  • Report:  #260906

Complaint Review: SmartStyle - Regis Corporation - Tallahassee Florida

Reported By:
- Tallahassee, Florida,

SmartStyle - Regis Corporation
4400 W. Tennessee St (Inside Wal-Mart) Tallahassee, 32304 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Smartstyle (Regis Corp.) denied me lunch and bathroom breaks, which violated my Federal and Civil Rights (OSHA). We were very short staffed and informed that if shop was left unattained the penalty is termination. So my Manager and myself had to urinate in a bucket in the dispenery room.

I am a Minister and asked to have Sundays off for Reglious purposes and was told if I didn't work every other Sunday I wouldn't have a job.

Smartstyle (Regis Corp.) computer allowed employees easy access to my private information Date of Birth, Social Security number, home number, address, and income with the touch of a button. When my Manager was out on leave one (white) employee in particular look at my income... and started to complain about my schedule and had the service of extension terminated. Extension was the highest paid service in the salon and was performed by Black employees on Black customers. The (white) empolyee wouldn't inform White customers that Black employees knew how to do there hair and instead of letting one of the Black employees do White customers hair would stay hours after her scheduled shift to perform the service herself.

White employees would come in very late (hours) or not show up and get little or no reprimands. But when I left an hour early when my Manager came in I was written up with a final write-up and never recieved any write-ups or warnings prior. My Manager was afraid of lossing her job and her Supervisor (white) constantly had her to treat me unfairly with write-ups... When I complained to Florida Commision on Human Relations (FCHR). I recieved write-ups and threats for any little thing. When FCHR contacted my Manager She was very upset with me for involving her and cursed at me on a daily bases. I asked to be transfered to another Regis Company. I was contacted by Regis Company concerning my transfer and turned my key in to SmartStyle and when I did that the Supervisor called me saying there was no room for me at the Regis Company I was suppose to be transferring to. The Supervisor was aware of the hostile environment I was in and only offered for me to stay in the hostile environment and I just couldn't do it!


Tallahassee, Florida


6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
I Believe it

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, February 06, 2010

I worked for Mastercuts in Manassas Va about fifteen years ago, owned by Regis, and I hated that company. I once opened the drawer of the assistant manager's station to borrow a hair tool and found printouts of everyone's payroll and it caused a big stink. Some were getting paid more than others for no reason, just because they were stuck up the manager's behind. Yes, I peeked, but it was just me and one other stylist, and we were bored, it was slow. You would have done the same. Anyhow, we confronted the manager and she said the people who were paid more, all day workers, like her, had official titles, like floor supervisor, or other made up titles. I asked to see this in writing and she couldn't produce it. Also, I had been working in the business for a while and try as I might, I could not find a salon where there was no smoking. So I got a job at this Mastercuts because it was in a mall known for its non smoking policy. What a joke! As soon as you walk in the door to the mall, you could smell smoke, even before the stores have opened! Everyone smoked in the back room of their stores, including mastercuts. It made me sick, that's why I volunteered to work nights and Sundays, because I can't stand smoke, and me and one other girl, a non smoker, usually worked those shifts. I had three kids to raise and would have enjoyed being home with them, but I had to work the crap shifts to avoid smoke. Then, a manager position opened up. I was in my early thirties, and had more experience than anyone else, even the manager that left, also I had to fix alot of cuts from customers who came in during the day, not getting paid. I knew alot about color and black hair, things that newer stylists didn't know, and I was passed over for a cute, young girl with little experience. I asked why and the district manager said it was because I complained about the smoking too much. Yes, I admit I did and I had every right to, since the salon was located two doors from the outside mall door. Why couldn't they smoke outside? Anyway, I now have my own successful salon with my own rules, with NO NASTY SMOKE!



#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, February 02, 2010

I had worked 3 years for Regis- quick money, you bust your a*s but The REGIS CO in my opinion should be shut down.   They are doing whatever they want without regard to the safety of the public or the employee.  I never could locate an MSDS book in  any of the locations I floated to.   Breaks are frowned upon and if you check the box  when you clock out that you did not have the opportunity to take a break  The Mgr. was up your a*s because this would affect reports$%$$$$$

I hope I never have to work for REGIS again I love to work and the industry but this company in my opinion  is operated like a SWEATSHOP in a THIRD WORLD

we need a union to protect what is left of this profession before it's too late

professional stylists

United States of America
extreme situation!

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, November 22, 2009

This sounds like an extreme situation and I have to say that if you were urinating in a bucket you must have really wanted that JOB because nothing is worth my butt hanging over a bucket if I have to urinate.

Secondly, I managed for this company for two years and although I was lied to and treated like dirt, gossiped about and stabbed in the back by my supervisor I can say without a doubt your personal info is not available at the touch of a button! It is in a managers screen, you have to have a code to access it and your social is *** *** ***** even in that screen. Employee paperwork is to be sent to the payroll department the day you are hired, and if copies are kept the bottom right drawer at the front counter is where they are kept and that drawer by company standard is to be locked. Only your manager and supervisor have the key.

As far as black or white services. My staff all did all races and extensions are not even on the company list of services available. In fact Mr. Exline's (the ceo) office sent out a memo last year company wide about not offering services that are not on the service menu. Smart Style offers the same services in all states yours should not have been any exception. This company works hard at not discriminating against any race, religion or creed. I know that first hand.

Yes you do have to work on sunday, however they are always willing to work around you going to church. So you work before or after... we all did it. I made more money on Sunday than I did on most other days in a shorter amount of time.

Do they work you like a dog? Yes! Do they pay well? No! Do they intimidate you if you put 'no' to the were you offered a break question? Yes! But, urinating in a bucket come on! Really! Was it really worth it?

I despise what this company does to people but.... Hello! Really!?! Your files shouldn't have been there, the restroom is usually really close to the salon, extensions are not a service that should have been being offered. Sundays should have been part of your original interview discussion so unless you found religion after being hired I have no sympathy there either. Sorry, your blog just doesn't cut it for me.



#5UPDATE Employee

Mon, May 25, 2009

Not saying this didn't happen....but, I have been a smart style manager for two years now, and am currently running a salon with huge sales increases from past years, close to 100K increase actually. I am often short staffed, and yet, not a single one of my employees have ever urinated in a bucket in the back room...or been threatened to be fired for having to pee...where was your STATE BOARD INSPECTOR, your supervisor, your regional manager... Also, as far as personal information at the touch of a button? What are you talking about? All employee information is in a manager password protected section of the computer? Only the salon manager has acess to that information, and the social security number is blocked out from even the manager's view. If your manager was doing their job, all your personal records should have not even been in the salon, they should have been mailed to the payroll department....and if your manager was also using the "bucket" in the back room...I think your problem was not with the company and the break policies...but with your individual manager....you should have reported him/her. Also, at the end of every shift, when you clock out...you are asked a question..."were you allowed a meal break?" This is in there for a reason....if you weren't allowed a break...your own time sheets would reflect that....and you were lying to the company on a daily basis by clicking on "yes, I was allowed a meal break"


Wow, I can't believe they did that to u

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, February 13, 2009

I am utterly, astounded, that they treated you that way. I swear they or even people now days fail to understand much of anything. I worked for the company in my area for ten months, i understood the everyother sunday thing, i would work most of my sundays alone because either the people scheduled with would call in or quit. come in when others wouldn't yet when i applied for manager i got turned down because i seemed to flighty, i found that out from the person who got the job. i would try to dust shelves and keep everything neat and tidy but when the person that the area supervisor hired quit cuz someone shut the store down early, and that person applied for the managers position as did i, we were going on out third week without management and everything was going downhill fast, i was in the process of moving for the second time in a month, talking to one girl who wanted to quit but somehow convinced her to stay, than her daughter got sick, when she found out i couldn't work for her she was told by our area supervisor to get grandma to watch her daughter and buck it up come in to work. the next day, i was moving getting ready to get a new car i go a call from the girl who was my compeitor for management saying she needed me to come in i told her i would but i needed to get my new car and get it registered and i would be in. well she threatened to shut the store down again i said no let me get my new car cuz this one isn't trustworthy i will be there. well, i decided to call the area supervisor for the second day in the row, cuz i called her once the day before to discuss the girl who's little one was sick and explained what was going on with me, and why i couldn't or else i would of worked for her plus i told her that the girl had said was her last night. i thought i had told her that the girl who had taken her call had taken her off the schedule. must not have cuz i got chewed out, about supposenly only wanting to work thirty hrs a wk, got chewed out over numbers, was asked what do i want her to do about it. at that point, all i could think was and i said it, the store is falling apart without a manager she told me it didn't need one. my mind was spinning, i didn't know to think i was pissed went in worked closed the store. came back the next day, saw i was suppose to work nine to nine, was livid, the girl who was competeing to get manager came in got her stuff. i was looking at schedule thinking this can't be happening, do i call my area supervisor and risk getting chewed out to i stick it out, or do i do the ulitimite no no, and shut the store down. well, i did the ulitimite no no and shut the store down. i am unable to find a job to this day...sad thing is i would still be there but it went to show i wasn't ready to step up and be manager, yet i feel i was hazed out. but for them to see how much you were making that was not right, and as far as suing them, honestly, who is gonna take on a corperation that big.


I am definitely not surprised

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, March 27, 2008

I am a former employee of Smart Style as well and this behavior is NOT uncommon. Between being understaffed preventing breaks and facing termination due to your own or a loved one's illness you simply can't catch a break at this place. I have seen thefts take place, I have seen personal information about other stylists being talked about in the salon, you name it. I have called area supervisors, regional managers, and even home office about this and NOTHING was done. Maybe if people who have been wronged by this hellhole get together and consider some sort of legal action then maybe Regis will pay attention to how it treats its' employees. Keep up the good fight. There are better places out there to work that will appreciate your talents.

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