  • Report:  #563882

Complaint Review: Scentura creations - Brooklyn New York

Reported By:
MellyGeM - Queens Village, New York, United States of America

Scentura creations
820 Broadway Brooklyn, New York, United States of America
347 425-8946
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Well let me start off by telling you, if you're in the 4-7 week training program at Scentura Creations please, please, please...  get out now while you still can. They'll suck you in with ads such as; Brand new office looking to fill every position from customer service to manager, or 18-25 people needed for new business location IMMEDIATE HIRE CALL NOW!!

Here's my story I answered their ad via craigslist, a young lady answered the phone as if she was born with an energizer battery infused into her spine. Later I identified her as Asia Robinson the "regional coordinator" I told her that I was interested in the customer service rep position, she asked if I'd like to work P/T or F/T.

I told her I was interested in F/T and she informed me that they were holding interviews that week and to come in the next morning and to "dress sharp". The following day when I found the location I would have to admit there were some red flags because first off the address that I was given belonged to a dentist's office. When I walked through the door there was another door which was pretty beat up with a missing doorknob with a paper taped to it stating the office was on the third floor.

Hmm...ok another red flag, after climbing three flights of stairs there was another door which had WG Management spray painted onto the door. The floor behind the door is so damaged that it does not even open fully, the "waiting area" consists a narrow cubicle like room with eight chairs four lining both adjacent walls.

Wow...red flag# 3 I was then approached by Ms. Desire and given an application to fill out, there where odd questions like How much money would you like to make per week? And would you say you're money driven? Ms. Desire called me into her "office" which was about the size of a closet and interviewed me for about 10 mins.

She told me that scentura creations had been around for 33 years and that within the position that I'd applied for I'd be getting paid $576.92 a week there was room for growth and that I'd eventually be in charge of 15-20 people , that I'd hiring/firing and interviewing people on a daily basis and is that something I would be interested in?

No red flag there lol, I was ecstatic! She told me to call back around 345 to find out if I'd been selected for the second interview, i thanked her wished her a good day and walked out. I called back and yes I was selected for a second interview and they wanted me to come back in about 2 days time in the morning.

I showed up bright and early there were about three other individuals present at the time. As we got closer to the time of the scheduled interview more and more people began to show up it reached a point where we literally could not fit in the room. I estimated there were about 40 people but it turned out to be 30 go fig!!

Red flag #4 we were led to another room where there was a very cheap white board nailed to a wall and there was rap music blasting (very odd). We found our seats and thats when Tory Gates walked in, he greeted us and introduced himself as the regional director and then he let us know that if we had "bad attitudes" that he would not select us to work with him.

We were also told that if we didn't smile within the 2 hours we were going to be there that we would not be chosen. We were told about Larry Hahn and we were made to copy down the "rules and regulations" and "terms and conditions" which someone kindly pointed out to me later on that most companies just hand you a copy with your application.

Mr. Gates went on to explain that we would have to endure 4-7 weeks of "hands-on" PAID training. We were to receive 100.00 by the second week and 450.00 when we had completed our training. 2 hours of horse playing and bad joke telling later, Mr. Gates proceeded to make his selections and he explained that if you were selected you would receive a background check form .

He insisted that we tell the truth about getting arrested (if we had ever been). We were also informed that if we didn't tell the truth that we'd immediately forfeit our employment within the company. He then started to make his selections I was thrilled to be selected, I was led to Ms.Desire who told me to bring the form back on Monday.

Monday morning I show up with my Sunday best on, to be greeted by about 15 people crowded into that tiny "waiting area" SCREAMING good morning at me like they've lost their minds. As more people started to show up we were required to answer to roll call by answering to our names and following it with "I'm on fire". (thats 2 red flags 5 & 6)

Once again we were led to our "training room" equipped with our notepads and pens, where we were made to copy down more items that should have come with our applications. Mr. Gates then pointed out to us how few of us had "made it through the selection". He informed us that the reason for that was because many people had lied on their background check forms.We spent another 2 hours writing with no break for lunch or anything.

 The following day we were introduced to Mr.Gross who looks like he's old enough to be my older brother and I'm 24. Supposedly he was an "executive owner" he claimed as he stood before us with his cheap short tie, over sized blazer, and extremely cracked and worn church shoes. He proceeded to tell us about how he used to work on wall street and he was an english major.

This I found hysterical because the poor fool couldn't even spell rules in his mind it was spelled ROOLS lmao. He went on to explain about bonuses and promotions and thats where everyone started to catch on. We were told by Mr.Gross that if we sold 5 bottles of perfume we'd make $15.00 if 10 we made 25 if 20 we made 50 and over that we went to dinner with the big bosses (Asia & Tory).

Many people started to object because like me they were told that they were going to be managers.No one had heard about this so called contest,  no one said anything about selling perfume Mr.gross then proceeded to tell us to refer to our "notes" that everything that we needed to know should be there. Some people became angry with him for brushing them off which is what he did.

Mr.Gross unsmoothly tried to avoid answering any questions directly he seemed flabbergasted that NYC had so many smart people. He could not tell us is if it was REQUIRED for us to sell the product in order to be promoted and he could not tell us if it was A REQUIREMENT in order for us to finish our "training".

He started getting upset and sent someone to fetch Asia Robinson to answer our questions who immediately refused to talk to us as a group and started to talk to people on a one-on-one basis. I guess when she realized that there were about 10-12 people still waiting to speak to her then she gathered up her nerve and spoke to us directly.

Ms. Robinson then reassured us that this was not a commission based job and that we would not be required to sell perfume at anytime, we just needed the knowledge of how to do so in order to become "managers". We asked what would become of us if we could not sell any perfume and she claimed that there was no such thing and that we would receive help with that part if we desired it.

We were handed packets with lists of perfume on it, and price lists ironically everything was priced at 24.95. We were told to come back with money not just names, also to ask our family and friends to donate lol "donate" to our cause. No one in my family wanted to buy anything from them because they had no idea what the perfume looked like.

When I conveyed this information to my superiors I was told that they (meaning the public) can see the pictures of the perfume on the front of the packet. Well i'm going to wrap this up now point blank, these Managers, Trainers, Executive Owners, Owners, Regional managers are all jokes. If you're from NYC particularily Queens you'll see these jokers all the time, standing around ON THE STREET begging people to buy their fake imatation garbage.

They got me for two weeks don't let them get you too. By the way Mr.Gross can always be seen in front of Queens Center Mall until about 7-8pm at night.....executive owner my asparagus!!


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