  • Report:  #1253190

Complaint Review: Signpost - Internet

Reported By:
The DD Van Service - California, USA

Internet, USA
(855) 606-4900
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Basically to summarize, this is a scam. They spend all their efforts getting you to say yes (I said no a million times, but 5 phone calls later the sales guy got my business partner to say "ok"). Immediately after we submitted payment, I knew we made a mistake. The account manager they assigned to us was completely apathetic. She read from a script during every phone call, and she sounded like she could care less about my business. After signpost highjacked my accounts, and changed my business phone number posted on all internet sites (like yelp, google+, etc), I knew this was a bad idea, and then they sent out a "new client" deal out to all my existing clients, including clients who had an upcoming reservation already booked.

So then I got calls from these pre-existing clients asking why I did not tell them about the discount, and that they never got the "new client" deal when they were a new client... They grew my email contact list like the sales guy said they would, however, the way they did it was by gathering all the emails from my gmail accounts, which means my email list consisted of loads of spam emails and emails that went to vendors like target, staples, amazon, no-reply, square, and they even put themselves on this email list. So it was a basically useless email list. Additionally, people who had opted out of getting emails from my business were now getting emails again. SO I had to deal with that. 

I emailed signpost a few times telling them that i was not happy and that i needed them to undo everything they had done. I did not get a call, a few days later I got an email back says nothing useful. Then I cancelled my credit card so they couldnt get another payment. And sure enough, the day that that payment did not go through, I got a phone call. The account manager did not agree to undo the changes signpost had done. Basically, she said i would have to undo the changes myself, and I would have to go through the email list and delete the emails i didnt want on there! So I was supposed to spend hours going through 3,000 + emails to see which ones were spam emails and which ones were my actual clients!!

SO I just ignore their emails now asking for payments. I emailed them why I was not going to pay them anymore and they ignore me. I changed my phone number back on yelp and google, and I just found out today that they changed it back to the signpost genereated number, and I didnt know they did that. So I just had to change it back today again. I am now changing my passwords so they cant hack into my accounts any more. 


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