  • Report:  #67696

Complaint Review: StoresOnline - Orem Utah

Reported By:
- phoenix, Arizona,

754 E. Technology Ave Orem, 84097 Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
They give you a free meal, offer you a free full day of learning, and more food, and tell you they are not interested in upfront money! Most of the people there were desperately seeking ways to make money, mostly unfamiliar with the internet, and lots, even unfamiliar with computers.

They cram you with a high-fat, sugary day, then load you with terminology and knowledge that the average attendee can't understand. Whenever anyone raised a question, they put it off until a break, so that the audience wouldn't get any group census.

One individual stood up and questioned the company's relation to Galaxy Mall, which he had apparently had some bad experiences with. He was asked to leave the meeting, and escorted out by security!

Someone else had a BBB report and when asked about the cease and disist order from Washington, the employees got extremely confrontational, and defensive.

Check it out for yourself, and remember, "buyer beware"! Oh yeah, and most people were being asked to spend approx. $5,000 on the workshop special... and they aren't interested in upfront money???


Phoenix, Arizona

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