  • Report:  #740172

Complaint Review: Stephanie Lund Weinberg - Palm Desert California

Reported By:
Anonymous - , Ohio, United States of America

Stephanie Lund Weinberg
Palm Desert, California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Stephanie Lund Weinberg was notified several months ago to Stay Away and Cease and Desist her harassment of Exmovere Holdings, Inc., it's employees,  affiliates, friends, family, shareholders, consultants and more. The recent postings of mistruths about theft of her money is completely false and unfounded. In my opinion, Stephanie Lund Weinberg purchased common share stock through a registered stock broker and subsequently lost money upon her own accord of  investment strategies. Exmovere has no record of her purchase of common shares of stock. Stephanie Lund Weinberg is not a registered shareholder of any Exmovere Holdings, Inc. company or affiliate and never made an investment in Exmovere Holdings, Inc.  Exmovere Holdings, Inc. has no business with her. Stephanie Lund Weinberg was previously ordered to Cease and Desist and Stay Away from all company officers, past and present, affiliates, family and friends, consultants, and shareholders.

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Palm Desert,
United States of America
Hurb Crow's Non-Father's Day

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, June 19, 2011

Today's Father's Day.  Not for Hurben (aka Cheyenne) Crow.  During one of our few telephone calls (most correspondence was via e-mail), he explained to me that while he'd been ordered by the Court to seek counseling before he could have visitation rights, he "wasn't the crazy one" and "didn't need help".


Seems to me, if a loving, kind parent can DO something in an effort to maintain a healthy relationship with their children, they WOULD DO IT? 

In addition, while he told me the truth about having four (4) children.  It appears he lied to everyone else and only claimed one child.  What's that about?

Abandon:  1.   See desert2 .  2.   Abandon,  relinquish,  renounce  mean to give up all concern in something. Abandon  means to give up or discontinue any further interest in something because of distaste, or the like. 


Crow doomed?

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, June 15, 2011

It may be too late... is there hope for Hurben Crow?
What do you want for yourself, Cheyenne?

victim of cheyenne hurben crow

United States of America
Voice of reason

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, June 14, 2011

Thank you for your thoughtful posting, Stephanie. I'm a victim and I've stayed quiet, just reading all of the postings here. I agree, this is all terribly sad. This has been a life-changing experience for me. One of the most stressful times of my life. I lost my heart, my money and my self-respect. This site has helped me start to heal and get my self-respect back. It seems we are all smart, interesting women. And, kind. Which is why Crow and Bychkov targeted us. I am not going to change who I am because of the evil deeds of a couple of lazy men who would rather steal than work. I will still continue to be kind, but will not fall for "Hi Beautiful" ever again.

Cheyenne, stop the insanity now. You did some very, very bad things and there's no justification for your actions. We all have our own problems. You are obviously a talented man. Just think of how much good you could have done in the world if you had only applied your craft to fundraising for a worthy cause. You could have saved lives instead of destroyed them. And you would have been respected and appreciated and genuinely loved. And maybe you would even have felt good about looking at yourself in the mirror.


Palm Desert,
United States of America
How Lucky Can One Girl Be. . . . .

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, June 14, 2011

The facts are true!  At the urging via internet and telephone of an Exmocare representative, I did purchase $1,000.00 worth of stock (or had my broker purchase it for me).  My money's gone, as is the company, but I really don't care about that.

If you look up the name Cheyenne Crow in a search on this site, you will see that there are numerous people who have been taken advantage of financially as well as emotionally by Hurben (aka Cheyenne Crow).

When I found the Cheyenne Crow site I decided to put my story up.  I don't care about Exmocare or Exmovere, those troubles belong to the board of directors of that company.

My personal story, however, is based solely on my personal friendship (friendship?) with the invisible man, Hurben (aka Cheyenne) Crow.

He contacted me several years ago through Classmates.  His sob story was SO trouching!  His wife had inherited millions!  She had paid lawyers off so he had no visitation rights to his children!  He worked for the Pentagon!  He worked for NASA!  He was (sob, sob) lonely.  He was (sob, sob) sad.  But, what about me, how was I?

Well, I was doing just fine, thank you very much!  But smelled a R A T. . . .so I kept up the exhcange for a while to see where it was going.  Didn't take long for him to ask me to pay his mortgage one month because he was "in Afghanistan" and the DOJ hadn't deposited his check yet.  Being the bright girl I am, I said, "what, are you crazy?", but kept up the correspondence.  Yes, our friendship was via the internet only because he was always flitting around the world on "business".

When his stories became so laughable I couldn't hold it in any longer, I called his ex-wife!  Sure enough, after I told her I smelled a rat, she said I was right.    But, I just knew something else was up so I kept up the correspondence and then something hilarious happened!

I was sitting on the beach of Kauai, HI a couple years ago and I received an e-mail from Hurben (aka Cheyenne) Crow.  It would have been a delightful e-mail if I had been a single girl looking to be romanced on Match.Com that is.  He had mistakenly sent me a very romantic , explicit e-mail intended for another person he was actully wooing on Match.com.  She lived in Las Vegas, and he was hot to trot.

I e-mailed him to let him know he'd sent me the wrong e-mail, but I also copied her on my response so she'd know what happened.  Well!  She was livid!  She asked for my telephone number, which I gave to her, and she called me.  Come to find out, he'd told her he had one dauighter (he has 4 children) who his ex-wife had abandoned, and that daughter was living in Europe with his aunt.  That's as far as our conversation got because at that point,  when I told her the truth, she ran like the wind, poof, gone, said she wanted nothing to do with him.

I found this website and lo and behold, it appears that Match.com has offered Hurben (aka Cheyenne) Crow a wealth of "goodies"........some of the women's stores are so sad, so sad.  As I understand from that website, which is accessable to anyone, at least ten women have beeen responsive about their disasterous love affairs with him.  And they intimate there are plenty more out there!

But I digress.

I don't care about Exmocare, or Exmovere, or Exmo-anything.  I lost $1,000.00, stupid me.  But the fact that an old acquaintance from high school would attempt to contact me through Classmates.com and then ask me to PAY HIS MORTGAGE?  Well, that's what smelled and get's a girl thinkin'.  And this girl just followed her nose.

This is all just personal.  Really personal.  But I can't help feeling so sad about the stories I read.

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