  • Report:  #432710

Complaint Review: Sick Of Raymorris - Draper Utah

Reported By:
- draper, Utah,

Sick Of Raymorris
Canyon Vine Cove Draper, 84020 Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I do not have a company but he lives next door to me in a home he hasn't paid for for over 8 months. He and his son Paul are scary people, they have made our neighborhood go down hill.

I have received numerous phone calls from lawyers and SEC investigators to see if he is home so they can servew him papers. they have been trying to serve him papers since last July!

I am sick of the weird people knocking at his door at all hours of the night to get their money, some are freaky looking people. The cops are always called. He thinks I'm the only one calling. His son who is 19 now drives drunk and had an affair with ray's business partners wife (now ex-wife) at the age of 17. Now she is expecting his child. paul drives a Mazeratti (not sure of spelling) as does his dad, Ray. Ray has a Mazeratti, Cadilac Escalade, and dreives them all the time and has a car detailing company that comes about 3 times a week to detail his cars.

I want these crooks out of our neighborhood. He still lives in his home in Draper. Please, if the SEC, or Attorney General are out there get Raymond "Fraud" Morris put in prision where he belongs and take his son with him. I can't even have my children walk to freinds homes because Paul drives fast and drunk alot. Paul has a Mazerati also, he got it from his father at 17 yrs of age. The other son is 17 now and caused over $100,000.00 worth of damage in this home when he had a party. Ray finally sent him to a military school up in Washington state.

I was told by a lawyer who contacted me that he lost custody of his 6 yo daughter for abuse!!!! What a loser!!!!


draper, Utah


4 Updates & Rebuttals

Not in the dark anymore

United States of America
New information

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, January 12, 2011

I am not sure who "living in Layton" is but I would have to ask them if they happened to read any news reports for January 7, 2011. The SEC has FINALLY gotten enough evidence to charge Ray and his partners in a Ponzi scheme. He is a very slick individual and had a lawyer on his side to make everything appear legitimate to all involved. I hope that the investors that would protect and cover up for Ray in the past now see where the boat has docked. Let's hope that all the hushing up and sticking up for him hasn't allowed too much time to go by and make the trail too faint to trace for a conviction. As an "investor" in Ray Morris' "fund" I have been doing some internet homework since the breaking of the story. This homework could have easily been done before the Layton group invested their money with Ray, but was overlooked because he was a trusted friend to these investors. Just google the name "Raymond P Morris" and see what you find. There is a fraud case in Colorado with this name attached to it that I am looking into this week, to include making a few phone calls to state officials. If this is indeed the same Ray Morris then we have all been lulled to sleep and taken for a very nasty ride. I am very aware of the type of person that Paul is and I know that he was sent away to school after his father had exhausted all options. I know that Paul has done some bad things that most people can't get a handle on. I understand that there were stories flying around about the loss of custody of Ray's daughter for a number of reasons that have not yet been proven. But the main story here is that he has mutilated the financial lives of so many people who worked hard for what they have. People have lost their retirements, savings, and homes to him so that he could live the high life in your neighborhood. Many are in deep debt because of this as well. This is where the focus should lie. As for the "weird/freaky looking people knocking at his door at all hours to get their money"...all of the investors I know are normal looking, hard-working people. With the amount of money you had to have up front to invest we are not talking about low-income druggies here. But the important fact is that this man and his associates have most likely committed a gross injustice that they need to be held accountable for. If they are guilty I hope they are nailed to the wall for it.


Do I have a response for you!


Sun, September 13, 2009

Wow, do I have a response for you 'Living in Utah!'

I understand that you're probably a very nice person, who is just trying to give Ray a "fair chance" since you believe a person should not be considered "innocent" until proven guilty. And you probably are a friend/acquaintance of Ray or go to church with him (since he attends church in Layton...). Which is great!

But let me tell you this....
Not only is Ray's family (including his sons, the ex-wives of friends, girlfriends, etc.) dysfunctional....they ruin people's lives! And before you can go and tell me how I'm completely full of crap and how Ray is such a great person...I'm going to tell you WHY I believe this....

He ruined my life. And my family's life. Not ONLY did he steal ALLLLL of my family's life savings (which includes me, my parents AND my grandparents....which is actually 3 generations of money...) for his own person greed/lavish life style, he screwed over hundreds of other people in a very similar manner. Because of his con I am now unable to pay for college. I am actually unable to afford anything at this point. Not only did ALL of my family's savings go to the payment of Ray and Paul's cars/lavish trips/mansions and other luxuries that benefitted them and conned others, he stripped me of EVERYTHING. He stripped me of a normal life.

How would you feel if you weren't able to pay for your house or buy food for your children or pay for your children's education? How would you feel when you have to tell your child you can't buy them school clothes or school supplies because you are barely making ends meet? How would you feel if some man came along and stripped you of everything you have worked your WHOLE life to build up? Not only did you lose your house, your business, your everything....you now have to start COMPLETELY over from square one.

So please, Living in Utah, don't sit here and try to make this man seem like a nice guy. I've known Ray for many years now and everything about his son being in military school (although...yes he's not in washington. He's in quite a different region of the country...) and Paul being radical with his driving and the child with his best friend's ex-wife is ALL true. And we both know this. So as much as I appreciate you giving him a fair chance and making him seem innocent until "proven guilty"....if you have common sense you will be able to descipher bull from truth....and we all know what the truth is. A simple Google search is able to reveal much of the truth to you.

And Fedupwithray....I'm very sorry you feel your neighborhood is not safe. I understand why you feel you can't let your children walk to a friend's house. Paul's driving is quite crazy.

So all in all, Living in Utah, I just wanted to tell you this....as a friend/acquaintance of Ray (which i predominantly assume you are because otherwise you would not have this point of view of him...) I applaude you for thinking he's a good person even after hearing everything he'd done. But i must tell you...don't give your shpeal to people whose lives have encountered a tsunami because of this man's actions. Gardner or not....I'm not racist. And will never be. I gave this man a fair chance. I never judged him and/or criticised him because of his race and color. Anyone can be successful. It's just when they mess with my family AND my life that i change my view of people and stop giving them the benefit of the doubt.


Not King of the Hill, about Ray Morris

#4Author of original report

Mon, March 30, 2009

For the past month I have received phone calls from the SEC and 5-6 different lawyers . One of them talking to me for about an hour and a half, painting a scary picture of Ray. No, I am not mad at Ray the only thing I care about is the wellfare of my children and the other children in the neighborhood as do the other neighbors. I have tried to talk with Ray about his son. Theis has been going on since he was 17, and Ray should have put his foot down, Paul is out of control! I have walked over to Ray's home even with a plate full of cookies to talk, yet he never comes to the door. What am I to think when a man can't even control his teenage son and won't do anything about it! What am I to think when the past couple months I am receiving phone call after phone call about Ray, is he home? Does he still own this and that. Do you know he lost his daughter because of abuse? Do you know he's stolen 155 million dollars worth of peoples money? I was told by his friends wife that his son caused $100 thousand worth of damage in the home becaue of a party and Ray took him to a boys school/ military school in Washington (Ray drove him there) this was from the direct mouth of his friend. I am not worried nor care about Ray, but his son Paul needs to be grounded. THis has been going on for 2 yrs now. Petitions have been filed (not from me) over 150 people sihned it from neighborhoods all over Draper. The police are doing nothing about it. People are video taping his driving, the police aren't doing anything about it. I worked in EMS for 14 yrs and have seen the tragedies that come from excessive speeds. Seeing the families ruined, children dead in the road and on sidewalks. I won't let this happen! If you have seen what I have you would do the same thing. There are 3 things that we ask to have Paul comply with. 1- Fix your exhaust (it is about 100 times higher on the decibel level) 2- follow the speed limit 3- turn music way down when approaching our street. If he followed these 3 simple rules no one would have a problem with him or his family. People are upset with Ray because of his son, not him. And to your comment abut him as a gardener, grow up! I met Ray right when he moved in and was very excited to have a family there until his two sons ruined it!

Living In Utah

in respone to king of the hill

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, March 13, 2009

I'm curious as to some of your thoughts. Why you think that Ray Morris is a scary person? Why is that, because he isn't "white?" (you probably thought he was the gardener when he moved in). If his son is driving drunk or speeding that is wrong. Have you called the police when this has happened? I haven't heard of Paul being arrested for anything. Ray did not give Paul a Mazeratti by the way. Furthermore, Paul is an adult and made his choices, against his father's wishes. You called Ray a crook, but I have yet to hear of Ray Morris being found guilty of anything. And for Ray's other son, he is NOT in a military school, or in Washington state. At least get your facts straight before you broadcast them all over. As for Ray's family situation with his daughter, you have no clue. He is going through a lot and charges can be made about anything. Ray isn't allowed to see his daughter because he refused to agree to those charges. Guilty until proven innocent, kinda like this site. Believing everything you hear is like me being told by a laywer that you could be fat and stupid...doesn't make it true. I am sure that all of the facts will come out and that people will finally get all of the information needed to make informed decisions. This isn't meant to be offensive. You're probably a nice guy, you just don't have all of the facts.

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