  • Report:  #46606

Complaint Review: Skybox Tv - Deluth Georgia

Reported By:
- North York, Ontario,

Skybox Tv
Rivermeade Deluth, Georgia, U.S.A.
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In July 2001,while surfing the web I came across an ad about free satelite dish. The ad includes open to Canadian residence. I was told to only pay shipping and handling of almost US$25.00 per order.

I was cautious so I ordered one and bill it to my Wife's visa. The delivery was supposed to take 4 business days, so a week pass and I call the company. Then I was told by Elizabeth that they don't service Canadians. However they charged the visa twice for one order and made a third attempt then the visa company informed my wife. I have several calls to the company, to date I have not got my money back. I call the Georgia police twice.


North York, Ontario

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