  • Report:  #844309

Complaint Review: Roger Greer - Todd North Carolina

Reported By:
Janet - Fleetwood, North Carolina, U.S.A.

Roger Greer
523 Milt Houck road Todd, 28684 North Carolina, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In February 2006 shortly after the Christmas Mountain perjury fiasco in Ashe county NC. the subject of another ripoff report here, I made an offer to purchase a doublewide mobile home from Mr. Greer. He accepted the offer and the down payment was made. I moved in and then the fun began. first the wall recepticals started to catch fire.  I first offered to have my attorney at Legal Aid draw up our documents and from what I was told after talking to her, she contacted Mr. Greer and her offer was refused.

Then after a couple months making my payments  at Hillview personally and asking each time for a contract or deed of trust,only to be given some excuse or the other,  I went in one day to find Mr. Greer laughing. When I asked him what was so funny he stated that he guessed I knew that the home had no deeded access. when I informed him I did not know, he stated he knew the fact when he bought the home and land at auction and had asked his attorney who I assume was Mr. Jim Reeves, the same attorney of Christmas Mountain fame, what would happen should access be block to be told he could SUE. Now after two years of hell with Christmas mountain  I personally wanted to puke.

 I replaced the water heater when I first moved in since the one in the home had frozen and was busted.  Little did I know my fun was just beginning. After a few more weeks my neighbor introduced himself and warned me not to drink the water.  He stated that it was not safe to drink what little there was of it, so I had to start buying bottled water.  Next the elements on the new water heater blew when the water stopped. Upon checking I was to find that both springs feeding the water to the home had been dry since sometime in the 80's and that attempts to drill a well had failed. A relative of the former owner stopped one day and asked me if I had water and stated the previous owners had always had water problems.

Another little problem that Mr. Greer had conveniently forgotten to disclose and I was still waiting on the documents making me an actual home buyer with rights. Twice more I replaced the water heater blown elements before finally giving up. Then one day the wall receptical in the bathroom shorted burning my daughters hand badly and ruining a brand new vacumn cleaner. Oh Joy next came replacement of all the recepticals in the kitchen, bathroom, and living room where I had already had one short and ruin a stereo my uncle had given me. After all, all my furniture had been destroyed by Christmas Mountain with the blessings of the Ashe county court after a little bit of perjury and things people had given me were about all I had in the furniture line. .

Now by this time I had water problems, no right of way, no hot water, and began getting writeups at work. Turned out so I was told someone from Charlotte had been calling my employer causing problems. But I was still making my payments as agreed, and still had no rights. But things were to get a lot worse, suddenly I was beginning to suspect I was never going to see anything making this a legal transaction, but still I made my payments going to work anytime scheduled.  Then came the MOLD, a creepy white mess, creeping through the ceilings and taking over the closets, out came the Clorox, the lysol and still the mold grew, on the walls, on my clothing, anything and everything like a creeping monster. There was no stopping or controlling it.

Then 4 and a half years later, still no nothing, my problems at work began to take their toll and the lack of hot water was not enjoyable.Heating bathwater on the electric stove was destroying the burners and I went through two stoves in no time. By this time septic tank problems also cropped up and each time I would get the washer enough water to do laundry sewage would back up in the tub. Also by this time Mr. Greer had also tried some really creative moves to try to push me into default and both my daughter and I had lost our jobs.

First he changed the payment dates of the payments from the 18th of the month to the first to insure I would be behind, added extra charges for payments a day late, if it could be pulled he did it and still no rights for the one making the payments. This I have the documents to prove.  Finally on just my unemployment I fell behind., It took me a month to save up for a payment and one day when I went to give Mr. Greer the payment he refused to accept it. A couple weeks later was the first of two illegal eviction notices stating I was delinquent on my rent so obviously I had been doing nothing but renting and spending money and time on the property to clean up the messes left by the former owner and now dealing with the issues IO did not know about in the beginning.

Now in NC it is against the law to try to do self help evictions but here were two of them. Now having been dragged through the mudd by Christmas Mountain with their perjury I knew they were not legal, so next came a letter from Attorney Reeves himself, bragging as to how he had evicted me for Christmas Mountain and had masterminded the whole thing there. Now when I mediated with Christmas Mountain it was understood no mediation agreement if anyone, that is ANYONE involved in that fiasco was NOT to leave me alone, no contact whatsoever.

Now it was being claimed, as it is in court right now and they are trying for a Declaratory judgment against me and the right to immediately toss my daughter and I out on the street homeless with absolutely no income, and no jobs, that I was presented with a Deed of Trust and I refused to sign it saying I would not do so if Reeves drew it up. That is a lie since I said I would not sign it unless my attorney looked at it first which is a moot point since no deed of trust was ever offered to me, by anyone representing Mr. Greer or he himself.  More perjury. That is where the situation now stands, court to happen on the last Thursday of March.

Now the plain facts were when I moved here I had been put through hell and was under the care of New River mental health, sleeping on the floor just to be able to have a home of my own and not become a burden on my children, working any shift.  So here we had a person involved in the care of the elderly and disabled taking advantage of a person suffering from depression. Taking 34,000 dollars and all the repairs and hard work I had put in the property in his greed and trying to make us one of the many unemployed and homeless. Had I known the facts he would not have gotten 34 cents from me in fact I would have laughed in his face and moved to Tennessee getting the hell out of Asghe county for good.  Not to mention I now have Mr. Reeves telling the court I'm living in Mr. Greers fine house, it's not a house Mr. Smart lawyer man, , it happens to be a double wide mobile home made in 1987 I believe, with a now leaky roof, sewage backing up, lousy water supply, and now an infestation of wood eating insects.

 For the past 6 years I have had no rights, to get help with my payments after losing my job, for which I would have been eligible had I had anything saying I was actually buying a home, to get help underpinning and weatherizing it or anything else.  This man cannot claim ignorance either having a listing of more than 38 real estate transactions at the Ashe county register of deeds office so he definitely KNEW what was required. So I guess it comes as no surprise I still have no rights now. Except to keep funneling money to a man who would not keep his word if his life depended on it, or probably in my opinion the life of the people entrusted to his care.

Even the county Fraud investigator told me not to give him another cent and the State Attorney General is just waiting for this to get out of court.  That is my opinion of the character of a man who would do something as he has done. SHAME on such a greedy,  two faced in my opinion person. In my attempt to leave the nightmare of Christmas Mountain development behind and have a home of my own, just one home, not 5 or 6,  I have now been caused to lose two jobs, mine and my daughters, jobs of ten years, 6 of those years with no writeups for certain issues,  have absolutely no income, so probably will have no lights and phone by the time I return to court, and will probably be homeless in a few more weeks.

 I know just how the system in this county works. Money talks and you know what will walk, and I will be living under a bridge for the next winter.  If I was not legal when I owned my own mobile home and had a registered lease on the land it sat on until 2017,  having no rights,  and I'm not legal with any rights now I guess in the eyes of the Ashe county court I will never have rights, either because I am a woman, or because I have always been considered poor.  All Mr. Greer sees in my opinion is his almighty dollar signs. And in the Ashe county court the almighty dollar speaks and certain people can get away with violations of the Implied warranty of habitability and the Unfair and deceptive trade Acts or their according to Attorney Reeves to a judge in this case over a year ago, a  not a buyer/seller, not a rental, funny situation. As you can see I am not LAUGHING.

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