  • Report:  #358721

Complaint Review: Skye/LMC Marketing LTD--Part Of Innovage DS Max Cydcor Pro Sales Direct Per DM - Belfast

Reported By:
- Belfast, Other,

Skye/LMC Marketing LTD--Part Of Innovage DS Max Cydcor Pro Sales Direct Per DM
4 The Mount Belfast, BT5 United Kingdom
028-90 459070
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report from a former employee of this company in a bid to try and stop new recruits signing up. Unfortunately when I Googled Skye Marketing LTD before I attended interview I couldn't find anything about it! Not even a website, which by the way they informed me was "under construction". That was about 5 months ago.

Ok so these companies, multi level marketing and network marketing, they always always have constant recruitment.

When people on their 2nd interview asked me why, I told them, "Because of our huge expansion plan we need to recruit a lot. But we're looking for managers, not salespeople."

Now at the time, that was the truth from me, because I knew no better.

But in this report I hope to give a little more detail and explanation of techniques used by these companies like Skye Marketing LTD and Innovage and Per DM and DS Max and Pro Sales.

First of all I would like to explain all these different names I've quoted in a hierarchy starting with me.

Me - This is me, I spent 6 months in the business, was promoted to trainer after 3 weeks or so and had a "huge amount of potential". I knew I could do it, and I know I still could, but I won't lie to people. That's just not what I stand for. So I left.

Also, they made me sign an independent distributor form just so if anything went wrong I couldn't sue them, but they could sue me for theft of merchandise. Nice.

Skye Marketing LTD / LMC Marketing LTD / Kee Initiative - This is the 1st stop. This is where you would be working. Where they would train you up to be a manager at which point you could open your office anywhere in the world (LIE) with whatever name you want (truth).

Per DM - This is "head office". I really don't know what goes on here. All I know is that they send us the merch, we sell it, and they get 50% of the profit. Apparently they have legal teams and accountancy teams and they're the guys that sort all our figures out but technically the legal teams cant do jack because they represent only per DM

Innovage - From what I believe, Innovage are the european overall company. They would control Per DM. They also do all the deals with big factories in China to get us products to sell. "Designer", I'm sure. (They don't tell you this but all products are made in china and come in innovage boxes. Add 2 and 2 people! Also, a regional director, Tim Kennedy, was in a conference call about products once and he told us how the last victoria jackson brushes were crap and these new ones are brilliant. To quote him "we got the factory in china to do them for much less than they really should have".

But I thought she was an American makeup artist and she gave us the products!!! what the hell??)

DS Max/Cydcor - This is the American branch. A little research on this site has shown that DS Max is the overall controller.

It's hard to keep track of this though, because they change name so frequently. Per DM was formerly Pro Sales, as they made us change this on forms about the business.

Now here's the weird bit. None of these companies are legally linked. By that I mean, if I, me, was to get into legal trouble, I am solely responsible. If Skye get into trouble, Skye are solely responsible as they are incorporated under the manager, Per DM want nothing to do with Skye if dirt hits the fan. Likewise, if Per DM get in trouble, Innovage don't, and so on so on.

This is just a way of protecting the companies so that no single legal team can bring the whole thing down.

So now you know some of the names I'll move onto some techniques that are used. Beginning with recruitment.

1) First Round Interview

After submitting your CV you will be invited in to attend an interview at the office. Chances are, you will be seated beside 2-5 other people also in the same position as yourself.

Don't worry about your CV by the way, as long as you're alive they'll give you an interview. I once interviewed someone who barely spoke English.

During this interview they will tell you a little about the company, its history, its plans and that's about it. It's one of those interviews where the interviewer talks more than the interviewee..........weird. They'll tell you that they have a rapid expansion plan, have offices worldwide and now need managers to fill those gaps.

When you walk away you will feel buzzing and excited like you can't live without this job.

I remember waiting for my phonecall later in that evening to see if I was to be offered a 2nd round interview. I was almost sick with nerves.

So congratulations, you have been invited back for the 2nd round interview (Day of Observation [Trainers called 2nd round interviewees - Obs])

2) Day of Observation.

Basically a day where you shadow a "top trainer" (We were all "top trainers") watch him make sales, or try to, have him try to convince you that it's a great job with huge prospects to learn/earn money/progress/personal development.

Depending on what you're motivated by, and the trainers will find out, will depend on how they structure their day.

You will be walking around in whatever weather for about 7 hours.

For example, if motivated by money I would have talked about the day I dropped 25 sets of the victoria jackson makeup and made 150.

I'll stress to them that in 1 hour I sold 4 pieces of makeup and earned myself 20 so just think what I can do in 7! or 8!

Here are some negatives that I would have to overturn.

Ob - "Its Commission"

Me - "Yes it is. But if it didn't work, I wouldn't be here" (when infact Im penniless often literally!)

Ob - "I have expenses to pay like a phone, car, house, KID"

Me - "There are 15 people in the office - do you think we don't have atleast one of those things?" (when most of us lived with our parents)

We could go on all day.

If they were motivated by progress I will stress how I got promoted in just 3 weeks to trainer and how good it felt to have my promotion speech and everything and also how I had a 10 week plan that would get me to assistant manager, what I'll do then, how long to regional director (RD) and how long to vice president (VP).

The ob would be sweating with excitement at this point!

If motivated by progress to learn and self development I will explain to them little tiny bits of our many many systems that we are taught and give them an insight into just how much they can learn. If they want personal development then I will stress just how much more extroverted I had become, how I manage a team and now know how to manage and motivate other people! even large teams! and problem solve! and prioritise! and everything that makes me great! (In 100% fairness, that is the truth. The business taught me all those things and in that respect I think it's amazing how it did and does - It changes people, but for the better).


Before the day of ob really begins, you will fill out a brief questionnaire in the morning which has a section with 7 different things. You must list these in importance (1 being most important). They were; Opportunity to learn - High earnings - Management Opportunities - Fun Environment - Fast paced advancement - Challenging work - Teamwork environment.

Depending on which was 1st and 7th you knew how to structure your day. Generally based upon top 3 which were often High Earnings - Man Op & Fast Paced Advancement. This was easy. Stress the get rich & important quick.

Nomatter what they put as their least important, you always bullied them on it.

"It worries me you put fun environment as your least important, you don't feel that it's important to have fun on the job to keep a good mentality and positive attitude?!"

they will then begin to quiver and shake and probably proceed to tell you that it is important but not as important as being the manager and blah blah you get the point.

So they will take you to a seperate area, in Skye it was just by the front door. They will run through that questionnaire (called The CV Breakdown) It is during the CV Breakdown that you get all that information described above and more. Where they're from, etc, what they're doing, long term goals etc etc etc.

They will tell you there will be 3 parts to the day;

Morning - Go and speak to lots of people

Lunch - Will explain the opportunity then so save any business questions for lunch

After lunch - Go and see more people.

While heading out to the field to do sales, the "top trainer" will tell you a bit about the business. They will use the 'Tie Setup' to explain the business and why on God's green earth anyone would troop around doing direct sales. In fairness, it is quite a good idea. This was mine.

"Ok so, why would anyone do this? [direct marketing/sales]

Well basically, there's 2 forms of marketing. Direct and retail.

Retail is when people come to you and direct is when you go to them.

What's your favourite band?

ob - uhhhhhh boyzone

me - Ok what's your fav album by boyzone?

ob - uhhhhhhhhhhh i duno i download my music

me - very good, I'll use the rolling stones' greatest hits as an example then (you'd be so surprised how often that ACTUALLY happened)

Right, so, the rolling stones decide to make a big comeback. Now take HMV as an example.

How many people do you think walk by it each day??

20K people walk by it each day.

out of that, 2000 people walk into the store

200 people go to the music section

20 people look at the rock section

2 people see the rolling stones greatest hits album and maybe only 1 buys it.

Not great for the RS in a potential market of 20,000 people.

So the RS want a big comeback. They come to our company, give us loads of their albums, we speak to 200 people each, every day, we have great face to face customer service and we sell the same album for a fraction of the price. Probably 85% less.

So as you can tell, people are very keen to buy from us!"

After this, the reason why someone troops around for 8 hours earning a s**t wage to make someone else rich seems like a fun idea.

Ok so the ob and "top trainer" make it to the field and now begin to do sales.

The trainer doesn't show it, but that top trainer is laying eggs in the hope that he makes some sales. Should he not - guess what - he has a technique to justify it!

It's not because they're rubbish at sales - it's because of the law of averages!

ob - what's that??

me - well the LoA dictate that if we speak to 200 people, we will get 180 negatives (not sales), 20 positives (sales) and that's a 1:10 average.

me - Today we've only seen 70 people and not made any sales because we need to see another 130.

The ob now wipes the sweat from his eyebrow.

Ob - "Do the law of averages ever not work?"


But really, they would answer "Yea, not always on the day though but over the week they do and if not the week then the month". What they also fail to mention is that it's bull and that it could go on forever. "No not always on 1 day, but it will balance out over the week and if not it does the month. Then the year. Maybe the decade, perhaps the century and if not, definitely the millennium".

Basically the LoA was a technique set by the company to instil faith in that lonely distributer who's only made 25 that if he keeps walking around for another 4 hours he'll make a further 30. (Waaaaowwww! 55 for a days work! thats awesome!) [not really when you're working 12 hours a day - 4.58 per hour -- less than minimum wage!]

Ok so that's the morning over, time for lunch and the 'Lunchtime Breakdown' when they describe to you the workings of the company.

You will be given a form with 4 boxes on it which the trainer will now write on. The top box is the Manager box and the bottom is the entry level box. I will attempt to show you how it would look. (Title first then bullet points on each stage)

4 - Managing director

*Run your own business (LIE - more than half your profit goes to per dm which you also have to take out a 10,000 loan from before being promoted out)

*Give others the same opportunity (Kind of true - you hire anyone)

*Manage a large team (Kind of true - you get a lot of people excited to work for nothing)

3 - Assistant Manager

*Learn the legal/finance/HR/admin, etc (LIE - they give you a book with all this info in it)

*Organise road trips (True and not true. No A**. Man. ever organised one for me - I organised my own or the Manager did it)

*Manage medium size team (5-15 people) (True - depending on how many people he recruits)

*Conduct 1st & 3rd round interviews (True)

2 - Leadership

*Pass on basic systems (true - you train new recruits)

*Learn to manage a small team (true - how many you recruit)

*Go on road trips (true)

*Conduct 2nd round interviews (true - thats the day of ob brainwashing day)

1 - Pre Management

*Learn basic sales and marketing (how to sell stuff)

*Learn office routine (get used to long a** hours)

*Learn self motivation (be brainwashed into the business)

*Conference calls (listen to a RD brainwash you)

Some of the things they tell you here are not true. Like for example, I was told, therefore I told obs, that at A** Man you get a basic wage. You do not. You earn what your team makes. If your team makes nothing, you make nothing.

I was told, therefore I tell others, that at MD stage you get promoted out to your own office and you get a huge support network and your promoting MD will pay for everything.

LIES - You do not go anywhere you want you go where they want you/you can afford - you do not choose your own product-they give you one - they do not pay for anything because you take out a 10,000 loan from Per DM - therefore the only person that pays is you when paying back that loan. If after 2 months you're not breaking even or making profit - it's off to the gutter with you sunbeam you've had your chance, sling your hook. So at that point, you've worked for a year or longer only to be jobless and in a LOT of debt.


Ok so thats the day over and theyre bringing you back to the office. They stand you outside and "final fear of loss" you.

What I normally said to people was -

"What did you think of today? (ob answers whatever)

"Well when I was in your shoes and the guy told me the opportunity at lunch, I practically fell off my chair with excitement.. I just wanted to start straight away... I don't really get that from you"

At this point it would go 1 of 2 ways.

1) "No I really really want it! please! it's awesome! just give me a chance!"

2) (This is what they ALWAYS said) "yeaaaa, well, it definitely looks interesting"

If #2 I would have sent them home. Probably would have figured this out by lunch and sent them home then, which by the way I forgot to mention I had to pay for. And their transport. Also, I couldn't afford it! Somedays I had to borrow money from the manager just to pay for my transport to and from the field. So much for that 50K a year job.

I eventually stopped paying for their transport/lunch.

If #1 then I'd have brought them upstairs, told them "I'll try to get you a 3rd round interview tonight but I can't guarantee anything - it's rare and only the luckiest people get it so soon"

Ofcourse, I know fine rightly they will get that 3rd round interview.

During the 3rd round interview basically the manager assesses them quickly, finds their motivation, picks on that for a while, sets them up with the trainer as a mentor, trainer and ob exchange numbers, observation almost dies with excitement and sprints home to tell mummy and daddy who will soon change their mind as probably 80% of all obs offered the position, never even showed up again. Rightly so.

Thats the brunt of tricks used to fool people into this business. Theyre subtle but effective. The trainers who are using them, dont even realise it. It takes time to see the cracks emerge and when I begun to question WHY I was told to say said things and WHY I had to overturn negatives on an INTERVIEW the bigger picture started to become more clear.

I have some questions for you.

What sort of business has 3 interviews?

What sort of business is one you have unanswered questions to?

What sort of business sells an unknown designer brand product for more than established designers?

What sort of business pays cash in hand?

How much would you work for while working 60 hours per week?

If in the business, some questions for your manager (be sneaky);

Where did you want to live most when you were younger?

(assuming they say a diff country which most do) Why didnt you open your office there? Theyll probably tell you because of family and friends.

Why is this office incorporated in your name if its part of a multinational network?

How much do you pay yourself a week? (they may go on to babble about tax ask them who they pay it to because its all cash in hand)

If we are all self employed how can we be working for this company when technically we work for ourselves?

Can I have my pay on a ledger sheet for both our tax purposes? (thatll make them sweat alright)

The list goes on.

To sum it up in a sentence;

The people who get suckered into this business you are not stupid you made a calculated risk that someone calculated for you. Youve been tricked like the rest of us have.

The people who are already in it Ask the questions I wrote above. Maybe ask them again in 2 weeks and record each answer. Kinda weird how you get a different answer from different people at different times isnt it? Also Get out of it while you can!

The people who are reading this for a little pre-interview research Dont bother showing up. Dont even waste a telephone call to say you wont, half them dont. If youve got real balls though attend the interview and slap this page on their desk.

Whoever you are and whatever youre doing. Good luck!!



United Kingdom

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on ds-max, dsmax, ds/max, granton marketing, cydcor

7 Updates & Rebuttals

Dw All Day Baby!

Some Helpfull advice (Personal & Business)

#2UPDATE Employee

Sat, September 13, 2008

First off the chick above is probably hot :) (female nerd) Remember this is Personal/Business advice. Anyhoo, I liitle background first... I myself graduated with a bachelors in Business Management (whoopdy doo!). I currently own 2 businesses (1 an LLC and 1 a inc.) It is not shady what-so-ever to protect yourself (i.e condoms). YAY! Im not looking for a puff piece here. You will be charged a lot of money or have to read a lot of books to get this perspective. I am simply trying to lighten the bad rep these business structures have. I just applyied for this same job and start in 3 days. "Why would he do that"? Because my business' make me money, and whatever I can do to make my business make me more money I will do (legally and morally). I went into the interview and the "2nd interview" knowing exactly what to expect (not from first hand knowledge but business knowledge). Bla bla do the dance your hired. Ok, so what, I have to walk around like a fool for a week or 2 and then train some dudes then do office work....WOW! Thats what I do anyways! I took this job for the sole purpose of gaining some personal experience and get paid to-do it. SHOCKER! thats a job! Ok I'm not going to make very much but the experince (talking to lots of people) makes you understand what people react to, their persective, what triggers them, what sells them, etc. This little knowledge in talking is more valuable than anything. You could get any job you wanted if you could sell the interviewer. I myself am doing it as a refresher course. Like a 401k for my mind. You non business owners should look at it like a resume. When your done with this job you can tell the next recruiter that you managed x amount of people in a stressful and fast paced enviroment, you lead the day to day of a $x operation. (invaluable) the next interview you go to you got it! Yes you feel scamed. You thought you got your dream job but instead you got sales. Look up the definition of sales and marketing. That means you will be SELLING AND MARKETING...You should know first off that when a job posting says "Pay based on individual Perfomance" that it will be commision. Yes your doing the dirty work (door-door). Also, most people major in marketing thinking that when you graduate you will be making funny super bowl commercials. NOT! You will start with an entry level position like this and you will SELL and make cold calls all day. In my business (and in most) the salaryied jobs are just as much work if not more than commisioned. Yes, commisioned you work long hours, your pays not steady, yes its not a sure thing. Salaryied your pay is steady, yes you work long hours, yes you work overtime (for free), yes you are micromanaged all day, yes your life sucks. With commision you put the hard work in and sell, when your happy with what you've made so far you golf (insert hobbie here). It is not up to your employer how much you make. It is up to you, if you want a job with lots of reconition go to college and become (insert your dream here). If you want to make it happen you are going to work long hours for no pay just to get an internship with long hours and no pay so you can become a (insert dream job here) with long hours and little pay. This is the trap that 90% of people fall into, while the other 10% do whatever they want. If one day you want to get into that 10% you have to stop blaming other people for your shortcomings (I could have spelt that differently, haha). I myself knownly signed up for this job that you 90% think is a scam. That is the difference between a business man and a rat. Do what you have to-do, so you can do what you want to-do...write that down! The people that made this website are playing on your fears and weakness. They themselfs are getting paid (advertisement etc..) for you unknownly being too scared to change your perspective. I do not see any of you rat's writing reports about how a website got you to sit here and read this and whine about stuff while they got paid and you didnt. Fair? not yet? While your whineing about this stuff I myself as a business owner am collecting data on you and finding new weakness in which to exploit, how does that make you feel now hippies? Liberals? This is America people, Capitalism, get used to it and play along... Do Work! (This information was provided not for profit and was the sole actions of multiple alchohalic beverages and bordem, no thanks needed. Also, this information is not intended for any means of a succesfull or profitable business model, I am not a legal professional and non of this advice should be taken without consent of an actual attorney (Either Should Tequilla shots in TJ). I am not representing any company, I am not selling anything, I dont really care cause I cant get in trouble for this anyways, bla bla good day!)


Move on with your life

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, September 01, 2008

In response to Someone Belfast, Its hard work, commission, and long hours but the rewards are there in plain black and white if you can make it through the programme. Its not for me because im not driven enough to be my own boss, but if i were it is an honest oppertunity. The people that work there are decent people and it is a great environment to be in. I saw promotions and the only people really bother to file reports are jealous people like you.You should really move on with your life and not be so bitter towards people who choose to do this. Cant imagine you were there that long either seen as you never made it to management and dont have 100% correct information. Very one sided report!! You cant admit to yourself that you weren't good enough to get through it so you decide to make up your own version of events to make out you were conned. A sad attempt to stop other people having on oppertunity to do it if they want. It would kill you to see other people progress. Go do something productive with your time - like, get a life!!


United Kingdom
Lets not forget

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 19, 2008

I totally agree with most of whats being said on here about the practices of Skye marketing and LMC and kee initiative Apart from the rebuttal from Alias, its seems to me that he/she would be an employee of skye marketing still vrey much engulfed in the lies!! What we shouldnt forget though is that Skye marketing are only operating in Northern Ireland, there is a complex network of numerous offices in places all over the uk and ireland...this is all just too make sure they are harder to track down (eventhough alias will probably have a different view on that) So please everyone who reads this be carefull!!! If you ever come along practices that look like the ones skye marketing uses and which are described here, you better think twice!!! (p.s. a clue should be as well the nature of their ads, namely very vague)


United Kingdom
Response to Alias

#5Author of original report

Mon, August 18, 2008

Reply to Alias in numerical order; 1. "Everyone who starts the business, starts under a self-employed basis" Note to you Alias; Everyone in the business will ALWAYS be under self-employed basis. At no point is anyone ever "employed". The deficits to being an "employee" are stressed via impacts. IE. "Do you have an employee (9-5 routine) mentality or an employer mentality (run a business). Yea whatever. 2. "The questions asked and fear of loss techniques used on the observation day are used by millions of other companies and if this person had been on any interview before would have realised that!" This is the most bullshit I have ever read. ACTUALLY The most I have EVER read. Every company in the world gets a lot of recruits. No company in the world has unlimited spaces. Only one with unlimited spaces will want more people than the companies with limited spaces. Therefore, they will take on as many as possible, IE, as many as they can get. This is why each applicant is made to feel they need the position. No applicant is unique. No applicant is required. Each applicant is not even a number, they are simply someone that may benefit DS-Max's wallet. 3. "3.10000 Loan??? - DSMAX used this as a helping hand for a manager to step into a new office in a new city to pay for everything incl. products, administration, legal etc. Doesnt happen in the U.K." I would like to ask you - you say it does not happen in the Uk yet you also say it is used by DS Max to assist new offices??? so which is it??? lol?? does it happen or not?? really shot yourself in the foot there haha 4. "4.Made in China. If you look at the retail market everything is made in China, Thailand etc. as its cheaper to manufacture the products- duhhh!! You're totally right. I'm sorry. Everything is made in China. However, the things that are made in China are not claimed to be made in a different country, they're claimed to be made in china. Unlike victoria jackson cosmetics. "no it's not made in china, the packaging is" lol. Kind of like Fondini watches. The way they were made in Italy? more like a take on Justin Cobb's wife whos name was Fonda and they needed an italian sounding name (words of a RD himself. justin cobb) 5. "5.Why would companies like Disney, Warner Bros., MBNA, TalkTalk, Barlaycard take such a risk on an overall company if ts such a scam??" Because they don't give a crap - they really do generate sales from the marketing. They really do. It's the guy trooping around for 8 hours each day is the guy losing out. The big wigs get richer. The distributers only help the big wigs get richer. It's kind of funny how a lot of major recruitment websites don't recruit for companies such as Skye/LMC Marketing or Kee Initiative. It's because their method of work is so controversial. IE. total abuse. 6. "6.LTD. As a managing director you run your own company which ever way you like, but it's a lot easier to do it the same way everyone else has done it before and make a lot of money rather than the way someone with no business ownership experience and do it wrong. If you want to open your business in a different country you do so if you have built enough capitol to do so just like if you own a shop and want to take it down the street it's your business you fund it." This is very true. Absolutely 100% true. But out of the 56 UK offices, I'm pretty sure all 56 people didn't think to themselves "OMG I CANT WAIT TO RUN AN OFFICE IN THE UK. TO HELL WITH HAWAII AND AMERICA AND AUSTRLIA THOSE PLACES SUCKKKKK I WANT TO WORK IN THE UK YEA UK ROCKS". Or maybe they were simply told where to locate to? (Wikipedia: Occams Razor / Law of Parsimony; in the event of multiple theorys the simplest is usually correct. Do the math). 7. "The interview process is different but the business is different" Ofcourse the business is different. Most illegal scams get shut down but this one has too many loopholes. It's the one surviving strategy that the courts can do nothing against. And if it was a legitimate business with great prospects, why so many ripoff reports and bad press? 8. "8.Pyramid Scheme. As regards to a pyramid scheme every business in the world has someone at the top making more than anyone else" Well no s**t sherlock. Anyone would think you're a modern day Bill Gates with that sort of thinking! I wish I'd have thought of that. Idiot. 9. "Law of averages" No. Skye did not create it. It utilised it. It thought to itself "How can I motivate someone to walk around for nearly 10 hours earning not a penny to continue doing so. Oh. I have an idea..." 10. "Hours?? How many companies out there can take a person from not knowing a single thing about sales, marketing, management and out them into a position within 1 year" Prison. 11. "11.Assistant Manager wage. The assistant manager gets paid in the office, when not in the office doesn't get paid for being in the office, and more for field sales." Lie. The AM can get paid a wage either 50% of the sale price or what the AM's team generate in that single day. 12. "12.Managers take a wage and again as they own the business are smart with their money manage their finances." Yes they own the business, but 50% goes to PERDM and 30% goes to the distributor leaving 20% for the owner. And lets remember, they still have to bank into the business account so how much of that 20% does the owner REALLY get? "Losing your attitude and blaming someone else makes you look the fool." I did not lose my attitude. If I want, I can go into shops or housing areas and sell whatever I want. I simply gained a bit of wisdom about the business. I stopped being taken advantage of. I saw the business for what it was. A total RIPOFF. "If you have any more questions about the that business works file a rebuttal." If you have anymore questions about ANY business. Find another one.


Don't buy into this scam company!

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 14, 2008

As someone from the States whose also worked for a DS-Max related company, I can tell you from first hand experience that everything the author talked about in this report is legitimate! My own experience left me disslutioned and angry over the treatment we recieved as employess. When the "system" is referred to in the same light as to how franchises like McDonalds works, you know you need to get out of there, pronto! Oh by the way, their company mascot is a Rhino. Which appropirately enough, is an engandered species. Peace out!


United Kingdom
Still brainwashed then

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 04, 2008

Sounds to me like your still brainwashed, still defending the company eventhough it has been proven over and over again that it's a big scam!! And by the way it does happen as well in the UK that people had to take out business loans for 10.000. I know a lot of people who were very good and didnt 'neg'-out who had to leave because of this business. Just as a note I don't blame you for still being brainwashed, It was a very difficult decision for me as well to quit it, thankfully I found out the dark side of the organisation very shortly after I left!! I would advise you, as everyone else, to do some investigation on the things they don't tell you and don't want you to know.


United Kingdom
My Version

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 04, 2008

Most of the information here is correct, there's just a few areas that weren't concise. 1. Everyone who starts the business, starts under a self-employed basis working and managing themselves, all the companies do is provide products and services to sell, teach you how to run the company yourself and make a lot of money! If you are a self-employed builder you get provided with materials a territory and taught how to build, if you take a day off due to rain you won't get paid for doing nothing! 2.The questions asked and fear of loss techniques used on the observation day are used by millions of other companies and if this person had been on any interview before would have realised that! 3.10000 Loan??? - DSMAX used this as a helping hand for a manager to step into a new office in a new city to pay for everything incl. products, administration, legal etc. Doesnt happen in the U.K. 4.Made in China. If you look at the retail market everything is made in China, Thailand etc. as its cheaper to manufacture the products- duhhh!! 5.Why would companies like Disney, Warner Bros., MBNA, TalkTalk, Barlaycard take such a risk on an overall company if ts such a scam?? 6.LTD. As a managing director you run your own company which ever way you like, but it's a lot easier to do it the same way everyone else has done it before and make a lot of money rather than the way someone with no business ownership experience and do it wrong. If you want to open your business in a different country you do so if you have built enough capitol to do so just like if you own a shop and want to take it down the street it's your business you fund it. 7.Interview Process. The interview process is different but the business is different you will not find that someone with no sales experience can get any sales job, just like someone with no management experience can take over and manage a restaurant or a new clothes shop, different in that if you want to learn new things everyday about sales, management, accounts as long as you're not a close minded person and like if you want to progress in any other business do what the manager asks at the end of the day they did it! 8.Pyramid Scheme. As regards to a pyramid scheme every business in the world has someone at the top making more than anyone else, a pyramid scheme usually consists of all the people at the botom investing money and it filtering through to the top. In the business I found the person at the top being a manger, managing and getting more than the person who hasn't done the managers job yet but also been giving the opportunity to build personally, in business and get up the ladder. 9.Law of Averages. Not a system this business created also used by millions of sales companies world wide, seen enough people get enough sales. 10.Hours?? How many companies out there can take a person from not knowing a single thing about sales, marketing, management and out them into a position within 1 year? This business involves teaching and training(which shouldn't be classified as work) field sales(work) and a breakdown of what has been covered over the day to fit that all into a year involves a lot of hours! 11.Assistant Manager wage. The assistant manager gets paid in the office, when not in the office doesn't get paid for being in the office, and more for field sales. 12.Managers take a wage and again as they own the business are smart with their money manage their finances. Please try to understand that by asking the right questions you will get the answers. Losing your attitude and blaming someone else makes you look the fool. If you have any more questions about the that business works file a rebuttal. Yours, Retired

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