  • Report:  #103806

Complaint Review: SMS.ac - Michael Pousti - Brandie Williams - Greg Wilfahrt - ActiveSMS - San Diego California

Reported By:
- Cupertino, California,

SMS.ac - Michael Pousti - Brandie Williams - Greg Wilfahrt - ActiveSMS
308 G Street San Diego, 92101 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
EDitor's Comment: Ripoff Report REVIEW: Ripoff Report REVIEW is complete: We note that with over 35 million registered members, there are only a mere 15 Rip-off Reports filed on the Company, which is an outstanding record. We commend the Company for asking us to look into these Reports with a sincere effort by the Company to satisfy any customer that might have fallen through the cracks. Not too sure what the problem could be with a money back guarantee?! With 35 million customers, and hundreds of customer service people working at the Company, we would think they would have a lot more complaints, but they don't. We all know how customer service people can be, remember they are human too :-) .

Review shows many of the comments made about the Company are ludicrous and were more than likely posted by competitors and should not be taken seriously. ALL BUSINESSES WILL GET COMPLAINTS, BUT HOW THOSE BUSINESSES HANDLE THOSE COMPLAINTS SEPARATES GOOD BUSINESS FROM BAD BUSINESS. As a matter of policy, when Ripoff Report is retained by a business to investigate independently and to publish our findings, we use every bit of information at our disposal to determine the truthfulness of the complaints against the company or individual... there are no guarantees as to the final outcome. Our final investigation shows that the company has demonstrated excellent customer satisfaction and has reasonably addressed all outstanding complaints. Anyone may contact me [email protected] with any questions or information. ..Also, the company has set up a special email address for those who may have a special refund request (although the regular refund procedures seem to be exemplary). The address is: [email protected]

CLICK HERE to read more about the company "Setting the record straight"


Nothing stops the growth of SMS.ac, as it maintains its ranking as the leading destination and business platform for mobile data users worldwide. Notwithstanding postings like this, the momentum of SMS.ac can't be stopped by the ridiculous ramblings of an upset competitor of SMS.ac, whose sole intent is to interrupt the business of SMS.ac. One of the largest analyst firms in the world (IDC) named SMS.ac to its 10 Emerging Wireless Players to Watch list for 2005 and an industry standard (Fierce Wireless) named SMS.ac to its Fierce 15 list, calling SMS.ac one of the top 15 wireless companies in the world. SMS.ac has also been featured on the front page of the New York Times, the BBC, CNBC Europe, MSNBC, USA Today, ABC's 20/20 and many other news outlets around the world.

===================== NOW TO THE ORIGIONAL REPORT THAT WAS FILED =====================

According to the California Employment Development Department, SMS.ac falls under the category of 'Underground Economy Organization' or 'UEO' (http://www.edd.cahwnet.gov/taxrep/txueoind.htm#Definition-of-Underground-Economy). Since SMS.ac apparently hires people as 'independent consultants' but yet requires them to report to their (SMS.ac) place of business at specific times and issues a holiday schedule, SMS.ac is required by California law to consider those hires 'employees' and pay unemployment, SS and other payroll taxes. After some investigating, I have not been able to find anyone who worked at SMS.ac that actually was 'employed' or who received a 1099 tax form (yet technically, all SMS.ac 'consultants' required to follow a work schedule on premises are employees). Also, SMS.ac writes checks to 'consultants' from another company called ActiveSMS, which was determined NOT to be a DBA of SMS.ac. There is something really funny going on at SMS.ac.

Call 1-800-528-1783 to report SMS.ac to the EDD. If you are an ex-employee of SMS.ac, I suggest you do just that. And do it before *YOU* are accused of wrongdoing.

Accounts to me from an SMS.ac employee who wishes to remain anonymous due to fear of retaliation:

"SMS.ac required workers to report to the new office at 308 G Street at 9:00am monday - friday and there was a mandatory 8:00am company-wide SMS.ac (mis)information (brainwashing?) meeting, so the start time is really 8:00am. Punishment for being late was cooking SMS.ac employees breakfast on Monday morning. You were supposedly able to leave at 6:00pm but just try and dodge the evil eye from other SMS.ac workers who decided to give up there life for this promise of unlimited wealth and stay until whenever.

On fridays, SMS.ac employees were expected to meet in the afternoon for a special weekly gathering to foster team spirit (or for further brainwashing, depending on how you look at it).

Scheduled during off-hours and at all times of the night and weekends SMS.ac employees were required to log into the SMS.ac site and send bogus messages to clubs to spark conversation. Little did most people know that those messages cost the users credits (money). The act of sending these messages to thousands of users per message was termed 'seeding' by MP.

The whole thing was like some kind of a cult or something with MP (Michael Pousti) as the 'Godhead'. An inner circle of hardcore worshipers would say anything to add credibility to MPs speeches, which were mostly aimed at convincing everyone that he was the future Bill Gates and SMS.ac the future Microsoft and all the contract workers stock options would be worth millions of dollars. The strangest thing of all was that the inner-circle believed it and most newcomers would get all starry-eyed and start believing it too. It was one of the strangest experiences of my life."

- Anonymous Ex-employee of SMS.ac

Anyone who worked at SMS.ac and was required to report to the SMS.ac office for specific work hours and who did not receive a 1099 form from SMS.ac needs to contact the EDD (1-800-528-1783) and file a report.

The EDD is required to follow up on all reports of misconduct. This will help put an end to a form of slavery which exists currently and causes many employees to live substandard lives to fulfill the sick dreams of self-absorbed cowards who feed off of anyone who will let them.

Bob Cupertino, California

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Educated Guess

Niagara Falls,
New York,
Asking the Right Questions

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, April 09, 2009

How many of these 35 million user accounts consist of CURRENTLY ACTIVE accounts of "regular" use? How many of those accounts are genuine and current, rather than duplicates and filler? Has the ban from conducting business in the United Kingdom been lifted? A current employee (who shall remain anonymous) claimed that SMS.AC employed a "seeding" tactic (spammed text messages from artificial accounts) in its early days in order to stimulate interest, but alleges that the practice has since been ceased. If SMS.AC charges for text messages and admits to having "seeded", then wouldn't that have constituted some sort of consumer fraud at the time? From what I understand about SMS.AC, the client's first text message is free, but subsequent messages (whether sent or received) come at a cost to the client. Since it's beginning, SMS.AC has made potentially misleading statments to recruits about the profitability of its business and the lucrativity of its stock options. Many recruits were seduced into working for SMS.AC for stock under SMS.AC's claim that the stock would be worth millions if they ever went public. It's been nearly 9 years and they have yet to do so. SMS.AC supposedly has 35 million users in 180 countries, then why haven't they already (BIG RED FLAG)? Mike P., you're starting to seem more like Charles P. the more I read about you. The reason I know about SMS.AC's recruitment is because I was recruit a few years ago.

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