  • Report:  #68226

Complaint Review: Sonystyle - Internet

Reported By:
- chicago, Illinois,

Sonystyle.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Sonystyle sent me a solicitation for an online promotion. I ordered the item, a kit containing a camera case and a memory stick mouse. When the item was delivered, I found that an incorrect camera case had been packed in the box. The code on the camera case did not match the packing list or the ordered item number.

I made several calls to Sonystyle. No one could help me. I sent an online complaint and received a call back from customer service representative Scott CD2Z. He told me "if you receive the wrong item, we can't send you the right item."

He said he would send me information about returning the kit for a credit, but he never did. He also said he would send me a link to the promotion so that I could reorder the kit if I wanted, but he never did that either. I filed another online complaint and received no response.


chicago, Illinois

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