvements, but this fraud is clearly above average. Her story does ramble on a little long. But, that's just me. A real loser has nothing better to do in life. They got all the time in the world to sit down and read her promises of wealth and fame. Even if it takes 20 minutes. Naturally, $10 is just for openers. Once these crooks get a live one on the line, they'll bleed them dry. Here's why this nonsense is so effective. Imagine if you are a total loser. A loser in love. Money. Career. Nothing works. Who would you turn to? Ya got no real friends. Then, this woman shows up. Offers you some hope. Psychic mumbo jumbo. Losers are already in tune with their psychic energy anyway. They don't need much of a push to fall for everything these psychic cons are saying. The only good thing is that these crooks are wasting their talents on losers. People who are failures don't have ten grand to pay the psychic scam lady. And, the people who do have the money don't feel like listening to her loony stories. So, she's stuck at the low end of the earning scale. Still, at $100 a head, times 1000 losers. Maybe more. Remember, we're talking about the draw of the internet. I predict somebody is going to fall hook, line, and sinker for this nonsense. And since the victim will see this nonsense as their only hope, I can't see any real way to warn them off. Hopefully, they'll do a search and come here before they send out the money.


This has the potential to take a lot of desperate people to the cleaners.

#13Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 25, 2005

If you read her bait, this fraud says many of the right things. I'd have a hard time rewriting her story to make it a lot more effective. I can see a few improvements, but this fraud is clearly above average. Her story does ramble on a little long. But, that's just me. A real loser has nothing better to do in life. They got all the time in the world to sit down and read her promises of wealth and fame. Even if it takes 20 minutes. Naturally, $10 is just for openers. Once these crooks get a live one on the line, they'll bleed them dry. Here's why this nonsense is so effective. Imagine if you are a total loser. A loser in love. Money. Career. Nothing works. Who would you turn to? Ya got no real friends. Then, this woman shows up. Offers you some hope. Psychic mumbo jumbo. Losers are already in tune with their psychic energy anyway. They don't need much of a push to fall for everything these psychic cons are saying. The only good thing is that these crooks are wasting their talents on losers. People who are failures don't have ten grand to pay the psychic scam lady. And, the people who do have the money don't feel like listening to her loony stories. So, she's stuck at the low end of the earning scale. Still, at $100 a head, times 1000 losers. Maybe more. Remember, we're talking about the draw of the internet. I predict somebody is going to fall hook, line, and sinker for this nonsense. And since the victim will see this nonsense as their only hope, I can't see any real way to warn them off. Hopefully, they'll do a search and come here before they send out the money.


United Kingdom
A solution to this "scam"

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, June 24, 2005

If someone actually posts the supposed personal power document we can see if these documents which have been paid for are individual or not, rather than just putting the opening message from Rochelle introducing you to the report which is more likely to be a cut and paste job.


Rochelle Gordon, She claimed to get this great "tingle" reading my chart also!

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, June 19, 2005

Funny to see that the exact same letter that Rochelle just sent me was sent to all the above. I actually replyed to her email (whether she gets it or not who knows) but I said that if you "know" that my financial situation is shaky right now then you would also "know" that to give you what money I do have would be incredibly stupid on my part. She claimed to get this great "tingle" reading my chart also! Give me a break. I truly hope NO ONE falls for any of this.


Rochelle Gordon, Wendy Carol psychics Template Emails

#16Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 04, 2005

Interestingly enough, my name is also Gail, and I received an email almost exactly as the original reporter, Gail. The opening of my "exciting news" is: " As I mentioned in my last letter, I've been working on your first Forecast for Health, Wealth & Happiness, and I will be sending it to you in a few days, so please watch for the delivery in your inbox. It's very unusual, Gail, but every now and then I'll be doing a reading for someone when suddenly I get the strangest feeling...almost like a tingle of excitement or electricity...and I know right away, that person's life is about to take a major turn for the better. So when I got this exact feeling tonight, as I was working on your Forecast for Health, Wealth and Happiness," I said to myself, "Rochelle, you better drop everything and tell Gail what's going on!" Gail, On June 5, 2005 Your Life Could Be Completely Changed Forever And Your Money Problems Solved! Gail, you might remember, in the first email, I showed you how my free forecast helped one of my friends win an award in excess of $500,000.00. Well, now it's your turn to reap riches and rewards beyond your wildest imagination." Luckily I ran a search for Wendy Carol and stumbled across this site - thank you very much! I'll keep my money right in my pocket! Cheers,


La Place,
Common Sense ..There is no way to tell the future.

#17Consumer Comment

Sun, May 29, 2005

If you use Common Sense you will know that his type psychic astrologer or anything like it is a rip off if they know so much about you why do they need so much info. I do it just for fun like receiving a joke. There is no way to tell the future. I there was where would the fun be in life, no challenge Sorry but if you fall for a rip off like this and expect it to be true. You get what you get


Fort Worth,
A Grateful Recipient Offers a Dose of Common Sense

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, May 23, 2005

I have received weekly forecasts from Ms. Gordon, and have also received the noted book of Ms. Carol's, among many other timely offers of infinate assistance theough the books suggested by Ms. Gordon. I have found every bit of the information relevant, enlightening, and put quite simply, a series of blessings that have promoted nothing short of wisdom so priceless one should be grateful and excited to have been trusted with it. Naturally, when someone lacks common sense, the most simplistic and beneign information, or intentions, can be oblivious to the individual perceiving otherwise. If one does not believe in or practice faith in their own intuitive ability to trust the choices they have made, like the choice to request weekly correspondence from someone who has not cloaked their profession, intentions, or services and products, then it is of their own fault if later they feel deceived by this correspondence. In closing, I hope the person who felt it neccessary to report another for their own immature perception of a great gift offering, finds the knowledge they require to better evaluate their judgements. Rochelle and Wendy have been angels in the darkest moments of my life lately and seeing as there is only one lonely report against either of them anywhere on the net, maybe this reports owner should consider their extent of expertise in any area of which they feel compelled to foolishly judge negatively.

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