  • Report:  #68605

Complaint Review: Rocky Tibbott - Rock Tibbott - Delaware Iowa

Reported By:
- Walker, Iowa,

Rocky Tibbott - Rock Tibbott
331 6th St. Delaware,IA. Delaware, Iowa, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We had problems with the drywall where you can see where they covered up broken drywall when they hung the drywall. Then when he textured it he put it on too thin with too much air pressure and knocked it down too fast so when it dryed there is now pinholes all over the walls.He oversprayed on the walls when he was doing another room. Asked him to come back and fix the problem and finish what needed to be fixed and he told us no that he was going to just put a lien on our house.

We got the bill on a Monday and on Wednesday he put a lien against our house.On the bill it said we had 30 days to pay him but he went and put a lien on the house in 2 days. He wouldn't come back and try to figure out how to fix the problem. We only had 30 days to close on our house with the bank and he knew that so he just harrassed us by putting a lien on our house so we had to pay him or we couldn't close on our house and move in.

We told him we were not going to pay him til he fixed it so he just put a lien on our house knowing that was the only way we could close was to pay the bill. We were going to pay him,we just wanted it fixed right and complete the job where he left holes in our bathroom where the drywall didn't meet the bottom of the shower base.We told him we would pay him as soon as he came back to figure out a solution to the problem.

Very poor poor quality work and we would never in our lives recommend him to anyone. He took advantage of us in several ways. He took the supplies we paid for that were extra and then told us he didn't know what happened to them. He ruined one of our doors we had professionally painted as well. Cut electrical wires to get out of his way while hanging the drywall so now we are having problems getting the electrical done.


Walker, Iowa

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