  • Report:  #1401289

Complaint Review: Russell Blair Racing - Internet

Reported By:
NotSoGullibleFool - London, United Kingdom

Russell Blair Racing
Internet, USA
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This will likely be the only negative Russell Blair Racing review you are likely to read online, but it will also be the only honest one.

I’m not sure what the reasons are for the masses of generic positive reviews out there, perhaps the majority of Russell Blair’s subscribers are just not very intelligent and haven’t realised they are being duped, or perhaps all the positive reviews come from another source, who knows. Or, maybe it's the possible reason that I and others have faced in trying to post reviews about Russell Blair, more on that at the end of the review.

The facts are that Russell Blair (Twitter: @dangerussbets), and the so called ‘proofing’ site that he pays to ‘verify’ his results are conning everyone who use his service based on the false ‘profits’ that they both falsely advertise on their websites.

So, in a nutshell, the monthly ‘results’ shown on the Russel Blair Racing website are all a big scam, let me explain why.

Having foolishly been paying to receive Russell Blair’s horse racing tips for the last few months after being sucked in by what looked to be unbelievable monthly profits, and the confirmation from what appeared to be a legitimate proofing website (http://www.racingproofing.com), I was shocked to discover what was really going on after a couple of months of being a member.

Let me explain how Russell Blair’s racing service works. This is Blair’s main tipping service where he emails out the selections the night before, he has recently also started a morning tips service on top of his main service, more on that absolute fiasco later.

He emails out the selections the night before the racing at around 6-6.30pm. So, a lot of the time this means that races end up having horses withdrawn when there are changes in the going or whatever other excuses trainers use to withdraw horses.

This results in something called ‘Rule 4’ deductions. Depending on the price of the horse, the reduction will vary. This means that the profit you would have been receiving had the horse won at the price you originally got will be slashed by whatever the Rule 4 percentage is.

If there are a number of withdrawn horses then the Rule 4 can be as much as 90% of your profit lost. As you can imagine, when you select your horses the night before the racing at 6.30pm then the outcome is that a lot of the time you are going to have races which have Rule 4 reductions of varying sizes.

Since I have been a member of Russell Blair’s service, even though there have been hardly any winners at all, when there have been winners, a lot of the time they have had Rule 4 reductions, on a few occasions as much as 30-40% reductions.

This means that a lot of the stated prices that were available at certain bookmakers the night before is then completely irrelevant due to the rule 4 reductions.

Now, here’s the incredible part. Russell Blair’s advertised profits, and the so-called proofing website he uses to lure people in to believing these lies, both fail to include Rule 4 reductions in the so called monthly profits!

So basically, the claimed monthly profits they are advertising on both websites are completely false and impossible to get anywhere near to by anyone who uses the service.

I would estimate that this artificially inflates Russel Blair’s advertised profits by at the very least 25% compared to what the reality is. Unfortunately, the deception doesn’t stop there, while these outright lies are the worst part, there are a few other big draw backs of using this service.

As I mentioned before, Russell Blair sends out the tips the night before racing at around 6.30pm. This means that every night he gets the absolutely best value from the bookmakers, which means that in the long run it should be pretty hard not to turn some sort of profit – in theory.

However, the drawback of this is that because there is next to no money already been placed with the bookmakers, it literally takes less than a minute for the prices to be massively slashed as soon as he emails the tips out.

In reality, this means that you can never regularly get your money on at the same prices as he claims in the emails he sends out. Well there is one way you could get the prices he claims around maybe 80% of the time, all you’d have to do is this;

1. Every single night, 365 days a year, between 6pm and 7pm, make sure you have cleared your schedule and are able to patiently sit and wait for Russell to send out the 5-minute warning email.

2. If you haven’t already, sign up to at least 10 different bookmaker websites. Then make sure that you have every single one of these websites open on your computer and logged in to each account, every single night, without fail.

3. Make sure you have money sitting in every single one of these bookmaker accounts, as you will not have time to deposit money and then get the bet on before the price disappears. So, if you are betting at just a modest £10 per point, Russell Blair usually sends 3 tips a day on average and almost always 2 points per tip. That means that you only have to have around £600 spread across the 10 different accounts ready to get the bets placed the second you receive the email, so as long as you have your full betting bank lying around and can spread it across the 10 accounts there will be no problem there.

4. Make sure that you don’t lose any bookmaker accounts due to you taking value at 6.30pm every night (Sorry, that’s also impossible). This will happen with most of your 10 accounts in the first month, but Russell Blair will still claim prices from the likes of Bet Victor, Betfair Sportsbook and Paddy Power. Don’t expect to keep these accounts beyond your first month, two at the most.

So really, all you have to do is have your full betting bank available to spread across 10+ bookmaker accounts, no social life or responsibilities between the times of 6pm and 7pm every single day of the year, and be ready to react in a split second to try and get the price that Russell claims is available in the email for each selection every night before the price is violently slashed by the bookmakers.

Then, and only then, will you maybe be able to get somewhere close to his claimed prices, sometimes. Obviously, you will still never actually get anywhere near the actual prices because of the big Rule 4 reduction scam, but it’s a start.

The reality for the vast majority of Russell Blair’s subscribers is that they place their bets on their mobile with maybe 1, or 2 bookmaker accounts open at the most. He must know this, but maybe just continues this whole charade as he knows he is getting away with the Rule 4 scam so why not take advantage of people even further by making it impossible to get anywhere near the prices regularly as well.

If he wanted to be fair, then he could take the average of the best possible price and worst possible price available at the time, and use the average of these to come to the final price, or the SP, whatever was better.

This would provide a very accurate picture of what the vast majority of subscribers will end up with points wise, which is far away from the fairy tale figures he advertises.

So, when you take both of these in to account, that’s the whole Rule 4 deductions scam, and the fact you will rarely get the same prices as he does, then you have a situation where the false advertised profits on his website end up being miles away from what the true profits that subscribers can expect to make are.

*I should point out that at this point for me there haven’t actually been any profits after a few months, in fact only massive losses, but if there were to be any actual profits, then I’m sure they would probably be around 35-45% less than what is advertised on Russell Blair’s and his ‘proofing’ website. In my case all that’s happened is that the claimed losses on both websites are just a lot smaller than what my losses are, it works both ways in Blair’s favour.

The saddest part about all of this is that all the other joker tipsters out there prop him up as being the best flat racing tipster going. The flat season is drawing to a close soon and from start to finish following his flat racing tips has been horrendous. I wish anybody stupid enough to remain with him for the all-weather season the very best of luck, as if the flat season is anything to go by you are going to need it.

I touched on the new morning tipping service that Russel Blair started in August earlier in this review. In a nutshell, this is an attempt from Russell to get twice as many subscription fees by sending out some tips on the morning of the day’s racing instead of just sending them out the night before like he does on his current service.

Russell was kind enough to offer the service on a month’s trial to his existing subscribers for the month of August and stupidly, I decided to take him up on this. What transpired can only be described as pure and utter carnage.

I don’t have the exact stats for the month because Russell has failed to email the final monthly losses, no doubt due to embarrassment, and has just continued sending out the tips for free in to September as if nothing has happened. He probably thinks he is doing us a favour, but it has continued as it started with more and more losers.

The big elephant in the room that Russell doesn’t want to address is that he has successfully blown well over 100 points in the first 6 weeks alone with this new service that he will eventually want to charge more poor unsuspecting people for!

I’d say that again the average was around 3 tips per day for August, for the full month, and from that he only managed to pick 3 winners at 4/1, 6/1 and 8/1 if I remember correctly. All 2 points on each selection too, so the losses were nothing short of brutal.

Add to that around a 45 point loss on his evening service for August as well, and you have every subscriber losing a massive amount of money and as it would turn out, at least one losing their whole 150 point bank which amounted to £4,500!

Here’s the review I found on another website that was posted on the 27th of August by a guy called Rab:

“Was with this service since end of October last year. Steady profit until March/April, which was very poor. Very good recovery made May through June and then results fell off a cliff. Loser after loser after loser. I have had to quit, as between his evening and morning service, I dropped 150 points at £30/point. I actually wrote to him a couple of weeks ago, as I was worried and he didn't bother to reply. Blew my whole bankroll and obviously didn't care. Never again. Leave well alone.” 

The really sad part is that Russell Blair couldn’t even be bothered replying to the guy but I can’t say I’m surprised, based on what I’ve discovered it’s clear that his subscriber’s wellbeing is far from the top of his priority list.

I would like to think that Blair is going to scrap this catastrophe that is his morning service and instead of trying to suck another subscription fee from hundreds of his followers, he will concentrate on trying to fix the consistent losses from the last few months on his main service instead, which incredibly up to now is also teetering towards the edge of obliterating ANOTHER 100 point bank.

Just think about that for a minute. In less than 3 months, he has managed to haemorrhage almost 90 points on his main service, and in only 6 weeks over 100 points on the new morning service. Could these maybe be remarketed as the best laying systems the world has ever seen?

I would also like to think he would start including Rule 4 reductions in his advertised monthly profits and stop blatantly lying to everyone, but I doubt there’s much chance of that happening either while he is making many thousands of pounds every month from to fund the losers he is emailing out daily.

Another lesson I have learnt since following the Russel Blair Racing service is to never pay for a tipster that doesn’t explain any reasoning as to why he is picking the horses.

For a few days this month, he started sending out the reasoning behind his selections, but that is almost definitely down to pressure from his subscribers demanding to know what on earth is going through his head with the horrendous quality of selections he has been tipping. I can’t see it continuing indefinitely, and I won’t be around to find out anyway as this will undoubtedly be the last month where I line his pockets with any more money. I have already lost an eye watering amount of money backing his losers the last few months and I literally cannot afford to continue, even if I wanted to.

Just in case anyone in dibelief wants to confirm the whole Rule 4 scam for their self, all you have to do is visit the proofing website that Russel uses (http://www.racingproofing.com/backingtipsters/russellblair.html) and then download the spreadsheet of results. You can then cross reference all the winners over the months and you’ll notice that even though a lot of the winners had varying levels of Rule 4 reductions, the spreadsheet still gives the full amount of points as ‘profit’ for each and every winner.

To highlight even further the massive gulf in the difference of what the actual results are for a subscriber, and what the proofing site and Blair’s site goes on to claim, here is the comparison for the last few months: 


My results: +48.65 points

Russell Blair Claims: +85.49 points



My results: -7.8 points

Russell Blair Claims: +19 points



My results: -48.45 points

Russell Blair Claims: -18

Now well in to September, so far Blair has lost another 20 points on top of this on his main service, but just across the previous 3 months alone the difference between Russel Blair’s advertised results and my real results is over 78 points!

So, based on that you can see just how massively inflated the fake results must be over the course of a year, it is absolutely disgraceful.

That’s not even including the trial month of the near bank bursting morning tips as well, no wonder people are losing thousands of pounds and their entire banks following this guy, I do really feel terrible for them and am just glad I have managed to work out what the scam was before it was too late, and I hadn’t squandered thousands of pounds of my own by being sucked in by this charlatan.

So, as you can probably imagine, I wouldn’t recommend you hand over your hard-earned money to Russell Blair if you are doing so expecting to make anything even close to his advertised ‘results’. These results are absolutely unattainable, false, and being used to trick people in to subscribing knowing full well that not a single person on the planet can get even close to these advertised ‘results’, it’s impossible.

If I had more time I would actually take this further and contact the advertising standards agency as I am sure they would be very shocked to discover exactly what both Russell Blair and his proofing website are both up to by omitting the Rule 4 reductions from the ‘results’ and stringing people along for all this time. After all, this whole deception has been going on for at least the last 18 months and has no doubt resulted in hundreds of people falling foul to completely false advertising claims.

The final part of this review is to do with the website that probably brings Russell Blair more new subscribers to milk dry than anywhere else, the “Tipsters Review” website (http://www.tipstersreview.co.uk).

I was going to write a separate review on the Tipsters Review website but since the problem lies with them not publishing negative reviews about Russell Blair I thought it would be best to include it in here.

Essentially, any time you try to post a detailed negative review on this website about Russell Blair, the website takes it down within 24 hours. I know of at least 2 other people who have experienced the same thing when using this website, and I have tested it myself and had my own reviews removed well over 20 times now.

The other people who have had their reviews removed, and I, have tried contacting the owners of the website but have been completely ignored. The owner of the ‘Tipsters Review’ website is a guy called Scott Beckman (Twitter: @beckmanlfc).

If you go and have a look at the Russell Blair page of the Tipsters Review website (http://www.tipstersreview.co.uk/rating-system/russell-blair) then you will see what the problem is and why things look so suspicious.

Russell Blair has thrown away over 200 points of his subscriber’s hard-earned money in the last 3 months, probably the worst mass loss of points by any tipster in history in such a short period of time, and yet there are only 2 negative reviews against the deluge of glowing 5-star reviews. Make no mistake that he will have completely enmptied the betting banks of a lot of his subscribers, and a lot more on top if they have been stupid enough to keep on backing the losers once their initial betting bank is burst.

When you take in to account that people are far more likely to leave a review online when they are receiving a bad service compared to when they receive a good service, you would expect to see a lot more negative and truthful reviews on there as opposed to the misleading and generic 5-star reviews that seem to have no problem being published.

Hopefully Scott Beckman will now start posting the negative reviews instead of removng them, only time will tell. One thing I will say is that if you are not going to publish all reviews you receive on your website, good AND bad, then don’t make your website’s motto “Quality unbiased tipster reviews”. When you don’t post the bad reviews, that is the very meaning of being biased and hiding the truth.

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England / West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Not happy that my name has been used

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, December 30, 2017

I am the customer Rab, who is mentioned in this report. I wrote this review that the complainant has copied in here and am not happy that it's there. Despite Russell's results in the last 6 months, it is a tipping service. Therefore, it is down to the individual whether to bet on the selections or not. Nobody was more surprised than me when his results got so poor, but I went into this with my eyes open and even though I lost my bankroll, it was mine to lose. He didn't lose my money, I did.

As my name has been used here, I have written to Russell and apologised (although I haven't anything to apologise for). I was pissed off when I finished with the service and that is when I wrote my review, but I had the money to lose. People who claim to have been ripped off by a tipster service are clearly betting with money they can't afford and shouldn't be in the game in the 1st place or should be using much smaller stakes. If I could remove my review, I would certainly do so. I have spoken to Russell since and am genuinely sorry about what I wrote as he seems like a nice guy. IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE THE MONEY, THEN DON'T PLAY THE GAME IS THE MORAL OF THIS STORY.

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