  • Report:  #1314476

Complaint Review: Solace Behavioral Health Dr. Tanveer Chaudhry - Brooksville Florida

Reported By:
Disgusted - Brooksville , Florida, USA

Solace Behavioral Health Dr. Tanveer Chaudhry
17222 Hospital Blvd suite #116 Brooksville, 34601 Florida, USA
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I had a drs appt at today, June 30,2016 at 11am. I called to let them know I was running behind and if it was a problem I asked if they had any openings tomorrow because I had an appt in the same plaza and she said no then she said we have a 4pm today if you wanna come then instead of now that way you don't have to rush. I said ok great. Then and hour later she calls and leaves a message to cancel and I call back now they can't get me in for 2 WEEKS! I'm going there for depression and anxiety. I really need counseling and I'm like there is no way I already waited over a month to get in. So they schedule it and then I asked about something they were supposed to do last week, they were supposed to fax over proof to my insurance company that I am attending counseling but of course they didn't! I called 3 days in a row and its been 9 days since i requested this task. Denise, the incompetent untrained poor customer service individual, got rude started talking over me and talking to me like I was brain dead so I told her I was gonna come down and talk to the Dr to explain what I need and I'm gonna need my records. She said ok. I went down there it was lunch time, I waited in the parking lot for an hour.

Then I went in and I stood at the desk for 3mins with the window closed and someone right behind it. Then she opens it, I say hi im (my name) and I'm here to get my medical records and talk to the dr. She's says ok do you want all your records cuz that's $1.25 a page I said yes, but can you minus the treatment plan because I didn't get one in my first visit then on my second my counselor said I'd get it today which would have been my 3rd visit but since I have been canceled and rescheduled out I'd like to see my diagnosis so I can research. The treatment plan is something you are supposed to receive the first visit and explained the drs findings. The Dr never told me himself. So she said yeah I won't charge you so I said well can you tell me how many pages she said oh i gotta get it together could be a lot I said I've only been here twice so far. She said well have a seat and I'll get it ready while you wait for the dr.

Long story short he came out 3x never acknowledged me and I know he knew i was there and why because I told them I was coming and also I heard them telling him whn he came to the desk when he first got back. So he ignored me then I went to the desk again and asked for her to print my papers just so I have them for my records, she said she's getting them ready. A hour goes by and now I'm anxious because everyone he brought back had left so I go to the window and say do you know how much longer because if it will be awhile I'll just take my records and go she said he said it will be 30 more minutes as she said this he is coming out to call someone and then he very rudely says to me do you have a problem? Is there something I need to help you with? (There were at least 6 people in the wating area at this time) I said yes sir I have a problem and I just want to get my records and find another dr. He says good!! I think that would be best and supposedly he didn't even know why I was there! So I said to the girl could you please print my records and she said again I have to get them ready for you. I calmly said, I have been sitting here for over and hour and asked you 3x plus told you I was coming down on the phone, could you at least tell me the total cost so I can go out to the car and get the money whIle you are printing. She says I have to figure it out and there's patients behind you and I said yes I know and they aren't anymore important than me I am a paying patient and I have been patiently waiting for over an hour and the dr starts yelling and asking me what language I speak and saying he's not giving me my records and I need to leave and I said just give me my treatment plan that I was supposed to get at my first visit so I know my diagnoses so I can find another dr and he literally argued wit me, insulted me in front of the clients and then said that's fine you can stand there but you won't get your records and shut the window on me!

I was completely shocked because I am in a behavioral health drs office! I would have thought a Psychiatrist would have more tact and know how to speak to a person under an enormous amount of stress who just wants to know what he thinks is wrong with her, I mean he did charge over $400 for a 30 minute conversation. So I opened the window and now I am humiliated then I said I have a right to my medical records and your staff has made me wait here for over an hour and I think I should at least be able to get my treatment plan. He told me he isn't giving me anything and he will take a week to process my papers! He insulted my intelligence as I told him I need to know my diagnoses to make an appointment with someone else. I have never been through this.

I have been not myself for months and I was just eager to research what he had diagnosed but apparently he has no respect for his patients or their health or buisness. He treated me like trash aND never in a million years would I expect the person I came to for help with sadness, ashame, hurt, pain anf depression would verbally attack me and embarrass me in front of all those people. I told him to please give me my treatment plan and i would be glad to leave and come back for my records at another time. He told me go get a new dr and have them request it im not giving you anything! He then told the girl to call the cops and I said you can call them I haven't been disrespectful and I'm entitled to my medical records that I and my insurance company paid you to give me and I will call the police as well so I waited a few moments and then I went outside and called them, they told me to stay separate from the office and they would contact me so I left. I later spoke with the deputy that responded, I called him. He said he had no reason to contact me but he said the dr and staff said they wanted to trespass me because I was fully aware that I couldn't get my records before i arrived there today!

I was so angry because I literally waited for over an hour and spoke to the girl at the desk 3 times in person once on the phone and never once was I informed I had to wait or that I needed to have another Dr that I don't even have yet request my records. Had I been told that I wouldn't have gone there nor would I have sat in my car an hour until they got back from lunch plus an additional hour and some minutes awaiting the documents I was told I had to pay for and wait 3 separate times for her to get together and print out. I have no history of mental illness nor am I a disrespectfull woman. I was as patient as I could be and after being insulted, yelled at by a medical professional and in my opinion personally made a joke to them as they let me wait there if they had no intentions on giving me what by law is rightfully mine.

That Dr should not be dealing with mentally unstable patients. A man in his profession should not be lying to police officers either. Any security footage would prove my story through and through. A person would commit suicide or go mentally insane or relapse on drugs waiting for an appointment with this company. Yes I was running potentially 5-10mins late and I thought maybe I could reschedule for tomorrow so I don't have to make everyone get behind, I was thinking of them and then she offered me 4 pm and sounded like she prefer I take that and before the hour that I was orginally scheduled was up they called back to cancel they could have squeezed me in in the hour and 20 or 30mins I was waiting for records apparently the dr had no intentions on giving me but they offered me no type of option, they weren't considerate and they made me feel like I was at fault. I believe the dr hasn't even made a treatment plan or had any notes for me because right after my first appointment he rushed out after he rushed me out so I feel as though that's why I didn't get my treatment plan like all other patients and that is protocol. I need to find a way to make this dr wake up and realize the people that come to him need to be able to trust him. He needs to be able to make them feel safe. If he knows the issues of the mind and reasons of rage and reasons of sadness he should be able to maintain his composure and uphold the oath he took when he became a Dr.

I called the office after I spoke with the officer because I don't feel safe going there to get my records and when I called I asked for the woman who was nice to me but that disrespectful thing that was raised in the woods answered and when I said my name she placed me on hold with disgust in her voice and all of a sudden I was disconnected listening to a dial tone. I then call back and say I am not calling to be a pain I need to find out the proper way to go about getting my medical records without coming on the premises, I started to say I'd appreciate it if you could mail them to me and she automatically cut me off, yelling over me and saying the dr already told you what you had to do, I said he didn't tell me anything I could do to get my records only for a dr to get then he did nothing but yell at me, she laughed in my face and said he did not yell at you and started repeating no he didn't no he didn't like a toddler so I said if you aren't going to give me instructions so I can do this the way you want then I will have my attorney call you! She then said you do that, have your attorney call he won't be able to do anything for you, you do that and she hung up on me!

This office is a disgrace! I hope this helps someone not have to go thru what I went through today. It is a big step to seek help! Depression is a very wide spread illness and so many people never get help for fear of embarrassment and this dr abuses his authority and makes you feel inferior and he didn't even care that I was a young woman who just cried my eyes out to him and trusted him to help heal me. He handled this situation very childlike and unprofessional. If anyone can help me figure out a way to help someone else and prevent this guy from hurting others with his disregard and ignorant arrogance please help me!

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