  • Report:  #444584

Complaint Review: spiritentityremoval.com - Internet

Reported By:
- San Antonio, Texas,

spiritentityremoval.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I contacted Anthony Cox at [email protected] to help stop my spirit attachment and evil spirit problems, and poured my heart out to him. I wrote him a very long letter describing my horrible spirit related problems that were occuring to me, and that i really needed his help.

At the time on his website www.spiritentityremoval.com, he offered a 30-day money back guarantee if your spirit attachment problems arent resolved. And he also states that once he is done "working" on you, that the spirit entities will NEVER come back to you and will NEVER go to anyone else.

What he says is the absolute opposite of what he does.

Before i paid him for his services, i emailed him about the problems that i was having, and this is what he wrote back to me:

"Thank you for your email and giving me the opportunity to help you.

You state quite openly that you are definitely a victim of Spirit attachment. You also said that your quality of life is zero and it's driving you insane. If you are this certain then you need to take action and have this attachment(s) permanently removed now.

All of the Entity removal work through my website is done remotely.

The only way to properly remove and TAKE Entities and Spirits to where they belong is by working on the same energetic level as them and those levels above.

Because I am able to do this, I use the exact same technique whether you are sitting in front of me, or in another country. The vast majority of my clients are in different parts of the World, but the results are no less effective.

You can see by my refund policy and Testimonials that I am confident and my methods are effective.

Any other method used may remove a Spirit... , but will not guarantee that it will not return, or just attach to somebody else.

Again, from your very brief description of your situation, you need to take action immediately.

I look forward to helping you get your life back, all you need to do is follow the instructions on the website."

I fell for his gimmic, and paid him $200 for his spirit removal service.

After i paid him my $200 for his service (at the time it was $200, and now its $150), about 48 hours later he said that he was done "working on me", and he told me i had been put in a "jar of pain".

He said someone had put a curse on me, and he needed me to think back to try and figure out who would want to do this to me. And he also stated that the person who did this to me was very good at this.

After he performed his "work" on me, here is what he wrote back to me:

"It is impossible to say you will never have entity trouble again simply because it is just so common, they are everywhere. And I have no control over what you do and even you have little control over those around you.

Because you have to a degree developed the ability to see these things, you may retain some of that, but that does not mean they are attacking you just because you may sometimes see them. Again, they are everywhere. But I can deal with what you have now.

Some of this might seem bad news, but like I said, if you can understand exactly how much of this has been done to you, then it is much easier to deal with it. And if you can accept and understand the existance of these things and perhaps be wary, but not scared of it, that is very good protection in itself."

After reading this from Anthony Cox, I was pissed off. First he said that the entities would NEVER return and would be gone forever, and now he is saying that he cant guarantee that i wont have entity trouble again and that "not being scared of it" is good protection in itself.

4 days later i emailed him back and told him that i were still having the same spirit attachment problems before i contacted him, and that i would request a refund of my $200 if the problems didnt cease.

Then the day after i wrote that my problems got worse and i requested my refund IMMEDIATELY through Paypal.

Anthony Cox declined my refund request and wrote me back the following:

"Thankyou for responding. I also reponded to you Paypal claim. I am dissapointed that you chose to take that action and early but I understand how frustrated you are so let's move on and work at this together as best we can."

Finally after BEGGING him for advice as to what i should do on my end so we could work together on relieving my spirit attachment problems, here is what he advised me to do:

"Just a quick email. Thank you for your consent to change those programs. I have put aside most other work today to concentrate on you so will do the work in several sessions as there is a lot of ground to cover. Please repeat those phrases I gave you.

I will email you again in 24-36 hours with what the next step is. Please take note of any emotions that rise to the surface or any memories that 'suddenly' appear. Please write them down."

Then i just got tired of him playing these games and not being DIRECT with me, and just requested my money back, but he would answer ANYMORE of my emails!!! Here is what i wrote back to him plain and simple:

"Anthony i dont want anymore help. Please refund my $200 now."

And i emailed him that 87 times consecutively!!!! And he still didnt respond to ANY ONE of them even to this day! I escalated my claim to Paypal but the ticket was automatically closed out and they said i lost the case because they cant do anything about "service related payments".

I called Paypal and the representative told me this exact same thing. I was pissed off, and now the only thing i can do to spread the word about this FRAUD Anthony Cox is to come here and make this posting of him.

Please STAY AWAY from Anthony Cox!! He is a fraud and a liar. He took off his money back guarantee on his website www.spiritentityremoval.com after i requested my money back from him, and now has a b.s. "service" guarantee that your problem will be resolved.

Stay away from this guy, and dont give him your money. He will take it and NEVER give it back to you. This guy is in the business of making money - NOT helping you.

Please stay away from this CROOK at all costs.

- Anonymous90, San Antonio, Texas


San Antonio, Texas


7 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Anthony Cox is a Demon Inhabiting a Human Body

#2General Comment

Sat, November 11, 2017

Anthony Cox is a demon inhabiting a human body. He only attacks innocent spirits or dark spirits which are weaker than him. He constantly feeds on the spirits he removes. He does not 'put them where they came from,' he devours them. If they are an innocent spirit of God, he will also attempt to devour them. He abides by the power of lucifer and he attempts to subvert God's creation. He is NOT a good person, he is NOT trying to help you, he is IN IT FOR HIMSELF AND THE DEVIL. I have had a horrible, horrible experience with him where he literally tried to devour a guardian angel that I had which has caused me many tears, many sleepless nights, constant distress. He spiritually altered me to feel like something HE thought was natural, I am no longer able to write novels which was my profession, I am no longer able to function properly. My personality is gone, my emotions are gone. He's left me with his rendition of what it means to be human and I'm not fully sure that I was even a human spirit.

This man is a menace. When I constacted with him and demanded he stops spiritually attacking innocent spirits God had placed in my life, a demon challenged me and told me that if I go to sleep, that I did witchcraft (I never did witchcraft in my life. I did innocent prayers and a demon misunderstood me and did witchcraft in my life and Anthony Cox is taking the side of a DEMON, because it looks HUMAN as opposed to looking different like my innocent spirits did. I had a demon and he IGNORED this demon and he went after my guardian angel instead. The man is satanic, and completely lies to people.)

He is in league with the devil and his power abides by the power of satan.


New Zealand
Anthony has been nothing but a consumate professional

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, August 09, 2009

To whom it may concern, I have known Anthony Cox for over 3 years I can say without hesitation that I would probably not be alive without his help and support in dealing with the various spiritual and psychic attacks that I have faced. The problems that Anthony helped me with are not ones that I would choose to discuss with others but I have made it a point to refer members of my family and friends when I knew that he was probably their only hope to date all have been tremendously grateful. I also want to point out that these are people that I see on a daily or weekly basis and there is no way that I would ever refer a charlatan to the people I love the most. Unfortunately I know from personal experience that even though the entities or attacks have been successfully removed there is often deeper seated damage that has been caused while under attack that takes longer to repair. I suppose it could be likened to the aftermath of a hurricane and whilst the hurricane has passed, all the broken windows must be fixed and debris cleared before life can resume as normal. I believe that Randall Magwood grew impatient and gave up before the damage had been fully repaired. By not following through to the end, and then laying this complaint Randall has done both himself and Anthony an incredible disservice. I hope that upon serious reflection (and going back over the correspondence he had with Anthony) he is big enough to retract this erroneous complaint. Best regards, Jason Hayward

Kellie Williams

Response to False Claim regarding Spiritentityremoval.com - 'Anthony Cox stole $200 from me, and wouldn't give me back my money'.

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, July 01, 2009

Hi my name is Kellie Williams, I felt Tremendous Dismay upon reading Randall Magwoods 'False Claim' about Anthony Cox - spiritentityremoval.com , and I feel the need to respond to what has been written. I would like to begin by telling you a little about myself and my 'Past Traumatic Spiritual Experiences', as Anthony Cox gave back my life to me, after seeking his help back in 2006. Changing my life and my children's lives for the better and giving us a better quality of life. Due to the help that I have received from this 'Incredible' man, I have not once looked back, and I am now moving forward in my life. I am a single mother of 4, I live in Australia and in 2001 through to the end of 2006, I went through the most 'Shocking and Horrifying Spiritual Experience', which made me feel like I was going through 'Hell' and back. I had been separated from my husband for approximately 6 months. My children were very young, the youngest being 12 months old. Without warning, in a blink of the eye, I felt something rush very quickly right up into my face that smelt like it was rotting. From there I had no control over my body what so ever, I could not relax in any position, sitting or lying down, as my arms and legs would be moved to a position that I was not comfortable with. I felt as though I was being pinned to the bed. This happened every single time that I tried to relax without fail. I was having very specific and graphic sexual experiences. There is one particular time that I remember, I was surrounded by friends and family, and I was unable to tell them what was happening to me as no one could see what was going on. I had several Spirits doing vulgar and unimaginable things to me while I was amongst my friends and family. It was sick. I had terrible visions, I could see and hear everything that they were doing to me, as well as seeing and hearing what these Spirits were doing to my children. I could not help them, that is such a terrible feeling. I was growing very tired and I needed sleep badly, so I unfortunately began drinking, which enabled me to be able to be relaxed enough to actually be able to fall asleep. That wasn't the best idea I've ever had, as my drinking escalated into rather a big problem, as I was needing more and more of it to be able to get me to the point of sleep. I did try to talk to my friends and family about my 'Terrible Spiritual Experiences', but as I was only just previously separated from my husband, everyone around me just presumed that I was having a 'Nervous Breakdown' due to the impending divorce. So I was sent to a 'Mental Health Clinic'. Truly they had no idea. They were wanting me to go on all sorts of 'Medications'. One day my ex came around to my house very early, my kids opened the door, I was in my room, so I was unaware that he took 2 of the kids until after they were gone. He said that he didn't feel I was able to handle the 4 kids. Looking back at that time now, I can understand why the people around me thought I was having a 'Nervous Breakdown' and questioning my Sanity. I was freaking out. Who wouldn't ? I then gathered what energy I had left, pulled myself together, kept a lot of things to myself, not saying anything too much to my family and friends anymore, and I concentrated on getting my kids back together ( which I did do ) as they needed me, not that I was able to help them until I found Anthony Cox, but I was able to be understanding, and be there for them, which was something that I was not getting from anyone else. The day that this nightmare began, I knew that it was 'Spiritually Related', even though I had never experienced anything like it before. So I began my search, looking constantly for someone to tell me what on earth was going on. Someone to put a 'Stop' to this constant 'Pain'. Everyone I spoke to during this time had sympathy and did really want to try and help me and my children, but no one could tell me why this was happening, and put a stop to this nightmare. I tried everything that I could think of, spending thousands of dollars on House Cleansers, Mediums, Psychics, joining Psychic Clubs, going to Spiritualist Churches getting absolutely no where. I am a single parent, I am not rich, but I would not give up. And I did not give up my search for help. With every failure in finding help, the Spirits around my children and I were having a Merry Old Time, taking pleasure in seeing the 'Pain and Anguish' I was going through, they thoroughly enjoyed watching me going through the 'Hell' that I was. Then I found Anthony Cox - spiritentityremoval.com My 'Torture' was finally over. I found Anthony Cox to be very Professional, Honest, Compassionate, Noble and Trustworthy. I had no difficulty in any way explaining my 'Horrendous Ordeal' to him, feeling quite safe, and I found it very easy to confide in him all of my experiences. Anthony Cox was able to give me all the answers that I was looking for, without hesitation. He 'Understood' all that I was telling him. There was not one thing that he was unable to answer. I felt extremely relieved. He removed all the Spirits / Entities that were around me and my children, and put them where they should be. I have so much Gratitude, Appreciation, and Respect for this Incredibly Amazing Man. My children and I now have our lives back thanks to Anthony Cox, and are 'Free' from this terrible experience, which is such a 'Great' feeling. Now I would like to also add that I have complete 'Compassion' for Randall Magwoods ordeal, but Anthony Cox was not given the chance to finish his work. There may of been several factors involved, as to why Randall Magwood decided to go to the extent that he did, making this False Claim, and to discontinue with the work Anthony Cox was doing. Through my experiences, quite frankly some of the Spirits out there just do not want to go to, and have complete pleasure causing people pain. It may of been that Randall Magwood was being influenced by the Spirits around him, as they just did not want to go to where they should be. But for whatever reason, Randall Magwood decided to take this course of action, and to discontinue the good work that was being done, not giving Anthony Cox any choice what so ever to help this man. In the process discrediting Anthony Cox's name, and making it harder for people who are genuinely wanting and needing his help for Spirit related problems, to trust in his ability to be able to help them fully. In my opinion, I believe that we are all very lucky to have Anthony Cox's services on hand. For anyone out there who maybe experiencing Spiritually Related Problems, Anthony Cox is someone that we all can count on to be able to solve the problems correctly and accurately. Most importantly, Anthony Cox is able to help anyone at all anywhere in the world. Please, for anyone out there who is having Spirit / Entity Problems, or knows of someone who is, do not let this unfortunate 'False Claim' to sway you from getting the help that you deserve. I have not one hesitation in recommending Anthony Cox's services - spiritentityremoval.com to anyone who maybe experiencing Spiritually Related Problems. Thank You for your time. Peace, Love and Happiness. Kellie Williams

Anthony Cox

Response to FALSE claim "spiritentityremoval.com - Anthony Cox stole $200 away from me, and wouldnt give me back my money"

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, April 20, 2009

Hi. My name is Anthony Cox and I would like the opportunity to provide the truth in relation to these claims. His claim for a refund was NOT because of any failure on my part, but he simply changed his mind mid stream and I was NOT given the opportunity to respond in time. This situation can be equated to something like a housepainter...after 3/4 of the house is painted someone requesting a refund because they change their mind before the last quarter is done. Much of what has been said is FALSE and 'quotes' of what I said have been distorted to paint a different picture to the truth. I have never deceived anyone and have absolutely no desire to. The above complaintant Mr Randall Magwood who is actually a resident of Alcoa Tennisee, initially contacted me with a quite vague email asking about my services but giving a dramatic account of what he claimed to be experiencing. I initially responded basically as per his initial quote in the complaint he has written. HOWEVER, as I have said in his use of parts of email conversation between us and by quoting me in the context he has, he has painted a rather different picture to the truth. His claims that I refused to give him a refund are absolutely FALSE. His case was an extremely complex one and I have spent a lot of time trying to help this man. I kept very regular contact with Randall Magwood throughout the process and he acknowledged the work that I was doing. At one instance quite early in the peace he suddenly applied through PayPal for a refund, the only way I could respond to the request via PayPal was by answering his note in there which automatically stops the refund. We talked again by email very soon after this with me explaining in detail his situation as I saw it and asked him for more time. He AGREED to keep going with the work I was doing. Things progressed and we were working together as I was explaining to him that many of his issues are subconscious and that required time to him . Randall was also IN AGREEANCE with the course of action I was proposing. NEVER during this process did he ever give ANY indication that he was 'pissed off'. A couple of times he indicated a desire for things to happen faster which is natural but always in a friendly manner. When he suddenly applied for a refund via PayPal, before I was given an opportunity to even be made aware of it, he immediately escalated it to a claim, therefore stopping any ability I would have had to refund him anyway. He knows I am in a completely different Time zone to him and he knows that I am NOT in front of my computer all day everyday and I had indicated that I would be in touch with him again in a day or so. Because I got the email about the refund request and the email that it was now a claim together, I was not able to do anything about it until I heard from PayPal (AS THEY INSTRUCTED ME) and I only just heard from them now. And in the meantime he has chosen to take this course of action. For what it's worth PayPal said they dismissed his claim immediately. Regardless of your personal belief or not in what I do, I wish to say that I deal with many unstable individuals in my line of work and always do my utmost to help them. Randall Magwood unfortunately has taken this course of action which is not helping anyone and his admission to sending me the same email 87 times clearly indicates that he does not think in a rational manner at all. Perhaps Mr Magwood just suddenly needed the money for something else, I don't know. But the truth is he has simply changed his mind after requesting service and did not give me opportunity to address the situation in any reasonable time. I have been helping people with these issues for a very long time and this has NEVER happened before. I have always kept clients personal details confidential however Randall Magwood has put me in this position of having to defend myself from these unfair and false claims therefore if anyone reading this would like to know more about this, I would be more than happy to forward a copy of all of the email communication between myself and Randall Magwood as is,as well as PayPal communication that I can access, and explain in further detail any aspects of this situation. You can contact me at [email protected] . I thank you for the opportunity to correct this situation and I hope that his actions do not discourage others from seeking help.

Anthony Cox

Response to FALSE claim "spiritentityremoval.com - Anthony Cox stole $200 away from me, and wouldnt give me back my money"

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, April 20, 2009

Hi. My name is Anthony Cox and I would like the opportunity to provide the truth in relation to these claims. His claim for a refund was NOT because of any failure on my part, but he simply changed his mind mid stream and I was NOT given the opportunity to respond in time. This situation can be equated to something like a housepainter...after 3/4 of the house is painted someone requesting a refund because they change their mind before the last quarter is done. Much of what has been said is FALSE and 'quotes' of what I said have been distorted to paint a different picture to the truth. I have never deceived anyone and have absolutely no desire to. The above complaintant Mr Randall Magwood who is actually a resident of Alcoa Tennisee, initially contacted me with a quite vague email asking about my services but giving a dramatic account of what he claimed to be experiencing. I initially responded basically as per his initial quote in the complaint he has written. HOWEVER, as I have said in his use of parts of email conversation between us and by quoting me in the context he has, he has painted a rather different picture to the truth. His claims that I refused to give him a refund are absolutely FALSE. His case was an extremely complex one and I have spent a lot of time trying to help this man. I kept very regular contact with Randall Magwood throughout the process and he acknowledged the work that I was doing. At one instance quite early in the peace he suddenly applied through PayPal for a refund, the only way I could respond to the request via PayPal was by answering his note in there which automatically stops the refund. We talked again by email very soon after this with me explaining in detail his situation as I saw it and asked him for more time. He AGREED to keep going with the work I was doing. Things progressed and we were working together as I was explaining to him that many of his issues are subconscious and that required time to him . Randall was also IN AGREEANCE with the course of action I was proposing. NEVER during this process did he ever give ANY indication that he was 'pissed off'. A couple of times he indicated a desire for things to happen faster which is natural but always in a friendly manner. When he suddenly applied for a refund via PayPal, before I was given an opportunity to even be made aware of it, he immediately escalated it to a claim, therefore stopping any ability I would have had to refund him anyway. He knows I am in a completely different Time zone to him and he knows that I am NOT in front of my computer all day everyday and I had indicated that I would be in touch with him again in a day or so. Because I got the email about the refund request and the email that it was now a claim together, I was not able to do anything about it until I heard from PayPal (AS THEY INSTRUCTED ME) and I only just heard from them now. And in the meantime he has chosen to take this course of action. For what it's worth PayPal said they dismissed his claim immediately. Regardless of your personal belief or not in what I do, I wish to say that I deal with many unstable individuals in my line of work and always do my utmost to help them. Randall Magwood unfortunately has taken this course of action which is not helping anyone and his admission to sending me the same email 87 times clearly indicates that he does not think in a rational manner at all. Perhaps Mr Magwood just suddenly needed the money for something else, I don't know. But the truth is he has simply changed his mind after requesting service and did not give me opportunity to address the situation in any reasonable time. I have been helping people with these issues for a very long time and this has NEVER happened before. I have always kept clients personal details confidential however Randall Magwood has put me in this position of having to defend myself from these unfair and false claims therefore if anyone reading this would like to know more about this, I would be more than happy to forward a copy of all of the email communication between myself and Randall Magwood as is,as well as PayPal communication that I can access, and explain in further detail any aspects of this situation. You can contact me at [email protected] . I thank you for the opportunity to correct this situation and I hope that his actions do not discourage others from seeking help.

Anthony Cox

Response to FALSE claim "spiritentityremoval.com - Anthony Cox stole $200 away from me, and wouldnt give me back my money"

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, April 20, 2009

Hi. My name is Anthony Cox and I would like the opportunity to provide the truth in relation to these claims. His claim for a refund was NOT because of any failure on my part, but he simply changed his mind mid stream and I was NOT given the opportunity to respond in time. This situation can be equated to something like a housepainter...after 3/4 of the house is painted someone requesting a refund because they change their mind before the last quarter is done. Much of what has been said is FALSE and 'quotes' of what I said have been distorted to paint a different picture to the truth. I have never deceived anyone and have absolutely no desire to. The above complaintant Mr Randall Magwood who is actually a resident of Alcoa Tennisee, initially contacted me with a quite vague email asking about my services but giving a dramatic account of what he claimed to be experiencing. I initially responded basically as per his initial quote in the complaint he has written. HOWEVER, as I have said in his use of parts of email conversation between us and by quoting me in the context he has, he has painted a rather different picture to the truth. His claims that I refused to give him a refund are absolutely FALSE. His case was an extremely complex one and I have spent a lot of time trying to help this man. I kept very regular contact with Randall Magwood throughout the process and he acknowledged the work that I was doing. At one instance quite early in the peace he suddenly applied through PayPal for a refund, the only way I could respond to the request via PayPal was by answering his note in there which automatically stops the refund. We talked again by email very soon after this with me explaining in detail his situation as I saw it and asked him for more time. He AGREED to keep going with the work I was doing. Things progressed and we were working together as I was explaining to him that many of his issues are subconscious and that required time to him . Randall was also IN AGREEANCE with the course of action I was proposing. NEVER during this process did he ever give ANY indication that he was 'pissed off'. A couple of times he indicated a desire for things to happen faster which is natural but always in a friendly manner. When he suddenly applied for a refund via PayPal, before I was given an opportunity to even be made aware of it, he immediately escalated it to a claim, therefore stopping any ability I would have had to refund him anyway. He knows I am in a completely different Time zone to him and he knows that I am NOT in front of my computer all day everyday and I had indicated that I would be in touch with him again in a day or so. Because I got the email about the refund request and the email that it was now a claim together, I was not able to do anything about it until I heard from PayPal (AS THEY INSTRUCTED ME) and I only just heard from them now. And in the meantime he has chosen to take this course of action. For what it's worth PayPal said they dismissed his claim immediately. Regardless of your personal belief or not in what I do, I wish to say that I deal with many unstable individuals in my line of work and always do my utmost to help them. Randall Magwood unfortunately has taken this course of action which is not helping anyone and his admission to sending me the same email 87 times clearly indicates that he does not think in a rational manner at all. Perhaps Mr Magwood just suddenly needed the money for something else, I don't know. But the truth is he has simply changed his mind after requesting service and did not give me opportunity to address the situation in any reasonable time. I have been helping people with these issues for a very long time and this has NEVER happened before. I have always kept clients personal details confidential however Randall Magwood has put me in this position of having to defend myself from these unfair and false claims therefore if anyone reading this would like to know more about this, I would be more than happy to forward a copy of all of the email communication between myself and Randall Magwood as is,as well as PayPal communication that I can access, and explain in further detail any aspects of this situation. You can contact me at [email protected] . I thank you for the opportunity to correct this situation and I hope that his actions do not discourage others from seeking help.

Anthony Cox

Response to FALSE claim "spiritentityremoval.com - Anthony Cox stole $200 away from me, and wouldnt give me back my money"

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, April 20, 2009

Hi. My name is Anthony Cox and I would like the opportunity to provide the truth in relation to these claims. His claim for a refund was NOT because of any failure on my part, but he simply changed his mind mid stream and I was NOT given the opportunity to respond in time. This situation can be equated to something like a housepainter...after 3/4 of the house is painted someone requesting a refund because they change their mind before the last quarter is done. Much of what has been said is FALSE and 'quotes' of what I said have been distorted to paint a different picture to the truth. I have never deceived anyone and have absolutely no desire to. The above complaintant Mr Randall Magwood who is actually a resident of Alcoa Tennisee, initially contacted me with a quite vague email asking about my services but giving a dramatic account of what he claimed to be experiencing. I initially responded basically as per his initial quote in the complaint he has written. HOWEVER, as I have said in his use of parts of email conversation between us and by quoting me in the context he has, he has painted a rather different picture to the truth. His claims that I refused to give him a refund are absolutely FALSE. His case was an extremely complex one and I have spent a lot of time trying to help this man. I kept very regular contact with Randall Magwood throughout the process and he acknowledged the work that I was doing. At one instance quite early in the peace he suddenly applied through PayPal for a refund, the only way I could respond to the request via PayPal was by answering his note in there which automatically stops the refund. We talked again by email very soon after this with me explaining in detail his situation as I saw it and asked him for more time. He AGREED to keep going with the work I was doing. Things progressed and we were working together as I was explaining to him that many of his issues are subconscious and that required time to him . Randall was also IN AGREEANCE with the course of action I was proposing. NEVER during this process did he ever give ANY indication that he was 'pissed off'. A couple of times he indicated a desire for things to happen faster which is natural but always in a friendly manner. When he suddenly applied for a refund via PayPal, before I was given an opportunity to even be made aware of it, he immediately escalated it to a claim, therefore stopping any ability I would have had to refund him anyway. He knows I am in a completely different Time zone to him and he knows that I am NOT in front of my computer all day everyday and I had indicated that I would be in touch with him again in a day or so. Because I got the email about the refund request and the email that it was now a claim together, I was not able to do anything about it until I heard from PayPal (AS THEY INSTRUCTED ME) and I only just heard from them now. And in the meantime he has chosen to take this course of action. For what it's worth PayPal said they dismissed his claim immediately. Regardless of your personal belief or not in what I do, I wish to say that I deal with many unstable individuals in my line of work and always do my utmost to help them. Randall Magwood unfortunately has taken this course of action which is not helping anyone and his admission to sending me the same email 87 times clearly indicates that he does not think in a rational manner at all. Perhaps Mr Magwood just suddenly needed the money for something else, I don't know. But the truth is he has simply changed his mind after requesting service and did not give me opportunity to address the situation in any reasonable time. I have been helping people with these issues for a very long time and this has NEVER happened before. I have always kept clients personal details confidential however Randall Magwood has put me in this position of having to defend myself from these unfair and false claims therefore if anyone reading this would like to know more about this, I would be more than happy to forward a copy of all of the email communication between myself and Randall Magwood as is,as well as PayPal communication that I can access, and explain in further detail any aspects of this situation. You can contact me at [email protected] . I thank you for the opportunity to correct this situation and I hope that his actions do not discourage others from seeking help.

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