  • Report:  #124896

Complaint Review: Supershuttle Blue Van NY - NY New York

Reported By:
- Santo Domingo, Other,

Supershuttle Blue Van NY
52-15 11th Street, Long Island City, NY 11101 NY, 11101 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This is a detail description of what happened and what i lost :

Tony Alvarado

12/23/2004 04:47 PM

To: Monica


Subject: RE: Lost Purse Notification


I have read you e-mail and will call you tomorrow.


Tony Alvarado

-----Original Message-----

From: Monica

Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 2:54 PM

To: [email protected]

Cc: Kathi J Hartl

Subject: Lost Purse Notification

To : Mr. Tony Alavarado

General Manager Supershuttle, NY

CC: Kathi Hartl & Magaly Dietsch

Rockwell Automation AB

Mr. Alvarado I am adressing this email as per your request after our phone conversation : (it is also part of the letter to my company explaining how I lost company money & important paperwork).

This is to inform you the curse of the event I went thru last Friday 12/17 at 11:00 PM. On the way from Milwaukee before coming Home ( DR) .

On my arrival to NY , I took a shuttle (Supper Shuttle Blue van #486) from JFK terminal 9 to 206 west 99th Street, Manhattan, NY. The # is 212-258-3826 and my pick up number was 191011 .

On my arrival at the above adress I was told to show the driver which one was my luggage so I got out of the van with all my belongings: laptop case, sweater, coat , handbag and what I thought was my bag( I rapped around my purse with it), the driver was in the middle of the street as there where no parking spaces available, he was rushing to drop me off as he had other passengers to take.

As soon as he got my luggage he ask for the payment which I did , I had some change money in my pocket. As soon as I was reaching for my belongings to get them on the sidewalk I realized I was missing the purse, so I proceeded to run after the Van but he was to fast and abviously he didn't hear me shout at him. I ran the doorbell at the apartment I was arriving and immediately let them know what happened , they proceeded to call the company to report what happened, about 20 calls where made and getting in touch with the driver was impossible, so they say.

We did everything we where told to do by your personnel that was working that night (all of these calls can be traced as we are asking the telephone company at the residence adress above and the cel phone company to provide the call statements for proof). we where calling from different phones at the same time to see if we got lucky. We where asked for the drivers # and at the time my mind was a blur.

I heard a conversation where the passenger next to me was heading so we took a yellow cab and got to the Novotel (on 52nd street) where I ran into the person and asked him if he had seen my purse in the van, he claimed that he didn't notice anything so I assumed that It was still in the van ( His name is Mr. Morgan and a lady named Sarah who was also in the van ;I am sure if we investigate the hotel can provide this information as well). We got the Van # 486 which is the same as the driver's number, we called the company again and again and we talked to almost every rep that was working that night; we also made calls from the hotel reception so this can be verified and the clerks and front desk help personnel can testify I was there.

Phoning in to the company I was told that they couldn't reach the driver as his cel phone was busy , but it is strange that in the middle of an emergency your employees cannot be reached; they advised me to wait till next day until the driver went back to work and that he wouldn't take any more passengers because of company's policies and that they had to return the vans; I was told that the driver was to come in at 11:00 AM next day ( Saturday 12/18).

The personnel wouldn't disclose the drivers cel phone so we could talk to him, the reason is that we where trying to catch up to him and meet him anywhere he might have been. This all took place Friday Night. And told us they could be reached at 9:00 AM next day. We left our information ( My Friend that lives in that adress and telephone number so we could be advised if the driver responded the call , you can also verify this it should be on your company's claim record.

On Saturday morning at 9:00 sharp we called your company and had to start all over again as the employees in the night shift didn't leave any information ( So it seems). I requested the van to be checked by your driver ( which was a mistake, clearly) and they said he couldn't at the moment as he was on the road and had passengers with him ( this didn't seem right as we where told he got in at 11:00 AM and that all the drops off have to be reported to the company) .

Finally we got the base to tell the driver 486 to go back to the adress and said that we would have to pay US$100.00 because we where taking him out of his route, this was far off , he shouldn't have been working at that time, and taking passengers either. The person name was Ahmed ( he told us he was a supervisor ) and he said that the driver had to get paid and that he wouldn't send the driver unless we promised to pay the 100 dollars & that he was recording the conversation saying that I would pay in case I decided not to pay regardless if I found the purse or not. I hope you take the propper actions with this employee because of his actions.

When the van finally arrived he recognized me right away and we searched the van without any luck. My Friend told the driver to get in touch with Ahmed so he knew we where paying and that it was outrageous that the company was treating us this way and showed her ID that she works for channel 4 NBC news and that we where going to go public on this rip off. The driver didn't take the money with Ahmed aware of this and took off.

It seemed funny too because all the stories we where told didn't match , the driver told us he wasn't taking any passengers and that he was on his way to work, this should also be verified as your employees don't seem to tell the thuth or have thier stories straight.

I proceeded to go to the police station to declare what happened as there where personal information and ID's in the purse. A copy of it has been submitted to HR, in the DR plant and Mr. Alavarado if you send me a fax number I will be more than happy to send you this as well.

The above explanation has been made so you understand what happened and the reason it's because I had information and receipts of the company's interest which I list below: The purse is Black , like a backpack with One main Zipper and a front pocket.

1. Hotel Invoice for my stay during training weeks

2. Taxis receipts

3. Breakfast receipts at the Allen Bradley cafeteria

4. Breakfast receipt from the Hotel ( Saturday)

5. Dinner receipts where Credit card weren't accepted ( like Subway and Cajun express)

6. Receipts for Cofee,Soda's & Water ( Snacks I had a couple of afternoons)

7. 4 calling cards of 10 dollars each ( Only one got minutes left for my traveling day)

8. Money in cash ( dollars ) Company money $600.00 personal and from relatives around $500.00 or more

In the personal belongings I had the following :

1. Watch ( bulova)

2. Cel Phone ( V60i with blue cover brand : Body Glove )

3. House keys( In the DR)

4. Apics test score

5. College Ring

6. Make up

7. RD$ 700.00 Dominican pesos (for when I got back )

8. Two International credit cards ( Amex & MasterCard ) which where cancelled

9. One Debit card ( ATM ) -Cancelled

10. One local credit card - cancelled

11. Local ID ( for which I need to go to the police locally in order to re- issue them)

12. AA advantage card

13. 1 pendant a couple of earrings and a bracelet

14. My Driver's License ( local )

15. Pictures from Friends & Family

16. My doctor's bussiness cards just in case of an emergency

17. Two Disney world tickets

This is was included in the report the police made me fill out and have a the precinct in manhattan 24th precinct 151 W. 100th street between Amsterdam and Columbus.

On Monday 12/20 I called again your company to report all these incidents, I was on the phone with Mr. Ray Rosado who seemed very helpful, he claims that he made the driver come in and that he interviewed him on the matter.

I also been calling the lost & found department to see if anything has turned up, gave a brief description of the contents that may have been left behind.

On Tuesday 12/21 I called MR. Rosado several times in the morning this can be verified from your employees who already have my name and phone #s here in the DR. When I finally got him on the phone he told me that the driver hadn't seen the purse and that they own the van and some other people might have taken them , version which collapsed after I spoke with you Mr. Alavarado when you assured me this was unacceptable in your company.

Today I am filling this complaint as I feel that your company wasn't responsive to my emergency, this was not something that happened on Friday and I called the day after, I called right away and this , again, can be all verified by a lot of witnesses.

I hope you take the proper actions towards your employees that have put your company in a very bad shape and not reliable to it's users, I will not sit by and let this pass, I will make sure this is known so it doesn't happen to another poor soul. I have lost everything , money , Id's , I cannot even get around in my country nor withdrawal money as I am without my Legal documents and it's a full process and time consuming to get them back. This is not a threat so please do not take it as such. I will wait for your response on the matter and will not harm your company in any way.

Your employees Lied to me and my friends when they said that they would contact the driver and your supervisors tried to rip us off in the middle of my desperation.

I know how the route went : there 9 passengers on that van , all from JFK terminals the first one that was dropped off was at 118 th then it was me at the 99st , then he took a lady to the medford plaza , Then he dropped the 4 ppl at the novotel on 52nd street , there was a passenger on the front seat a dark men who was also picked up at the airport terminal which I assumed was a friend of the driver and there was a young blond lady who was dropped off at the 18th street.

As you can see I was very aware of what went down in that shuttle and most certainly I am sure that my purse was there.

If you can provide names and addresses I can supply the information to the police so they can investigate the subjects.

I am hoping to hear from you very soon and I will not rest until I have some answers or know that you have taken the propper actions. I apologize if I am being out of line in some way but you would too if you put yourself in my shoes as this may affect my reputation in the company I work for.

Please send me a confirmation that you receipted this email I just want to make sure you got it.

Sincerely ,


Santo Domingo
Dominican Republic

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