  • Report:  #3597

Complaint Review: Sony - New York Nationwide

Reported By:
- Austin, TX,

N/A "I am at work and I don't know" New York, Nationwide, U.S.A.
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I have been very frustrated with Sony corporation. A couple of years ago, my wife had purchased a Sony radion for my pick-up. It came with a $20 rebate offer. My wife and I sent off the Rebate Offer only to be disappointed never to have recieved anything. Issolated case? I think not. I typically buy electronic epuipment at Best Buy and Circuit City and Office Max that carry rebates. I never have problems with rebates with any other company. Again last year I purchased a Sony insdash radio and it came with a $20 rebate offer. Well, I sent everthing that was on the rebate offer form and never received nothing. They sent me a paper back that said that the Stereo I bought did not have a rebate associated with it. I called and they said that the form was sent out by mistake and that in fact the stereo did have a $20 rebate. I sent a copy of everything I sent originally, called about 20 times and guess what? Nothing. Not even a letter explaining why. I don't know if Sony expects consumers just to be satisfied with their products and not expect nothing in the form of honesty and respect for the consumer.


Arthur M. Duncan

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