  • Report:  #108460

Complaint Review: Stock Brokers Stock Analysts Stock Afficionados Merril Lynch Charles Schwab Et Al - Storesonline - Internet Nationwide

Reported By:
- Nextdoor, Other,

Stock Brokers Stock Analysts Stock Afficionados Merril Lynch Charles Schwab Et Al - Storesonline
Storesonline, Galaxy Mall, PMI Internet, Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
To all people that can interpret stocks:

In this reporter's opinion, much can be gleened from current trends in various stocks, trades and other such related information. Since I don't have a clue as to how to read the graphs, charts and other complicated information concerning a specific stock, I am asking for help from those of you who can.

I have been keeping an uneducated eye on a specific stock and it's raw, per stock price. I have seen it spike upward and spiral downward significantly. Well, significantly in my view.

I am referring to iMergent (IIG). I watched it, over the past few days, go from $10.00 per share down to $8.90 per share. Now then, so as not to mince my words, I would like to see iMergent go down the tubes from the reports I have seen here. Too many to just discount them as isolated cases of unhappy customers. Under the iMergent umbrella are companies like Storesonline, Galaxy Mall, PMI and I am certain more.

This could be a great way in which to impact the above corporation as well as others into submission. When you attack their bottom line, they tend ot listen more intently. If we had daily, weekly and/or monthly simple, stock analyisis on said companies, perhaps we can elect to warn others and perhaps affect the sale of such stocks.

Anyway, this is either a brainstormed inspiration or just another one of my brain farts. What say you World Wide Web?

Silverstar Reporter


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