  • Report:  #1467878

Complaint Review: Shaman Durek Verrett -

Reported By:
ann - newark, Delaware, United States

Shaman Durek Verrett
United States
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A few months ago, to appease a friend, I made an appointment with Durek. I considered it a learning experience. I didn’t bother to complain or warn others until I was contacted by one of his victims who knew I had a session with him. The person was asking me about my experience and I admitted that it was a total scam which made the person feel comfortable about sharing.

A lot of information on Durek’s interviews and website is not misleading and contains the grain of truth needed to make these scams successful.

Yes, you will have a “powerful experience” brought on by a dramatic performance by Durek, an actor. Durek uses other suggestibility deceptions. The dramatic actions and in some cases dangerous actions you are forced to perform will make you feel “different” but not in a good way. During my session, he said extremely general statements typical of fraudulent spiritualists. When I denied his assertions, he said these may have happened in another life or I may have blocked it out. He seemed shocked that anyone would have the audacity to pushback against his assertions. Durek commits spiritual abuse by forcing you to expose your most intimate feelings.

He was off-putting, obnoxious, a know it all, dismissive, judgmental, and he had an “i’m better than you” “I am above you” attitude. The picture he took with Paltrow has made Durek’s head very large. The acceptance of this nonsense by magazines, organizations, and celebrities like Paltrow, has created a monster. Are they gullible or do they see him as “marketable” and are endorsing him for investment reasons?

Celebrities also endorse certain meditation courses which charge hundreds of dollars to learn. The cult then sells expensive retreats promising to REALLY teach meditation. Pssst. Meditation can be learned for free.

I don’t follow celebrities but I read CNN articles regarding their antics. If you loosely follow Paltrow and Madonna you would see them drift from one trend to another. Madonna called herself a good catholic then she and Paltrow were Kabbalists, then they tried to convince everyone Tracy Anderson’s workout of lifting 1 to 3 lb weights and working out several hours a day and hot yoga was the way to go, now it’s shamans….

Durek has deceptively tried to align himself with all races and religions to make his act acceptable to everybody.

Durek claims to be born in Northern California to an African-Haitian father and an East Indian Norwegian mother. His Grandmother is a Norwegian medicine woman. I would love to see a family photo of his Norwegian shamanic grandmother standing with his East Indian Grandfather:). I am an expert in linguistics, genealogy, and anthropology and I can assure you Durek is not telling the truth regarding his background.

He’s covered all the marks.

He’s American, a Liberal Californian, Black, a Caribbean Island Black, an African Black, White, Indian, indigenous, Christian, a Catholic, an Israeli Jew practicing Kabbala, a feminist, an activist, an environmentalist, an author, an actor, a model, a guru to celebrities like Paltrow, friends with royalty and was trained in shamanism by faux Croatan Princess, Suzanna von Radic(another known fraud) An authority on and resident of Iceland, Turkey, Israel, Los Angeles, London UK, The world.

Is there any group on earth he has missed?

In keeping with the B.S., on his youtube video he claims to be the reincarnation of the Oracle of Delphi. Of course he was not an unsung housewife, soldier, or shepherd. It always has to be a famous over the top person from the past.

Warning: Durek claims to be able to heal your medical and mental problems. When pressed, he denied his claim to cure cancer.

He claims to be a “shaman” but he brought up Christianity a lot.

Durek is using all the current buzzwords. Unplugging from the Matrix, creating your own reality, Eat Clean, Blah Blah Blah

Many of these “Shaman” were kicked out of Mexico and ended up opening retreat centers in the Caribbean. Durek knows to keep on the move.

Durek has no fixed location, no address or phone number he’s taken his fraudulent roadshow global, stealing upwards of $1000.00 per hour and far more for retreats.

Durek is a C actor, a con man that is an enemy of health, truth seekers, or anyone concerned with protecting nature.

Iceland Exposed him too


grand theft charlatan snake oil salesman fake healer medicine man alternative teacher spirit hacker spirithacking guide shamanic ayawaska dmt peyote sweat lodge,eventbrite mind body green your own magic dave asprey bulletproof radio biohacker luke stormy tribal truth soul nectar kerri hummingbird heaven on earth NYC paltrow huffington post HuffPost marie claire elle frontiers magazine sahara rose balanced blonde alexandraroxo mystic tribe iheart ancient wisdom instagram patreon chartable innertruth shamandurek urban plastic shamen www.shamandurek.com new age peru bolivia south america

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