  • Report:  #47525

Complaint Review: StoresOnline/Galaxy Mall - Internet

Reported By:
- Vancouver, Washington,

StoresOnline/Galaxy Mall
www.storesonline.com Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

SPECIAL UPDATE: April 15 2011: StoresOnline remains committed to increased customer satisfaction and has improved their business practices over the years to better serve their customers. StoresOnline is truly dedicated to making sure their customers are satisfied and that any complaints which do arise are addressed promptly and fairly.

To date, StoresOnline has made good faith efforts to resolve all complaints reported on Rip-off Report. Based on our experience, the member business has proven to be among the top members of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program as a Verified Safe Business.

Over time and since becoming a member, StoresOnline has remained actively engaged and improving the way they address customer service complaints. As an active and current member of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program we are happy to report that now more than ever StoresOnline remains committed to improving customer satisfaction.

Remember, no company or individual can ever satisfy 100% of the people 100% of the time. There are no products or services that will always be perfect for everyone and even the best companies will receive complaints from time to time. However, by participating in the Corporate Advocacy Program, the member business has made a commitment to working with its customers to resolve complaints quickly and fairly whenever possible.

Please keep in mind that as a consumer you have some responsibilities as well. Success has many definitions that based on your past experiences, current situation and your perceived expectations. Success with any product or service is always based on the proper application and understanding. The fastest car will not run if you never turn the engine on. Look at how you used the product or service that was provided in relation with the instructions that you received. The Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program will help you get your voice heard but please be prepared with documentation and fair representation of your concern, also have an idea of how the company can fix your concern. Can they offer additional services, extend warranties, offer a fair refund or just get you talking with someone that can help. ..let them know and let us know!

*Any consumer not receiving satisfaction from a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program should email us at [email protected]
Ripoffreport Report Image

Rip-off Report Investigation:

Editors UPDATE: Positive Rating and Recognition has been given to StoresOnline for its Commitment to Excellence in customer service.

Rip-off Reports investigation of StoresOnline uncovers an ongoing commitment to total customer satisfaction. This means that customers can expect that StoresOnline will always work towards finding a mutually satisfactory resolution to any complaints or concerns. StoresOnline listens carefully to client concerns and sees them as an opportunity to learn from past mistakes and become more efficient as a company in the product offers and the support for customer service.

One top executives in the internet marketing industry stated to Rip-off Report, that StoresOnline's corporate philosophy is that customers are a valued. Our company is committed to listening to customers and responding to their needs. This ensures that we will always be successful and offer 100% satisfaction.

Another top executive of the company stated to Rip-off Report, that the company's policy is to add value to every service. The company knows that successful businesses are based on valuing the customer and taking care of the customer's needs. StoresOnline is committed to ensuring that customers are happy withe the product and service provided by the company. StoresOnline is committed to always doing right by the customer. With customers in 26 countries and territories around the world, this is essential to our company's success.

Rip-off Report has confirmed that StoresOnline takes quality control very seriously. StoresOnline recently engaged Aseptic bottling, the state-of-the-art bottling process for nutritional beverages. Through this pharmaceutical level production program, StoresOnline ensures a quality product every time. Customers can count on repeatability of the highest product standards possible. Rip-off Report was pleased to learn that StoresOnlines past and current approach to business is focused on its pledge to total commitment towards customer satisfaction.

StoresOnline recognizes that complaints posted on Rip-off Report (true or not) are issues that need to be addressed and if handled correctly can be valuable learning opportunities. With the feedback generated by Rip-off Reports Investigation StoresOnline has instituted changes that ensure customers a more streamlined approach to problem resolution and a total overall commitment to her client experience.

In summary, after our investigation, which included discussions with StoresOnline and many of the company's past and current associates, Rip-off Report is convinced that StoresOnline has been and is committed to quality delivery of services resulting in total customer satisfaction.

Read more about StoresOnline Commitment to Excellence and Total Consumer Satisfaction and why consumers should feel safe, confident and secure when doing business with a member of Rip-off Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. ..yes, a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program,..A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. this program works.

===================== NOW TO THE ORIGINAL REPORT THAT WAS FILED ===================== StoresOnline Galaxy ripoff Mall Orem Utah

Contact the FBI about this HORRIBLE business!!! Maybe they can get what they deserve .....

Hi Folks,

My poor boss also purchased the website building package from StoresOnline. As the person directly responsible for writing the text for the site and dealing with that d**n company, I can tell you it's been nothing but a nightmare. I'm sure all of you here know that already. My purpose in writing is to encourage all of you to file a resport with the FBI's Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC). Hopefully, if enough people do it, they will take it seriously and do something about these people!

To do so, go to http://www1.ifccfbi.gov. It's the real deal, and they REALLY need to know about it!!

Deanna Vancouver, Washington

26 Updates & Rebuttals

Frustrated of East Coast

Prince Frederick,
United States of America
StoresOnline Customer Service

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, October 24, 2012

It's absolutely ludicrous for anyone at StoresOnline to claim that they're fixing their customer service. I have, for seven weeks, been trying to get someone there, anyone, to address a problem, and they're completely indifferent to the matter. The issue revolves around updating my SOL web-site by importing files, and I've had only one piece of effective advice in the seven weeks that I've been struggling: "well, stop trying to update your web-site." Which is a great way to ease my frustration, but effectively shuts down my web-site. Day after day, four days a week, I send in files proving that their system is broken; day after day, four days a week, they do nothing about it. All they seem to do is sit around with their thumbs up their bums and their minds in neutral. No-hopers who do nothing and boast about how good they are at it.


Rob -- Ex-employee: Please tell us the Inner Workings and Tips on How to Get a Refund & Cancel the Contract

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, November 29, 2004

I would really like to know what I can do to get my full refund back as well as the cancellation of my contract with them. This has been a hellish experience that's left me very drained and very upset. Any advice on what I can do would greatly be appreciated. I'm writing this from Singapore, and I hope that justice would be meted out for me as well even though I'm not a citizen of the USA. I think their bad business ethics have greatly tarnished my impression of the country. It's just been such a bad, bad, bad experience. Please help me if you have any helpful suggestions to make that would help me to see the matter resolved properly. Thank you. Please post that info below so everyone will know this!


Kansas City,
Intersted in knowing about seminar

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, October 06, 2004

Rob, I'm interested in what you know about the inner workings of the seminar experience. Can you email me?


Building a website? The library has all you will ever need!

#5Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 01, 2004

Why are all you people sending in your money to idiots? The library has everything you ever wanted to know about building a website. And, it's free!

Former Galaxymall/Storesonline Employee

Storesonline / Galaxymall history

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, September 29, 2004

I have infomation on how and why this company/s have evolved to where they are today and the inner workings of the "Seminar" experience. If anyone would like to hear my side of the story please contact me via ripoffreport.com [DELETED] [Place your comments below and be sure to include your FULL contact information so Rip-off Report can contact you.] Thank you. rob


Just went to the BIG SHOW

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, September 27, 2004

I am a Computer Tech and I was looking for a way to expand my business so that I could make more money. I know a deal when I see one and I did not see one here. Several things got my attention and most of you would agree that it was the same dog and pony show across the board and I know it is easily glazed over to look good to the unsuspecting. First the Main speaker was flashy with a big ring and an air about him "I am somebody better than you" all of the "assistances" where well dressed and even with the travel they had to do, all had successful websites (don't think so). I am a creature of habit one of my habits is I never go anywhere without my laptop that is 802.11 equipped. At the first break I pulled it up and what do you know I have internet got to love those Hotels they use. Well anyway I always check to see who is around me and there were a few networks one of which was theirs then the Hotel. It did not take long to have one of them looking over my shoulder. I closed it till he left then opened it back up. Went to my email then shut it off. Nothing big but I noticed everyone else got a hard sell to buy it except me. My sales guy did not even try to sell me at all. I was wondered how this happened when I saw everyone getting the pitch. Red flag number two. Then the last thing was the amount of money for what they where offering, they said you can get hosting anywhere but what we sell you is full support and you cant get that anywhere. I am pretty sure this is not correct you can find most of the information on how too this stuff in books at a bookstore and for free online. And I have been able to find all of the services cheaper (way cheaper) up to and including the designer it just amazes me that they are able to do what they are doing over and over with no one stopping them. I did not buy because I don't ever buy on a high pressure sell if they want to sell it that bad it most likely is broke or stolen. Sounds funny but most of you would agree with the hind sight 20/20, that plan is broke and your money is stolen.


South Carolina,
Concerned Recent SOL Buyer!

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, August 22, 2004

I just recently went through the SOL seminar and am regretting that I did not do a little homework first. These reviews obviously concern me greatly. I am even more concerned when reading the reviews from those who stated that they have had success but could not prove how SOL really helped them, or worse, did not even list their successful web site at all. Already I have spent several hours reading the information that came in my kit. I am finding several inconsistencies with email addresses, phone numbers and other small things. But although these things are small they are things you still would not expect to find after spending several thousands of dollars on a product. II am thinking that they are probably only the tip of iceberg as well. If this is what I am getting now, I am also inclined to believe that this will probably reflect in poor customer service later; a consistent negative reflection it seems that many of you have made. I do have a question though for those of you who indicated that you can get the same service that SOL offers at a much less rate, what direction would you point me in? I have a product that I really believe will sell well on the internet, but due to my ignorance of this area, will honestly need some help to get started. I would much prefer to invest my time and money in a company/service that will give me the best chance of success and as indicated, I am having my doubts of SOL. I understand that I have a legal right to cancel services with SOL within three days of the seminar and I will probably be taking it. Thanks for your comments.


File a complaint in your state and in Utah

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, July 20, 2004

I have consumer complaints filed in Illinois and Missouri because the seminar was held in their state. I have also filed in Utah and California because their CEO resides in California. If we all do these things, they will launch an investigation and that will hurt Storesonline business. Also, they made over $30 million last year so maybe getting a piece of these millions will send them a message. I have been trying to get my money back since March of 2004, but my attorney assures me that an amicable agreement can be reached.


File a complaint in your state and in Utah

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, July 20, 2004

I have consumer complaints filed in Illinois and Missouri because the seminar was held in their state. I have also filed in Utah and California because their CEO resides in California. If we all do these things, they will launch an investigation and that will hurt Storesonline business. Also, they made over $30 million last year so maybe getting a piece of these millions will send them a message. I have been trying to get my money back since March of 2004, but my attorney assures me that an amicable agreement can be reached.


North Charleston,
South Carolina,
Tell The whole truth at the Seminar

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, July 13, 2004

I attended a workshop in January 2004. At this workshop and seminar I learned a great deal about the internet and it seemed very informative. It seemed like great deal. I attended due to the fact that I was out of work and was desperate for something. They told me everything I wanted to hear at the seminar. So i agreed to 3 websites; but the salesman said "6 websites is really the way to go" and "your going to be sorry if you don't buy 6 sites..you'll never get this kind of deal again". So with some reservation I signed up, for a total of over $6,000.00. This salesman sold me this and even talked me into 6 knowing that I had no job, and no money. I had to borrow the initial $265.00 from my mother. In fact I didn't even have a bank account. But he assured me that I didn't need one. When I began researching companies to sell products most wanted you to purchase inventory, few wanted to drop ship, unlike what I was told. Then a customer service agent contacted me and when I informed her of the difficulties I was having getting started she stated "well, normally you'll need between $1000.00 to $5000.00 to get started and a credit card". For the first time I was seriously scared, wondering "what have I done" I didn't have a job but the salesman told me "it's not due for 30 days, you can make the first payemnt off your website by then". I finally got a job (I had recently moved to the area) and a bank account. I got with a friend who is DJ and put together some CDs and planned on selling them and downloads. So, I then submitted to overture, kanoodle, google adwords, and over 50 search engines and directories including Links4Trade. I did everything they told me to do. I made 1 sale. Initially I had problems with my credit card processor. It would deny everyone even with a low security setting. They finally got it fixed but I was still charged a proccessing fee by ECI even though the processer didn't work. I was also charge an eroneous fee prior to acvtivation that caused an overdraft on my account. I had expended all of the little savings I had set aside from my job for marketing. The sale I did make didn't go well either. The downloads didn't work properly. So I had to send the customer an actual product at the download price. With the packaging, materials and shipping I actually lost money on my only sale. So in 4 months of business, I have made one sale at a loss. But I understand that not everyone is going to sell a thousand but I was missled and taken advantage of. The salesman had to know that with no job and no bank account I was not in a position to operate an online business nor assume a $6000+ debt. Currently I am about to declare bankruptcy and lose my car and some of my utilities are already shut off. It has been a nightmare. I understand you can make money off of online business's it is possible. But my case was a clear case of misrepresentation. The salesamn, sat there while I called my mother and wrote down her debit card number to use for the downpayment, he even stated, that I din't need a job or a bank account that the stores were all I would need. So all of these problems he acknowledged and was aware of. I feel stupid that I didn't do more research, but like I stated I was desperate. http://www.djkuya.net


North Charleston,
South Carolina,
Tell The whole truth at the Seminar

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, July 13, 2004

I attended a workshop in January 2004. At this workshop and seminar I learned a great deal about the internet and it seemed very informative. It seemed like great deal. I attended due to the fact that I was out of work and was desperate for something. They told me everything I wanted to hear at the seminar. So i agreed to 3 websites; but the salesman said "6 websites is really the way to go" and "your going to be sorry if you don't buy 6 sites..you'll never get this kind of deal again". So with some reservation I signed up, for a total of over $6,000.00. This salesman sold me this and even talked me into 6 knowing that I had no job, and no money. I had to borroww the initial 4265.00 from my mother. In fact I didn't even have a bank account. But he assured me that I didn't need one. When I began researching companys to sell products most wanted you to purchase inventory, few wanted to drop ship, unlike what I was told. Then a customer service agent contacted me and when i informed her of the difficulties I was having getting started she stated "well, normally you'll need between $1000.00 to $5000.00 to get started". For the first time I was seriously scared, wondering "what have I done" I didn't have a job but the salesman told me "it's not due for 30 days, you can make the first payemnt off your website by then". I finally got a job (I had recently moved to the area) and a bank account. I got with a friend who is DJ and put together some CDs and planned on selling them and downloads. So, I then submitted to overture, kanoodle, google adwords, and over 50 search engines and directories including Links4Trade. I did everything they told me to do. I made 1 sale. Initially I had problems with my credit card processor. It would denie everyone even with a low security setting. They finally got it fixed but I was still charged a proccessing fee by ECI even though the processer didn't work. I was also charge an eroneous fee prior to acvtivation that caused an overdraft on my account. I had expended all of the littel savings I had set aside from my job mfor marketing. The sale I did make didn't go well either. The downloads didn't work properly. So I ahad to send the customer and actual product at the download price.With the packaging, materials and shipping I actually lost money on my only sale. So in 4 months of business, I have made one sale at a loss. But I understand that not everyone is going to sell a thousand but I was missled and taken advantage of. The salesman had to know that with no job and no bank account I was not in a posittion to operate an online business nor assume a $6000+ debt. Currently I am about to declasre bankruptcy and lose my car and some of my utilities are already shut off. It has been a nightmare. I understand you can make money off of online business's it is possible. But my xcase was a clear case of misrepresentation. The salesamn, sat there whil I called my mother and wrote down her debit card number to use for the downpayment, he ev en stated, that I din't need a job or a bank account that the stores were all I would need. So all of these problems he acknowledged and was aware of. I feel stupid that I didn't do more research, but like I stated I was desperate.


No problems here

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, September 16, 2003

Dear complainers, I am going to have to agree with Steve. I attended the storesonline seminar a little over a year ago and have been nothing but pleased with the results of the sites I have put up. I found their storebuilding program very easy to use and their knowlege of marketing very impressive. I also agree with Steve in that it was not an easy trail, but starting a business is not supposed to be easy. I indeed feel sorry that some people give up so easily, and hope that this lack of effort does not rup off on those around you, or our country will soon be made up of people who are not willing to do their part.


South Bend,
...It just keeps getting deeper.....

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, September 12, 2003

Steve: The more you post stories of your success, the sillier you look. . [1] "in responce to adolf" . [2]"we use stores online as a shoppping cart for our homepage" *************************************** [1] "responce"?...whatever that means. Anything like "response"? Spelled like a truly successful business man. **stifled laughter** . [2] This remark is nonsensical gibberish. Oh, yeah, come to think of it, that describes the content of all your dialogue, doesn't it? (a rhetorical question, no answer necessary) "Your homepage"? Yeah, sure. We're still waiting.


Cameron Park,
Steve... I thought SOL was paid to help you design your site???

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, August 13, 2003

I'm confused. If SOL set's up website storefronts, and helps with web design support, why would you have to hire another company?? There is no need to refer to those of us that have good reason to doubt as " cry babies" It seems like you are the one who is getting upset with us for reporting them to the FBI and various other agencies. It's our right as consumers to report problems we have had personally. I can't speak for anyone else here, but it makes no sense to pay the kind of money SOL is charging and then have to hire another web designer. If you're happy with your contract with SOL, it will really make no impact on you if we, "the less than happy" have our contracts cancelled. Why are you working so hard to put us down, and insult our ability to follow the SOL set up procedures?? A legitimate question was asked, to simply see a "sucessful" site. And so far the one that was shown was not designed by SOL. I don't think that looks like good support from SOL to me. Anyone else?


further proof success story

#16Consumer Comment

Fri, August 08, 2003

in responce to adolf we use stores online as a shoppping cart for our homepage, when u get to the site and click the online store tab. Or on any of the sale prices drop down menu list and it will take u to my storesonline home page http://www.storesonline.com/site/408162/page/45030 i have entered over 200 products for sale on this page please go to the browse arrow down for a list of products or check out our featured products. i admit i had a professional to help design our site www.graysdesign.comn. but i did help enter the products and pick the featured ones. but the designer did the bulk of the work. once again do not give up publish your site go to overture and start a pay per click campian.u can do it. If u need advice u can email me best regards


South Bend,
Hey Steve boy........

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, August 07, 2003

...what am I missing here? The information listed on your "example website" as shown on the site is: "Copyright 2001-2003. Gray's Design. All rights reserved. Send questions or comments about this site to: [email protected]. Site design and maintenance by Gray's Design" . Please explain how your beloved "Storesonline" is involved. You must be one busy son-of-a-gun. Your example of YOUR website represents 21 locations. Also from their website:"A1- Locksmith has been in business for over fifteen years". . Golly! After all those years we're supposed to believe they (you?)suddenly fell prey to "Storesonline"? . More to the point; get real, will 'ya? That was certainly a poor choice to illustrate "your Storesonline endeavor". . As requested by numerous previous entries, we're STILL waiting for evidence of a REAL "Storesonline" example, Mr. Steve AKA the shill.


storesonline success story proof

#18Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 07, 2003

ok i will be happy to show u proof just go to my website and see for yourself. and see what can be accomplished with a lot of hard work. visit www.a1-locksmith.com and click on the online store tab. and see how a store looks when you do not give up and cry like a baby to the fbi. if you put as much work into your site as i have u will succeed if u want any advice on how i did it u are welcome to call me the number is on the site. just don't give up on your dream see it through if not u will regret it. our online store is the best return on investment we have ever made.


Cameron Park,
To Steven of Belmont, a question for you......

#19Consumer Comment

Sun, August 03, 2003

I was wondering what your web address is? I too would like to see what a success story from SOL looks like myself. Because I have seen so few people come here and sing thier praises or refute any of these stories with actual facts. I agree with Deanna, file with the FBI. As soon as my husband did, SOL contacted him to cancel his contract. I have a feeling they know the end is very near for this company. They seem to have pulled this scheme with too many smart people who are getting the word out faster and faster. The FBI needs to know about companies like these. I'll bet if everyone who has shared their nightmare story here filed, you would see REAL results. Best of luck to all!!


San Diego,
Please let us see a successful site.

#20Consumer Comment

Fri, August 01, 2003

I too set up a sight with Stores Online. We have had orders too. Here is a short list of my complaints. 1. StoresOnline is almost impossible to reach people and it some times takes days for them to call back if they decide to respond at all. 2. What they promised they did not deliver. 3. The cost for their services far exceeds the industry standards. I have been doing my research recently and realized, I can get the same services for far less money and it is guaranteed (full money back if I'm not happy). 4. PMI - coach never gave us the full time of our sessions and pretty much hurried to get off the phone. We never received our 10th session even after multiple attempts to schedule it. 5. Web traffic certificates - we were allowed no input into what they put on our banners and we have no live person to talk to, only an email address. Plus they spelled our domain name wrong on our banners. 6. It took me 3 months to get them to fix a problem on our website caused by their templates. I could continute to list issues here, but I really don't have the time for that. I'm in the process of rebuilding my website, so I can say goodbye to storesonline for good. By the way, I know about how much time it takes to build a successful website, I have build them in the past. I certainly did not experience the headaches that I have with StoresOnline. I would love to see what a success StoresOnline website looks like. Also what do you pay a month now and what will you be paying a month after the first year. My research indicates many of the things StoresOnline gave us for free, start having monthly charges after the first 12 months (ie Links4trade, autoresponder, web hosting, chat room, etc). What is your ROI on your site?


New York,
Where are the Addresses???

#21Consumer Comment

Fri, August 01, 2003

To the 3 people who CLAIM it is US who refuse to do the "WORK" to have our "STORES" SUCCESSFUL,as you claim yours are,WHY DON'T YOU INCLUDE YOUR WEB ADDRESSES so we can see what WE are doing "WRONG"??? IS IT BECAUSE YOU ARE THE SAME "PEOPLE" WHO WORK FOR THIS "CIRCUS"?? YOU BETTER HAVE THEM WHEN WE GO TO COURT


New York,
Where are the Addresses???

#22Consumer Comment

Fri, August 01, 2003

To the 3 people who CLAIM it is US who refuse to do the "WORK" to have our "STORES" SUCCESSFUL,as you claim yours are,WHY DON'T YOU INCLUDE YOUR WEB ADDRESSES so we can see what WE are doing "WRONG"??? IS IT BECAUSE YOU ARE THE SAME "PEOPLE" WHO WORK FOR THIS "CIRCUS"?? YOU BETTER HAVE THEM WHEN WE GO TO COURT


New York,
Where are the Addresses???

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, August 01, 2003

To the 3 people who CLAIM it is US who refuse to do the "WORK" to have our "STORES" SUCCESSFUL,as you claim yours are,WHY DON'T YOU INCLUDE YOUR WEB ADDRESSES so we can see what WE are doing "WRONG"??? IS IT BECAUSE YOU ARE THE SAME "PEOPLE" WHO WORK FOR THIS "CIRCUS"?? YOU BETTER HAVE THEM WHEN WE GO TO COURT


We HAVE worked and WORKED HARD.

#24Consumer Suggestion

Wed, July 30, 2003

It's great that you are achieving success but how dare you make the assumption that those of us who've been victimized by StoresOnline didn't work or follow SOL's program. I assure you that each and every one of us put an extraordinary amount of time and effort into building our sites, marketing them, and doing everything we possibly could to achieve success. Why don't you give us your Web address and supply us with traffic counts and ROI? I assure you, we don't begrudge your success but we would like to see the proof.


Baxter Springs,
you have to work at it

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, July 30, 2003

I launched a web site through storesonline in october of 2001 and was very suspicious at first. I studied and worked a couple of hours a day away from my regular full time job. It took a couple of months of modifying my site to really start to see some results. It started off slow but gradually built up to where I was receiving regular traffic through advertising with a pay per click service. I am NOT, by any means making a full time living but I am suplimenting my regular income by only working an hour or two per day. I have two more sites ready to submit to search engines and three more sites I currently am constructing. This extra income helps out with the little extras. If you have any other questions regarding my site post your questions... I too, have heard horror stories about storesonline, but, I ask, what are you expecting? They will not do the work for you, you have to do this yourself. I have found they will assist you if have done the research and work for your site. Sincerely


show proof of success

#26Consumer Comment

Sun, July 27, 2003

Steven, if you have indeed had success through SOL, why didn't you give the web address so we could check the site out ourselves?? I have been nothing but disappointed with SOL, it would be refreshing to see a success story. I am still pursuing a complete refund, I have contacted the FBI as suggested above, among others. We must follow up with the officals, because SOL contacts them and gives them the impression things are being taken care of.


storesonline success story

#27Consumer Comment

Thu, July 24, 2003

i also bought a storeonline package and am doing very well. my company has increased it's income. and we are considering opening another. it was alot of hard work but it paid off. you get what you put into it. it took almost 4 months to build the website. i was a little worried at first but then the sales started rolling in. don't be a quitter complete the store advertise on pay per click and watch your sales grow

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