  • Report:  #154390

Complaint Review: Senior Healthcare Consultants SHC Marketing - Irving Texas

Reported By:
- Franklin, Tennessee,

Senior Healthcare Consultants SHC Marketing
4545 Fuller Drive Irving, 75038 Texas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

SPECIAL UPDATE: September 30 2012: Senior Healthcare Consultants remains committed to increased customer satisfaction and has improved their business practices over the years to better serve their customers. Senior Healthcare Consultants is truly dedicated to making sure their customers are satisfied and that any complaints which do arise are addressed promptly and fairly.

To date, Senior Healthcare Consultants has made good faith efforts to resolve all complaints reported on Rip-off Report. Based on our experience, the member business has proven to be among the top members of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program as a Verified Safe Business.

Over time and since becoming a member, Senior Healthcare Consultants has remained actively engaged and improving the way they address customer service complaints. As an active and current member of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program we are happy to report that now more than ever Senior Healthcare Consultants remains committed to improving customer satisfaction.

Remember, no company or individual can ever satisfy 100% of the people 100% of the time. There are no products or services that will always be perfect for everyone and even the best companies will receive complaints from time to time. However, by participating in the Corporate Advocacy Program, the member business has made a commitment to working with its customers to resolve complaints quickly and fairly whenever possible.

Please keep in mind that as a consumer you have some responsibilities as well. Success has many definitions that based on your past experiences, current situation and your perceived expectations. Success with any product or service is always based on the proper application and understanding. The fastest car will not run if you never turn the engine on. Look at how you used the product or service that was provided in relation with the instructions that you received. The Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program will help you get your voice heard but please be prepared with documentation and fair representation of your concern, also have an idea of how the company can fix your concern. Can they offer additional services, extend warranties, offer a fair refund or just get you talking with someone that can help. ..let them know and let us know!

*Any consumer not receiving satisfaction from a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program should email us at [email protected]
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Rip-off Report REVIEW: EDitor's Comment: Rip-off Report REVIEW: RJR / SHC ~ Senior Healthcare Consultants (www.shcmarketing.com) gets a EXCELLENT RATING in customer support from Rip-off Report and continues to be an industry leader in fulfilling its commitment to provide excellent customer service. RJR / SHC ~ Senior Healthcare Consultants pledges to resolve all valid complaints from former consultants and address representative issues. Initially this EDitor had concerns about RJR / SHC ~ Senior Healthcare Consultants, but after investigating Senior Healthcare Consultants it quickly became apparent that the numbers speak for themselves; with the amount of Clients (SHC has served over a quarter of a million people) there was virtually no negative customer reports found. The minimal number of reports came from former consultants. With thousands of representatives and 250,000+ clients, Senior Healthcare Consultants is bound to be the subject of a certain number of complaints about agent conduct, as well as product or administrative complaints.

Rip-Off's review found such complaints, but importantly also found that RJR / SHC ~ Senior Healthcare Consultants is committed to resolving such complaints quickly and doing everything possible to satisfy its Consultant team as well as their clients. It also takes appropriate action against any of its representatives who are found to have conducted themselves improperly or unethically. We believe that the number of complaints against this company, whether through the Internet or other channels, is extremely small when put into the context of its large size. Most big companies would never commit themselves like Senior Healthcare Consultants has.

Read our investigative Report and Senior Healthcare Consultants commitment to 100% consumer satisfaction and why consumers should feel safe, confident and secure when doing business with a member of Rip-off Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. ..yes, a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

RJR / SHC ~ Senior Healthcare Consultants provides products and services through independent consultants. Senior Healthcare Consultants has a proven track record of developing excellent consultants to aide and advise the ever increasing senior population in relation to healthcare needs and the constantly changing Medicare landscape. Through meeting directly with seniors and discussing their individual needs and goals a SHC ~ Senior Healthcare Consultant is able to suggest a customized strategy for seniors to avoid the pitfalls of ever increasing medical costs. This EDitor found RJR / SHC ~ Senior Healthcare Consultants' business opportunity is attractive to people from many different backgrounds, and success comes from following their tried and proven systems, and a company that he can feel comfortable giving his stamp of approval to.

Read about Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program,..A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. this program works.



Senior Healthcare Consultants, SHC Marketing How life really is with SHC.. without rose colored glasses Irving Texas

I am the wife of a former employee of Senior Healthcare Consultants. It was the most stressful time of my life. When my husband signed onto this company, he was given many false statements and a lot of unanswered or sugar coated answers about this company.

First, he was told that he would be working Tuesday thru Friday, many long hours 7am to 8pm. That was not the problem, he was expecting to work long hours to get this off the ground. But instead of Tuesday thru Friday, it was all Monday morning online training with SHC sales director Mr. Douglas. Then calling their clients to see if they changed their banking draft to be charged to Central Reserves from their previous Medipay insurance, along with ,if they had received there new policies. That is if they got off the online training at a reasonable time in the afternoon.

Then it would be to wait to see when the leads for appointments for the following day would be posted to SHC website, which would usually be posted after 8 pm. Then, get directions for each appointment, then call your team leader to discuss each appointment and the insurance that they had. They constantly stated that all these other insurance was crap and how that the insurance that SHC marketed was so superior to the others.

Except one time my husband was selling Central Reserve and the client he was meeting the next day had United Teacher insurance, he was told the same old thing about how this company can drop you at anytime, they are an old block and bah, bah, bah. The problem was that United Teachers is an insurance that SHC sells for. I guess if his appointment had Central Reserve as their insurance instead, he would have suppose to do the company line on that insurance company was crap just to get the sale for United Teachers. Ok.. sorry I went on long about that, but that about the time my husband starting questioning a lot of SHC ethics.

Now back to the week with SHC, on Tuesday thru Friday he would be on the road usually by 7:00 am that is after talking to the team leader one more time before he left. He would have usually 4 appointments set each day, he would get to the house then have to talk his way into the house after the client instance that they had told the person that called to not send anybody to their house. Oh by the way, do not question the call center, it is you fault that the person did not want to see you. After you have to pay for each of the appointments, no matter if you saw the client or not.

He got home around 8:00 pm, then the fun began, he would have to go online for the 8:30 meeting that would last till at least 10:30. Same old bull crap about, how the clients are just liars when they state that they did not set the appointment, and how to make the senior citizen feel that if they do not change that it will be end of the world for life as they know it. This always weight on my husband mind.

Then he would get off the meeting only to fax his notes that he had taken in the meeting to the head honcho that was in charge of the meeting, then fill out his paperwork for each policy he written and faxed them in, then call the team leader to go over each appointment that he had the next day after getting directions online. He finally made it to bed around 11:30 to 12:30 each night. What a life, or should I say no life.

This company is not family friendly, in fact they brag about time. SHC management always states Sleep fast, work hard and a stupid saying of Follow blindly. You have no life and Do not question ANYTHING.

Then, I have a major problem with this MR thing, my husband and I have always respected my superiors at work, but they expect to be called MR. so and so all the time, do not call them by their first name. What an ego problem, this company only has about handful of managers. This is not a large corporation.

Something that did scare me about this company, it was the night that MR. DALE (the owner of SHC) was on the online meeting and did this Mr. Jeckel, Mr. Hyde routine. He first started out with this good job speech, and then all of a sudden he changed to a rant about how everyone was crap (thats a nice word for what he was using) and then there was also an email he forward to everyone about how is father (Mr. Dale Sr.) was trying to steal SHC employees from him and he was going to sue his father and keep him in court until it broke his father. He seems to be on some kind of major drugs or on the SHC kool aid.

My husband talked to two different people at the office in Texas (the only office) and they both stated that MR. DALE does not talk to anyone in the office, only management. What is that?

Sorry I went on so long, but I felt it was necessary to let people know a little of what to look forward too. Please don't fall for the just go to the website to read the secret testimonial. What is that all about, they had to set up a secret testimonials from the management. Before signing with them, ask them for 5 names and telephone numbers of employees that have been there for more than 3 months and not a team leader or management (too much of the company line). And then call to see how they feel, I bet SHC will not finish you these names. They might not have 5 employees that have been there for that long.

Becky Louisville, Kentucky

9 Updates & Rebuttals


OMG - SHC is a JOKE!

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, October 13, 2006

I WASTED 2 years of my life with SHC. I was consistently in the top TEN of the leader boards for the ENTIRE Mutual of Omaha NATION-WIDE company sales in Med Supps. That WAS, until SHC LOST THE CONTRACT with MOO because of their tactics and all of the complaints filed against SHC SALESPEOPLE.

NO, they're NOT ?consultants'. They're high pressure one call closers and a good 1/3 of their sales change their mind and cancel within a month!

Then they bring in some company names that these seniors have NEVER HEARD OF! Seniors buy on reputation and trust. NOT JUST ON THE CHEAPER PREMIUM. Which, of course, JUMPS dramatically when the company raises the rates and then the senior is stuck with them because they no longer qualify to move to another company.

I resigned because I COULD NOT ETHICALLY ?sell' the men and women ?victims' (aka ?applicants' in front of me) on working for SHC. The success rate is about ONE PERCENT lasting over 3 months. This is a fact and I've got old spreadsheets and emails showing the names of the ?victims' on the recruiting and weekly sales reports to prove it!

They've got some pretty slick stuff on their website now, but that is all FLUFF. The company just wants it's latest ?victims' to get out there and sell a few policies and then quit so that THEY, THE COMPANY, gets all of the renewals.

OH, and SHC WAS NOT STARTED IN 1966 or whatever it states on the site! SHC is a smoke/mirrors company that RJR created using his father's history in insurance from many years ago. Check out RJR insurance services on the Texas Dept. of Insurance site and get the real details. RUN PEOPLE RUN! As far as you can AWAY from SHC!

A last note of interest here too. ANYONE, who was IN ANY WAY ASSOCIATED WITH SHC when they had the contract with MOO IS BANNED FROM EVER WORKING FOR MOO EVER AGAIN! Even someone like myself, and others that were in the top 10 every month, can NEVER work with MOO again because we were unknowingly associated with SHC and their tactics and are now blackballed from working for a national leader in the insurance business.


The Facts

#3UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 20, 2005

I have worked for SHC for two years and want to clear up a few things. First, [email protected] is simply a company email address that can be accessed by middle managers and call center employees for the dissemination of information. It is not Richard P. Dale, Jr.'s personal email address. His personal email address is [email protected]. Please feel free to email him at anytime and I'm sure that you will likely receive a response within 48 hours. You may not like what he has to say, but he will shoot you straight and that is what is important at the end of the day. Also, I have his business card and [email protected] is not listed on there. Again, I've been with the company for two years. Second, Mr. Boettcher, if you were not such a skeptical man, you might have actually succeeded with the company. SHC is a Captive Agency with a five year 100% vesting period. SHC provides preset appointments, great training, and outstanding products. With the exception of the benefit of our company providing us preset appointments, we are no different than any other captive organization in America and expect for each individual that works with our company to adhere to the terms in their contract. If you do not adhere to the requirements of your position as outlined in your contracts, it will eventually catch up to you. If you did not like the idea of working in a captive organization, then you shouldn't have worked with us and wasted our time as well as your own. This goes for anyone looking at our opportunity. We are not a company that you will want to work with for 6 months and then bounce to another position. Third, to be real frank, yes, working with SHC is a challenging position. I can assure you that in my past careers I never worked more than 45 hours in a week, but I also never made more than $45,000 in a year. During my first 18 months I worked 50 to 55 hours per week. I have a wife and 3 children and was able to manage my time however, I did make sacrifices. During my first year and a half I was not able to have dinner with my family as often as I would have liked, but it was all worth it. Now I'm in my 28th month and my hours are much shorter and my renewals are higher than the salary I had at my last job. I typically work 38 to 42 hours per week and my monthly bills are covered with my monthly renewal check. Prior to working for SHC I could not sleep at night because I was so worried about how I would pay for my children's education. I want to provide them with the best and now I can actually afford to do so. In addition, I have paid off all of the revolving debt that I acquired when I was laid off from my last position a couple of years ago. I would personally like for everyone with the company to be successful, but unfortunately, our opportunity is just not for everyone. If you are the right person, you can make a lot of money!


Becky is 100% Right, "Jack" is RJR

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, October 19, 2005

Just wanted to add that I worked for this company for six long months and can attest to Becky's report as being dead-on 100% accurate. Beware about this company and their ethics and tactics. SHC will make a lot of money off of you before and after you're gone, regardless. Don't waste your time.

The main reason I'm responding is due to the supposed rebuttal by "Jack". The email address you gave is a direct giveaway. I still have business cards with your email address on them: Richard Dale Jr. You're not fooling anyone. If you're going to post a bogus rebuttal at least use a new made-up email address!

I repeat, do not waste your time with this company. The ends do not justify the means.


You Don't Know Jack

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 25, 2005

I worked for this company out of Tennessee this year. This person did not exist before June of this year. It's just another example of this company playing games. Brent out of New York is another mystery man, I never heard of. All I ever stated were the facts of my experience with this company. Their response was to attack me personally and using false names. Wonder what they have to hide? I'm still waiting for a reply on my pay that is owed. Mr. Dale seems to think threats about suing you and costing you and your family all the money he can is good business. I say, people that live in fragile glass houses really shouldn't throw stones.


You Don't Know Jack

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 25, 2005

I worked for this company out of Tennessee this year. This person did not exist before June of this year. It's just another example of this company playing games. Brent out of New York is another mystery man, I never heard of. All I ever stated were the facts of my experience with this company. Their response was to attack me personally and using false names. Wonder what they have to hide? I'm still waiting for a reply on my pay that is owed. Mr. Dale seems to think threats about suing you and costing you and your family all the money he can is good business. I say, people that live in fragile glass houses really shouldn't throw stones.


You Don't Know Jack

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 25, 2005

I worked for this company out of Tennessee this year. This person did not exist before June of this year. It's just another example of this company playing games. Brent out of New York is another mystery man, I never heard of. All I ever stated were the facts of my experience with this company. Their response was to attack me personally and using false names. Wonder what they have to hide? I'm still waiting for a reply on my pay that is owed. Mr. Dale seems to think threats about suing you and costing you and your family all the money he can is good business. I say, people that live in fragile glass houses really shouldn't throw stones.


You Don't Know Jack

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 25, 2005

I worked for this company out of Tennessee this year. This person did not exist before June of this year. It's just another example of this company playing games. Brent out of New York is another mystery man, I never heard of. All I ever stated were the facts of my experience with this company. Their response was to attack me personally and using false names. Wonder what they have to hide? I'm still waiting for a reply on my pay that is owed. Mr. Dale seems to think threats about suing you and costing you and your family all the money he can is good business. I say, people that live in fragile glass houses really shouldn't throw stones.


Rebuttal to disparaging remarks

#9UPDATE Employee

Thu, August 25, 2005

What you are describing is nothing like what I have experienced, Becky. My wife is very much involved with my position of nearly 2 years with SHC as a base consultant (and now squad leader). She hears my meetings, encourages me daily, and is a wonderful support to my livelihood with SHC. I work for my family, my 3 children first (age 15-months., 5 yrs., and 8 yrs.). It makes me sad to read your words b/c I know if you knew what my wife and I now know, you would not have said those harsh words. You did not get to experience it firsthand and have the option of following the proven success of countless others with RJR, Inc. or not, as your husband allegedly did. There are more failures than there are successes in this world, as is definitely seen with an attempt at success with SHC. The position your husband was trying for with SHC is an entrepreneur position, be your own boss and pay your own salary at renewal years. It is simply not for everyone (regardless of whether it be failure with SHC based on lack of initial monetary income, work hour constraints versus home life as a base consultant, manager-v-subordinate lack of chemistry, or simple non-paralleled work ethic to the initial work-hour requirements for success with SHC). Frankly, I only made it because my wife met the Upper Management staff you proclaimed your hatred for so much (without your even ever having even met in person!) and convinced me to press on to success with SHC. She was right. She is my support and I love her very much for it, too. I sure hope your husband reads this and thinks about what I am saying b/c I can relate to him, he likely just didn't like his last check being held until his commission earned, as is the case with most of my former new consultant side-bys that get irate after facing failure (talk about ego hit!). Regardless, I do someday hope I meet him and can talk to him, so he understands and is not so very bitter and yourself as well, the fringe benefits are great!... (my wife just said!).

I now am earning far more than a $100,000 income (vs. my former $65,000 after 14 yrs. w/ the company) and my wife and I are very proud of our accomplishment together. I would invite you to email my wife any time at her office account email at [][[email protected]][]. Or, email me directly at []xx.xx]] ([email protected]).

I am truly sorry for your experience and we both, my wife and I, wish we could have been there to save/help you and your husband, as succeeding with SHC is not easy or everyone would succeed. That is why I believe it is so special with SHC, you have overwhelming support within the ranks and your back is always covered by your direct managers no matter what. Becky, the truth is, if you do succeed with SHC (which you will know after your first 2-4 days in the field if you will or quit FAST!), I assure you that financial reward is very, very great and extremely fulfilling. I disagree with all of your statements above. Please take back your insults to my company, as they are unfounded. We are helping a lot of seniors out there and I sleep very well knowing that.

And yes, full of ego, Becky, we are definitely that! But, as I have heard RJR (Dale Jr.) says at our last SHC Lodge convention, Show me a salesperson without an ego, and I will show you a failure! I seriously doubt it was any drug other than the high of success saying that, Becky. C'mon! Cheap insults are just that, cheap. We are very proud to be one of the few. I would encourage your husband to re-apply for another position in another division (obviously without disclosing your posting!) of our company (try one w/ a base pay first!) because we are about to be an superior dominating factor in the health, life, financial, Medicare RX, and non-insurance healthcare industry, as we have proven thus far (did you even bother to read our CORP standings?). Tracy or I will be happy to direct you to the other websites across the board. We hope to hear from you.

A positive attitude and outlook is everything in this world. Judge SHC and RJR Insurance Services, Inc. (and the remainder of SHC divisions and RJR companies) based off of that, not unmitigated and unfounded opinions of fiction based upon regret and bitterness. That just hurts other people who have yet to have the chance to succeed with us and is not fair.


I would like to know more

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, August 22, 2005

Would you consider conversing by e-mail Becky? I would like to know more.

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