  • Report:  #171810

Complaint Review: Sanford Brown 60 Cec Schools Aiu Gibbs Online Colleges University Career Schools Nigel (director - Landover Maryland

Reported By:
- landover, Maryland,

Sanford Brown 60 Cec Schools Aiu Gibbs Online Colleges University Career Schools Nigel (director
8401 Corporate Drive Landover Md 20785 Landover, 20785 Maryland, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
CEC schools are a complete scam. If you are browsing the web and are interested in getting a little information you are must put in your contact information in order to view the website. This should automatically tell people that something is wrong. After you enter your information you will repeatedly receive phone calls from a so-called admissions advisor.

The admissions advisor/sales person can and will call you seven days a week up to twenty times a day! Imagine a school that is open on Sundays and Holidays? Upon the first call conversation the admission advisor will read a script to you.

Hello may I speak with_______? This is_____________ and admissions advisor from AIU online how are you doing? Great! You recently requested some information about our degree programs, so I have a few questions for you so I can get the correct information out to you!

What is your educational background? What is the highest level of education you have completed?

When did you graduate from high school?

How long have you been thinking about furthering your education?

When did you graduate from college?

What kind of classes were you taking?

What kind of grades did you get in those classes?

Do you have any professional training or certificates in your work history?

Do you have any military experience?

Are you currently employed?

What kind of work are you doing?

What does success mean to you?

Where would you like to be career wise in five years?

Is there anyone who is supportive of you furthering your education? Or supportive?

If you were accepted here at AIU online when are you hoping to start your education?

Now_____based on the fact that you seem pretty ambitious, goal orientated, and motivated I am going to send you an email about some of our important online programs. In this email there will be a password and a hyperlink that you can click on that will take you to our admission site. Now the password will expire so you will need to log on as soon as possible. The admissions site will give you a chance to learn more about AIU online our accreditation, course descriptions, financial aide options, and how you go about getting accepted. How does that sound to you?

Do you have a pen handy? I would like to give you my contact information. Let me confirm your email address.

When you receive my email read through the information and share it with anyone who may be supportive of you going to school. Fill out the online application and print a copy out for yourself for records. This allows me to get to know more information about your background. When you have completed reviewing the website write down any questions that you may have because I want us to get back together over the phone so I can answer all of those questions. We will discuss f-aide, career opportunities, online degree programs, and how you apply and get accepted here at aiu-online. How does that sound to you? Great. I have two times open for _____(always two days later) which one is best for you?

Great then do we have that commitment for ____date and time? Good.

Since education is taking a higher priority in your life I look forward to speaking to you on ----date and time----.

When you set your appointment they will constantly call you. The second phone call consist of a similar line of questioning in more detail with the sales person admissions advisor offering your recommendation and offering to put you on the agenda for the next acceptance committee meeting.

The fifty dollar application isn't the biggest deal. The bigger deal is that all admissions advisors say the exact same thing in the exact same way! How can they really mean what they are saying if they all say the same thing? How can they honestly believe in you if they are all saying the same exact thing and you almost guaranteed a recommendation every time you speak to them! If you submit your information you will be surprised in the type of response you will get. A ton of phone calls that never end for months on end. This makes it hard to believe that they are really admissions advisors? What type of school is open on New Years Eve, the fourth of July, and Christmas Eve?

Who works on those days "sales" people and that is it! Aiu drives a hard bargain, but as you can see by the website the cost are hidden under f-aide. It is a great website, however, I have been contacted by so many different advisors with the same story it only presents to me that this is a really big scam. Not only did they give a recommendation to my mentally retarded nephew they gave one to my neighbors daughter who is in her second year of high school.

What kind of school accepts you before it receives your transcripts? What kind of school has advisors that reads off scripts? What kind of school will not give out pricing information over the phone? What kind of website needs your home and work number to contact you before sending out basic information.

I ask all people who are considering an online school to think very clearly about what they are getting into. Accredited today, gone tomorrow it's just that simple. If Aiu was really a great school then they wouldn't have such hard driven sales/ admissions advisors repeatedly contacting people. If it was such a desired school then they would not be constantly calling over and over trying to see why you didn't enroll the first time around. If you give your number to these people then you are putting yourself at risk for obtaining an degree from an institution that probably won't be around in a few years.

Regardless, of how many people are enrolling and what congress is saying about SANFORD BROWN here today gone tomorrow. If you sign up with this school, it will not take much to get you accepted. After you start school then the real bills come rolling in. This would be a great school, if they didn't over promise and underachieve. As a former student of AIU-Online I highly recommend you think very clearly before your first day of school if this is something that you are willing to take a chance at, because a chance is what this place really isn't!

I just got off the phone from a representative from CEC schools and after he wouldn't let me hang up the phone and call him back (He called at work during my lunch break and yes I spent my whole lunch break trying to be polite and hang up) I figured something was screwy so I typed in "CEC scam" and boom this page popped up.

I read the script you gave and it was identical to what I was read. I've applied to several online schools and most seem pretty laid back about admissions and mail me the info I request... But not SANFORD BROWN, they asked me more questions then a telemarketer and try selling me harder then a door to door bible salesmen.

Anywho, thanks for the post you helped me clarify my suspicions :)

Chicago Tribune Article (12-12-04): Maybe you will think twice now...

Read this article published on December 12, 2004 in the Chicago Tribune. It tells the real story of what is happening to SANFORD BROWN and what life is like as an Admissions Advisor. The writer nailed it!


You may have to register to view the article, but it's free. I suggest everyone to check it out and rethink your decision or thoughts on the school. Have fun reading!!!

Insider information

People you must get a little wiser! Both of these are a total scam and you will be taken for a ride....that you will be paying over $25,000 for! If you want to get a real education....Look elsewhere....or I will be calling you and taking your money.... Afterall, I work here!


Anyone thinking of attending this school should be aware of the total cost of their programs. I am an active duty member and I was assured by both my admissions advisor and financial aid advisor that my military tuition assistance and GI Bill would cover ALL my tuition costs. WRONG!!! They blatanly lied to me and now I owe them 400 dollars.

Also, be sure that they review your transcripts right the first time. They had my "unofficial" transcripts from the very beginning but halfway through my program when they received the "official" transcripts, they ended up pushing back my graduation date because they wouldn't accept one of the classes. HELLO!! Unofficial transcripts are the same as official in the sense they show the same exact information on them. That whole headache could have been avoided if they would have done their job right. I didn't end up taking that one extra class because they wanted 1800 dollars for it. No thanks, I'll take it at a CBeware of this SCAM!!!!!!

Where do I start???!!! SANFORD BROWN is a for-profit school. This should be obvious to anyone investigating this SCAM. There is so much going on there, I will try to be detailed as possible.

First, I was attracted to the job because of the money. For someone WITHOUT a college degree, $45,000.00 is a great starting salary. Look guys, more than 95 % of the sales people who call you do Not have a college degree And of course they will tell you they have one, these are the same people who call you everyday trying to get you to fill out that application. Please do not fill out the application, because once you sign, you're going to college. No matter if you're qualified or not.

O.K now once you are hired you go through one week of training where you learn your scripts, and guys there is more than one. There is the first call script; all the first call is for is to sell the second call. It sounds like you're talking to an admissions counselor when they call, doesn't it? They want to know a little about you, your educational background, how long have you been thinking about getting your education, what does success mean to you, are you employed.

The main reason for this call is to find your pain. Because they will use this in their second call if they start to loose you. They will also use it against you when you TRY to drop out. This happens when buyer remorse sets in before school starts and after you have already signed your Sallie Mae. God forbid you're a single mother working for minimum wage. There is your pain. Of course you want a better life for your child, who doesn't and going to college and getting that degree is your ticket to success. Remember they asked you what success is to you and you probably said something about a better life for your family.

Let's take a look at this a little closer. Once you open yourself up like that you are vulnerable, you let your defense down because you feel like the person on the other end of the phone who, you don't even know, is your friend. He/She is not your friend, they never will be, they only want the enrollment.

The first call will last 7 to 15 minutes. The second call will last 45 to an hour. Then there is stichin. Stichin is the process of getting the funds from financial aid and more importantly, Sallie Mae. Sallie Mae is the student loan the only Student loan you're allowed to get. It's because they pay faster and AIU has a system set up with them. Sallie Mae is prime + 10 to 14%. For those of you who do not know what that means I feel sorry for you- but you're the student AIU is looking for.

What kind of student is AIU looking for? Well, we are told we are a second chance, third chance, fourth chance College. That means you have probably flunked out of college the first or second time around you're probably poor, and you have no idea how the educational system works. You don't know that you can get your education a lot cheaper than AIU. Or you're in a job that will only promote you if you have a degree and you are looking for an easy way out.

AIU is a diploma mill that is approved by SACS.

The students I admit don't have a clue what they're doing. They are supposed to write an essay and they turn in 3 lines and most of the words are missed spelled, no punctuation. So I end up rewriting their essay, who's really going to know anyway. It's about the numbers anyway. I would turn you away if I was at any other school but this is AIU. It's all about the numbers.

When I first started you had to get 16 enrollments a month. Today all the reps need to get are 12 enrollments. Isn't it nice to know that you are truly a number? Once I get you through orientation, I'm done with you. Here's another bit of info- the formula for a good day at AIU if you're where a sales rep would be the power of ten. That means I should walk out of there with at least 8 appointments and 2 cows (Contract On the Way). It's all about Filling your Pipeline. In sales, the more qualified appointments you get the better the odds of making you quota at the end of the month.

There are better programs out there online for someone like you to get your education, you just have to look Try the site they give you to show that they are approved by SACS. www.chea.org. Start by checking out a real college like a state or other NAME schools. Odds are they have an online program and you will save a lot of money. Look- they tell you that you should not put a price on education. Look at your own economic situation.

I currently attend DePaul University in Illinois and my student aid pays for everything. Yes, it will take me 2 years but if you and I were at a job interview and the deciding factor came to what schools we both attended I would be walking out with a new job. Don't let sales people tell you it's not about what school you went to; it's about the accreditation. All they want is a sale.

I would like to touch on one more thing. C.S.I. This show has become a phenomenon. Unfortunately there are people who think they can get into forensics by getting their degree online. You need to have special training and you CAN NOT do biology labs or Anatomy & Physiology labs online. Guys, it's a great show but remember its Hollywood and in the real world getting your degree in criminal justice from AIU is not going to get you even close to that kind of work. In reality getting your criminal justice degree from AIU will put you in debt because you probably wont finish but you will have to finish paying your bill to AIU. CHECK out your states school online programs.

The average time someone works for CEC SCHOOLS is about 3-4 months. They go through more people than you can imagine. They get fired or quit. That's why they use temp employment agencies. Part of the atmosphere there is the fear of getting fired if you don't hit your quota and it happens all the time. It's all about the numbers and if you become an over-achiever you get to go to what they call HIGH ACEIVERS. This is like a bonuses or your year end commission. Due to SACS a college is not to offer a commission on the enrollment but this is a sales environment and YOU DO GET A COMMISSION on your sales. They pay for everything, your hotel room, meals, open bar, airfare, and a lot more. I'm not sure why SACS turns their back on this; I mean it's in their rules. I have spoken to numerous universities and have asked what kind of bonuses they get and they tell me its illegal. I know I'll be there next year. I believe its in Florida. Earlier this year they went to Vegas.

I am currently looking for another job but it's hard to find a job that pays $45,000.00 without a college degree but I am looking. Until then I will tell you that your essays are great, or I will rewrite them for you. (what ever it takes to get an enrollment, right Rich?) I will tell you that C.S.I. is a great show and you can be just like them. I'll hide the fact that the only financial aid you will get wont cover the cost and Sallie Mae is the only way. I won't tell you that the odds of you graduating with out adding on more classes is very, very slim. I will tell you what you want to hear. I will find your pain and use it against you. I will be you friend, your confidant, until one week after school starts then I will be gone. I doing this because I am ashamed of what I do. This company has SACS eating out of its hand. This online education phenomenon needs to be regulated. (what is SACS for?) Guys if you want to get your education the Government has programs out there for you but it will take some work, nothing comes easily. If it's too good to be truethen it is. www.chea.org. Investigate!!!C for a couple hundred dollars instead.

they are gruesome to sales and how they treat employees. They pay poorly for the workers and ask you to be there 7 days a week, including Sunday, and holidays.

4. I remember when they locked us in a room and forced us to sign a paper that we had to work over 40 hours without additional pay or be terminated immediately. What an emergency meeting that was. Then they said that we were not allowed to have any other work outside of AIU even if it was at Home Depot. We had to be available at any time for them. So you can imagine the pressure to call you a million times thereover!

5. I hated the qualifying credit game. Someone earlier said that they tell you not to worry about credits. You got it! This hits all students save the Masters people. They have to have an initial financial aid package squared away, by law. But the fun part is that they speculate on your credits, so what do you remember taking? Oh, with a portfolio of your experience you will "qualify" as a junior. Yeah, right. They do not even allow the people that really evaluate your credits to speak with you until it is too late. How many people did I have to call and tell they would be "repackaged" as less than a junior. What a blow that was when they found out they would owe more. Stand up for your rights and insisit that they send you a document verifying exactly what your standing is BEFORE you SIT! ( There language for going to class) You can withdraw without penalty for the first two weeks, the weeks that academics does not speak to you yet! Then how about taking " challenge exams" while just getting started. I loved that. Information overload. I believe in online education but there system is flawed, seriously flawed. Yet, you people see that get rich- degree in no time and run for it.

Oh, and since it is a for- profit school look out and find dumb as nails in your group projects. You will end up doing the work on your own.

Oh, they also dump you in the higher level courses first. With so many people going back it was sad to see them struggling to get started, learn the computer system and be struggling to do portfolios, take challenge exams and chase their own transcripts that AIU make minimal effort to chase.

If you plan to go there- trust no admissions person. You make sure your paperwork is in order and request it in a written document or do not go......and look out for dumb as nails in your group.

Good luck!

Oh. The fifty dollars, if paid verifies that you are really interested. If you turn them down, they will recycle your name and call you again later anyway. Graduation is online as well. They read your name over a power point.

Maybe you should consider the company's training and ethical standards, or in this case, the lack thereof.

AIU is a horrible school built on lies. They WILL except everyone that applies to the school. They lie to the "potential" student telling the student that there will be an "acceptance committee meeting" determining whether or not the student will be accepted, however any numbnutz moron like youself will be accepted to the biggest joke of a school there is. And all this time that student will become a number for the "admissions advisor's" esp. But nothing is more important then getting that student his/her education to aiu. Bullshit, all the admission's advisor hears is, where are the enrollments, we need more enrollments, blablabla.

Your theory, that aiu has just had bad luck with a few bad apples employees is bullshit. They will hire anyone, and in many cases thier top executives, who promote associates, bacheolrs, and masters degrees, only have a d**n ged or hs diploma.

AIU does not care about thier employees or thier students. AIU only cares about the almighty dollar. They will not be around much longer, and your degree will suck even more after that. Ask any HR manager or employment agency, very few on-line degrees carry any wieght. A degree from a "school" by the name of AIU online is laughable.

And before you make an generalizations about my ability as an employee, I was hitting my sales numbers when I left, but actually have a conscience and cared about the people aiu wanted me to just push through thier doors. I know the company is crap, they treat employees and students like crap, no amount of money could ever make me reconsider working for this place again nor could I ever recommend it to someone who wants to get a quality education.

It is Scam and unprofessional work place

It is true , education they provide might be good , not excellent but what they do to Admission Advisors is Naci Camp . Also they all pretend from Directors ( mine did not even have HS diploma ) all pumped and happy with stupid songs to like motivate you , only if u are retarded .

They change people every day and fired once who don't want to kiss a*s . All it is fake and it is good place for someone who worked in Collection Agencies . They dont care about students , they put poor people in bigger debt .

All they care is their own profit . I get scamed by salary they offer but latter I realised I dont want to call same people 4-6 times a day , because I dont want same thing happen to me when I am at home . Un profssional , un ethical place is Zoo , for people who cant get another job .

Hats off for good people who work there and who are not brainwashed , those are rare .

After all I do beleive in On Line education specialy in fast life we have , but this is not

what I think should be Admission Advisor .

People should like to speak with you as an Advisor not being almost forced , and most of people I speak with was poor and uneducated , u sell them dream and realistic is they will hardly find job wich pays what you tell them ,


School where Advisor is fired if he/she doesn't keep with script tells for a smart people what is going on in there . I know end will come for those so called education providers and only professional institution will stay .

AIU and Colorado Tech are shame of todays America

I am an ex-employee of AIU Online. I was not fired, I quit. I stayed there for almost 1 year and the bull s**t that was going on was unbelievable. AIU Online has quotas to meet, they don't care about the student, and they only care about getting your $50. Each and every single admissions representative there has to meet a certain number of enrolled students per month and God help you if you don't. You will hear such comments as, "You want to feed your family, right?" or "If you don't get a certain amount of enrollments per week you MUST work overtime, but you will not be paid for it." Do keep in mind that the admissions representative are hourly employees, they must be paid overtime. You also have to have a certain amount of DIALS per day!! and you must have spoken to a certain amount of individuals. Reasons why people will get phone calls from AIU 20 times in one day! The only way to get promoted is by sleeping your way to the top or by sucking up to the managers and the owners of the company. Nick Fludge, Steve, Mr. Larson and others. As an admissions representative, I was given as little information about the programs as possible. When asked if I could speak with AIU Online professors we were told no! Someone here put up a script, as it is called, on what is called the First Call! There is also a script followed by everyone for the second call and a script for the third call! Yes, every single admissions representative reads the same thing! You are expected to close the deal with in the 2nd phone call and once again, God help you if you don't. We are told to find the weak points of the person looking into AIU Online, what is their motivation, and interests for going back to school and then, to use these as weapons against them. For example, someone might say that they want to go back to school because they want to provide more to their children. If the individual then backs off and says they don't want to go to AIU Online we are suppose to ask them, I thought you cared about your children and that you wanted to give them a better life?. The telemarketing department is divided by teams. Each team is headed by a DOA (Director of Admissions) and they have ADOAs. These teams also have a trainers, which forces you to follow their ridiculous script and then there are the admissions representatives. AIU Online is run more like an auto dealership show room, rather than an educational business. AIU Online has been opening up different locations around the Chicago land area, they also opened up other telemarketing centers in the West and Texas. The Texas center which was located in Dallas was shut down by the Department of Education do to accreditation problems! I was contacted by the FBI and the Department of Education because they wanted information about AIU's shady business practices. They are still under investigation from these two government bodies. Their stock has taken a hit because of this. Take it from someone that cares, AIU Online doesn't care about anyone, either their employees or students. They have a huge, huge turnover in the sales department. It is a revolving door. No one wants to stay there unless they can't move on. Please, anyone considering AIU Online heed my warning. They are fakes, they are thieves, they are corrupt salesmen. DO NOT ENROLL IN THIS SCHOOL! AND IF YOU HAVE, I FEEL BAD FOR YOU.Also, keep this in mind, online education is not looked upon very well! Ask any serious employer. it is worth spending the time going to a brick and mortar school. One last thing, I quit on moral grounds. I was not fired, but I came to the conclusion that I could not feed my wife and children by using the "blood" money that AIU was paying me with.Carlos - Skokie, IllinoisU.S.A.

very well said Carlos, I agree with everthing you said. I worked there for no more than 2 months, which was 2 months too long. Also anyone considering working for AIU or their sister phoney school CTU please think otherwise, they do not give 2 craps about their employees. I turned down several employment opportunities with legitimate companies before I took a "slave" position with AIU, what a foolish mistake.GAYIU sucks balls.

I have to say that I did not do my research before I began the program. I signed up because of the convenience and quick program. Now I wish I would have. The following is what I was told that did not happen.

1. My G.I. Bill would cover all expenses after my loans so there would be no "out of pocket" expense while going to school. My loan came out to about &15,000. Being active duty military, your G.I. Bill only covers your active school days and no breaks I.E. week breaks in between classes, holidays, etc. I ended up having to pay $5,000 dollars out of pocket. I spoke to my advisor and student accounts IRT this situation and they said they had never heard of that happening. Well, I worked with three other people who had the same problem and their advisors told them the same thing.

2. Initially signing up, I had several credits that were transferable and I only needed X amount of classes to get my Associates degree. (which would only take 6 months) Towards the end of the program, I was informed that I was missing two classes and had to complete to get my degree. I agreed and that meant I had to pay &&&& MORE money. In total, I paid about 25,000-30,000 for six months of school. I could have paid that much at WSU for a year and have a higher accredited degree.

3. I had to take a break in-between my degrees due to some severe family and personal issues. They were willing to allow me to wait until the following term to come back. I received a call about a few days later from an admissions advisor saying that I had to get back in to the program now or m enrollment was cancelled. I declined because my family is far more important than school. I can put off school a couple months, not my family. Anyways, a few days later someone else called and gave me the third degree about putting it off. I informed them that I had personal issues to take care of and would get back in as soon as possible. They than told me that nothing was more important to me than my education, that I would always have my education. (Understandable but I won't always have my parents!) She was so rude and had the worst attitude. I just said I do not have time for this and it was none of her business.

4. My issues were soon resolved and I was ready to start back up. I began talking to advisors and so on and started filling out paper work. I was having computer problems and had to push my enrollment up. Durring that period I received several phone calls from people telling me that I needed to get things taken care of so I could do what was right and become responsible. I got in an argument with a lady. I tried to tell her that that I was working on getting my computer fixed and working to pay rent, bills, food, and other necesities. It was hard for me to get someone to fix my computer with my schedule. She then got hot tempered and said I am a full time mom, work over 40hrs a week, go to school, and can get everything done. My reply was not everyone is that lucky to have life run so smooth, and that it would be taken care of asap. It was a god awful mess and she made me feel like garbage.

5. The last straw was when I was told how much my bachelors degree would cost and my out of pocket expense. I could go to HPU for two years on that cost. I also did my research and compared a great college that was cheaper and highly recognized. It was cheaper, more effective, and more recognized.

I recommend you do your research because you pay too much money. Granted it is convenient and quick. I would much rather go to HPU and do distance learning for $300.00 per class. People from AIU call you at three in the morning and say it will only take a minute. RUDE! It is easier to take night classes at a campus near your home rather than go to AIU. Just trust your instinct and not your convenience.

Once again, I am an ex-employee of AIU, and to repeat myself, I was not fired from AIU, I quit. I quit on moral grounds. Quitting on moral grounds and being a disgruntled employee are two completely different things! I had great numbers at AIU, from 22 enrollments on my first month to 18 on average for the rest of my other 11 months. Anyone that works in admissions knows that these are awesome enrollment numbers.

There are a lot of unethical things going on with AIU, from filling out information on the FASFA website for the students (which is illegal), to putting down fake signatures in school documents, this school is a complete scam.

I would urge anyone looking into AIU to contact the Department of Education and ask them why the AIU online division in Dallas, TX was closed down by them. ASK!

Anyone that praises AIUonline is either a fool or a blind follower. There is nothing good about this school. Answer a question, why is it that the admissions department is not allowed to speak with the AIU online professors? Why? Why it that prospects are called up to 100s of times in ONE DAY!? Why? Not over a period of years, but in one day.

Why is it that AIU's management has to tell in so called "happy" meetings on Mondays that if you don't hit your numbers you won't feed your family? Is this anyway to manage a company? If you believe so you are either whacked or you are Steve, Nick or another whacked out fool from AIU.

Furthermore, AIU is under investigation by the Department of Labor for unfair pay practices. They make, force people to work over time and they don't pay it. They say that a person must work overtime, but if they don't meet their goals for the week they won't get over time pay. how many of you guys know that a company HAS TO PAY THEIR HOURLY EMPLOYEES (WHICH ADMISSIONS REPRESENTATIVE AT AIU ARE) OVERTIME NO MATTER WHAT?!

As for the AIU online education, well I repeat myself, why is it that admissions representative are not allowed to speak to the AIU professors, why? what is there to hide? and I repeat myself, their Dallas center was closed, shut down, put out of business by the Department of Education.

If you are truly interested in AIU Online, ask them how many of their graduates find jobs, what their placement rate is. Keep in mind that this can not be told to you over the phone, by Department of Education regulations they are suppose to put this in their catalog or send you a written "statement" of their job placement. It is going to be interested what you are going to hear.

Once again, online education may one day take off, but today is not that day. Online education is not taking off. I am a current manager at a school and I can tell you this, anyone that I see that has an online degree I will not hire, why? Because I know the inside and outsides of this business.

Lastly keep in mind. If a company doesn't take care of its employees and it doesn't care about ethical business practices, do you really believe that they are going to care about a student? No, all they care about is you applying for Federal Financial Aid, so that AIU can get a nice fat check from the Department of Education. And who is left to deal with the huge loan that they put you in for a sucky education? YOU! Remember, no matter what, YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO PAY BACK THE GOVERNMENT STUDENT LOANS!

Oh and one more thing, AIU WILL ACCEPT ANYONE AND EVERYONE! THEY DONT' DO ANY TYPE OF SCREENING! the essay that you write for the admissions representative is neither read or presented to any type of acceptance committee! If you pay your $50 for the application fee, you are in. Anyone that says otherwise is lying! In fact, Nick Fludge's and others on top's motto is that they accept anyone and everyone that wants to come to AIU.

AIU is a scam. Call the Department of Education and ask them how many complaints have they received about AIU Online and ask them why they closed down AIUs telemarketing center at Dallas, TX.

Going to a brick and mortar schools is worth it. And the guy that said that Ivy school education is the same as AIU's has to be lying or it a investor of AIU. That's the biggest joke I have ever heard!

as a current employee of CTU online, sister school of AIU, i have to agree with the others who are upset with the treatment of both the company's employees and students.

for the employees -

it was the salary that attracted me to this position. thats the only thing thats good about this job... here,

- you work like a slave. i work 10 hours daily. sitting at a desk for that long is very tough.

-you are looked downed upon if you don't work overtime. my personal doa likes to trap everyone into overtime during rah rah's and make you feel horrible if you decide not to.

- they really know how to instill fear in you if you don't meet your quotas.

- your quotas are unreasonable and you are constantly compared to those who are better than you at the job.

- it feels like they work you so hard so the team leaders can exceed their numbers. doesn't really seem to me like they care about you as an employee... feels like they just work you for your own selfish reasons.

- i went off script once and my training manager lectured me and made me feel like a dumbass for putting some personality into the conversation.

for the students -

- honestly, you are a number to the admissions advisor. this job is extremely numbers driven. it is vital that the employee hit their quota so they will do anything to get you enrolled.

- i personally call the same people 6 times a day at work or at home or at any number i can get so i can hit my numbers of calls for the day.

- yes, the calls are scripted.

- i will make second call appointments and try to enroll anyone unless there is something such as they weren't old enough standing in the way.

- yes, they accept pretty much everyone who applies

- they will make you enroll on the second time they talk to you. they will make you feel guilty if you don't and do anything they can to enroll you. i personally think it is unreasonable to give a person 1 or 2 days to decide to go to school, then threaten them that if they don't enroll when you say, it could "jeopardize their chances" with the acceptance commitee.

- i have a BA. i feel like its going to waste with a job like this.

- i hate how i have this job and i hate the way i have to treat people to make money.

- im quitting this week.

on the other side, i do think that education is a very important aspect of life. to me, the best way up is with an education. i'm not a student here, i don't know how its really like. they don't really like to tell you much about the school itself during the training. so if some people have had good experiences here as far as schooling goes, kudos to you.

i'm just saying what i see from my point of view, i think it is a scam. think what you want to think.

Speaking as someone who interviews and hires staff in white collar positions, I can tell you that whether it is AIU, or University of Phoenix, or any other 'online' college, we score that individual as having NO formal education. When we are filling a position that requires a degree, we don't even consider resumes with degrees from these institutes. That's the harsh reality of it.

Time after time we learned the hard way that these individuals had no preparation, and no depth of knowledge expected in a college graduate. We have hired high school grads who were better prepared. I speak only as one employer, but I asked around to some of my colleagues, and the sentiment is pretty much the same across the board.

My advice to anyone considering one of them would be to save your money and find a 'brick and mortar' school. It won't be as easy a ride, but it will mean a whole lot more in the end.

Thanks to D and some of the other Ex-employees at AIU, I turned down the position of Advisor. I worked for a "Boiler Room" company before (I was attending school at that time and was lured in to the job by the money), and quit because their practices were unethical. I was almost lured in because of the money (again $36,000 starting salary). I think I can due better with my BA in marketing than to screw desperate people out of what little money they have. Even if it means making less money. State and private universities do offer courses online. I know because I had to take a couple due to the classes I needed (meaning the class rooms were full) were filled. I am a working parent who used student loans to pay for college. If you are looking into getting a degree, don't attend a school that you can't meet with an advisor personally.

So you outraged by all the haters?Give me a break!!I suppose that all the "haters" who got ripped off were just to quote you "whining and complaining".And if you no longer work for the company why are you on this site?What you and everyone who write a positive comment don't address is that this company was on warning last year.This year they're on PROBATION until December.Why don't you answer that.I'll tell you why because the facts are there for everyone to see.This "school" is cheating people who don't understand and aren't told the truth.This school has a class action lawsuit against it.Tell them about that.You don't want to do that,too close to the truth.And the 50 year old woman you were helping get a bachelors degree.I was under the impression that CTU only offers a Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration.How does that move her up in ranking as a nurse? You need more experience lying for someone in their 20s.I'm sure some advisers cared about the students,but when your top executives are known to have done this same thing before,it makes people want to investigate before paying for a scam.So all the talking about how great this school and how the advisers care about the students,doesn't change the facts.Please answer about that.


landover, Maryland

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