  • Report:  #569543

Complaint Review: Skybox Lounge - Colorado Springs Colorado

Reported By:
Shefalls2earth - , , USA

Skybox Lounge
2102 East Bijou Street Colorado Springs, 80909 Colorado, United States of America
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Okay, so I have had some pretty bad employers in my life but nothing compares to what happened to my friend. She was a stay at home mom with a newborn baby girl and her boyfriend(ex now) went to jail and she had to find a job fast. So she went into a local hole in the wall bar. I mean this place is a dive. Local old drunks and the same people singing the same horrible karaoke tunes(badly) every night. Anyways, she got a job there working in the kitchen and upon being hired was told she would be garunteed three or four shifts a week with a shitty pay of 8.00 an hour plus tips. (Usually only 5 bucks). Well after her three day training period, she was suddenly scheduled only 2 shifts a week. She was told it goes by seniority and its all they could give her. Let me just say, if it goes by seniority then how the heck does a guy who has worked there 6 weeks longer than her have 5 shifts while a female who works there who has been there for almost a year have only three?

Well after working for them for a month and a half and this is when she is constantly being called in to cover other people who a. just dont want to work(sometimes) or b. are too drunk,hung over, or high to work(most of the time) and she could never get anyone to cover her, including her manager, when she was so scik she was puking in the back over a trash can. Well because her manager wouldnt come to work for her that day, he was actually demoted and the guy who had been there 6 weeks longer than her was promoted to manager. Now, funny thing is, her NEW manager has worked two jobs for the last four years to support his kids and wife just quit his second job a couple days before he was promoted because his wife caught him actually AT his other job pretty much f*cking a server in the back... (who would want to eat there now?) ... and his wife says quit now or i'll leave you, so he quit. Lucky for him he was promoted at the Skybox and now has a full schedule with no need for a second job... funny right? But it gets better.

My friend goes into work on a saturday and this piece of crap scumbag who cant keep his d*ck in his pants says with a huge grin on his face, well ya know, we have to let someone go. Can you guess who? And she replied, either me or J**? and he says you. want to work your shift? she of course declined to work her shift because she was almost hysterical. being a single mom working two jobs she is so tight budgeted that she has just figured out she is over a 100 dollars short on her rent. Well a week later, she finds out that the skybox has lessened one female's shifts to just one shift a week and that the new manager and the owner have hired a close friend of theirs whos has worked for the skybox 3 times now and each time been FIRED due to incompetence and drug use and on top of everything else he works 3 shifts. So all in all, the Skybox Lounge are pieces of sh*t looking to f*ck over everyone just to help themselves and hey, most the guys in the kitchen are stupid as f*ck which is why the kitchen never makes any money. Boycott these a**holes just on the principle of screwing over a single mom to hang with thier druggie friend while they use the economy as an excuse!!! Way to take advantage of a bad thing a**holes. You'll be lucky if I dont take a road trip and burn your bar down for screwing over my friend.

4 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Wed, February 17, 2010

Hearsay seems to be all you are going off of, you took an upset friend and tried to fight her battles. I had made some assumptions on my part as well, based on how you portrayed Emily although I do not actually know her myself. You have damaged her reputation as well as anyone mentioned in this posting and the business. Now when you google any of their names in relation with where they work you see this. I am sure their families are thanking you for that. Please think before you type and damage others reputations, I will try to do the same.


Who really needed to be fired?

#3Author of original report

Tue, February 16, 2010

She wasnt doing anything wrong or dont you think they would have told her and not sent her out the door with 3 great references? The person who was doing things wrong who should have actually been FIRED and not laid off would be the chick who f*king marinaded the chicken in broaster cleaner? yeah i thought so. and yeah i do know what i am talking about, but defend the a*holes who dont even have qualified employees working for them... as i am sure you would know because you probably work there. oh well, guess you can be mad at me all you want, i dont give a d**n, i am just letting people know what sleezy people you really are. the truth is a b*ch aint it?


Learn to read

#4Author of original report

Tue, February 16, 2010

Obviously you cant read.... she was told she was laid off. ontop of everything else, she doesnt even know i posted this. second, she was constantly being praised for her work and was told it was the economy. and third marc f*king around with another woman has a lot to do with how he magically had so many more hours while other people got screwed...

so basically, yeah she got f*ked over and yeah basically you need to learn to read and actually comprehend what was said and you know what else? You post on these sites to get revenge and guess what? I did it for her because she is too nice to go public with other people's business but I am a b*ch and do not care because hell, i never worked there and i am just letting people know what pieces of sh*t hang around there.

And FYI... why dont you go drop a drug test or two  and you'll see what I am talking about. But hey, if you wanna defend the sh*tbags, go ahead and drown with their sinking ship, thats fine.

Cat Mac

United States of America
So I have this friend

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, February 15, 2010

1. So this was not something that has happened to you, just something you heard from someone else? A very good source I am sure, who could not file her own report?

2. So let me get this straight.... a business owner would rather have people who are to drunk or high working than "a hard working single mother" this does not seem very likely as companies do not usually just through out assets.

3. What this "new manager" being caught somewhere else with a woman have ANYTHING to do with his work performance. I mean yes, it could have something to do with "character" but apparently he has something your friend cannot offer.... could this be work ethic?

4. Especially in this job market, you have to be able to keep up. If you cannot keep up with work, and they find someone more valuable, they are going to replace you. It happens. It is not because anyone wants to F*** anyone over but it has to be done to survive.

5. The "single mom" approach? Really? I am so tired of hearing about how all of someones hardships are because they have children. Unfortunate things happen to people, I understand. But there are things that can be done to help, like working your tail off. And really? Threatening to burn the place down? And giving NAMES? Who's the sh*tbag, the one who can come in and actually get some sh*t done? Or the one who complains about her life as a "single mother" but comes in and does a half a$$ job expecting a break because she had a couple kids?

6. Basically I guess what I am trying to say is employers do not fire people they need, and if they didn't need her, I guess she was doing something wrong.

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