  • Report:  #73538

Complaint Review: Sunmount Developmental Center In Tupper Lake NY The Federal Court Of Northern NY And More - Tupper Lake New York

Reported By:
- Voorheesville, New York,

Sunmount Developmental Center In Tupper Lake NY The Federal Court Of Northern NY And More
2445 NY-30 Tupper Lake, 12986 New York, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
By way of introduction, my name is Bill. The early part of my life was not really remarkable, but after the Friars of Atonement in Saranac Lake taught me the equivalent of the Interior Castle and Mystical Ladder I got very bright as it were, which resulted in my being a co-author of what is now New York State's existing Alternative To Incarceration Program for Drug and Alcohol Offenders, the author of the largest Up-State Medicaid Service Provider Agency for Drug and Alcohol Offenders, a Vocational Rehabilitation Center for Recovering Disabled Drug and Alcoholics, etc., etc., and together with the lobbying efforts of the former Julio A. Martinez, NYS Commissioner of Substance Abuse, a principle author of what is now the existing NYS Alternative to Incarceration Program for Mentally Retarded.

In spite of all of this, however, even I have to see myself as a failure because of my failed attempts to advocate on behalf of the medically frail who suffered because of deinstitutionalization from the Sunmount Developmental Center in Tupper Lake NY.

Just in case you or another reader never heard the story, after the medically frail were being sent out of the Sunmount Developmental Center in Tupper Lake NY to a lower level of care where they would die of natural causes, sometimes even before the staff to get back to the facility where they had been transferred from, I found it to be a situation which I could not ethically take part in and fought a two year battle on their behalf. For example, in one case the individual was allowed to become so impacted that he aspirated on his own feces and the community care giver was of course rewarded by another placement shortly thereafter. I mean, at the time I couldn't understand how anyone could not fight against such horrible examples of neglect resulting in death, but today after seeing what my wife and children have had to go through I wouldn't wish that on anyone either.

Anyway, at the time, my good friend Julio A. Martinez acted as the lobbyist, and I campaigned on all fronts, including 100ft banners saying "Thou Shalt Not Kill" first stretched along roadways and of course eventually finding their way across the governors steps. And, of course the State didn't take all this lying down as it were, and as the pressure began to be increased I eventually found myself in Federal Court where I produced audio tapes and legal transcripts indicating that the State of New York claimed they had already interfered with my banking so I would never be able to secure a loan, enlisted the help of the town lawyer to represent my mortgage holder to foreclose on my home and that if I continued the pressure would be increased till I didn't have my family left, only to find myself and my wife in a situation where Judge Scanlon informed us that he had allowed our case to be on his calender because we had led him to believe that everything dealt with the Cuomo administration but that it had become clear to him that the Pataki administration was involved and he wanted this case off his calendar, after which Judge Scanlon threatened to take legal custody away from us on behalf of our children and assign their custody to the court, and if we still insisted on continuing with the case he further threatened to recommend that the State require a 20-thousand bond for each of the defendants, as well as several other threats indicating that he would organize the State's case for them. I made the statement then that I have never seen anything so political in all my life, after which he smiles and said it's political all right, and then he left the room for me and my wife to decide what we wanted to do. Of course my wife breaks down crying and I throw in the towel, I mean, what was I to do.

After that, of course, things got real difficult, and after they brought in a deputy commissioner who informed the unions that they would not be getting their raises and promotions because of the activities of Bill Greene I got the hell out of there while I still had a family left. And, yes, I ended up losing that home and actually had to leave that community and no longer even work in my fields of education/choice because of the politics of it all following me, and even to this day I do not have a home per se living in a vehicle where home is where I park it, and only maintaining a post office box to receive my mail, but I do have my family. And, out of all that I sought and finally learned that the Judge's Power to do what he threatened to do came from the fact that without knowing it the government had reclassified us as well of the rest of an otherwise free people as persons under the law which is/are 14th Amendment Freemen.

Anyway, to back up a bit, during the process of being taught how to lobby, Julio would tell me little bits of it, how the politicians on the first floor were politicians but those on the upper floors were the ones who controlled the purse strings and they were not politicians at all but bankers who were heavily invested in maintaining a system of slavery in America. And when I would ask him to explain what he was talking about he would respond that if he told me they would kill him or if they didn't kill him they would at least kill his wife to get back at him. But the Julio would speak this same way about government in other contexts as well. For example, after Julio got set up, him and I spent over a year selling hotdogs under the governor's window. The way Julio explained it to me was that he was asked to give up one-third of his substance abuse budget to Andy Cuomo for Andy to go play his housing thing in New York City, and after Julio refused because that would mean shutting down all of the school programs for children developed over the past four years, he got set up. When I asked Julio why he didn't go to the press with the truth, his response was because they would kill my wife.

It was not until years later, after the Federal Judge threatened to take my children away from me and my wife if we did not drop the case before him, that I began to understand just what Julio was attempting to explain of how this system of slavery works here in America. That is, if an otherwise free "people" have a State Issued Birth certificate Issued to them at birth then that State issued birth certificate is lawful evidence that they are not a State Sovereign Citizen with rights under the Constitution and Bill of Rights the way an individual with a County Issued Birth Certificate is, but rather the individual with the State Issued Birth Certificate is a "person or persons" under the law as it relates to the 14th Amendment.

In other words, the SOBs never freed anyone after the civil war, instead they sought to and systematically enslaved all, and in doing so were enslaved as well; that is, the slaves were never set free after the Civil War. Their ownership was simply transferred from the individual property owners to the US Corporation under the authority of the Commerce Act. In order to keep track of its' property the US Government had the States issue State Issued Birth Certificates. And as of 1933, when the United States went into bankruptcy, all of us who have State Issued Birth Certificates are listed as the direct descendants of the original black southern slaves and by virtue of the State Issued Birth Certificate our very lives and productivity are listed as assets of that 1933 bankrupt entity. Eddie Kahn, internationally known author, lecturer and tax systems researcher suggests that you submit a Privacy Act request to the Department of Commerce asking for the Notification of Birth Registration with your name on it. The links to his site are provided herewith:

Click here to see sample Privacy Act request,

Click here to see the notification of Birth Registration.

Moreover, as I explained in connection with the creation and maintenance of the Federal Reserve, all of us 14th Amendment Freemen, black, white and otherwise, are mortgaged and the foreign investors essentially own our asses and there is no way out of it because the idiots of the past negotiated the loan in terms of gold, and there is no gold left!!! In addition, this process of enslavement by the foreign investors has been taking place all over the world for so long now, that the real purpose of the world census is to identify the number of man belonging to the beast.

And, these foreign investors are the beast; they decide who will run the countries of the world, and for them the world is their Greek Arena where world wars 1 and 2 and every other war has been fought; they are like those who put on a fighting match, saying in this corner we have and in this corner we have and let the fight begin and when it is all over the people of the world will be even more in-debt to us in terms of inflation. Because they control all of the monetary systems of the world, they ultimately decide every major event in the world today; now that's real slavery at work. And, at this point in history the beast not only owns all of the person or persons under the law but all of the land property and is even out to own and control all of the fresh waters of the earth; already owning the rights to great bodies of water such as the Great Lakes here in America!

So, if you look at it for what it really is, black, white, red, yellow, it doesn't really mater, we are all the property of the beast, and no matter where a person may live in the world, it is our government's function to properly control and maintain its' property until the time when the true owner which is the beast chooses to foreclose.

Once I began to understand the nature of world slavery, I imagined it would be necessary for someone like a modern Moses to take the fight against slavery before the World Court, but that someone sure as hell ain't me! At this point in my life, I feel it important to tell others about what happened to me and my family as those events have led to my understanding, and support others in their attempts to address this level of human injustice, but the actual fight, I believe, is beyond anything any of us can really comprehend in its totality and has to be fought by the Second Christ and the 144,000, and that fight is one which the Thomist will recognize in terms of the perfection of matter; the fight is one of the power of contemplative prayer to bring the consciousness of the mystic back into its' own natural state; that is, the fight is, at the level of the unified field in matter, to bring about redemption or nirvana.

Anyway, I hope I'm not being too theoretical, but just in case I am, to reiterate in other words, after the State of New York threatened me with the loss of my family, and after Judge Scanlon threatened to take legal custody away from us on behalf of our children and assign their custody to the court if I did not drop the case against the State, I got a bug up my a*s, and my research led me to find out that when my wife and I got married we had a State Marriage Certificate issued, and that constituted a legal contract making our future children State property under the jurisdiction of the Courts of Equity, and when our children were born State Issued Birth Certificates were provided for then indicating that they were Federal Property under the authority of the Commerce Act rather than free people, and that is where the State and Federal Judge got the right to what ever they wanted to us. And, that's why I say, welcome to the matrix, for real! And, that's why I also say, the only real answer is the Zen Effect or Jesus to restore the integrity of matter known as Nirvana or Redemption; i.e., in the First Redemption not only is the integrity of matter prophesied to improved enough to lengthen the lifespan of man to 1000 years (the 1000 year Reign) but the prophesy also indicates that the process itself also chains the Beast which is and is not.

Respectfully, Bill

PS: And while your at it consider how you may or may not feel on that day when the foreign investors decide to foreclose, on you and your children and your children's children. This is why I say people like Mr. Kahn who's link is shown above are actually identifying the mechanisms of the Biblical Beast that is and is not, and that's the identification of the mechanisms of the matrix at work for real!

William Voorheesville, New York

Tupper Lake & Saranac Lake getting the long over due publicity it so richly deserves. CLICK HERE ..Read about all the corruption on businesses, Police & Probation Department, Sunmount Developmental Ctr., Jack Delehanty Asst. District Attorney & much more!

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Attorney Douglas

Ranting of the mentally ill.

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, March 06, 2008

William Greene is apparently mentally ill. Please notice that he emails the Pope a copy of each of his emails. I have inquired of him. He will reveal no personal information. Notice that he does not give his full name, address, and phone number. His writing style gives him away. He states very few facts. He prefers to write using innuendo.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
It fell on deaf ears

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, December 19, 2003

we tried Bill.

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