  • Report:  #244299

Complaint Review: Snappy Citgo Convenience Center - Chicago Illinois

Reported By:
- Chicago, Illinois,

Snappy Citgo Convenience Center
2477 S. Archer Ave Chicago, 60619 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I had stopped in for gas on Monday April 16th around 11:19 am and I was pulling up into the this particular gas station at 2477 S. Archer in Chicago at the intersection of Archer and Halsted. As I was pulling in a gentleman in a older model Jeep Cherokee was pulling off unaware that he had paid for gas and then about 5 minutes later he's pulling up and approaching me saying he had paid for gas when apparently it didnt show because machine had reset itself. I assumed that he had already pumped his gas when I pulled in and was getting ready to leave.

Then he's going into the store telling the two men working behind the counter that he had paid for gas until they and myself had seen he pulled off then he's telling me I am responsible for his purchase when in fact I'm not and I want a refund of the $15 because I am not responsible for paying for another person purchase when they pulled off from the pump and that the station attendants had failed to say to the man that if you leave the next customer after you is NOT responsible for paying for your gas that you didnt pump and had paid for prior to the next person showing up. The station attendants were two Indian males one was balding with a beard and the other had short dark hair and the gentleman who did this was also a male described as Jordanian and was wearing jeans and a grayish jacket and drove a two tone gray early 90s model Jeep Cherokee with a leather grill bra on the front.

The attendant told me that this has happened 3 times and didnt say when it happened, but apparently this guy has done this before and yet they stood there like it was nothing and that's not right that I have to pay for someone else's gas when they neglectfully pulled away from the pump and I assumed they had already pumped their gas and was leaving. I want the money back from this because it's not my responsibility to pay for this man's purchase when he pulled off from the pump and should be responsible for his own purchase. All I want is the $15 back because they failed to place signs or some notification on pumps and on the door of the store informing customers that if they leave after paying for their gas and didnt pump the next customer is not responsible for paying for their purchase and the station management will not issue a refund to get customers to think long and hard that they can pull stuff like this and defraud people and allow gas station management to do stuff like this by making another customer pay for gas for someone else's negligence for leaving when they didnt put their gas in.

Obviously this guy could afford gas if he could come out of Dunkin Donuts that's next door to this station with a hot cup of coffee. I am also reporting this matter to the Better Business Bureau as well and with the City of Chicago so it's on record. Gas station owners have a responsibility to notify consumers that if they leave the next customer that pulls up to the pump they were at IS not responsible for gas they paid for since they left the next person assumes that pump is free to use.


Chicago, Illinois

16 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
I agree with the lady from Norcross

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, May 06, 2007

First, your report WAS very difficult to understand. No one is making any "cracks" at you -- just informing you that if you want the obtain the most help possible with your problem, you need to convey what the problem is CLEARLY and CONCISELY. Using complete sentences with punctuation and proper grammar usually accomplishes this. Second, I am confused as to how this situation transpired and became so out of control. The last time I checked, gas stations everywhere have CAMERAS. If you were truly "ripped off" then the evidence should be on tape. If they are unwilling or unable to show you the evidence, they cannot prove that you owe any money toward their little scam. See? It's as simple as that. What are you getting so worked up over?


Norcross (Metro Atlanta),
Regarding This

#3Consumer Suggestion

Sun, May 06, 2007

Well actually (no offense intended) I wasn't making "cracks" regarding your post. So my apologies if you took it that way. Only that it was, to the reader, somewhat hard to understand. But honestly, please do not let incompetent cashiers/clerks/etc. ruin your day. If you pay for your fuel, you're done. Let the burden of proof fall on them. I think that perhaps if you could elaborate more in the future it would be more helpful. PS: Did you contact the company regarding the overpayment you said they forced you to make? Good luck. :)


Re: To Juliet

#4Author of original report

Sun, May 06, 2007

I hope this will teach gas station owners and managers that your prescence on the premises stop employees from allowing customers to defraud the station and other customers for things and YES make sure each and every time you get gas to get a receipt since people do stuff like this all the time and if a station has been hit 3 times by the same guy then these workers were aware he was running a scam and didnt report this to the police. The manager of this station sounds to me like he's one of those absentee managers who only makes his prescence known so many times a week to make sure things are in order and then dips off. This is why I am duly noting each time I go to a gas station to see if a manager is present and if contact information for one is present. Cameras will help gas station owners and managers to verify who was last at the pump that day if the footage is used for legal proceedings and this can stop complaints and suits from happening.



#5Author of original report

Sun, May 06, 2007

First I didnt restart the pump the pump was already on zero because if you don't start pumping it resets itself. Plus this guy drove off when I pulled up and I saw he didnt pump any gas into his car so how am I supposed to be responsible for his purchase when 1. He drove off without pumping gas and 2. He came back 5 minutes later claiming he paid for gas and didnt have a receipt to prove he paid for gas. What part of that do you not see the discrepancy? Now if you're trying to understand this even further, what more can I explain it so that it's clear to you? The workers behind the counter DID NOT ask this guy to produce a receipt that says he paid $15 for gas which means he was running a scam on the station and me. Since he didnt produce a receipt with the amount he was claiming that he paid that right there should have tipped those cashiers off that he was running a scam.Then if the cashier who talked to me said that it happened 3 times in two weeks with this same guy why did they not report this to the police? The workers were the ones that should have told this guy that IF YOU LEAVE the station the next person after you IS not responsible for paying for purchase.



#6Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 05, 2007

The pump read zero and according to the same cashier who said this guy had pulled this stunt 3 times in 2 weeks cited that the pump resets itself. Well either way the workers at the station will have to answer to why they didnt tell this guy that if you leave without pumping gas whether you paid or not the next person after you is not responsible for paying for your purchase.



#7Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 05, 2007

The pump read zero and according to the same cashier who said this guy had pulled this stunt 3 times in 2 weeks cited that the pump resets itself. Well either way the workers at the station will have to answer to why they didnt tell this guy that if you leave without pumping gas whether you paid or not the next person after you is not responsible for paying for your purchase.



#8Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 05, 2007

The pump read zero and according to the same cashier who said this guy had pulled this stunt 3 times in 2 weeks cited that the pump resets itself. Well either way the workers at the station will have to answer to why they didnt tell this guy that if you leave without pumping gas whether you paid or not the next person after you is not responsible for paying for your purchase.



#9Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 05, 2007

The pump read zero and according to the same cashier who said this guy had pulled this stunt 3 times in 2 weeks cited that the pump resets itself. Well either way the workers at the station will have to answer to why they didnt tell this guy that if you leave without pumping gas whether you paid or not the next person after you is not responsible for paying for your purchase.


Still trying to understand this myself.

#10Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 05, 2007

OK, so the pump stopped at $15.00, so your car has $15.00 worth of gas in it, thus you paid the cashier $15.00. You're done, you can leave the store. Whatever may or may not have happened previously with the other guy doesn't concern you. Actually the station may end up getting paid twice for that $15.00 if he doesn't come back. Now if you restarted the pump and pumped more gas after the initial $15.00 worth, this second amount you definitely have to pay for. But the first $15.00 was already paid for (by a generous, or careless stranger). The store can't charge you for it again. Whether you want to repay the other guy for it is up to whether you believe his story or not. If he can't produce a receipt, I'd be inclined to tell him too bad, so sad, next time don't leave the station without your gas. How do you know he's the one that deserves the money back?


Thanks Nafeesah

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, May 05, 2007

I appreciate the clarification, Nafeesah! I must admit that my interest here is pretty self-serving lololol. My husband recently confessed he has done this like 3 times, driven off after paying for gas, and never pumping it! I think he did pretty much as I would do - swear a lot and stop at another station so as to not run out of gas! LUCKILY, in this sense, he usually only gets a couple of gallons at a time so it wasn't like $20 down the tubes. I also have been close to doing this, myself, and now that I've heard your situation, I'm going to try to make sure that I do get a receipt! I'm used to pre-paying now, but when it was first becoming standard procedure at gas stations, it was habit to finish business in the store, hop in the car and leave, since that's how it has been all my adult life. Fortunately, I never got all the way gone! I am sorry for the mess this has caused but you HAVE done me a service by making me even more aware of this hazard, not just for forgetting to pump what I paid for, but for making sure the pump is free and clear when I get there. Not something I was aware of, at all, and don't know what I'd do in this situation either. Good luck on getting it all worked out, and may it never happen to you again!


Re: To Juliet of Alabama

#12Author of original report

Sat, May 05, 2007

The pump did stop at $15, but what made little sense was the cashiers not asking the man to produce a receipt showing he paid for gas.How am I supposed to know he put gas in his car when I pulled up behind him and he didnt pump anything into his car. He drove up one pump stopped there went inside the donut shop got coffee and then came back out got into his car and drove off and then shows up 5 minutes later making the claim he paid for gas and that's when I knew the employees had been lying since common procedure if someone came in with a dispute is to show a receipt that they paid. Either way the manager/owner responded to the complaint I filed with the BBB citing I wasnt entitled to free gas when it was not about free gas. This man's employees didnt follow procedures to ask the man who came in making the claim on paying for gas to produce a receipt showing he paid which he didnt and telling him that you pulled off and didnt pump your gas so the next person after you is not responsible for paying for it. The manager is trying to make it seem as if it was my fault when it was the two workers behind the counter who should have told the guy who came in that it was his fault for leaving because you can't leave and come back making a claim about buying gas you didnt pump. The owner could be held liable for that since apparently it's one of those locations where the manager isnt on the premises so he doesnt know what his employees are doing when he's not there. What gets funny is how one of the cashiers admitted openly that it happened 3 times before in a 2 week period so he incriminated himself with that and it was duly noted to the BBB, State's Attorney's office of consumer affairs and with my city's consumer affairs division. This is what happens when people are not watching their workers carefully and when they hire foreigners who are not assertive in telling a customer that if you leave the station you can't come back claiming you paid when you didnt show proof of a receipt with the amount paid. So don't you think that sounds a bit strange if the workers didnt ask this guy to produce a receipt of purchase to verify he paid $15. If he came in making a claim and can't show anything proving he paid then he was running a scam.


If the $15 was pre-paid, why didn't the pump stop after you put in $15?

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, May 05, 2007

I am not wanting to be aggravating but I still can't figure out how this happened. If you pulled up and the pump was already 'credited' with $15 of gas by the 1st guy, then when you pumped $15 of gas into your vehicle, the pump should've shut off at $15. Even if you were using a credit card at the pump, (it doesn't sound like it?) wouldn't the pump still have shut off after the $15 dollars already pre-paid? If gas is pre-paid, the pump shuts off when that amount is reached. I'm no gas station expert, and I'm sorry to be belaboring the point, but after reading all the posts, I still have that question. If the $15 was pre-paid, why didn't the pump stop after you put in $15?


Re: To Marty of Georgia

#14Author of original report

Sat, May 05, 2007

First off not everyone's perfect when it comes to grammar so I would appreciate not hearing cracks about it. Second to answer your question YES I paid twice for gas the $15 I was forced to pay after the guy who didnt pump his gas drove off and came back 5 minutes later and made a stink about it and didnt even have a receipt to prove he paid exactly $15. I ended up paying a total of $56 since I had to pay again for my purchase. The manager of this station claims I was trying to get free gas when that wasnt the case. What I was addressing was this guy leaving the station and driving off. What makes no sense is that the cashiers didnt ask him to show a receipt. One of them said this happened 3 times in 2 weeks. Here's where the crap makes no sense if this happened 3 times before me why wasnt this reported to the police? The mananger/owner may end up being held responsible for this because his employees allowed someone to come in claiming they paid for something and didnt show a receipt. It's been reported to the city's consumer affairs division, State's attorney's office of consumer affairs and the Better Buisness Bureau. The manager responded to the BBB complaint and I responded back that his workers were lying because they know exactly what happened. Only a stupid idiot would not get a receipt to prove they paid for something and then using their word to make claims on something they know they're liable for. Right now the matter is in the hands of the BBB, State's Attorney's office, and the City. He should consider putting cameras to record activity at the pump so if they do get a complaint they can go back and review the footage to protect them from customers trying to defraud them and legit paying customers.


Norcross (Metro Atlanta),
Which Was It?

#15Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 05, 2007

Sorry but your posts are very confusing! Which was it? Did you or did you NOT pay twice for gas? I can't understand your run-on sentences (periods are missing to separate the sentences). If it was that they claimed you owed them for the previous customer's gas, then just pay for ONLY what you owe and be on your way. If you have proof of what you paid then it's their problem if they can't keep it straight. Let's be realistic. if you got your gas (meaning the pump was reset, which I understand in most cases the OPERATORS were responsible for doing manually) and paid, done deal. Your obligation is met. Please clarify EXACTLY what happened otherwise your post makes no sense! If I were you, I'd stay away from the little gas stations and go to the reputable, clean chain store gas stations. At least those places don't stink inside and the employees actually have a brain. I learned the hard way after many late nights of travel who does and does not deserve my fuel & snack money.


Re: To Mike from Virginia

#16Author of original report

Fri, May 04, 2007

I reported this gas station to the city and the State's Attorney's office of consumer affairs since the manager responded to a complaint I also filed with the Better Business Bureau and the manager claims I wasnt entitled to free gas when this wasnt about free gas it was about the fact that this guy drove off and didnt pump his gas. Coming back 5 minutes later claiming he paid for gas doesnt excuse the fact that he didnt produce any receipt stating he paid so yes I believe he was running a scam since he obviously could afford a cup of coffee since I saw him sitting at the pump and then he didnt pump anything and then moves up one pump goes into the donut shop and gets coffee gets in his car leaves and then comes back. To Mike who posted a response no this does not make a d**n bit of sense whatsoever and yes I believe he was running a scam, but the manager isnt trying to hear that. What also got funny was how the cashier behind the counter said it happened 3 times before so I think the guy who did this regularly frequents this place to pull this scam on people. What I don't get is if the guy admitted this happening more than once then it should have been reported to the police which means they're allowing a potential criminal to get away with this and also putting this man's buisness in jeopardy because now because it's been reported to the Better Business Bureau, State's Attorney's office and the City of Chicago's bureau of consumer affairs they're going to really have a lot to answer for since I consulted with the police and they said to report them since the management or owner could be liable for this because I had receipts proving the discrepancy this could result in possible legal action being taken against this gas station. Apparently the employees working that day lied about what really happened since the guy admitted to this situation happening 3 times before it happened to me so that's where the real truth is going to come of this and if the employee admitted this then they too can face legal action. The manager doesnt need a lawsuit, but what he will have to do is install cameras at the pumps so it video tapes from a remote location so that if something like this should happen again they can review the footage and see who's in the wrong. This is why I get receipts each and every time I get gas because you never know when someone tries to pull a fast one and thinks they can get away with it.


THis makes little sense.

#17Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 17, 2007

You say (A) the guy claimed he pre-paid for a quantity of gas, then left without pumping it? Too bad for him. Or was it (B) did he pump some gas and leave without paying? Good for the station that he came back. Now consider case (A). You didn't know anything was wrong, so you paid for the gas that went into your car. Now they say you have to pay another $15.00? This makes absolutely no sense. The other guy already paid $15.00. In case (B), the guy needs to pay for his gas. It doesn't concern you at all. So this really sounds like the guy in the Jeep is running some sort of scam in complcity with the station employees. They try to confuse you into paying for gas that you never received. How much gas went into your car, and how much did you pay for?

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