  • Report:  #1464923

Complaint Review: shopmedonline - California

Reported By:
PUFFTHECAT - United States

California, United States
888 562 8956
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I stupidly, like another victim who previously wrote his story to you, didn't listen to my gut and got badly burned by shopmedonline.com.

I reached out to them after discharge from rehab after falling 22 feet fromm a tree I was trimming,  shattering my pelvis, driving my femur into my hip socket shattering the socket, breaking my wrist, tearing my rotator cuff and other assorted related issues like torn ligaments etc. 

I had to be taken by ambulance 4 hours from home to a hospital with a Level 1 trauma center where after 1 & 1/2 weeks of procedures [tracion ec.] and exams they operated on me for 5 1/2 hours.  I've  had two spinal fusions, another badly torn rotator cuff, a broken jaw etc., but the level of pain endured from this accident seemed to outweigh all previous issues combined.

Because of difficulty getting a Dr to prescribe any pain medication [thanks opiod crisis] and having the three bottles of meds that the Hospital gave me upon discharged where I was relocated to a rehab center, who I turned my meds over to they're care, upon discharge from rehab I asked where were the scripts from the Hospital?  "Oh they are missing, either thrown away or lost[from a locked safe]?" - i.e. stolen.     So stupidly I reached out to shoponemeds.com.


I ordered  a  painreliever  from them for $450.00 plus $50.00 for next day shipping..  They said the first order had to be payed w/ google play cards and after that they accept credit cards.  I obviously should have stopped right there but my pain was overwhelmming my brain. I don't know how many times they said just trust them but it was much more than I can remember. And i asked them over the course of this nonsense, why in the world should i trust you? 

Anyway they called back and said they didn't have the quantity in stock, so I would have to get a larger amount for $300 more in playcards.  So back, idiot that i am, I went to different pharmacies to get the amount they wanted.  Next call I received was from bookeeping saying because they had made two different orders out I would have to pay more because of they're mistake. 

First I told him I could hardly understand a word he was saying so have Jack or Tom or John, all of whom had called me before, call again to explain what he was saying.  They all spoke with more understandable Indian accents than the bookeeping dept.  So they tried to explain to me because of a bookeeping error I would need to pay more which would be refunded. I said forget that.

The next call was that the shipment was on the way via FedEx and I should receive it later in the day, however because of another error, they had included a cashier's check made out to me for $1000.00 which I could cash upon arrival but they needned to cover the grand before they would deliver. 

Obviously pain and desperation had overtaken my rational common sense,  which at that point went out the window.  So I made what was to be my final trip to about three pharmices to cover the error.  I was now into them for $1800.00,  $1000.00 refundable for what started as a $500.00 order. 

The next call I received was beyond the realm of unbelievable, but I had to "trust" them as they kept saying.  They said the FedEx driver making the delivery was stopped by the DEA who confiscated the package addressed to me, impounded the truck and held the driver.  By now it was John who was always calling me. 

He said they had to pay a $4000.00 fine to release everyone ad everything however he now needed $2000.00 more from me to pay 1/2 the fine.  Man -unreal and forget it John, Tom and Jack and all you  other *:'**#! at onlinemed.com. 

First, I told him, I think the DEA would be knocking at my door before you called and secondly if you  & Fedex were involved with this so-called DEA episode John, you and you're cohorts would be in jail until you bailed out with money you have stolen from all the other innocent customers and third you don't get fined , you get a court date at least 6 months away.

Sidebar,  I had previously been a victim of major identiy theft and also had stolen from me legally prescribed medication for spinal fusions at a different rehab while I was hospitalized for pneumonia.  After that escapade I got very involved with my local police department filing multiple police reports. I also had to establish a relationship with the FBI office in this area [the eastern Rio Grande Valley in Texas]. 

After multiple conversations with a particular FBI agent who I still maintain a relationship with , I told John he had three choices after refusing to pay them another $2000.00.  1.Deliver what I purchased along with $1000.00 cashiers ck.  2.  Give me a complete refund for the $1800 I let myself be scammed out of, or 3. You guys will now deal with the FBI who I have a strong relationship and sent John and shoponline  the Phone number address and location of our local FBI office & agent I have talked with many times.

Obviously they decided just not to respond to me any more and take they're chances while I'm still deciding whether to call and get the FBI involved in this fraud.  Also they're contact email for support on there webesite is boggus and doesn't work but I think I have one of the guys' cellphone [Jack] at ext 201? which I think is 8885628956? 

I just have a hard time believing that my story, being identical to others hasn't at least gotten this website shut down.  The only action these guys will have to deal with it seems, is a lot of really bad bad karma for a really long long time. I would think they being from the East and probably raised Hindu would know this.

And I am ashamed and embarrased that I went as far as I did in falling for they're '"trust me" B.S. as again all I can say is that  I got hurt so bad I didn't think clearly which is definetly not an excuse for my actions.  Just shut this site down forever and try not to allow them to set up another fraudulent one.  Thanks 

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