  • Report:  #45813

Complaint Review: Starcrest Of California - Perris California

Reported By:
- Ashland, Massachusetts,

Starcrest Of California
19465 Brennan Ave Perris, 92599 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I ordered $65.00 worth of murchandise. I sent the check out 1/18 2003 and they cashed it on 1/27/2003. They called once for a size that I forgot to put on the order and they never called back. I called them a toll call and they put me on hold. Finally I got through after 3 minutes or more and told them the size and what order it went to and I am still not sure by the conversation that they know what I wanted. Thaty was on the week of February 10th. No muchandise yet. I don't know how they can cash a check when they haven't sent to the goods? I have done business with them before and they were good.


Ashland, Massachusetts

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