  • Report:  #1131309

Complaint Review: Storm Bradford - Clearwater Florida

Reported By:
Jeremy Paulson - New York, New York,

Storm Bradford
(((REDACTED))) Clearwater, (((REDACTED))) Florida, USA
(727) 669-5511
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Now that I see a lot of people have wasted $2,000 on this scammer, I want to let you know that he quoted me at $4,000 before hearing any facts of my foreclosure defense.


First, do not be discouraged about your foreclosure defense after talking to these people. THEY ARE NOT LAWYERS. THEY DO NOT KNOW THE LAW.  THEY CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT BE GIVING LEGAL ADVICE.


Second, they will try to sell you on NON-LEGAL foreclosure options, attempting to convince you that there is only one way to win a foreclosure case, "...by attacking the contract". 


This is a predatory, vicious and disgusting practice where they attempt to profit by discouraging people with meritorious defenses to foreclosure claims.


Do not EVER give them any money.  I will be reporting Bob Hurt and Storm Bradford to the Florida and Washington D.C. bar associations.

8 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
United States

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, November 12, 2019

I went to this seminar to help people in foreclosure save their homes. Google SECRITIZATION SCAMS.

Wasted my money and my time!

I paid $3,000 to attend the securitization audit seminar a few months ago and the person teaching the class was totally unprepared. Hesimply read from a book and you could not hear what he was saying. He had nooutline, no material to hand out and when it came time to take the test, and the material on the test was very little that he taught on.

In fact I took the exam but was unable tocomplete of it. They told us that we would know at the end of the seminar if we passed or not. More than one month passed and I did not hear from anyone so I complained about the class and demanded my money back because I learned absolutely nothing and was unable to use any of the material that was given or taught during the seminar.

It was a total waste of time AND LATER LEARNED THATMOST MORTGAGE SECURITIZATION AUDITS WERE SCAMS. I went to this seminar because I thought I could help the homeowner but later found out that this business simply bleeds the homeowner of needed funds, giving them false hope and they ultimately wind up losing their homes in foreclosure.

I urge anyone that considers paying and attending this seminar to ask how many people actually go on and use this material successfully and make a business out of it and actually help the troubled homeowner save their home.

The material taught, in my opinion, at least in the seminar that I attended was not beneficial at all. It not only cost me transportation, a hotel and meals, and the time away from my job (a big loss and waste of time).

Do not fall for this seminar. GOOGLE SECURITIZATON AUDIT SCAMS. The following is the one of the first things you will find when searching Mortgage Securitization audit scams.

Masquerading under the impressive-sounding title of a "mortgage securitization audit," a new scam is bleeding financially-pressured homeowners out of their dwindling funds.

Sometimes simply called a "mortgage audit" or a "forensic document review," the service supposedly combs through all of the documents relating to a mortgage, looking for mistakes or even frauds in those documents.

The purported aim is either to help homeowners escape foreclosure or to strengthen their case for a loan

modification, which will ease their repayments. That sounds like a pretty good idea, except for two things:

Many so-called mortgage securitization companies actually do nothing at all but collect a couple thousand dollars from their victims.

Or maybe, they'll produce an impressive looking set of documents that are actually publicly available and have no legal value.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation's consumer watchdog, has publicly denounced the use of mortgage audits, even if they're done properly and legally.

Mark as Useful

Post Reply

·         Aug 14, 2019

On Dec. 11, 2012, I was hired as the Office Manager for BRADFORD, LLC by Andrew P. Lehman who by telling me he was a licensed atty in C.A. Upon accepting the position, Andrew began in front of staff and office personnel almost daily.

I was completely embarrassed and distressed with this situation. I went to Andrew P. Lehman, several times asking him to change this behavior due to the demonstrative effect on professional relations. He never changed behaviors, he only got Worse. Andrew P. Lehman several times; Andrew P. Lehman frequently and cups in the office and leaves it for me to dispose of.

He made my work environment , ineffective, and non-productive. Andrew P. Lehman has taken malicious acts agaist me putting my very livelihood in jeopardy. After I advised him I was going to report the actions if he did not cease, he terminated my employment.

I have suffered extreme mental anguish due to him constantly embarrassing me and on the job and now severe financial hardships. He has a history of this action with women, in particular his staff. He frequently uses in the office.

This was the Worst experience I have EVER had in a "professiona"l environment. I would advise ANY woman,

Andrew Lehmans Text Messages to Timesha Beattie These are the text messages I received from Andrew P. Lehman, and I have More! This is just some of the text messges. I have more!

Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 2:42 PM2:42 PM

Message starred FROM [email protected] TO You [No Subject] Show Details [email protected] [email protected]

Show some respect This message was sent from a T-Mobile wireless phone.

I paid you, This message was sent from a T-Mobile wireless phone

Over and above your worth and received nothing.... It's whatever... Bring it and then you can go on doing what you do

This message was sent from a T-Mobile wireless phone.

Mark as Useful

Post Reply

·         Aug 14, 2019

In addition to daily harassing phone calls if you don't take the course, the course itself is worthless to anyone who actually wants to help homeowners in foreclosure as opposed to those who only wish to sell more courses to more unsuspecting consumers.

Do not buy their course. It's a scam. Don't sell it either, you are being bought off. They told me the class was taught by attorneys. In fact, the only attorney that "teaches" is on Monday morning to give the "introduction and welcome" to the class.

They told me I would be able to negotiate a settlement easily as a non-attorney. I've discovered banks won't listen to anyone without a bar number. If you are not a licensed attorney, they will just put you in a holding pattern doomed for failure.

They told me I would be given work from their company. Instead they asked me to bring them clients and asked me to sign a "marriage document" of a non-compete.

They told me to read the testimonials from their former students. They didn't tell me that others had posted negative material they refused to post on their website, I had to learn that from calling their former students myself. They told me they were the only nationally certified school, but there is no such thing as national certification. The only certification I would get would be from another company they themselves had formed to certify their own courses.

Then I started asking around. They list all their "graduates" on their website, along with their "testimonials". I started to call them. I spoke with one who told me that NAMU.org was founded in January BY BRADFORD in order to "certify" their students so they could claim national certification by a non-profit company.

He also said he was unimpressed with the calibur of their teaching, specifically stating the teachers were unable to calculate an APR rate. He said he allowed them to certify him on their website, because why not? He didn't ask for his money back because he figured he just got scammed and learned his lesson. He is based on Orlando. He struck a deal with them for 10K a month to teach their course for them. Which their sales force will sell for him.

Andrew Lehman called anyone complaining with an offer of the same deal. He won't give a refund, it admits guilt. He offered clients to do his audits for him. I refused because his product isn't worth the paper it's written on as far as negotiations for the benefit of the homeowner are concerned.

Mortgage evaluations must be done by an attorney and negotiated by an attorney in order to have any chance of success for the homeowner. Only an attorney doing the examination can comment competently on contract and tort law causes of action a homeowner may have against his or her lender.

Mark as Useful

Post Reply

·         Aug 14, 2019

I have a mortgage background and am no dummy, but I still lost $1000 to a Securitization Audit that a 3rd party company ordered from MORTGAGE FRAUD EXAMINERS aka BRADFORD? I probably would have never known that their report was useless if a friend of a friend didnt happen to look at it.

He explained some interesting things to me about BRADFORD so I wanted to make sure that people know what theyre getting from a BRADFORD or any of their affiliates for that matter. I did a lot of my own research and found everything he described to be true. So as you can imagine, Im a little ticked off.

1. BRADFORD offers a 2 days Certified Training Course. Certified by who exactly? It turns out, they certified themselves. There is no legislative body that licenses or certifies any person or company involved in securitization audits. BRADFORD also claim to be the only certified securitization auditor training course. Again, congrats on giving yourself a bogus certificate but it obviously means nothing if the data if my report is worthless.

2. If you search for it, youll easily find that they advertise their 2 day training courses all over the country. People with absolutely no experience in securitization attend these classes and after 2 days of training, theyre also Certified Securitization Auditors. Let me repeat: people with 2 days of experience are starting their own businesses and selling these reports as experts.

3.Dont take my word for it. Go to the BRADFORD website (http://www.certifiedforensicloanauditors.com/) and see a sample of their Securitization Report. Then, search the internet for securitization audit samples or securitization report samples - you will be amazed at how many reports look exactly like the BRADFORD report. In other words, that company took the 2 day certified class and immediately began to sell reports using the template that BRADFORD gave them.

Sure, some of the fancy colors may have changed but cmon, Im not blind. When I saw a ton of variations of my report online, It made me feel like theyre just a report mill, trying to sell as many as they can while content isnt all that important. Isnt that how I got screwed by the banks in the first place?

4.The most important information in a securitization report is the identification of the Trust that supposedly bought your loan. Read the BRADFORD disclaimer on the last page carefully they GUESS the name of the Trust and claim no responsibility if the guess is wrong. BRADFORD calls their choice of the Trust an expert opinion but this is a matter of fact, not opinion. You should be given proof that the loan was sold.

5. How did I verify this for myself? I paid another company $700 to redo my report. The new report proved that BRADFORDs expert opinion was completely wrong I was given a long list of the mortgages owned by the newly named Trust and mine was highlighted clearly on the list. I asked the guy who I bought the BRADFORD report from if he was given that list of mortgages owned by the Trust?

He told me that BRADFORD can offer that same service but only with their most expensive report. If I paid $1000 and didnt get that information, how much more would I have had to pay to get the actual facts? I dont even understand why you would offer a cheaper report that has someones crazy guess when you clearly have a way to verify the facts and provide proof?

I might have even paid for it. $1500 for a report that helps me is still better than $1000 for a piece of crap. Mind you, I paid $700 to the other company and got exactly what I needed.

You get the point. I dont want to waste my day typing or yours reading my post. BUT - I would avoid any company that claims to be Certified Securitization Auditors. And ask to make sure that your report will have proof of your loan in the Trust. You should get a list like I did and you should be able to easily identify your loan. Also, ask for a sample of their report and if it looks like the sample on BRADFORD, Id be worried.

Like I said, dont take my word for it, do your own digging. Just remember, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck

Mark as Useful

Post Reply

·         Aug 14, 2019

In addition to daily harassing phone calls if you don't take the course, the course itself is worthless to anyone who actually wants to help homeowners in foreclosure as opposed to those who only wish to sell more courses to more unsuspecting consumers.

Do not buy their course. It's a scam. Don't sell it either, you are being bought off.

They told me the class was taught by attorneys. In fact, the only attorney that "teaches" is on Monday morning to give the "introduction and welcome" to the class.

They told me I would be able to negotiate a settlement easily as a non-attorney. I've discovered banks won't listen to anyone without a bar number. If you are not a licensed attorney, they will just put you in a holding pattern doomed for failure.

They told me I would be given work from their company. Instead they asked me to bring them clients and asked me to sign a "marriage document" of a non-compete.

They told me to read the testimonials from their former students. They didn't tell me that others had posted negative material they refused to post on their website, I had to learn that from calling their former students myself.

They told me they were the only nationally certified school, but there is no such thing as national certification. The only certification I would get would be from another company they themselves had formed to certify their own courses.

Then I started asking around. They list all their "graduates" on their website, along with their "testimonials". I started to call them.

I spoke with one who told me that NAMU.org was founded in January BY BRADFORD in order to "certify" their students so they could claim national certification by a non-profit company.

He also said he was unimpressed with the calibur of their teaching, specifically stating the teachers were unable to calculate an APR rate. He said he allowed them to certify him on their website, because why not? He didn't ask for his money back because he figured he just got scammed and learned his lesson. He is based on Orlando. He struck a deal with them for 10K a month to teach their course for them. Which their sales force will sell for him.

Andrew Lehman called anyone complaining with an offer of the same deal. He won't give a refund, it admits guilt. He offered clients to do his audits for him. I refused because his product isn't worth the paper it's written on as far as negotiations for the benefit of the homeowner are concerned.

Mortgage evaluations must be done by an attorney and negotiated by an attorney in order to have any chance of success for the homeowner. Only an attorney doing the examination can comment competently on contract and tort law causes of action a homeowner may have against his or her lender.

Mark as Useful

Post Reply

·         Jun 24, 2019


My husband and I are retired senior citizens with serious health issues, we reached out to this company to assist us with the wrongful foreclosure of our home.

The principle owner, Mr. Andrew Lehman, was a high pressure, fast talking person who said if you sign up right now I will give you a discount.

I gave Mr. Bradford my credit card number because he told me he had to send me an authorization form via email in order to proceed, and I didn't believe he would or could charge my card without the authorization.

After hanging up with Mr. Bradford I did due dilligence and did a google search & checked the Rip Off Report. I didscovered there were several disgruntled people who said Mr. Lehaman had been fraudulently touting himself as a lawyer, which he is not. There were other complaints re: Mr. Bradford not delivering on his promises. Which sadly we found to ourselves in the same situation.

I immediately (within a few minutes) tried to call Mr. Bradford to tell him I did not wish to do business with his company based on these terrible reviews. I went straight to voice mail. I tried a 2nd time to reach Mr. Bradford, but to no avail.

I then wrote to Mr. Bradford via email and told him I was very disappointed in what I found out about him and his company and told him I did not wish to move forward with his company. I told him I did not appreciate being lied to and asked that he please not charge my card.

I also told Mr. Bradford that I would report him to the Rip Off Report, the BBB, etc. if I didn't hear from him. Remarkably, Mr. Bradford called me back. He told me it was too late, stating he had already charged my card. I told him I did not sign his authorization form that he sent to me and he said he didn't need the form.

Our conversation became heated, he ultimately asked if I would contact an attorney out of FL for a reference on him. The attorney he referred me to did not give a glowing review of Mr. Bradford or his company. Again, I felt misled.

Mr. Bradford then had another person call me to attest to Mr. Bradford's character., turns out that person was trained by his company, BRADFORD.

Mr. Bradford pulled the audit without my consent, despite me telling him I did not want to move forward. He called ultimately me to explain the contents of the report. During that call he had taken numerous and lengthy calls, leaving me on hold for much of the time. He was most unprofessional and left the impression that he was a one-man operation. He promised he would call me again, but did not.

I called Mr. Bradford several days later and he told me he did not have time to talk with me and said he had already explained the report and would not devote any more time without me paying him more money.

I never authorized the report in the first place!

I have included the brief email thread between us below to hopefully prevent others from encountering the same dreadful experience and unnecessary loss of their money.



Report Attachments

Bob Hurt

United States
This thug wannabe pretender defender is a whiny, niggardly fool who doesn't know the law

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, October 28, 2019

The thug wannabe pretender defender who filed this report is a drug dealer whosold drugs in Florida and was arrested for it because he had crime on his mind.This is a niggardly, cowardly criminal and a felon and he's probably illegally in this country because he wasn't even born in this country. Check Daniel's criminal background and the convicted crimes he and his daddy, Ed Hoeg, have concocted. THe Hoeg'sare criminals and convicted criminals at that.

Bob Hurt

United States of America
Daniel Hoeg exposed as drug thug

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, August 04, 2017

The original author of the subject fictitious ripoff report is wannabe lawyer Daniel Hoeg, son of Ft Lauderdale criminal defense attorney Ed Hoeg.  Daniel falsified his identity as Jeremy Paulson in writing his fictition on these pages, showing himself as a coward in addition to a drug trafficer.

Ft. Lauderdale police arrested Daniel Hoeg on 5 May 2015 for felony possession of narcotics. They caught Hoeg lurking behind a shopping area in the dark as though he had GRAND LARCENY on his mind, and then found that he had a felony quantity of narcotics in his pocket.  

In due course Hoeg's father Ed got his record expunged, leaving Daniel free to prey on the unwary through his thug life.  See the record of the arrest and docket here:


Believe what Daniel Hoeg writes with his poison pen at your peril. 



United States of America

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, April 18, 2016

I was asked to speak to this group, but refused after some back and forth e-mails with some of its members. They are a bunch of crackpots spreading nonsense, such as the banks never lent money to homeowners,  and so-called mortgage elimination/administrative process schemes that homeowners were scammed into using, where they ended up in prison. 


United States of America
Another Fraud Filing a False Accusation

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 08, 2015

I have never spken with anyone by the name of Jeremy Paulsen. The individual who authored this lie is obviously some scammer we outed after we caught them trying to scam homeowners!


Check with BBB, we have never had a complaint filed against us in almost 40 years of business.

Bob Hurt Is a Crook

AFN: "Bradford Works for MERS?"

#7Author of original report

Tue, February 10, 2015

See: http://afnetwork.org/item/269360

If Storm Bradford works for MERS, then Bob Hurt works with them also.


Storm Bradford Works For MERS?

Some of you may have noticed Storm Bradford posting in the forums here and probably on other forums on the net.

We have done some investigating through Mr. Bradford's websites, mortgagefraudexaminers.com and instantlawpartner.com, and believe that Mr. Bradford may be working for MERS or is in some way affiliated with MERS. 

The address listed on his website is listed as 1818 Library Street, Suite 500, Reston, VA 20190. MERS' address is 1818 Library Street, Suite 300, Reston, VA 20190.

There seems to be no record of his "parent" company, Lex Consulting, LLC in business search databases, nor do his phone numbers trace back to a legitimate business as far as we can tell.

Mr. Bradford's membership has been terminated for lack of payment and conflict of interest. We wish Mr. Bradford luck in his future endeavors.

Bob Hurt

Bozo Whiner blatantly lied in this ripoff report

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, March 18, 2014

While I'm at rebutting, I might as well take issue with specific claims.  The whining author seems miffed that the mortgage examination costs money, and that neither Storm nor I would give much heed to his foreclosure defenses.  And in the headline, he used the defamatory and inflammatory terms in reference to us:  co-conspirators, fraud, scam, and dishonest.

However, the whining bozo did not express a single fact in support of any of those disparaging terms.

1.  co-conspirators - is that what you call friends who help people tirelessly, one of whom who helps them free of charge?  I think not.  We do collaborate to help people, but shouldn't friends do exactly that?  The REAL co-conspirators are the foreclosure pretense defense attorneys who hob-nob and swap cookie cutter pleadings to drag out the inevitable foreclosure.

2.  Fraud - that means we lie and decieve people with the expectation and result that they rely on our deception to their detriment.  WHOM have I ever deceived or injured through deception with regard to helping people in foreclosure?  What foreclosure or mortgage victim has ever relied upon my representations and suffered some detriment as a result?  NOBODY, that's who, including the author of the subject ripoff report.  The REAL frauds are the banks, mortgage brokers, appraisers, and title companies who cheated mortgagors, AND the foreclosure pretense defense attorneys who know this and still refuse to use it to save foreclosure victim houses.

3.  Scam - WHAT scam?  I say foreclosure defense of valid mortgage statistically ALWAYS FAILS.  Does anyone know of facts to refute that assertion?  NO.  Of course not.  I say single family home mortgagors should get their mortgages examined because lenders or lender agents have injured 80% to 90% of them through predatory lending, etc.  Isn't that common knowledge to anyone but a modern-day Rip Van Winkle?  Doesn't it make sense that a mortgagor cannot beat the bank without showing the court that the bank injured the mortgagor?  Where's the scam in pointing out this blatantly obvious reality?  The REAL scam is in the lending and servicing shenanigans that leave mortgagors dazed and confused, and the foreclosure pretense defense legal community that bilks clients of their hard earned money and leads them into the black hole of foreclosure, then abandons them in the dust or bilks them further for a loan mod.

4.  Dishonest - what did Storm or I say that was dishonest?  Nothing.  People call us for help, and we HELP THEM understand the general situation and specific need to PROVE the lender or agents injured them in order to win financial compensation or setoff from their mortgage debt.  The REAL dishonesty lies in the mortgage lenders and servicers operations that encourage mortgagors to breach notes, and the FORECLOSURE PRETENDER DEFENDER ATTORNEYS who take people's money for a foreclosure defense that must ultimately fail.  If they were honest, they'd tell the clients about the failing, futile foreclosure defense, but then they wouldn't have many clients, would they?

The BOZO author of the subject ripoff report claims he sees a lot of people wasted 2000 on "this scammer," but he has no specific knowledge of anyone who paid $2000, much less wasted it.  In fact, MFE raised prices because the company could not remain profitable at the original $1500 price because lawyers, for whom MFE originally intended the mortgage examination service, need little explanation about what to do with the examination report, but individual mortgagors need a monumental amount of nursing and handholding through the process of reading, understand, and using the report, and finding an attorney competent enough to use it to hammer out a negotiation with, or sue, the bank.

The BOZO also said that we do not know the law.  It seems apparent from the foreclosure records around the USA that foreclosure defense attorneys do not know the law either, or if they do, they certainly do not know litigation strategy, becasue they almost ALWAYS LOSE.  By contrast, people with mortgage examination reports that show causes of action can negotiate settlements.  I know enough of the principles of litigation and negotiation to realize that without proof that the lender or agents injured the borrower, the borrower who breached a valid note cannot defeat a foreclosure effort, but the lawyer for the borrower who can challenge the validity of the note by virtue of proving lender or agent miscreant, injurious behavior has a very good chance of winning money or offsets for the client mortgagor.  So apparently I know more RELEVANT law that ALL of the foreclosure pretender defernders rolled together.  No, I don't litigate.  Yes I tell people I'm not a lawyer, don't practice law, and don't give legal advice.  But that disclaimer does not make me an ignoramus.  I know a lot of law, having studied it selectively for 12 years, I know how to, and often do, look up statutes, code, rules, adn case law, and so I learn more law almost every day.  So the assertion that I don't know law is false.  Althought I don't agree that I should not give legal advice, I still don't give legal advice because the Supreme Court of my state has declared that as a component of practicing law, for which I do not have authorization.

The BOZO claims "they" (including me) will try to sell you "NON-LEGAL" foreclosure options.  First of all, I don't sell anything, but I do recommend that mortagors invest in a mortgage exam, an investigative tool for discovering avenues by which to sue those who injured them.  The mortgage exam report becomes the equivalent of "attorney work-product".  That makes it a very LEGAL tool for attorneys and makes the competent attorney LEGALLY VERY DANGEROUS to the lender and agents who injured the borrower.  But it also provides the mortgagor, WITHOUT THE ASSISTANCE OF AN EXPENSIVE ATTORNEY, with a tool whereby to NEGOTIATE SETTLEMENT with the lender or lender's agents or their errors-and-omissions insurance companies for injuries the borrower sustained as revealed in the mortgage examination report.  In other words, the exam report as an "EXTRA-LEGAL" benefit in negotiation because the adversary bank's lawyer KNOWS the borrower can take the proof to court and win compensatory and punitive damages by getting an attorney to sue the lender or agents.  The bank settles to avoid a messy public lawsuit like these:


These public and lender-embarrassing cases PROVE BEYOND A SHADOW OF DOUBT that an injured mortgagor can profit immensely by "attacking the contract."  Does ANYONE know of ANY foreclosure defense that EVER won damages awards like the above cases?  NO.  Even if the mortgagor managed to get to keep the house as a result of the foreclosure defense, the mortgagor would still have a colossal debt to pay and owe a mountain of attorney fees.

The overall contrasting scenario of foreclosure-defense / mortgage-attack methodologies proves one incontrovertible set of facts:


  • Fight the foreclosure and LOSE;
  • Fight the mortgage and have a chance of WINNING BIG.

The BOZO author of the subject ripoff report is obviously a KOOL-AID drinker, Jonestown style.  He actually believes he will get somewhere with his "meritorious defenses to foreclosure claims."  Foreclosure pretender defenders always say something stupid like that, and then they LOSE THEIR CASES either through appeal or dismissal without prejudice followed by the plaintiff refiling the case and winning.  Exceptions exist, of course, but almost as rarely as chicken teeth.

The BOZO also warns the reader not to give us money, and threatens to report us to the bar.  What an idiot.  I have already said, repeatedly that I do whatever I do free of charge, without expectation of pay.  I have done this for years without charging anybody for services.  I don't expect that to change any time soon with or without the BOZO's admonitions.  As for Storm Bradford, maybe he should up his price to $5000 or more, since he will probably lose business because this idiot BOZO has whined and defamed him falsely.  As judge things, knowing the incredible depth of investigation Storm's company does in those mortgage examinations, his work has at least the worth of every penny he charges for them, and possibly far more.  I have already explained that a lawyer would charge $15,000 for equivalent work, IF the lawyer could actually do it.  The good ones will probably hire Storm's company to do it, as many have in the past, because NOBODY does a mortgage exam as thoroughly or comprehensibvely as Storm Bradford's Mortgage Fraud Examiners company does it (see testimonials at mortgagefraudexaminers.com and lawpartneroncall.com).

The subject ripoff report is itself a fraudulent, niggardly, cowardly, and baseless complaint that a whining lawyer or lawyer wannabe wrote.  I give it no heed, and you should ignore it as well.

Contact me through bobhurt.com.  Read my articles at lixe.org

Bob Hurt

Ooops. Looks like I hit a raw nerve on some pretender defender

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, March 17, 2014

I am Bob Hurt, 70 years old at this writing.  I write to rebut the nonsense some delusional bozo, probably a foreclosure pretender defender attorney, wrote against me and Storm Bradford.

Let's set the record straight:

I am not an attorney and I don't give legal advice or practice law.  However, I do study law, read court cases, and write commentaries about related issues.  I also write about social, political, religious, and lifestyle issues.  I give people strategic guidance about many issues in their lives.  A lot of people (usually 2 or 3 a day) call me for help dealing with foreclosures.  They do this because of reading articles I have written.  I have posted many, both on my blog bobhurt.blogspot.com (catch all blog) and one of my web sites lixe.org (devoted exclusively to mortgage and foreclosure issues).  See my personal web site bobhurt.com. I also operate cancercure.ws, salestips.ws, and rainsoft.ws, all as free public services.  I retired as a computer industry entreneur and CEO in 2002 to pursue independent law studies.  I have conducted numerous seminars dealing with debt elimination and foreclosure.  I do not work for a living.  I do not have any contracts for fees, stipends, or employment with anyone.  Therefore, I DO NOT EVER RIP-OFF ANYONE.  As of today, I do not charge anyone any money for any services I provide.  And I don't hide.  Anybody can contact me through email or phone at my web site bobhurt.com

I am a friend of Storm Bradford's.  He has many friends in the legal profession. He has 35+ years in criminal defense litigation and over 7 years in mortgage examination.  He owns Lex Consulting, LLC.  Under its aegis he operates Mortgage Fraud Examiners (MFE) and Law Partner on Call.  Lex offers the litigation support services at lawpartneroncall.com.  It offers the mortgage examination services, a subset of litigation support, at mortgagefraudexaminers.com.  

MFE, under Storm Bradford's leadership, provides the best, if not the only, comprehensive mortgage examination service of substantive value that I know of.  MFE's examination reports show causes of action that few if any foreclosure pretense defense attorneys have demonstrated the ability to detect.  Mortgagors use MFE's professional mortgage examination service and report to find reasons (causes of action) to sue lenders and lender agents for injuring them at the inception of the loan or in the process of servicing the loan.  MFE encourages clients to consult a QUALIFIED, COMPETENT ATTORNEY to pursue any putative causes of action, including contract breaches, legal errors, fraud, and other tortious conduct that the mortgage examination report reveals.

I share Storm Bradford's view that finding those causes of acition provides the ONLY RATIONAL BASIS for negotiating settlement with or SUING the lender and/or lender's agents for injuring the mortgagor. It provides the ONLY opportunity to win setoffs of the debt or compensatory and punitive damages or loan cram-downs for mortgagors, whether or not they face foreclsoure. I believe that all efforts to defend against the foreclosure of a valid mortgage note that the mortgagor breached must ultimately FAIL, and must result in the loss of the mortgaged property unless the borrower negotiates a new loan or obtains a forbearance agreement.  The articles I have written show numerous court opinions denouncing typical foreclosure defense arguments, including show me the note, bifurcated not and mortgage, securitization, robosigning, bad chain of assignment, and so on.  The plaintiff/bank virtually always corrects defects in the process, refiles or appeals, and WINS the mortgaged property, precisely as comtemplated in the mortgage loan documents.  

I have also shown how mortgagors can WIN STELLAR DAMAGES for using the methodology Storm and I recommend so tirelessly:

Of course, I write considerably about these issues and the insipid waste of money mortgagors spend on foreclosure defense attorneys, whom I generally consider as charlatans deserving attack for legal malpractice.  These scurrilous lawyers know they make more money bilking clients thousands of dollar up front as a retainer and/or through monthly payments, knowing they cannot save the house from foreclosure, short sale, or hand-over to the bank.  They never bother comprehensively examining the mortgage, so they never find the underlying causes of action.  And thereby they engage in legal malpractice for around 80% to 90% of their clients.

I recently lambasted some of these attorneys in an article because I read the mortgage examination reports that proved they missed or ignored salient causes of action that could have, in the hands of a competent attorney, provided the leverage to WIN financial compensation for the client.  I believe one of those disgruntled attorneys whom I "outed" wrote the associated ripoff report.

Take note.  The REAL RIPOFFS are FORECLOSURE PRETENSE DEFENSE attorneys or pretender defender lawyers.  They almost universally cheat their clients by failing to examine the circumstances and documents associated with the bank's accusation that the client breached the contract.  In my opinion they are malpracticers of the worst order becasue they engage in this practice with every foreclosure victim client who retains them to save the house, and then who loses the house owing to the lawyer's negligence, laziness, and incompetence.

Furthermore, since few if any foreclosure pretense defense attorneys have the skill or knowledge to examine a mortgage properly, they don't provide that service except through fake loan auditors and securitization auditors (more ripoff artists).  But if they did provide the service, which takes upwards of 50 hours, they would charge 50 x $300 = $15,000 for the examination and the report.  That makes MFE's fee of $4,000 a BARGAIN BASEMENT PRICE, the best litigation support service price available anywhere.  The whiner who wrote the above ripoff report must feel terribly jealous that a) the whiner hasn't the competence to examine a mortgage, and b) that MFE gets the money for a valuable and decent service and the lawyer did not get the money for his/her ripoff foreclosure pretense defense.

By the way, Storm Bradford does not live in Florida OR have or use the address stipulated in this report.  Also, MFE has NO OBLIGATION to listen to a litany of foreclosure defense theories from a foreclosure victim who has NO CLUE what it takes to win a mortgage dispute against the bank.  I have demonstrated repletely in my articles that foreclosure defenses fail UNLESS they prove the borrower did not breach the note, OR the note lacked validity because of fraudulent inducement or other torts, breaches, or errors.

WHAT A COWARD the whining author of the above ripoff report is to blindside us with defamatory remarks - I, a man who gives service free, and Storm Bradford, whose company sells a service that few if any lawyers can perform competently.

After reading this, any mortgagor whom the lender has cheated and who reads this, should feel profound shame for giving money to a foreclosure pretense defense attorney without paying MFE for a mortgage examination beforehand.  

And take note:  If YOU are a mortgagor who hired a foreclosure pretender defender lawyer to save your house from foreclosure, and then the court or trustee ordered the foreclosure sale or you got forced into a short sale, contact me right away.  I might help YOU find a competent attorney to SUE YOUR ATTORNEY FOR LEGAL MALPRACTICE.  Even if you have lost your house, a mortgage examination might prove valid causes of action that the pretense defense attorney neglected to use on your behalf.  If that negligence resulted in your losing the house that you would otherwise have kept, or caused you to lose money, then a court might find the lawyer committed legal malpractice.  You might get the lawyer's malpractice insurance to cover your loses related to the mortgage or foreclosure.  You will need to get your mortgage examined first, but you could end up the BIG WINNER if you take timely, correct action using a competent malpractice attorney.


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