  • Report:  #1336045

Complaint Review: Space Ape Games - london London

Reported By:
standsuptobullies - Utah, USA

Space Ape Games
london, London, United Kingdom
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About Transformers earth wars and Space Ape Games

I have been silent long enough about the issues with this company, they constantly offer deals for character packages, and character crystals and some of (but not all) say a higher chance at that character. If you are spending real money on a specific character then you should receive said character.

The drop rates are ridiculous for bots with a good amount of the time being the exact same one over and over again. Example they are currently offering a Blaster bot crystal for 600 coins (you buy 1000 coins for $4.99) or an Iron hide pack ($20.00)

I purchased two of the packs ($40.00) and 10 of the character crystals ($25.00) and did not receive either Iron Hide, nor Blaster. That is $65.00 and only to receive duplicate bots when there are 115 different bots at different star amounts, and I only have 30, so the odds of always getting duplicates is astronomical yet whenever you contact customer service they say "its random sorry but that’s the way it is"

Something needs to be done about these deceptive practices as it seems they are getting worse instead of getting better. Recently they bribed players to vote for them as game of the year with a promise of a special prize, well that special prize was about the same as giving a rock as a gift, it is the most minimal thing they can do.

Here is the thing, players that have been around for a while know to expect to get duplicates from the normal premium crystals with no guarantee of not getting a duplicate but when it is a crystal for a specific bot you should get said bot, even if the odds were 1 in 4 that would be more acceptable then the appeared to be 1 in 1,000,000.

I have seen countless comments and complaints from distraught and upset customers for them doing these practices, and even if they may be legal (I’m not a lawyer so I don't know) it is very unethical to continue such misleading and deceptive practices.

Yes I have written to customer service and they have never done anything more than saying it’s just the way it is. This is the worst customer service I have ever seen, and the fact that they don't want to change something that to any rational person is unethical is very upsetting, and they were voted most ethical a couple years ago, well that title should be revoked. 

If there is ever a class action against these crooks I will be happy to join.


I have included Hasbro and Backflip studios because they have allowed this to happen with their names on it as well.

2 Updates & Rebuttals

TFEW player

New York,
Drop rates

#2General Comment

Sat, August 05, 2017

 The only thing concerning me is the lack of transparency. The company, or developers, space ape, refuse to release estimates on "drop rates" for character crystals. They are mostly duplicates, and the phrases used to promote them are misleading. "high chance" of something could mean anything. Additionally, why are the drop rates kept secret? I don't understand


Luck of the draw...

#3General Comment

Tue, November 01, 2016


 As with ANY lotery draw system its ALL about luck. Sometimes you get lucky and ONLY have to spend $20 and you get the hottest items. But dont be fooled by brand loyalty. It IS about making money. While YOU are quite content to sit on your rump and play a game for three years, someone has been keeping that game running. THAT COSTS MONEY! YOU personally have ZERO idea exactly how much money it costs every day, EVERY HOUR to keep that game up and running. SO while YOU may think that they are just greedy bast*s. the REALITY is that it takes money to keep that game running EVERY SECOND! If YOU are assuming that the measely amount that YOU have paid is going to be enough to keep it running, well thats the GREAT thing about ignorance. Its BLISS! When purchasing ANY digital product be it items or currency you MUST understand that once that money is spent all you have IS the digital. So YES it seems unfair to those people who ONLY spend a few dollars and HEAVILY weighted towards those people who spend more. Its STILL about luck. If YOU have spent $20 and only got the same items it means that the next $20 spent you shouldnt recieve the same items again. By BUYING them you are REMOVING them. Leaving the items YOU want to pull. Despite all of that the reality is that YOU HAVE NOT BEEN RIPPED OFF! YOU CHOSE to participate in a lottery system, you CANNOT turn around and WHINE because YOU DONT WIN!

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