  • Report:  #750360

Complaint Review: SweetPetula - Internet

Reported By:
Denise - TO, Ontario, Internet, Canada

Internet, United States of America
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* I will try to make this report/review short as possible! BUT It will still be lengthy; since I talk A LOT and have a lot of complaints.*  lol. :)

This has been the most dreadful transactions ever online! It all started when I bought a voucher for this seller SweetPetula's shop on Etsy with Heartsy (http://tinyurl.com/HeartsySite) on April 1st/11 Btw, Heartsy is a 'groupon' type site but for handmade items from sites such a Etsy and Artfire.  

The shop's owners name is Cory aka Cordelia Smith.

I paid $12 for the voucher, it allowed me $30 worth of stuff at her shop. I went over the voucher amount by $10 so technically paid $20 in her shop. Right after I bought my voucher I went to her shop to find things I like, and place my order. WELL this is where the transaction from hell began. Only 5-6 hours after her shop went live on Heartsy, she closed up shop into vacation mode. Her announcement first said she taking a much need break/vacation, and ensured customers she's been in business for over 15 years, and that she isn't going anywhere. The announcement was very odd considering her shop JUST went live a couple of hours ago, and is only live for 24 hours on Heartsy. About 10 mins later I went back to shop to send her a convo, and I noticed she changed the shop's announcement again; stating she needed to catch up on her overflow of orders that came in from Heartsy, and she will be back open when she's through with sorting them. WTF? How bad is THAT customer service? She actually had the nerve to close her shop before everyone from the Heartsy deal got to even place their orders! I just want to mention: I've been on Heartsy since March/11, and I have NEVER heard of another shop pulling this! Even shops that sold MORE items than her.

So..I wait; since I have no choice now. And every day I stop in to her shop to checking to see if it opened. Nothing. FINALLY a week and a half later I get an email from Etsy starting her shop was back in business. I FINALLY place my order and check out. I went over my voucher amount (as mentioned above) so naturally I expected the invoice right away. Nope! It didn't come. I sent 2 convos and an email requesting my invoice, and got nothing back from her. ANOTHER 5 days go by and FINALLY get the invoice for the remaining balance I owed. YAY! 2 1/2 weeks had gone by and my order is placed, and isn't even packaged yet. But it's a start, right? /sarcasm. 

Coincidentally 4 days after all this drama[so far] with SweetPetula I get an email from a popular beauty blog stating I won FREE soap with SweetPetula! I contacted SP telling her I won a contest of hers, and asked if she had sent my order yet, and if she didn't; she could send my contest win with my paid order, and I would pay the extra shipping cost if she wanted me to. Her reply: " No it is not packaged yet. And I want to get Heartsy orders out of the way first before I deal with anything else" WTF My order wasn't sent yet, but still she could just easily place my win in a box with said order? Well I still haven't heard from her about the contest, and even the contest host contacted her with no response. She had time to open a new shop and give more stuff away with OTHER contests, but still haven't sent my win. Ah well. I guess she figured I got enough of a discount with her shop already, and I didn't deserve any more.

After all that mess, and while waiting for my order to come, curiosity got the best of me and I started to search  the web for reviews for this seller. I found that she buys one of her new products called "Monsieur Mustachio Shaving Oil" on a wholesale site, even though she claims it's made with her OWN"secret" blend of oils. BULL! She even uses the wholesale site's description! She's not even bright enough to make up her own (see attached photo for proof of this allegation) I complained to Etsy about this, and they're not doing anything about it. I even mentioned all this in feedback, and Etsy removed it!!  Complete and utter coward, IMO. Since the feedback removal she has changed her description to something original, and her own. But she must be stupid not to realize there's google cache, and a 'sold item' history with the non-original one.

Here's ''her'' shaving oil.

Here is the EXACT oil in JUGS to buy Wholesale on Essential Wholesale. With the exact same description, AND ingredients.  

ANYHOW! About 6 weeks go by after my last message to her (about the contest) my order FINALLY arrives, without the win. And I have to say; the order was SO not worth all the trouble I've been through, and not even worth the money I paid even WITH a coupon.

 I ordered two perfume solids and 3 soaps. The perfume solids smells like cleaning products for YOUR FLOOR. They actually made my eyes water, and I can tolerate strong perfumes usually. The soaps were duds, not even cured for that matter. Neither had fragrance and were very soft. Even though they were sent in late early (still cold-ish) Spring.  So after I got to use the items, I left the appropiate feedback for her. I was honest, I didn't even leave negatives! and she left my 4 NEGATIVES) in retaliation of the neutral feedback I left her!

THAT being said, she made herself look worse by doing that. If she didn't have to pull THAT low-blow I would have just let this slide! Another thing; retaliatory is against Etsy's TOS. She had NO RIGHT to leave me negative(s) I did MY part, I paid, I was patient. That is the only thing I had to do on my end of the deal. I couldn't believe what I was seeing! How sore and sorry is that behavior of seller? A seller who states she's been in business for 15 years and nothing but happy customers? Blech.  I hope her shops flop. 

All in all, after getting my product, I'm just glad I didn't pay full price for them. Because the customer service sucks, and the product is too rushed and not worth the asking price AT ALL! And I mean that sincerely. Sorry this was so long. I had to get EVERYTHING OUT. I pardon any typos and grammatical errors, as I didn't have time to proof read. My 4 children call to me! AGAIN. LOL

Thanks for reading, and I really hope I helped you out in your desicion in buying from this waste of bandwidth and cheap beauty supplies. =)

PS: Besides http://www.etsy.com/shop/sweetpetula she also also owns http://www.goodcleandog.etsy.com, http://www.etsy.com/people/cordeliajandco, and lastly http://sweetpetula.com. 
cordeliaj. smith
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