  • Report:  #186865

Complaint Review: Specialty Risk Services - Brea California

Reported By:
- costa mesa, California,

Specialty Risk Services
Post Office Box Brea Ca Brea, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
s.r.s. insurance co is ruthless! cruel and in my opinion a fraud. they have been jerking me around for over three years now with a work injury case. social security says i am 100 percent disabled and they keep trying to convince themselves that theres nothing wrong with me! the mri,s dont lie!

i went to an ame [agreed medical] exam a few years ago and well of course they didnt like the so called legal and binging report so they are fighting me tooth and nail and will do so till doomesday.

this evil company will spy on you 24 hours a day and spend a quarter of a million dollars fighting you before they will settle for a fraction of that! medical treatment? good luck! i dont think they have paid a penny to anyone yet! everything right now is on a lein

i was recieving ttd benefits for a while then suddenly one day i get two letters in the mail telling me that i was permanent and stationary a few yrs ago and that my benefits have stopped... and that i owe them 70k! i dont think so... next was no permanent disability etc etc they sent me to one of their qme doctors and basicly this guy really helped them to really screw me! this was a dr ca. he says in his report that he talked with me for an hour and a half! non sense! it was 20 minites at most! i wonder how much this doctor got paid by srs to say theres nothing wrong with me and that my injuries had nothing to do with work??? he wouldnt even look at my mri,s! said that wasnt neccesary!

if you have specialty risk services for your workers compensation insurance carrier your in for a very tough fight! theres nothin honest or ethical about this company that i can see.but ... in fairness to them... all insurance co,s are evil! however this one is the worst!

they will do anything to sell you down the river! and hope you just go away or die me? no way! i wish i could find a lawyer with eneough b***s sue theese jerks for pro longing my pain and misery. in fact I may even dismiss my my wc comp atty prior to any settlement hearings.i wont take a chance on my lawyer taking a pay off either! hey it happens! dont think it doesnt!

this company isnt happy with millions of dollars what they really want is 100 percent power and control! they are going to lose eventually and they know it thats why they are fighting me so hard! but they are going to run my life for many many more years before that.[settlement] .

i know they offer other insurance and my recomendation is steer clear! but if your forced to deal with them in a work injury case your screwed..


Costa Mesa, California

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3 Updates & Rebuttals


Costa Mesa,
update on specialty risk services

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, May 27, 2006

if there is an atty out there who is willing to sue specialty risk services please post response! i see i am not the only victim,im so sorry about joes situation too. i dont understand how this company can get away with screwing injured workers so badly and not follow the law. if the ame report is legal and binding and i was p+s years ago how come i dont have any pd coming in? wheres my rehab? mileage pay? my ptp says im still ttd and will p+s me in a few weeks.the last qme doctor i saw says i was p+s years ago and all of a sudden i got cut off from ttd after seeing this doctor for about 20 minites the man would not even look at my mri,s! i did file a complaint on him but that will probably be a jerk around too. in the last 3 months i have had to sell two of my mercedes autos my van my boat and a lot of my assetts just to get by and im being forced to work injured[self employed in severe pain] and am getting worse! just so i can keep a roof over my head and eat plus a lot of my meds are out of pocket cost! the wc pharmacy has a lien on my pain meds and told my srs hasnt paid them,doesnt surprise me. this jerk off co will probably have me in a wheelchair soon if they dont settle this! im lucky i have the soc sec or i would be starving financially but everything i have ever worked for is slowly dissapearing thousands and thousand dollars of things i am having to sell for pennies on the dollar! i busted my a*s in corporate america all my life and now im just damaged goods. my psyche is severely damaged now too and my teeth are falling out! from pain meds sequale injuries have been filed! i just had another deposition that was horrible! all the questions were so redundant! they have been watching me 24-7! this co just cant stand the idea that i wish to just settle and rid myself of them ,doctors and lawyers for good! and corporate america? no thanks.i will not cave in and i wont let them run my life! i just want to move on! i have accepted the fact that i have lifetime injuries chronic pain and fatigue but the psychological aspect of the wc and ins co system itself is worse than the actual injuries! i cant believe how much time and money this company has spent fighting me! i even hired a private invesigator to investigate them! i found out some valuable information yes i know who you are and where you are! i will get what im legally entitled to eventually but for right now its sickening what this company will do people to put money in thier pockets. they already have millions and it isnt about money its about power and control! this has been a big nightmare! i think even my lawyer is frustrated,i warned him but? i have a top of the line atty and the best doctors but the worst insurance co in the book! if you are dealing with this co you are in for a real nightmare! i can not reccomend this ins co to anyone for anything!im tempted to take this co to court but i am not a lawyer and i can not find one to help me and this isnt small claims! yes i do have a legitimate claim and im not just some lazy single white guy that doesnt want to work! far from it! i just want compensation and im going to get it.


Need A Class Action against Specialty Risk Services-Brea,CA

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, May 27, 2006

I am in agreement with Mike from Costa Mesa.I too have had the hellish experience of dealing with an adjuster from Brea,CA as well. Isn't that ironic. This is the worst insurance company I have ever experienced in my life. Specialty Risk Services commits fraud by violating California Insurance Code 1871.4 and treating injured workers who just want fair and adequate treatment terribly. They illegally deny and delay payments.They slander and defame and make false statements treating injured workers like scam artists just to make huge profits. They don't pay out anything they're suppossed to. I am agreement that we need to file a class action against SRS because they treat people inhumanely and illegally deny payments to injured workers. All i've wanted to do is get better and go back to work but Specialty Risk Services does everything they can to make you homeless, develop worse symptems and not pay for any of the treatment they are suppossed to by law. Then the taxpayers pick up the tabs, Doctor's are left not getting paid by SRS and Specialty Risk Services make 400%,500% and 600% percent profit. People need to complain to the California (or whatever state you're in) Workers Comp Audit Unit and or California Department of Insurance Fraud. ADJUSTERS ARE COMMITTING WORKERS COMP INSURANCE FRAUD BY ILLEGALLY COMMITING FRAUD-NOT THE WORKERS!!!


The Company must follow the AME's report

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, April 19, 2006

The information contained in the Agreed Medical Examiners report is final. The company has already agreed to use the doctor and his report is the final word. Just because Social Security says you are 100% disabled, it does not mean all of those injuries/medical conditions are job related. SS and workers' comp are completely different. I would listen to your WC attorney because he just wants to get the case resolved quickly and fairly so he can get paid. He gets paid a percentage of your award so he has not reason to advise you to accept less than top dollar.

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