  • Report:  #1070203

Complaint Review: SPM Hoboken - Hoboken New Jersey

Reported By:
honestconsumer - New Jersey,

SPM Hoboken
Washington Hoboken, New Jersey, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

    I applied to many jobs and this one I sent out a resume to as a shot in a dark. That week I got a call back to set up

an interview. I couldnt believe it. It sounded like an amazing job, a great location, working for what sounded like a PR/Marketing Office. I also recieved an email confirming my interview. I was curious and went on their facebook and saw all these postive quotes and team vacations. I have worked for ACTUAL companies that do Branding,PR,etc. so I did know travel is apart of the job a lot of the times. However, this was just a team building trip to Jamaica. FYI- If things keep sounding too good to be true it probably is. However, at this point I was too naive and excited to see that. I go to the first interview which was short and sweet. However, the building was "under construction" and I sat in a waiting room with about 7 other people. All dressed in business attire,brief cases, professional looking, etc. Unfortunately, we were all fools. I meet with a young women who was very nice and bubbly. The typical interview type questions are asked. Again, at this point I am still not really suspicious of anything.

   This is the start of red flags..... She than asks me a series of strange questions. She breaks down the position for me and it sounds a little off than what was described in the job posting. Than she asks," How are you at handling rejection?" I was caught off gaurd. I think she noticed it in my face. She than quickly tries to recover by saying if big name accounts are hesitating to sign or giving presentations infront of people. I dont remember word for word. She obviously saved herself enough for me to come back for a second interview. However, in the back of my mind I knew something wasnt right. She than says if they are interested they will call me that day. They call me that night at 9pm which was weird to me. I know everyone pulls all nighters for different projects. In this situation though how many times does the secretary or receptionist handle calls like that so late. Pretty much never. That next day was the second interview. Of course when you are unemployed you will jump at a moments notice and I was free. I agreed. RED FLAG- She tells me to weat comfortable shoes. That the second interview is a short follow just to see how the office environment works.  This is where I will give some advice from my own mis fortune. Dont be afraid to ask questions or for more details. I didnt want to seem like a person who wasnt a team player and I didnt. I WISH I DID! I get there and the office is PACK FULL OF PEOPLE. It is pretty much probably a week or two full of interviews. Just as a sidenote- My first interview was maybe 20 minutes the most. I didnt even bring my purse. I was told it was a fast pace follow. I didnt want anything in the way. So i had my keys,phone, and a binder. I locked everything in my car.

  Anyway, I see the orginal women who interviewed me she brings me in a room with a bunch of people and introduces me to someone I'm going to follow/conduct the second interview. He leads me out into the hallway. Now at this point im thinking it's so packed. It's just easier to pull people aside to just hit some key point interview questions. RED FLAG We than proceed to walk outside and im thinking what the hell is going on. Finally, I ask is their a bus or something taking us somewhere. He goes oh no we are all going in different groups to handle accounts in Leonia. This way you guys see what a typical day is like. WHAT?!?! At this point I'm totally confused but still so naive I think we are going to a conference hall or hotel meeting room or something where a presentation perhaps or something is going on. Looking back at all of this how can they just expect you to go off in some strangers car?!?! Especially, myself as a girl and I am going in some random guys car with another male employee. DUMB DUMB DUMB ON MY PART. I am embarassed to even admit how foolish. The car ride there he proceeds to ask me more interview type questions. That at lunch if he feels I am a good fit for the company he will break down the pay and numbers and all that. I'm thinking to myself how long is this day???  This is where literally it was one of the worst days ever and everything goes from strange to me wanting to go home and being stuck! We first stop at the police station to check in. They ask me if  I have my id. I go no I have nothing with me but my phone and keys. I'm totally baffled why they have to check in with the police. Than we park on some street in this town. I ask so whats the plan where are we going. I than realize basically I am walking door to door on the hottest day of the summer as a annoying door bell ringer. It was about switching companies for your utility bills...something along those lines. However, it could be for coupon books, "charities", basically anything people slam a door in your face or dont answer. The worst part was the guy I followed would not take no for an answer and would get nasty. It was so awkward.Here I am wanting a bottle of water and my car air conditioner like never before. I have no water, I'm dressed in black clothes with a blazer, and for the first time in my life I thought I was going to get heat exhaustion. 

I have never felt that way before. I never thought it would be a day thing. I never ate breakfast in the morning, I had no water nothing. I start to get numb in my hands and dizzy. The whole time trying to play it cool. Again how naive was I. I could of really hurt myself bad. The worst part is if someone agrees the process is FOREVER! This one lady agrees and this is where I feel like I'm gonna die. I want so badly to sit down on her porch patio furniture but dont wanna be rude. I finally let this guy know after finishing with that one house I dont feel well.. I ask how long are the hours? Monday-Friday 8 am to 9 pm. WHAT?!?! I'm like how long do you spend in the office. Well you check in for about an half hour and than the rest your own the road or walking house to house. YOU ARE NOT IN THE HOBOKEN LOCATION AT ALL BASICALLY. I needed a job so desperately and I kept fighting in my head could  I do this and is this even right? or fair?  I also start to think about how im stranded and my car may or may not be towed. However, I still play somewhat cool trying to figure out if the money really worked out like he said. Basically, to make an incredibly long nightmare short. I didnt get back to Hoboken til 845. Than I'm told the women in charge just wants to rap up everything with me. Obviously, at this point I know she is going to offer me the job. I'm 90 percent sure. I want nothing to do with this. She offers me the job and I reluctantly said yes.This is because she says something about just working out there for a week and I have pontential for in the office blah blah. Basically, I just wanted to wrap it up as fast as possible after spending a 12 hour day there. Also, I found out there is some sort incentive if the person who follows you signs on. So than  I am stuck bsing with the guy I followed in the elevator and him asking me a million times if I like it? Meanwhile in my head I wanna run and hope to see my car. Finally, am free women at 930!!!!!!!!!!!! and boom no car. It's locked up in some garage with all my belongings.  I had to take the train home and took it as a sign. I never spoke to any of them again. I have never done that with a job offer or anything. NEVER LET SOMEONE MISLEAD YOU, DONT BE AFRAID TO STAND UP FOR YOURSELF, NO JOB SHOULD DO THAT, THINK SMART EVEN IF IT SEEMS LIKE A CORPORATE TYPE SETTING. This was last summer. I am writing this because they are now going by a different name posting on craigs list. Whats even worse is it makes it sound like you are working for a non profit organization. I should of wrote this when it happened. However, after seeing this today I want no one to be as naive as I was. What's worse is everything sounds great again in the ad but the format completly changed. The ad sounded too good to be true and I saw hoboken. So I googled and sure enough it's SPM. A year later I would never fall for it and I would of researched better. BEWARE. BE SMARTER THAN I WAS!!

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Jersey City,
New Jersey,
MOVED THEIR OFFICES - IBC ASSOICATES/ Ayaan Associates/ Alfi Business Partners/ Global Leading Consultants-MA

#2UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Wed, May 13, 2015

All of them have moved their offices to different parts of the Tri states and under different names. I worked for IBC located Hoboken as a "leader." During my time there, I saw some terrible things happen. They have what they call "campaigns" where they "work" for Fortune 500 companies. Long story short, they are a pyramid scheme (multi-level marketing if you prefer) created to cheat small  business owners and home owners out of their money. The people who bring in the money for the higher-ups are called "leaders" and the entry-level people do not get ANY of the percentage profits. All of that goes to the "managers". Their secret sheets show the individual percentages that "managers" and their "directors" get for each item / product "sold" to the customer. Since all employees are commission ONLY, there is a lot of incentive to lie to customers and business owners in order to get these "products" "sold". On top of that, these "slaves" work "territories" and are not reimbursed for travel / gas / ANYTHING. 


Nothing of these companies are real they all try to play the same card and it's being a business owner - STAY AWAY FROM THEM AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE

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