  • Report:  #1213132

Complaint Review: Sublime Merchants - Mesa Arizona

Reported By:
Michael B - Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA

Sublime Merchants
1833 W Main Street Ste. 128 Mesa, 85201 Arizona, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

In August 2013 I was called by by Preston Charmichal from Sublime Merchants and solicited to purchase leads from his company for $12,500. At the time I had recently been pretty much scammed by two campanies called Merchant Care and Green Merchant for the same type of scheme. Buying leads or small business contact for which THE companies would do all the contacting for lines of credit or the sale of retail POS terminals and I would receive a percentage of the sale/loan and a finders fee.

  I still don't know how he got my number but painted a pretty picture on how I should start receiving revenue within 4-6 weeks. I was never promised riches and never expected such but did expect results. He also told me that Green Merchant and Merchant Care had pretty much had gone under and his company was solid.

 I told him my credit cards had been maxed out or close by the recent activity with the other companies and he told me that I could take it out of my retirement which I did the next day. He said it's even better for tax purposes. I talked to him about 3 or 4 times over two days until he got my money. After that I was to visit with a girl named 'Kendall' every Thursday at 3pm. Regarding my campaign. That lasted about a month. 

  On February 13 I started calling about my campaign as I have heard nothing in almost a year. I received a call log showing activity for the end 2013 and logs for January an February of 2015. Absolutely nothing for 2014...

2-10 call Sublime and left a message. No call back. 

2/11 called and asked for Preston Charmichael and was connected. But after explaining myself, was told I had the wrong person? Was put on hold and then disconnected. 

2-13 I talked Ron Johnson and he said my campaign only went through 2013 and that he would look in to it

2/18 called and talked to 'Jerry' who told me about a resellers agreement but gave no additional information. Made another appointment to call me with info the next day but never did.

2/25 Ron called me with nothing new after two days of not hearing from them. He said May have something Thursday.

2/26 sent two e-mails with call logs for January and February. 

I called Ron Johnson today, March 3rd, to ask why there was no activity during the entire calendar year of 2014?

I don't trus't this company as I have seen no revenue, they never communicated with me on a regular basis, they can't answer my basic questions, they continually dodge my phone calls, they dropped my campaign for a full year or until I called them on it.. I just want my money back!


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