  • Report:  #210217

Complaint Review: Scott Wakefield - Market Solutions - Internet

Reported By:
- Hometown, Georgia,

Scott Wakefield - Market Solutions
www.promoblast.biz - AND - www.zoomimgads.biz Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

May I say first how thrilled I was to find your site today. I have tried unsuccesfully to obtain satisfation for a situation that began a year ago and am at my wits end. At this point the money that this guy guy took from me is not even the issue. I just want him EXPOSED!

In September 2005 I started my own online business. One of the tools I knew I would need was a safe way to contact prospective customers (I hate SPAM). After some research I decided to use a "blaster" format. But, which one? I chose PromoBlast.biz which is owned and operated by Scott Wakefield of Market Solutions.

On September 1, 2005 I purchased a "lifetime" membership at the cost of $49.95, within 3 months that site was shut down. But, Mr Wakefield did not just fizzle out and shut down, No, he opened another blaster under a different name and left his customers (like me) in the dust.

After repeated (unsuccsseful) attempts at trying to contact Mr. Wakefield I then turned to his payment processor, ClickBank. Within minutes of contacting CB (they in turn contacted him) Mr Wakefield sent me the following email.


Hi there,

Currently promoblast is not working, therefore we would like to refund, or you can hang on for a month and wait until the submitter is up and running, if you choose not to refund we will also throw in 1,000,000 zooming ads credits over at http://www.zoomingads.biz/zoomingads.html

Warmest regards,

Scott Wakefield.

********(MY RESPONSE HERE)************

Dear Scott,

I was born under the sign of Taurus.... ;-) therefore, I am patient to a fault, as long as communications remain open..

I will accept your offer of a one month waiting period and 1 Million Zooming ads.. I look foward to doing business soon...

Also, don't you have ... http://freeaddepot.com/?aff=7207 and http://www.type2freedom.biz/ and emassblast? How do these sites compare to promoblast?

Thank you

Sherry xxxxx


PS I will forward a copy of this to Click Bank as well. They should know that you are trying to work this out. Thank you again and I'll be looking for an email in about a month.


While I never did use the zoomingad offer I did accept his plea for time and I waited. Finally after 3 months of hearing nothing I contacted him again. Or rather I tried to... he has not, and apparently will not respond. I again contacted ClickBank, and even though they had seemed willing to help at the onset (3 months prior) they have now left this matter entirely up to Scott Wakefield, and I am out my money, my blaster and my patience.

So to find a site like Rip-Off Report.com today was just what I needed. Mr. Wakefiled seems to have businesses all over the internet yet he chooses to deny his customer (namley me) the services for which I paid. You will note from our above emailings that I have tried very hard to give him a way out. I would have taken trade for an equal service. I gave him much more time that he asked for and I have been as respectful as my nature allows but I'm really tired of him being allowed to get away with this and Rip-off Report seems to be the perfect avenue for that.

He doesn't seem to care (after all I am only 1 customer). I said in the beginning that the money is not the issue at this point. He can keep the money, actually I hope he chokes on it, but if by me relating my story to you guys will help some one else to "not" get involved with Scott Wakefield and his questionable customer service (and order fullfillment) then it will be well worth the $49.95 (not to mention the time) that he has, in essence, stolen from me.

There is no vengence intended here. It's just business, but since Mr. Wakefield refuses to provide satisfaction then I chose to exact satisfaction in the form of free advertisement for him and his businesses through the avenue that Rip-off Report.com has provided. Thanks Rip-off


Hometown, Georgia

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