  • Report:  #1053986

Complaint Review: Slim 4 Life - Independence Missouri

Reported By:
Anonymous - Higginsville, Missouri,

Slim 4 Life
18931 E Valley View Pkwy Independence, 64055 Missouri, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

They lure you in with a promo, mine was 'lose up to 30 lbs in 30 days for $199, everything included' and it's guaranteed.  So, on my initial consultation, they asked about my lifestyle and I described a very busy, hectic, lifestyle working full-time and running kids to games every night of the week, so I needed a plan that was easy to follow and able to stick to for someone on the go.  They said this would be perfect, and even said you could eat out and they highly recommended you not depriving yourself of the things you love constantly because that would be set-up for failure.  Sounded great, I'll try that!  

I asked about the "guarantee" the guarantee only applies if you come in every day for consultation, which they highly recommend, or at minimum 3 times per week, or they guarantee nothing.  (and they only figured me out to lose 12 lbs, she said she expected more, this was just worse case senerio.  And, in the office, they do not use the term up to 30lbs as states in commercials, it's 20lbs)  I explained that I lived an hour away and coming in everyday was impossible, I could only do once a week on Saturdays,  so they informed me that I would have no "guarantee" because I would need daily coaching.  Their 'guarantee' by the way, is not a money back guarantee....it is just their verbal declairation that 'if you follow their plan exactly, you WILL lose weight'.  She said that they would extend the program longer if you did not lose the weight, as part of the guarantee, but I believe you have to purchase the additional supplements that you used up in the first 30 days.  In fact, they tell you many times that there is NO money back guarantee, once your signed up, you're out the money. 

She went on to explain how I would come in for a consultation with a nutritionist and get a nutrition 'class'.  That sounded like just what I needed.  So at the end of the meeting I signed up and gave them $200 for a starter kit and she handed me a coupon to use at my "nutrition class" at the end of the week to purchase additional supplements.  Ok, that sounded good.  So, a week goes by, I did the prep work 3 days prior to my class, which consisted of eating daily (mandatory)... 2-3 lbs of meat, unlimited green raw veggies, 2 eggs, 1 orange, 1/2 teaspoon lite salt only, and 10 glasses of water.  That was so much meat... I felt like I was going to vomit, but I tried my best to get it down. 

A week goes by and it's time for my nutrition class.  So excited to see what information she has for me. After driving an hour on a Saturday to be up there by 10:00am, I signed in and waited in the lobby for 20 min.  A customer service rep finally takes me to a desk to get information and weigh in, and told me my class would be around 45 min. long.  The nutritionist comes walking by and says to the girl that she told someone to let her know when I got there...from what I gathered she had already started a class at 10:00 and no one let her know I was there, so I missed it. 

So, the nutritionist comes to get me, she looked like she had just rolled out of bed, threw on clothes and came to work with hair all a mess and an attitude of not wanting to be there.  We go into a room, where a flip chart is set up that is supposed to explain the program, I guess.  She take the flip chart down, puts it off to the side and says 'She's not even going to use that, she thinks she can get my class done in 20 min and she would just go over the details in my take home booklet....not what I wanted to hear.  She made it very clear that they closed at 1:00 and she was wanting to hurry through my joke of a "class".  It's only like 10:30 so I'm not sure what her issue was.  And keep in mind...I was there on time, so how is any of this my fault?

So, she opens my take-home booklet and talks so fast that I can barely understand what she is saying while flipping pages.  After about 15 min, maybe less, she declairs that she's 'done, easy right?'  I said no, not really, I'm really regretting joining Slim4Life at this point and since I haven't opened anything in my starter kit could I return it, I felt like I had wasted $200.  She told me no, it's non-refundable and from that point talked to me like I was stupid and getting attitude.  I told her she talked too fast, I didn't understand anything and this was a huge mistake.  She asked what questions I had...how would I know, it was all so confusing?  I then gave her my coupon for 30% off to buy some of the additional supplements she said would be beneficial, but guess what....it's only good if you buy an entire year's worth of product, totaling $2000....that is AFTER applying the 30% discount.  I was expecting to spend a hundred or so, but $2000 up front?  No Way!  I was so angry and discouraged at that point I was about to cry and just wanted to get out of there.  She informed me that she had worked there for 2 yrs and had never had anyone unhappy with her service.....ok lady, well then....here's your first, because I'm pist! I tried to keep my cool, I didn't say anything inappropriate, I just wanted to leave before I cried.

I am quite capable of reading a booklet on my own, so the class was a joke and a waste of 2 hours drive time plus the time sitting in their office.  After I got home and read the booklet myself...how ridiculous.  Anyone would lose weight by eating nothing but one orange for breakfast, a small handfull of fruit and a protein bar as a snack, 5oz of meat and a cup veggies for lunch, and about the same for dinner with another protein bar or diet drink in between.  A slice of diet bread or 2 pieces of melba toast (gross) here and there.  That does not fit my busy on-the-go schedule, never at home to weigh out everything, that I had described at my initial consultation and where exactly is the leeway to be able to eat out and have the foods you like on occasion?

In closing, I feel completely ripped off and of course I can't find a corporate address to mail a letter to or call to explain what happened to me.  Guess I'm out of $200, and there's nothing I can do about it!!!  You absolutely could do this "plan" at home by just watching portion sizes, watching your starch/carb and sugar intake, and getting in your fruits, veggies and water daily.  (which is what most us that are overweight struggle with anyway, right?) Save yourself the stress and spend your money on a consultation with a REAL nutritionist that can give you real plan to follow and treat you like an important client that's worth their time. By the way, I've learned from others now that you can buy their overly priced supplements at health food stores much, much cheaper.  You just have to learn what to look for.

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