  • Report:  #446519

Complaint Review: Southeast Association - Kirby Vacuum Sales - Kissimmee Florida

Reported By:
- Kissimmee, Florida,

Southeast Association - Kirby Vacuum Sales
2130 Michigan Ave. Kissimmee, 34744 Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Alright, this will be a lengthy report and my first.

First of all, I'm a pretty laid back person. I'm always willing to try anything once and I'm always ALWAYS open to new opportunities. When I saw the ad in the paper about a Customer Service position that paid a salary of 475$ a week, I was ecstatic. I'd been looking for a new job and was in bad need of one. I also, at 20, was and am hoping to move out on my own and under that sort of pay, it made the want more attainable.

Now, I'm a pretty attractive, outgoing, smart individual. I took a friend to apply with me, who needed a job as well. When we got to the office, the first thing you'd notice is that it was a professional, though small establishment set near a day care, hair salon, and small shop that held the sort of stuff you'd find in a gas station. The owner must have rented out two offices. One was for 'Training and Development' and the other was the actual office. Walking inside, there were other attractive women at the front counter, who directed us to a back room to fill out applications. There were several other people in the tiny, cramped meeting room, and the applications were covering the desk messily.

After a while, a woman game in with a cell phone hanging out of her pocket, wearing a long dress and sweater. This was Elizabeth, the HR manager. She seemed very to-the-point, asking us, in turn, about ourselves. She didn't ask about our last jobs, availability, or anything of that sort. She refused to say much about the job as well and simply said she'd call us later that afternoon if we got the job.

About three hours later, my friend and I both learned he had gotten the job and rejoiced, despite the sinking feeling that something wasn't quite right.

The next day, I went to orientation. There were thirty people there and we were all told to sit in the chairs surrounding a stage-like area. Music was blaring from speakers, nothing but the latest dance crazes. Elizabeth drank her coffee while she watched us and bobbed her head slightly, yelling over the music now and then that she 'f***ing loved' this or that song. Once everyone arrived, she started talking about the job.

In between all her cursing (there were more 'f***s' and 'shits' in her vocabulary than actual words..), I got this: We were to meet with 15 clients a week. Any less, and we wouldn't be paid at all. The appointments would be set up FOR us, so all we had to worry about was getting to work. She said we would be riding in company vehicles, and that though we'd be going to client's homes, the police would be informed where we were at all times. They had lawyers everywhere, too.

The appointments were pre-set by our appointment setters which apparently got calls from people who were interested in the product. The manager, then determined which of us would be most helpful to the client and sent us out to help them. Our job was just to be informative and have fun. We didn't have to sell anything to get our salary, that was the sales manager's job, and if he sold, we were to get a 200-600$ commission. Elizabeth was charismatic with an 'I don't give a s**t about anything but Kirby and the employees here' attitude. She was positive, encouraging, but pushy at the same time.

This was the first of a few versions, but for now I'll explain how the rest of the day went. We were shown the Kirby. She continuously assured us and convinced us that it was a necessity in the home. She told us that dust mites from our mattress s**t in our noses and mouths at night and explained that a dirty carpet and mattress is the cause of why people die in their sleep, and why people have asthma and allergies. She went on about it for hours with a short cigarette break. She assured us that the Kirby was one of a kind - and I believe that's true. The Kirby is likely the best vacuum out there. Note that this report is not on the vacuum itself.

Over the next few days, she introduced the idea of 'moving up' in the company. Becoming managers, etc etc. She said that at our level, we could make between 800-1000$ a week, but moving up could double it. This is when she started referring to us as Dealers, and also explained that we got paid EITHER 475$ salary or our commission. Whichever was HIGHER.

Soon, we learned that we didn't actually work FOR them. We were independent dealers. Our own business. Meaning we are responsible for our own taxes, business licenses, and soliciting permits. Why do you need a soliciting permit? I'll get to that too.

Orientation and Training were unpaid, and took three days. The reason they were unpaid was because they offered a $1000 sign on bonus. As long as you weren't late or absent for the next month. (Several employees told me it wasn't something they EVER made good on). On Friday, she asked us to take home a Kirby and practice with it. Then before we left, that turned into, "Take it home only if they might buy it." Some people I knew, family, were interested in one, so I went ahead and took one to demonstrate it.

They loved it. Absolutely loved it. The problem was that the Kirby is $2395. I could get them a discount to $1300.. if I gave up my commission. Which I was happy to, because of who they were. Elizabeth said she would help make it affordable, but never got back to me. It was Monday before she was any real help. In her defense, she WAS at a manager's convention. Supposedly.

By Monday, my family had second thoughts and called the BBB. Southeast Association has an 'F' rating. That settled their uneasy minds and with an apology, I took the thing back to work and explained why they changed their minds to Elizabeth. She started sounding almost antsy and explained that the BBB got their info wrong, something about employees, and other random excuses. Personally, I disregarded it. Making money is all I really cared about at that point, and honestly, I didn't care about the reasons why they 'could' have failed. They 'did' and that's all that matters.

On Tuesday, I went out with my assigned crew. That was the day I learned all I needed to know and quit.

As a dealer, you are also an 'appointment setter'. They're also called canvassers, I think. Appointment setters were said to get calls and cold call people to pre-set up appointments. This is the first lie. Basically, you are dropped off in a random area and told to go door to door with a 'door pitch'. It goes something like this:

"Hi! You must be the lady of the house! Here you go! (give something/flyer/gift to person). Today we're in the area offering a free carpet dry foam shampoo! The reason we're doing this today is because we're opening a new store in your area. We'll be carrying things to treat your carpet, tile and grout, and upholstered furniture! All we ask is that if you like what you see, you tell your friends and family about us so that we can hope to do business with you in the future! Tell me, which room gets the most traffic in your home and do you have thin or thick carpet?"

You have to be sure to pinch your fingers together too and move your hands a lot to keep them off-balance. Usually, they say they don't know and you, at that point, wipe your feet and step past them into their house. If they DO know, you have to force your way in anyway and proceed to talk about how beautiful their home is while calling the van so they can either bring you a Kirby to do your demo with or bring a dealer (if you aren't one) to do the demo for the manager driving the van.

I have never seen a demo done and during that day, we didn't get anyone to watch one. However, we WERE confronted by the police. Twice. Kicked out of two subdivisions, and ended up in a ghetto-like area where you could easily get mugged or raped or who knows what. No one knew who we were. Especially the police, except for the complaints they'd been receiving over our aggressive soliciting.

I also learned that the manager owns the van you are driven in. Not the company. And from my friend, I've learned that when they negotiate the price, your commission is the first thing to go. That they expect YOU to SELL the vacuum so that when they get there, they can just write up the deal and move on.

During orientation, they play a numbers game to show how much your saving with the Kirby. Well, working for them, here's how much you're earning:

You get 475$ a week (if you make no sales or don't make enough to overtake the salary). 6 days a week. - $79.16 per day. Seems good so far? You work 9-10 or 11 everyday. that's 13 hours or so. - $6.08 per hour

That's under minimum wage by far. Also, as stated, you HAVE to make those 15 demos. The managers take you an hour or two away to other cities and counties. so, out of a 13 hour day, that leaves 9 hours to get them done. This isn't counting the two hour meeting you have in the morning and loading up the vans to go. So that leaves 7 hours.

It take at least one to find someone willing to watch the demo with an average crew. Every demo can easily take two hours if you REALLY do it right and push the product and build that bond they preach about during orientation.

So, you get there at 9am, two hour meeting and loading, that's 11am departure. One-two hours to get to where ever you're manager decides to go. that's 1pm. Seven hours before you have to leave gives you until 8pm.

1-Find demo 2-Do demo 1 3-Do demo 1 4-Find demo 5-Do demo 2 6-Do demo 2 7-Find demo - whoops, you're out of time! Find the manager and get to whoever is doing the last demo and prepare to leave for the main office. 8- Drive home

So you might get two demos a day. that's only 12 demo in 6 days. That's if you have luck getting into people's houses.. and they aren't crazy or anything. This isn't considering the hour I've heard it takes to get the financing done.

Basically, I'm saying the company is a scam. The only people working there are Elizabeth, the clerical workers, and Steve Griffith. You are basically ONLY hired in to go out and sell the vacuums FOR the managers, who make three times your commission. They know you're going to burn out, and that's why they're always hiring. I'm truly angry at myself for being sold like this.

If going door to door illegally, being talked to by police daily, and treated like disposable tissues is your thing, enjoy. If forcing your way into people's homes and basically belittling them until they buy a vacuum is your passion, have fun.

On the flip side, if you're thinking of buying a Kirby vacuum- go to the web site. No pressure, cheaper.. Never let these people into your home.

Amber Kissimmee, Florida

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Kirby Vacuum

26 Updates & Rebuttals

John Conway

Wichita Falls,
From an ex-dealer

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, July 17, 2017

I'm also an ex Kirby dealer.  It is truely sad to read about ow some distributors do business.  I sold Kirbys from 1982-1987.  Made some really great money at that time.  i was also a DPS and had a van crew.  I was trained right.  I learned how to sell by asking questions and making them want it.  I was not there to put anyone in a bind and told them so.  However, I would hlp them work out the details if they were interested.  I used a lot of humor.  We didn't have to use those high pressure tactics.  In Texas I guess everything is more laid back and friendly.  There were rude people of course, but we just shook it off and went to the next door if we were selling door to door.  

We also did appointments.   When we went D2D we just talked to people.  If they were busy, we said we'd catch them later.  We just told people we were out servicing vacs and wondered what kind they were using.  If they had a Kirby, we would check the Belt and brushroller, cleaning them if needed. Sold enough bags and belts to cover the gas most days.  I would always ask what they didn't like about their vac (if it was a Kirby or not).  Then I talked about the features of the Kirby and just tried to get the demo.  Can't tell you how many times I eard "We aren't gonna buy" and then they practically took it away from me!!  You have to make them want it!!  Selling is an art.  High pressure people are just bullies.  Kirby's ARE good enough so sell easily if it's dome right.  I think people get greedy and they are probably too high now in some distrubutorships.  I wouldn't use anything BUT a Kirby.  But the last few I've bought were on used and on Ebay.


I quit when they put my life in danger Now they dont pay

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, December 26, 2016

I worked at the Brandon FL office. I was in the field and having panic attacks. So rather than help me they left me on the side of the road hours from home with no knowlege of where i was just a town name. I made it due to the kindness of a stranger 6 hours later to get a ride home. When i went in to get paid i recieved only commission for two sales (totaling 465) for 2 weeks work. I was informed that the 1000 guarenteed pay was NOT being givin to me because i had not worked there for 30 days. However the ONLY thing my contract stated i lost for failure to complete a 30 day contract was incrued bonus'. I was given NO base pay. First off they left a person in the field alone on the side of the road during a panic attack, then they didnt pay... I really want to sue for this BUT i cant afford to. I am losing my home and everything I own for their waste of my time.

Any lawyers who are interested please contact me.


Michael H

Too Many Lies Spoil A Good Companies Image

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, October 19, 2016

 I was a Kirby Dealer from 1994-1996. I believe the Kirby Home Maintenance system is one of the best products of its kind. One of the perks of my career was attending the Kirby World Conference in 1995 and touring the factory in Cleveland, OH. When properly demonstrated, the consumer can be showed the many benefits of ownership. I was absolutely PROUD to be a Kirby dealer and never pressured anyone into owning one. The Kirby opportunity gives an entrepreneur a chance to start there own business without the costs involved with conventional franchises. The Kirby company has allowed many self starters the opportunity to amass great fortunes. I worked in what was the then Voyageur Division whicj propelled the Brothers Windfeldts to President and CEO in Cleveland and Divisional Supervisor... both started as D2Dr salespeople with the company. BUT.... The problem is with the individual franching owners. Imagine if you say an ad that read... Help Wanted Door to Door Selling Call the Kirby Co @ 555 FOOL. No one, and I mean NO ONE would respond... would you? And that's a shame because the Kirby Co. produces one of the finest products in the country. So they run ads that read Customer Service, Set Up & Display, Carpet Cleaners Wanted, Factory Distributor Hiring..etc. If you have a car and a pulse you're hired. They are counting on the group training dynamic and the hype of wealth to indoctrinate you into sticking around. I was a Dealer Counselor, which meant I worked with new dealers in the field once they graduated from class. I was offered the position of Dealer Power Specialist but turned it down. A DPS trains the dealers in class and I was against the recruitment practices of my distributor, so I did not want to be part of the deception. BTW I was personally recruited by the owner so I was fully aware of my job requirements going in. I think the recruitment practices need a page one rewrite. They should talk pride in being a Berkshire Hathaway Company and put their money where their mouth is. That way they can recruit a more adept sales force or find entrepreneurs who are desperately looking for an opportunity. There is nothing wrong with selling vacuums for a living, but why they intentionally deceive the job market into a job that claims to be otherwise, is absolutely baffling. Great Product, Deplorable Recruitment Tactics


United States of America
Not so nice

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, September 08, 2010

I also had the pleasure of being hired with a company out of Seattle, WA that fit this exact same description. As soon as I heard the word Kirby and we weren't getting paid for orientation I left. 

Months before this I had a Kirby representative come to my house. I was 7 months pregnant and cooking dinner. My husband agreed to let them come for a demonstration, they said we didn't have to buy anything they just needed another number to add to their list. He is very naive and trusted them. After hours of trying to convince us to buy this expensive vacuum, which I admit if I had the money I would have, I asked them to leave. Our dinner was done, my 2 year old, my husband and myself were going to eat. They would not leave. They called their "sales manager" to come into our home, after already asking them nicely to leave, and try to bully us into making it work with our finances. I was pissed at this point. The last straw was the "sales manager" told my husband that he was not very smart letting his pregnant wife sleep on a mattress that hasn't been vacuumed by a Kirby. It wasn't safe for me to be breathing in all of the dust in the mattress. How could he live with himself knowing all of the harm it could do to our unborn child.... How effing dare he say that! My 2 year old turned out just fine and guess what, I slept on that very same mattress. I seriously was trembling I was so mad. I asked them to leave a good 5-6 times and they did not. I should have been more forceful, but with my 2 year old watching my every move I tried to be polite.

That comment still makes me angry to this day and that was almost 4 years ago. I am in no way bashing the Kirby itself, just the pathetic higher-ups that convince these poor people they are going to make bookoo bucks and the Kirby will "sell itself".


United States of America
I Agree with the Author

#6UPDATE Employee

Thu, September 02, 2010

I would like to start out by saying I am not an official employee of that company even though I was offered the job. My story is almost exactly to that of the Authors which is why I said to one of the managers whose first name was Luis ( don't remember his last name) that I did not want this job. Which is why I am not an official employee. Now back to my story.
It all started when two of my friends heard about this job on craigslist, and how they are hiring at $475 a week, which sounds pretty awesome considering we are a bunch of recent high school graduates looking for a job to earn some money. They then told me about this position available and said I had to come with them to see if I can be hired too. So of course I said I was interested in going because who wouldn't wanted to get paid $475 a week to go door to door advertising some vacuum. So I put on my best business suit and headed out for a job interview. I was introduce right away to one of the managers which was the guy who was hiring. He then started talking to me outside and started giving me the interview outside. (first strike). I was then very hesitant about the job because I couldn't help but think "How can you run a business and hold job interviews in a parking lot?!?" (Second Strike). Then I started questing the pay and how that works. He explained to me that I will get paid $475 a week even if I don't make a sale and something about if I make 4 sales in one week I will get a $500 bonus. That is when I started thinking their had to be a catch and I was right. Then he said "if you miss one day of work you wont get paid for that week so be here on time". I am still not sure if he was serious or not but he did say this during our Parking Lot Interview so who knows.
Then I started saying that I don't know about this job. Then he made a comment that was so very inappropriate I am still in shock he would say something of that nature. Louis Said and I Quote, " Do You Know How Much Money Some Of These Fu*ing Bi*hes Make Here!!!!". And yes this is still during the roadside interview. How could a Manager call his fellow employees "Fu*ing Bi*hes" During a Job Interview!!!. At that point my mind was made up.
I told my friends that I didn't want the job but they some how convinced me to go to the little prep talk meeting before they departure. So I walked inside and the Very First Thing I Noticed was that the floor had soo Much Dirt on it. How in the world can you sell Vacuum cleaners and you can't even take the time to clean up and vacuum the office. They all started saying how so and so sold this many vacuums and he sold that many and so on and so on. Then when it was over they started loading up the "Company Vehicles" which was nothing but old minivans or as I like to refer to then as "Pedophile Vans".
I then convinced one of my friends that this is not a good career choice for him. As for my other friend... well I give her a couple of days before she realizes that I was right. I am sending her this article and I thank you very much for posting this article to back up my argument.
So long story short, if you want this job to get ripped off and to be referred to as a "Fu*ing Bi*h" well have fun with your life because you won't be getting anywhere far...


United States of America
So True!!

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, December 16, 2009

Well I applied to an ad in the paper for a then called "S&T Distributers". It was just like you said with the loud music and people being high and just hanging out like it was a party.  Well I was 19 with our first child and we were needing money so i went through with the "training" and actually went door to door.. for 1 day.  They put my in this raggedy van with  3 other guys (me being 1 of 2 females there), driving down the road while the guys were hollering obscene things out the window to the tourists!! We had to tell the people in the neighborhoods that we were opening a new vacuum company in the next few months, and wanted to see what our clientele would be.  Well some people believed us and let us in, some slammed the door in our face after cussing us , and MANY others called the cops on us because when you enter the gates it says NO SOLICITING!  Then they don't pay you if you don't work a full week or whatever it was.  Needless to say, at the time I lived in Pine Hills drove to Kissimmee at 6:30, Did not get home until 10:00 that night, had to take my husband to work, and pay for a babysitter that day for nothing!! But most of all I love how they all have the same story; I was poor and homeless until I came to work for Kirby and now Im rich!!  One day it will all catch up with them!!  


Totally Agree

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, December 08, 2009

I am an ex-employee of a Michigan branch of Kirby. I was promised a desk job and then found out "oh you're selling vacuums door to door." Honestly I felt very used and lied to. I especially hate how they promise $500 a week and then you find out on your first "real" day when you're ready to go out on the vans that you don't actually make that unless you get in your 15 appointments. It's IMPOSSIBLE to get 15 appointments. People slammed doors in our faces. I was lucky to get two appointments a day. We had so many dealers that we averaged one appointment per day.

Before someone starts telling me that I "don't have what it takes." Please, I sell costumes and wigs online and run my own costume commissioning business. I have what it takes, but I do NOT appreciate being lied to by these people. When you tell me I'm guaranteed pay, I EXPECT to be guaranteed pay. It's just crazy to expect people to stick around for beans when they have bills to pay. Some of my demonstration class even had children!!! How can you feed your children when you don't make any money!!!

Anyways, I plan to warn everyone against these people. Our meeting room WAS a nightclub. We had a full sound system, big flat screens, a motor cycle hanging from the ceiling. It was flashy and demonstrated wealth. But what about the kids that make crap while the big guy gets rich off of every sale? What about that? Not to mention lots of the people that worked there are ex-cons and felons. Some of them had had their licenses taken away so they couldn't drive legally, and some of them had warrants out for their arrest. Excuse me but I have a four year college degree. I don't want to work with people like that. They had ACTIVE warrants, and they're going into people's homes. The last straw for me was this one woman who was so angry at us for even being there. I do not blame her at all. I also agree that the company lies to get in the door. The product is awesome. I want one. But really you can't expect people to be happy when you pull out a $3165 machine and say "Can we make this affordable?" They train you to constantly shake their hands too so the people feel obligated.

And I don't want to hear any crap about how I "don't have what it takes" but I'm sorry I'm an honest woman.


United States of America
So Sad & So True! STAY AWAY!!!!

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, November 28, 2009

I've been wanting to write my own report for some time on this company. Back when I worked there (in 2007) they were calling themselves SMT Distributors. I met the "millionaire" Steve and his whole gang at that time. I was actually dumb enough to sit through the entire 3 days of UNPAID training (however, they did say whoever showed up and stayed for all 3 days would be compensated of some sort, very vague, and of course no compensation at the end) and even worked 3 days in the field before I gave up. Everything Amber said is 100& dead on! I was shocked actually at how accurate she was, lol. I mean, you go in at 7ish in the morning, everyone stands arounds around for awhile doing much of nothing, then you go next door to the little training room with the stage. (did they still have the palm trees and the promise of exotic trips all over the world?) After you do nothing for awhile, they commence their morning meeting/pump you  up talk. Then you stand around for a while longer figuring out who's gonna ride with who, blah blah. Now, at the time I didn't have a vehicle, and of course had no income at the time since I thought I was earning it. To ride around all day, I had to chip in for gas to be taken around to canvass for them. Now, in my case they DID tell us we would be "appointment setting" and I was aware that it would be canvassing. I just didn't think it would be exactly what it was. Once you get out,  you go to a nice neighborhood and they drop you off on a corner. You're expected to walk that entire neighborhood knocking on every single door. At the time I was there, it was the American Cancer Society deal. That we were "sponsored" by them and that we were bringing awareness, blah blah with a free carpet cleaning, etc. I must have knocked on over 200 doors in one day and I'd venture to guess that they actually went into about 3 or 4 homes out of those over 200. Then you sit outside while the "dealer" is inside trying to sell the vacuum. It was ridiculous. I started at 7 am, and wouldn't be dropped back off until almost 11 at night!!! I did the training, and the field work for 3 days and after working 43 hours in 3 days with nothing to show for it except blisters so bad I could hardly walk, a sunburn that was blistering and peeling (I ended up with 2nd degree burns on my face) and being so weak I didn't know what to do with myself, I gave up. This was the worst "job" I've ever had in my entire life, and I wouldn't even call it that. They are all liars, and this place is the biggest rip-off EVER. Everytime I see their ad on Craigslist, I flag it, and will continue to do so until they are out of business. The men there are very disrespectful to you as well. One of the "managers" a black guy named Cyrus I think or something different like that was VERY flirtatious, spoke with much vulgarity it disgusted me. This place is just all around bad.....STAY AWAY!!!


United States of America
Southeast Association BUSTED!

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, November 04, 2009

Kissimmee business owner arrested in auto theft ring Oct 09, 2009 at 12:42 PM By J. T. Staff Writer S. Griffith J. Griffith After a four-month investigation into a grand theft auto ring where the identification numbers of stolen vehicles were switched out and then the vehicles were sold, Kissimmee detectives Thursday arrested a local business owner, his daughter and an employee. Police identified 59-year-old Steve Griffith, of Kissimmee, as the ring leader of the operation. Griffith, who owns Southeast Association a distributor of Kirby vacuum cleaners and his daughter, 27-year-old Jaime Griffith, were charged with title fraud and dealing in stolen property. The investigation began when detectives reportedly received a tip from an informant, who said someone was instructing others to steal vehicles and then teaching them how to switch the vehicle identification numbers. The vehicles were then sold to employees, the informant claimed. After investigating, police assisted by the Osceola County Sheriffs Office served search warrants at three addresses: the vacuum cleaner-sale business at 2130 Michigan Ave. in Kissimmee, a house at 35 E. Lake Shore Blvd., where Steve Griffith lives, and a condominium owned by Jaime Griffith at 2664 Emerald Lake Court, east of Kissimmee. Detectives seized computers, documents and a trailer of stolen BMW parts. Along with the title fraud and dealing in stolen property charges, Steve Griffith faces several counts of grand theft auto and possession of a vehicle with an altered vehicle identification number. Steve and Jaime Griffith were transported to the Osceola County Jail and held on an $110,000 and a $30,000 bond, respectively. Mench Pintado Two others were charged in the ring, including Southeast Association employee, 31-year-old Jacob Mench, of Kissimmee, who faces several counts of title fraud and grand theft auto .  Mench is already being held in the Brevard County Jail on unrelated charges.  Jesus Pintado, 46, of Hialeah, also is charged with several counts of grand theft auto and possession of a vehicle with an altered vehicle identification number.  He is currently in federal custody on escape charges.


New York,
I hear you. I got scammed too.

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, October 02, 2009

I had my own experience with a Kirby distributor called L Hill Enterprise in Liverpool Ny.

I saw an ad on craigslist saying "!Rug Shampooers Needed!" The pay was $1850 a month plus bonuses. Sounded like great money to me. I go to the interview and 15 mins later, I am hired. They didnt even ask for id or do a background check. I was a bit put off, but I was working at a gas station and I was not making squat, so it sounded like a better offer. How wrong I was. I found out (not surprisingly) that I would be selling Kirby vacuums! Well after the 3 days of unpaid training ( I wont go there on how stupid it was), the whole sales pitch sounded easy. HAHAHA. Yeah, right. I must have been insane. The whole thing sounded shady to me, but I was dumb and was only thinking about the prospect of big money. You get there at 10 am and sit around for an hour. They give you a stupid " motivational" speech, and than you sing ridiculous songs to get yourself into a " positive selling attitude." They said we could have people setting appointments for us. Not. We had to walk around neighborhoods knocking on doors all day trying to practically push our way into houses. You have to skip lunch half of the time, and you get to walk around in freezing weather knocking on doors. The management is a joke. They are allowed to talk to you however they want and dont have a problem with telling you that you are worthless. A manager (Kasaan) and I almost got into a fistfight because he thought he could sit there and insult me just because I didnt get into a house. Everyone in the office is either a felon, druggie, or both. The majority of the people you work with are sleeping with someone else in the office. I worked for these idiots for a month and a half and I never even saw the $1850 I was promised. The owner, Lamaan Hill, is a liar and a snake and will do whatever he can to make sure he does not have to pay you. His brother, Kasaan, is also a liar and will constantly put you down and disrespect you. Not to mention he is rude to the customers and made one woman sick from badgering her so much. I posted an ad on craigslist, trying to warn people about his lying business practices, and Lamaan was texting my cellphone saying he was going to put me in jail for slander. I told him to stop and he continued to harass me. I am still trying to catch up on all the bills I have because of these scam artists. If you see any add like that on craigslist, avoid it. If you go to a job interview and they tell you it has ANYTHING to do with Kirby, get up and leave. If you are in liverpool, this is the address for this sham of a company: 900 Old Liverpool Rd # 3 Liverpool, NY 13088-8538 (315) 451-6300 Go there and tell him what a scam artist he is. Get him and his shady business practices out of our city!



#12Consumer Comment

Mon, July 13, 2009

By Truman Lewis ConsumerAffairs.com July 5, 2009 Gas prices are holding steady, jobs and mortgage rates are down, the climate is changing, swine flu is spreading. Everyday we hear statistics, forecasts and prognostications about the economy, public health, the weather and just about everything else. The only thing that's not endlessly measured? Consumer sentiment The most obvious place to start is ConsumerAffairs.com. From June 4 through July 4, consumers viewed our 193,283 pages 2,704,735 times, according to Google Analytics. Now, most journalism professors, pundits and reporters will tell you that consumer news is frivolous and petty, just a step above celebrity gossip but a look at the most often-viewed pages indicates otherwise. .. Our informal and unscientific survey finds consumers worried about their personal finances, their health, safety and the major appliances that make their homes livable, as this list of the top ten pages shows: .. Fourth place of 10 Kirby Vacuum Cleaners These things are a lot like colon cleansers. We get lots of complaints about the sales tactics but hear very little about how well they work ... or why anyone would want one. In a nutshell: don't let door-to-door salespeople into your home. Read more: http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2009/07/consumer_stats.html#ixzz0L7BbGVM4&C 4. Kirby Vacuum Cleaners These things are a lot like colon cleansers. We get lots of complaints about the sales tactics but hear very little about how well they work ... or why anyone would want one. In a nutshell: don't let door-to-door salespeople into your home. Read more: http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2009/07/consumer_stats.html#ixzz0L7BbGVM4&C


RE: Tell the truth.....

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, July 08, 2009

I was looking for work last November and ran into the same scam in Orlando. Elizabeth wasn't running things at the time. the person who interviewed me and did the class was a male about fifty (could have been Steve but I don't remember his name). I spent 1 day in the class and got the same spiel that everyone else did. Basically a minimum of $475 per week to do demonstrations for clients who were "scheduled". To the Kirby defender (we will call you "Truth" from here on out) let me address your points 1 by 1. 1) "Only used machines that have no warranty can be sold in a store" -- ask yourself why this is, this is to prevent people from reselling the product. If your Kirby was that good and built that well then warrenty should transfer. 2) "Sounds to me like you ran into a bad businessman, but that doesn't represent the many ethical businessmen across this country that markets a superior product" -- From all the reports just on this website the problem is the same all over the country, this isn't just one bad apple 3) "Door to door sales is a business model" -- why yes it is but the interviewer tells you thay have a call center and canvassers who set up appointments. What they don't tell you is that you are really cold calling and there are few if any appointments. 4) "Doesn't make it evil. Many, many companies uses teams of sales people including AT&T and almost ALL fortune 500 companies" -- lets be honest Kirby is the only company that works you for 12 hours 6 days a week and then refuses to pay you becuase you didn't do 15 appointments. This happens all over the country and as such I will never buy a "new" Kirby. While not evil Kirby intentionally misleads applicants and as such is immoral. 5) "All Kirby distributors are independant businessmen. It's the same relationship you have going to a Mc Donalds. it's a franchise. Every McDonalds has the priveledge to share in the vision of it's original Inventor Ray Croc, though they have no dealings with his original company other than their franchisee agreement." -- this made me laugh. One of the tricks to try and legitimize your compny is to say "well everbody does it" and then provide an example like McDonalds. McDonalds though doesn't pay thier cashiers commission only. The only reason Kirby sets up thier people as 1099 employees (often calling them managers) is so that they can work you over 40 hours and not have to pay minimum wage or overtime. They hide behind thier contracts becuase they know the people who work for them don't have the resources to challange the contract in court. 6) "Anyone, anyone on the planet, properly trained will market 10 to 12 machines during that period. That will more than cover any guarantee of earning you have. you'll make $300 to $500 a week, and by the end of the month you'll have the training to make a good living in any economy. Even if you were a numbskull and made NO sales, as long as you perform the presentations you agreed to, you get paid." --- another lie. This whole statement is based on the idea that you can do 15 appointments in a week and Amber broke down how this doesn't happen. I woulnd't be suprised to find out the try to keep you from reaching 15 or find a way not to pay you when you do. 7) "Just don't pick something that requires hard work, dilligence, business accumen, and killer drive to succeed. That doesn't appear to be your strong suit." -- so if I don't want to work 72 hours a week for your "opportunity" then I am lazy. Funny how 5 years in the Army no one accused me of being lazy. If the Kirby people weren't BS they would pay hourly then offer commission bonuses to people who produce. Better yet they might not hire every person who walks through the door. The only reason they don't care about your work history is becuase they know you will gone in a few days and if they get lucky you will sell a couple to your family during that first weekend where you "practice". They keep costs down this way becuase they have no skin in the game and if you don't sell well its not like they are out anything. If you hire someone to do a job and then set them up with a pay system that is unrealistic then it is a scam. Telling someone you wll be paid a minimum yet no-one seems to get that $475 screams scam. To the Kirby people in Orlando...Elizibeth and Steve you are both dishonest people, I know that you have thick skin and it doesn't bother you but eventually you will be driven out of business and probably sued for what little you actually have. Bernie was brought down so taking scum like you down shouldn't be hard.


Do NOT Interview with this Company

#14Consumer Suggestion

Tue, June 23, 2009

Hello everyone, [South East Association (also S & T Distributors, Inc), 2130 Michigan Ave, Kissimmee, FL 34744, Phone Number: 407-870-0439] I've been trying to post my comments on this website for a while but I never had the time to do it. In a few words I would like to thank you, Amber for posting your experience. I myself was looking for a new job here in Orlando a found an interesting job add on Craigslist. I've never never ever look for a job here but I thought it would be 'funny' to give it a try. So I found this add that said: Love to Smile? We would like to see it. Anyhow, I called the place, they refuse to give me any information but wanted me to come for an interview. The reason reason I went was because I was off that day and thought it would be an experience. Well Amber, everything you said is true. The place, the location, the tiny little room in the back with people from ALL backgrounds trying to fill out the unorganized applications. From the moment you drive into this place, its location and everything around it... it gives you BAD hint... I should've drove away... but I didn't. Everything you said about the 'job interview' was true. The HR Manager REFUSED to say anything about the company... she ASKED all the questions about our FULL availity but when I asked her about the position and the company, she flu thru it and red it as a redio disclamer. It was horrible. I was lucky enough that they didn't call me. It was really sad to see sooo many people that were nicely dress and had a very proffesional looks, but were Fooled to go and waist their times with this company, it was really a horrible experience, but hey!! You live and learn right? Hopefully everyone who comes across this website will learn and avoid the experience. Thanks !!!! A.R.


Complete Waist Of Time..

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, June 21, 2009

***Everyone is so correct on here except the fools who try to defend this company. I don't understand why people take advantage of other people when they can do it in a safe organized manner. I remember when I sat through Elizabeth's orientation aka life story and advice. She said that this company is all about reputation of the company and that they were all about the new employees. I find that hard to believe when they're hiring ex-convicts/criminals and sending them into poor innocent stanger's homes. How is that defending your reputation as a company? And how is it that they are ALL ABOUT their new employees when they treat them like slaves. Making them drive around dangerous neighborhoods where you can easily get mugged or even raped, harassing people and never getting a bathroom break, on TOP of that they end up going home at 11 o'clock at night or later and they don't even get paid.. SERIOUSLY!?!! Thank god I only sat through the orientation. I had to hold my explosion of laughter with the tip of my thumb when my friend explained this story to me of how it is that they work. Thankyou Amber from the bottom of my heart.


Kirby Vacuum Rip-off

#16Consumer Comment

Sun, June 14, 2009

Amber and others who tried to seek employment at Southeast Associates, you have my sympathy. While the Kirby vacuum may be a great product, your complaints are legitimate. There are no background checks, address verification or anything like that done to people who are hired. They hire ex-convicts, drug addicts, abusers, etc. The majority of the employees do not pay taxes. They drive the company's vehicles without driver licenses etc. They like to go into neighborhoods with "old" people and scam them. They use their charm; they ask to use the bathrooms and steal the people's medications; most of them are "high" on illegal drugs when they go into homes. Some even steal from the elderly. Anyone reading this, please educate your elderly relatives about these people. Do not allow them in your homes - their speech about a free room cleaning is just a bluff to get their way in your door; there is no new store opening in the neighborhood. Oh and most of these people wear the same clothes day after day; they are dirty individuals. It is sad how people use others for their own selfish needs. Amber thanks for your detailed post. I wish I can say there was something that was not true but every word is. My friend worked for this company and his complaints matched yours. You are better off working at Walmart of Publix - at least you have a legitimate job there.


You are right Amber

#17Consumer Comment

Mon, June 08, 2009

Amber I worked for one of these Kirby offices and you are correct in everything you said about them. Every single sentence is 100 % right. From the moment you call for the ad, the interview, the training class and the field. To go more into these individuals, you should look up information about the kids who rapped a girl from Griffith's office and so on. If you look into these individuals background you will find a lot of surprising information. They do not do background checks and they are sending crew dealers in vans that either do not have a license, they have felonies or other kind of offenses. Most of them are being investigate it by the police. Steve is a nasty human being and he is not ethical at all. He doesn't have millions of dollars, all that is a lie. Yes there are contests and trips they win, but they travel because dealers like you make sales and they win trips. Yes there is money behind the Kirby name and yes Warren Buffet owns Kirby, but only people who lie, cheat, push and steal are the one making it. I worked very hard for a distributor and for nothing. 95% of these distributors are made the same. There is no question that the Kirby is the best and that part is not the one in question here. The distributors pay almost $350.00 for the unit (if they have special prices with the company they might pay less for them), and in turn they sale them for over $2000.00. The lower you go on the price the less your commission is and if the person doesn't have good credit then you do not make any commission at all. Again, everything you mentioned here is true. The distributors are independently owned and operated businesses and they are not a franchise of The Kirby Company. Steve has many many complaints regarding ethical, racial, lies, he is vulgar (for that little body he has a very nasty mouth) and doesn't like to pay his dealers. It is too bad that such of good product have such of bad reputation due to the distributors they promote. Kirby should look better into who are they promoting. Amber good luck to you and everyone else stay away from any Kirby office.....


RE: Sour Grapes

#18Author of original report

Fri, June 05, 2009

First, to Steven and P, you're welcome. Wasting my time at this company was more than enough to spur the original report here and I will continuously check up upon it and defend my point. More to the point, Truth is Freedom: Once again, you fail to see that I am in no way attacking the quality of the Kirby or even the makers of the Kirby, but moving on.. You can call me lazy by saying I'm not cut out for a demanding job, but as I've written, I gave this 'opportunity' a shot. I went out and walked around in my nice clothes and pretty shoes, and never once complained at the blisters on my feet or the sunburn slowly baking over my skin. I never once argued about what was sworn up and down by Elizabeth - that I wouldn't be going door to door - and how it differed from what I was forced to actually do, which was just that. I never gave a blink to any of the poor elderly people who I tried to pressure into letting me into their homes (and often gave up on out of guilt). Nor did I cry assault when one such neighbor threw our 'free gift' (an incentive to help with our door pitch) at my head. I didn't get upset in front of the police and did everything my sales manager asked. Including lie. And it is a lie. To repeat over and over that we're there to give them a free carpet cleaning as a promotion for a new store in the area, that we only ask that they tell their friends and family if they like it.. To wave our hands and use body language to keep them subconsciously distracted and off balance. It's WRONG and all you sound like is every other idiot I met who stayed with the office. Elizabeth told us repeatedly, to leave is the cowards way out. They belittled people for choosing not to stay and that alone says volumes. It says that they know the reasons we leave are valid and the only way to counter reason is with a threat to one's pride in their own work ethic. "Oh, you can't handle it? Well then maybe you just aren't cut out for HARD work." That's just bull. As for your further claim that you work by association under Warren Buffet: "All Kirby distributors are independant businessmen. It's the same relationship you have going to a Mc Donalds. it's a franchise. Every McDonalds has the priveledge to share in the vision of it's original Inventor Ray Croc, though they have no dealings with his original company other than their franchisee agreement." Firstly, it's not the same at all. What I like to think of it as is a grocery store. Let's say a Grocery store (Distributor) sells pepsi (the Kirby product). That doesn't mean you work for and/or with Pepsi. If it were anything like a franchise, I have a good feeling these distributors would not be doing business or advertising their job 'opportunities' as they do. "Scott and Fetzer is the company that owns Kirby. Warren Buffet and many other investors own shares of this company, thus they are owners, or shareholders whichever term suits you. It is a fantastic pedigree and a measure of fiduciary pride." Yes, yes, and yes. Then again, GM is property of the Federal Gov. now and our taxes go to that partially, which would technically mean everyone in the United States owns GM. Technically. Hey, I think my grandmother twice removed owns shares or stock in Scott and Fetzer, too. I guess that means you work for her as well. Moron. But, out of all of this, you made one point relevant to the main point of my original post. That the job description in the ads is misleading and in fact, false in all facets regarding the nature of the job in reality: "That's your fault for not taking the time to KNOW how you were paid, when, and under what criteria. Actually the opportunity is mindless, it will take care of itself if you do what you have agreed to do." It's my fault? One day I'll go back there to SA and I'll bring a nice little recorder so you can listen to the crap Alex had to repeat over and over. What we all had to repeat as if in some BS cult.. Convincing ourselves of a pay structure and everything that was a blatant lie in order to ease our suspicions about what was REALLY offered. Oh and as a side note: If you didn't repeat like an idiot, or laugh at Steven's jokes, or suck up to Elizabeth, you were 'fired' immediately. How fun.


Saint Cloud,
"Waste of Time"

#19UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 03, 2009

Amber thank you for your report it really gave me peace to find out that I was not the only person that was mistreated and who's intergrity was in stake. I was working hand in hand with Elizabeth who is the HR Manager and I really wasn't impressed. I have a wife and child which I dont have any time to waste. This company "Southeast Association" really doesnt have no business morals and are not transparent with their "Employees" or should I say independent contractors. Really Amber you have put everything into perpspective how the company works but what you dont know is that more than 3/4 of the Dealers or Managers are in trouble with the "LAW". Cops were coming into the office looking for different individuals and the most shameful part of all is that the cops were looking for the OWNER OF THE COMPANY "Steve Griffth". Have of the Mangers are all broke and if they are lucky they only have sold between 20 people 1 Kirby (THATS NOT IMPRESSING AT ALL). When there wasn't enough calls coming in for interviews they would make flyers that would state "JOB FAIR" and promising all types of compensations and sign on bonus. I was 1 of the 4 people left from my class which we were 30 in total and all of them were going home at 11 - 1am every night. Very Sad your life at this company is KIRBY KIRBY KIRBY KIRBY KIRBY KIRBY KIRBY... Dont waste your time, effort, and your talent be taken for granted.. If anybody is willing to bring up a lawsuit against this company please let me know


Saint Cloud,
Thank You Amber for sharing your experience

#20Consumer Comment

Wed, June 03, 2009

Good Morning Amber My daughter in law called today excited about going on a job interview. The company was called Southeastern Association in Kissimmee, Florida. I did some research and found your article within 20 mins. We applaud your decision to take a stand on this issue and post your experience. We believe by doing so, you have provoked further thought on the issue on the part of the readers here, and that can be healthy. We both want to thank you for sharing your experience with us. Your article has proven to successful in that it does not happen to others... You have saved many, their time, aggravation, and money. We wish you the best in your future job search.... Good Luck. Regards A concerned Mother in Law

Truth Is Freedom

Sour grapes

#21UPDATE Employee

Tue, June 02, 2009

All Kirby distributors are independant businessmen. It's the same relationship you have going to a Mc Donalds. it's a franchise. Every McDonalds has the priveledge to share in the vision of it's original Inventor Ray Croc, though they have no dealings with his original company other than their franchisee agreement. We represent the quality of the product and demonstate it's capabilities. We offer this product for sale through home demonstations. There is no need to lie or even embellish it's capabilities. No dirt devil, even ten dirt devils could do half the job of a functioning Kirby machine. I came up through a Kirby authorized dealer. I did the 60 shows, I spent the late nights and paid my dues. I learned how to market the machine properly and made a LOT of money. It wasn't easy, but I took the time needed to market the product properly AND the dedication and drive to make it work for me. Scott and Fetzer is the company that owns Kirby. Warren Buffet and many other investors own shares of this company, thus they are owners, or shareholders whichever term suits you. It is a fantastic pedigree and a measure of fiduciary pride. I work through my dealer as an independant contractor. I am my own business owner that markets this fantastic machine to the public. There are issues that influence your pay that Kirby, my distributor, and even I cannot control. One, is a prospects credit worthiness, that determines how much the finance company will pay for the agreement. That influences your pay. However, the averages are ALWAYS in your favor as a dealer as long as you do your shows the way you've been taught. Some deals depending on what you negotiate you get paid very little. Some deals, by virtue of the factors I just mentioned, you make a good little chunk. That's the cost of doing business. It's the same when you buy ANYTHING. Car or boat dealers make more or less profit when they sell their products based upon the same criteria. You do your shows, you get paid period. Your basis is upon completion of the pre agreed demonstrations. So when do you get paid? when you complete your shows. No one can survive waiting 30 days to get paid, so they go the extra measure of paying you any commission generated during the time you are making your 60 shows. Anyone, anyone on the planet, properly trained will market 10 to 12 machines during that period. That will more than cover any guarantee of earning you have. you'll make $300 to $500 a week, and by the end of the month you'll have the training to make a good living in any economy. Even if you were a numbskull and made NO sales, as long as you perform the presentations you agreed to, you get paid. Who else can give you that in an entry level position? You quit before you fulfilled your end of the agreement and somehow your distributor is at fault? Grow up kid, Disneyland is in California. you threw away the best opportunity that your skill set will EVER be able to muster and now you cry wolf as if this opportunity is a scam. It's not a scam. it's a fantastic opportunity, but that's all it is, an opportunity. The only problem with your diatribe is obvious. It's you. You signed up for a position that was ill suited for you, and or, failed to fullfill your end of the bargain. That's your fault for not taking the time to KNOW how you were paid, when, and under what criteria. Actually the opportunity is mindless, it will take care of itself if you do what you have agreed to do. I am sorry for your experience but life is full of failures. Pick yourself up and find something that suits your talent. Just don't pick something that requires hard work, dilligence, business accumen, and killer drive to succeed. That doesn't appear to be your strong suit. Good luck and I wish you well.


RE: Truth is Freedom

#22Author of original report

Mon, June 01, 2009

No, YOU tell the truth. We aren't questioning Kirby's quality of product (Though I stand by the fact that my little Dirt Devil can pick up what Kirby leaves just as easily as a Kirby can pick up after my Dirt Devil). What this report stands against is Southeast association and all other Kirby distributors across the country. If you were intelligent enough to read the last part of my post, you'd know that. Kirby distributors are well known for dressing up the job of becoming a dealer with glittery base pay (without mentioning the impossible requirements and horrible hours or how your commission is REALLY 20$ to nothing if the vacuum isn't sold at full asking price). You are in NO way associated with Kirby, except through their products. You don't work for Kirby either and whatever company you work for is not associated with Warren Buffet or Berkshire Hathaway. Distributors are KNOWN to claim that they set up appointments before you go out and they are KNOWN to lie to every moron that walks into their offices in hopes to get some free labor. Just check the rest of the Kirby reports. That's all the evidence I need.


RE: Truth is Freedom

#23Author of original report

Mon, June 01, 2009

No, YOU tell the truth. We aren't questioning Kirby's quality of product (Though I stand by the fact that my little Dirt Devil can pick up what Kirby leaves just as easily as a Kirby can pick up after my Dirt Devil). What this report stands against is Southeast association and all other Kirby distributors across the country. If you were intelligent enough to read the last part of my post, you'd know that. Kirby distributors are well known for dressing up the job of becoming a dealer with glittery base pay (without mentioning the impossible requirements and horrible hours or how your commission is REALLY 20$ to nothing if the vacuum isn't sold at full asking price). You are in NO way associated with Kirby, except through their products. You don't work for Kirby either and whatever company you work for is not associated with Warren Buffet or Berkshire Hathaway. Distributors are KNOWN to claim that they set up appointments before you go out and they are KNOWN to lie to every moron that walks into their offices in hopes to get some free labor. Just check the rest of the Kirby reports. That's all the evidence I need.


RE: Truth is Freedom

#24Author of original report

Mon, June 01, 2009

No, YOU tell the truth. We aren't questioning Kirby's quality of product (Though I stand by the fact that my little Dirt Devil can pick up what Kirby leaves just as easily as a Kirby can pick up after my Dirt Devil). What this report stands against is Southeast association and all other Kirby distributors across the country. If you were intelligent enough to read the last part of my post, you'd know that. Kirby distributors are well known for dressing up the job of becoming a dealer with glittery base pay (without mentioning the impossible requirements and horrible hours or how your commission is REALLY 20$ to nothing if the vacuum isn't sold at full asking price). You are in NO way associated with Kirby, except through their products. You don't work for Kirby either and whatever company you work for is not associated with Warren Buffet or Berkshire Hathaway. Distributors are KNOWN to claim that they set up appointments before you go out and they are KNOWN to lie to every moron that walks into their offices in hopes to get some free labor. Just check the rest of the Kirby reports. That's all the evidence I need.

Truth Is Freedom

Tell the truth...

#25UPDATE Employee

Mon, June 01, 2009

Kirby is not a scam. The company is almost a hundred years old. They manufacture an All American product and do so with dignity and strict quality control. Their business model is to distribute their product through authorized dealers. You cannot purchase a new Kirby online, nor in any store. I challenge you to find even ONE that does. Only used machines that have no warranty can be sold in a store. A used earlier model Kirby cannot even compete with a New one. Does it clean better than 99 percent better than what's out there? sure it does, but not better than new. Sounds to me like you ran into a bad businessman, but that doesn't represent the many ethical businessmen across this country that markets a superior product. What were your expectations upon taking that job? that someone is going to pay you for your looks? Wrong industry. To get anywhere in this world you are going to have to work hard for it. Even the business model you described is less than Ideal, but it's not a scam. People don't have to be tricked into buying Kirby's. All is needed is to demonstrate them. If they want it, I sell it. If they don't, i thank them for their time and go to my next appointment. Door to door sales is a business model. Call center appointment setting is one too. Each has it's drawbacks and advantages. It is easier to do door knocking because the business owner doesn't have to finance paying for developing leads for inexperienced sales people. Doesn't make it evil. Many, many companies uses teams of sales people including AT&T and almost ALL fortune 500 companies. As for the company that you worked for, it's unfortunate that such an establishment exists. There are bad company owners all over the country in many differing disciplines. I have sold Kirby's for years and can personally attest that it is the best machine of it's type in the world. Sorry for your experience



#26UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 29, 2009

I am a former employee for the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications handling consumer and constituent affairs for the city of New York. I recently moved to Florida to continue my college education and, now that school is out, look for a summer job. I was offered a position with "Southeastern Associates" which I have discovered today is a front for a kirby dealership operation. I received very little information regarding the position over the phone and the interview itself lasted about 4 minutes! All she did was ask us about ourselves and then threw out the job description like an auctioneer! She threw names like Warren Buffet and Berkshire Hathaway which, at the time, provided the organization with some type of credibility. In retrospect, and in light of my many years of government work, I should have known better. You were right about the office interview and then the subsequent training and development center next door too! The place was dreadfully tacky with this dark blue paint that looked to have been splatter on. The stage was there, the speakers with the loud music playing everything from Hip Hop to Alternative Rock was also there, and Elizabeth was there waiting today May 27, 2009 at 11 am for her training class. You hit the mark on everything this sleazy company has to offer. You were very accurate about Elizabeth, right down to the bobbing head, the coffee, sincere yet pushy attitude, the dust mites that s**t in your mouth, and the incredibly profane language! Although she tried to come across as casual, her behavior was completely unprofessional. After 3 grueling hours of having to hear her talk about herself, irrelevantly mundane topics like the "crazy people she has to interview," and finally playing on our emotions by stating that she was adopted and lived a sadly meager life as a MIDDLE CLASS southern girl from GEORGIA, I started to realize I was being scammed for a job that had a very high employment turnover rate. Your post just explained why. Unlike yourself Amber, I had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting the "president" of the company Steve Griffin who promptly informed my class of approximately 15 people that he was a successful millionaire and a high school drop out. At that point I had to use every fiber in my body to hold myself from bursting out in laughter. The man was wearing a cheap 2 piece suit from KMart or Beals Outlet and what looked to be a 20 dollar pair of shoes from Wal-Mart. I guess the millionaire's club hasn't been doing so well lately, LOL!! (Never mind that I am a native New Yorker from New York City, my grandfather is a successful banker, and I have never heard of him!) I took one look at him and started staring at the door and the parking lot as my ticket to freedom haha! Steve Griffin was a grotesquely unkempt bigot who was approximately 50-59 years old. He then proceeded to ask the class if they wanted to hear 'a joke'. As the class begrudgingly acquiesced to his 'invitation', (probably because they felt he was someone to be respected on allegations that he had money and had a presidency) he then began to tell a series of some of the most racially underlined, culturally bigoted, red-neck, white trash-induced jokes I have ever had the misfortune of hearing. I was sickened and appalled. He told "Black jokes" that were clearly racist, "Cuban jokes" that were clearly derogatory, and "Mexican jokes" that disgusted even white people in attendance who heard them (including myself, I'm of Spaniard decent). The stale air of forced laughs and chuckles within the room made me physically cringe as people desperately tried to lighten the environment after such horrendous comments! As a political science and social science major, all he did was justify my years of study and research regarding southern racial demographics. At the very least, I was intellectually vindicated! Amber, I would like to thank you for posting your comments. I am a former Research Analyst/Student and I conduct a lot of personal research on line. After attending their training, I became so suspicious that here I am uncovering the truth! I live in Clermont, Florida which is approximately 35 miles from Kissimmee, Florida and it takes me 35 minutes to get to work off the turnpike. My sick mom lives in the area where the office is located so I figured I could work part time and have the benefit of visiting her every day. You have personally saved me from having to waste my time and pay exorbitant amounts of money on gas. I will not be returning to work in the morning. I am glad that there are still people out there like you who are socially conscious enough to post your experience for the benefit of others. I am hoping that my response supports your consumer complaint and corroborates all of the details that you have described concerning your experience with this horrible office. Kirby vacuums are great, it's the people that work at the Michigan Avenue office in Kissimmee, Florida that are ruining the reputation of the Kirby company. Why not just open up a store that specifically sells Kirby vacuums through dealerships, promote the direct sales campaign through a call center, and be honest with their tactics! It just makes them look deceitful and unprofessional. I agree one hundred percent with your comment and I'm genuinely sorry you had to go through an entire week being scammed by these people. If it's any consolation, you've saved me from having to deal with the begrudging idea of pushing these products on unsuspecting consumers. Thank you Amber! Alexander Gomez



#27UPDATE Employee

Fri, May 29, 2009

I am a former employee for the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications handling consumer and constituent affairs for the city of New York. I recently moved to Florida to continue my college education and, now that school is out, look for a summer job. I was offered a position with "Southeastern Associates" which I have discovered today is a front for a kirby dealership operation. I received very little information regarding the position over the phone and the interview itself lasted about 4 minutes! All she did was ask us about ourselves and then threw out the job description like an auctioneer! She threw names like Warren Buffet and Berkshire Hathaway which, at the time, provided the organization with some type of credibility. In retrospect, and in light of my many years of government work, I should have known better. You were right about the office interview and then the subsequent training and development center next door too! The place was dreadfully tacky with this dark blue paint that looked to have been splatter on. The stage was there, the speakers with the loud music playing everything from Hip Hop to Alternative Rock was also there, and Elizabeth was there waiting today May 27, 2009 at 11 am for her training class. You hit the mark on everything this sleazy company has to offer. You were very accurate about Elizabeth, right down to the bobbing head, the coffee, sincere yet pushy attitude, and the incredibly profane language! Although she tried to come across as casual, her behavior was completely unprofessional. After 3 grueling hours of having to hear her talk about herself, irrelevantly mundane topics like the "crazy people she has to interview," and finally playing on our emotions by stating that she was adopted and lived a sad meager life as a MIDDLE CLASS southern girl from GEORGIA, I started to realize I was being scammed for a job that had a very high employment turnover rate. Your post just explained why. Unlike yourself Amber, I had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting the "president" of the company Steve Griffin who promptly informed my class of approximately 15 people that he was a successful millionaire and a high school drop out. At that point I had to use every fiber in my body to hold myself from bursting out in laughter. The man was wearing a cheap 2 piece suit from KMart Beals Outlet and what looked to be 20 dollar shoes from Wal-Mart. I guess the millionaire's club hasn't been doing so good lately, LOL!! (Never mind that I am a native New Yorker from New York City, my grandfather is a successful banker, and I have never heard of him!) I took one look at him and started staring at the door and the parking lot as my ticket to freedom haha! Steve Griffin was a grotesquely unkempt bigot who was approximately 50-59 years old. He then proceeded to ask the class if they wanted to hear 'a joke'. As the class begrudgingly acquiesced to his 'invitation', (probably because they felt he was someone to be respected on allegations that he had money and had a presidency) he then began to tell a series of some of the most racially underlined, culturally bigoted, red-neck, white trash-induced jokes I have ever had the misfortune of hearing. I was sickened and appalled. He told "Black jokes" that were clearly racist, "Cuban jokes" that were clearly derogatory, and "Mexican jokes" that disgusted even white people in attendance who heard them (including myself, I'm of Spaniard decent). The stale air of forced laughs and chuckles within the room made me physically cringe as people desperately tried to lighten the environment after such horrendous comments! As a political science and social science major, all he did was justify my years of study and research regarding southern racial demographics. At the very least, I was intellectually vindicated! Amber, I would like to thank you for posting your comments. I am a former Research Analyst/Student and I conduct a lot of personal research on line. After attending their training, I became so suspicious that here I am uncovering the truth! I live in Clermont, Florida which is approximately 35 miles from Kissimmee, Florida and it takes me 35 minutes to get to work off the turnpike. My sick mom lives in the area where the office is located so I figured I could work part time and have the benefit of visiting her every day. You have personally saved me from having to waste my time and pay exorbitant amounts of money on gas. I will not be returning to work in the morning. I am glad that there are still people out there like you who are socially conscious enough to post your experience for the benefit of others. I am hoping that my response supports your consumer complaint and corroborates all of the details that you have described concerning your experience with this horrible office. Kirby vacuums are great, it's the people that work at the Michigan Avenue office in Kissimmee, Florida that are ruining the reputation of the Kirby company. Why not just open up a store that specifically sells Kirby vacuums through dealerships, promote the direct sales campaign through a call center, and be honest with their tactics! It just makes them look deceitful and unprofessional. I agree one hundred percent with your comment and I'm genuinely sorry you had to go through an entire week being scammed by these people. If it's any consolation, you've saved me from having to deal with the begrudging idea of pushing these products on unsuspecting consumers. Thank you Amber! Alexander Gomez During the course of the training, she insisted that this was NOT A SALES POSITION AND FORCED THE ENTIRE TRAINING CLASS TO VERBALLY REITERATE OUR 475 WEEKLY SALARY IN UNISON! It was creepy! I felt like she was trying to sell me my job and it totally turned me off.

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