  • Report:  #859684

Complaint Review: T-Mobile - Bellevue Washington

Reported By:
TheEqualizer - Ukiah, California, USA

12920 SE 38th St Bellevue, 98006-1350 Washington, United States of America
(800) 937-8997
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I joined T-Mobile in May of 2011, with a 2-year contract. I got the best of everything. The brand new G2X phone that ran over $250, plus the 2 years. Because of a credit problem, not T-Mobile's fault, I also had to put down $400 in deposit. No problem. I did it. Of course, I had to pay $80 in short order, for a pro-rated monthly charge. Then there were the costs of the case, screen protector and car charger. All in all, I was out around $760 or more for the stupid phone.

Immediately, I noted that the signal was crap. I dropped calls inside the house, in town. I dropped calls in my vehicle, in town. I dropped calls outside, in town. I immediately told the dealer... and was told that the signal is just bad in this area, and it will get better. OK. So, like a moron, I waited. Months went by. Still just as bad. Everyone else's phones are working great. Mine? I would call my automated banking number, and I would be disconnected repeatedly while dealing with my accounts. Any call, anywhere, was subject to being dropped. Internet would also drop out. Can't use WIFI much, because once you use it and disconnect from it, you then have to take out the battery from the phone, allow it to sit for 60 seconds, reassemble the phone and then it would work. Real convenient.

So, when I tried to get rid of this phone, after waiting for months for the service to improve, T-Mobile treated me like crap. I will get to that in a moment. First, the other issue. I had one number. It began getting spammed through T-Mobile's service. It got so bad, I had to change numbers. OK. Got the new number. Same thing. Called T-Mobile. The only advice they could give me was to create a dummy contact on which I would disable the phone ringer. When the spam call comes in, the phone doesn't ring, and the call now goes to voicemail. So, then, the phone notices me that I have a voicemail which I now have to call and delete. Most recently, these voicemails are now being automatically transcribed and sent to my phone via T-Mobile's messaging service. So, now, I have to call voicemail, delete the voicemail, hope that the voicemail notification updates, or I have to remove the battery from the phone and allow the phone to reset itself, then reassemble the phone; I then have to go into my messaging app and delete the spam messages. At this point, in the dummy contact that I set up, I have over 50 telephone numbers from people spamming this phone FIFTY!. Imagine how much spam I get. It is insane.

Now, back to dealing with the defective phone. I called T-Mobile a second time, trying to find a reasonable solution to my phone problem. I spent a small fortune getting this piece of crap. I pay my bill ontime, usually before I get the paper copy. I use a fraction of a fraction of the minutes that I get, and of the internet data. Seriously. I make very few calls and the ones I do make, they last for short periods and are local. I might make 5-7 calls a week, and most last under 2 minutes. I pay premium insurance rates. So, I call and tell them that I want to get rid of this phone. I want them to replace it because it had this problem from DAY ONE. I told the dealer on day one that yes, it was dropping calls. Nothing has changed. It is still dropping calls. I do not feel like I should have to pay the insurance deductible on a phone that I paid top dollar for and that I complained about immediately and regularly ever since. I tolld them if I did agree to pay the insurance, I wanted a different model because I REASONABLY do not trust this brand any longer. No dice. T-Mobile reps proceeded to treat me as if I was trying to get something for nothing. My options were to give them another $100 for a replacement phone of the same model, which may or may not even be new, or, continue using the equipment that was defective from day one.

I decided to not give T-Mobile another dime, except to get through to the one-year point approaching on 3May12, so that I can then pay an early disconnect fee, get my $400 deposit back, and get rid of their crappy service. I dion't do business with companies that scrtew their customers at every opportunity. This issue would have been very easy to deal with. Take the insurance claim. Replace the phone with a comparably priced phone, which is what I recommended. No harm. No foul. The customer now has reason, for the first time in a year, to like his service. T-mobile keeps a line and loses nothing.

Well, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him think. DUH.

Do yourself a favor. Choose ANY service other than T-Mobile. I thought the service couldn't be much worse than US Cellular. I was wrong. T-Mobile has reached new lows. The fact that they would let outside numbers repeatedly and without mercy, spam their customer base.... that says it all.

6 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Author of original report

Thu, May 24, 2012

OK. I have been waiting to disconnect from T-Mobile, until I can get my security depsoit back. I passed the date, and received no check. I contacted the local T-Mobile rep. They called T-Mobile for me. T-Mobile agreed to return my money. T-Mobile asked if I wanted them to take out the current bill from the money. I emphatically said NO. I was told my entire deposit would be returned within 8 days.

I then returned home. I checked my account online, which showed a massive credit; the deposit, minus the current month. I called the T-Mobile local rep. They called T-Mobile. T-Mobile told the rep that's the way it is. Tought s**t. I called T-Mobile. I spoke to "Paul". It took about 10 minutes and 2 holds for "Paul" to tell me what I told him the moment I called. "Paul" was then supposed to "escalate" the call, requiring yet another hold. "Paul" came back online, speaking fast. he told me that the bill was due on the 21st (today is the 24th)... and I stopped him. I told him first, to stop talking fast and second... the bill is not due on the 21st; the 21st is the day that the bill is ISSUED. This stumped "Paul". "Paul" then told me that he could send me the balance is a check, or not....

I informed "PAUL" that I gave this deposit to T-Mobile under the conditions that, with one year of uninterrupted service, I would have the entirety of it returned to me, in the same fashion that I gave it to T-Mobile. I had no authorized any subtractions from this deposit. I told Paul to get me the deposit balance so that I could change services. I then gave the obligatory rant of obscenities at maximum volume. Yeah, I know. But, you get what you pay for. Treat your customers like s**t, expect them to act like s**t.


If you have an issue... you can pound it where the sun don't shine...

If you think I am wrong, here is more evidence that T-Mobile holds their customers in the highest contempt:

BBB RATING: "D"; Was an "F" two days ago.

Reason for Rating:

BBB rating is based on 16 factors. Get the details about the factors considered.Factors that lowered T-Mobile's rating include:29705 complaints filed against business20 complaints filed against business that were not resolved.



T-Mobile now wants $15 to get a new phone number

#3Author of original report

Thu, May 10, 2012

OK... as stated, T-Mobile first stiffs me with a phone that is dysfunctional. When I go to their dealer and immediately tell them I am dropping calls, I am told it is the signal, and it will improve very soon. Multiple calls for help to T-Mobile and a year later, I still suffered with the defective equipment, whilst T-Mobile made accusations that I am out looking to get something for nothing. So, I have to go out of pocket, again, to buy the Galaxy S2, and, predictably, the signal issues stopped being an issue.

So, now I am left with still getting blasted with telemarketing calls. From day one that I received this number, it has been getting blasted with these calls. On lmy old phone, there was no way to block these numbers. I had to create a contact, set the ringer to not ring, and keep adding offenders to this list. So far, I have about 50 numbers that routinely call my phone. While after the second call and I would add them to the list, my phone would not ring. Yet, these calls would still go to voicemail, and I would costantly have to call and delete the messages, and since the phone was defective, I would also have to remove the battery to reset the voicemail notification. Then, of course, these messages began getting converted to text messages, which began bombarding my phone. T-Mobile knows this, and like with my phone, has offered no solution to the problem, except telling me to register at the DNC list, which I am already registered. THis doesn't stop the calls, nor trace the responsible party ion order to prosecute the issues.

So today, I go to the dealer to get my number changed. T-Mobile will gladly change my phone number for the LOW LOW PRICE OF $15. That's right folks... T-Mobile sticks you with a phone number that isn't clean and is actively being attacked by telemarketers... and if you don't like it, they will charge you another $15 to get you another number... which is probably being attacked by telemarketers... so you can then pay another $15 ... on and on it goes. This is the response you get from T-Mobile... after being on their service for over a year, suffering with a bad phone, and a dirty phone number that is targeted by telemarketers..

I am paying the $200 early disconnect fee tomorrow, and terminating T-Mobile. I will either take my phone to another service, or, I will get a land-line and blow off cellular entirely. I haven't quite decided yet.



T-Mobile's "final offer" via the BBB

#4Author of original report

Tue, April 24, 2012

T-Mobile USA, Inc. (''T-Mobile'') is in receipt of your letter dated April 17, 2012, regarding the above-referenced account.  

____'s statement provides no new information that would warrant reconsideration of our original stance regarding this issue.  Our position in this matter remains unchanged. 

As stated in our previous response, T-Mobile provides customers with a one-year Limited Warranty on new handsets purchased from T-Mobile or T-Mobile authorized dealers.  During the Limited Warranty period, T-Mobile will provide a replacement handset of the same model, provided that the handset is in good physical condition with no modifications or damage, such as broken or cracked plastics, LCD or internal parts, or water damage.  Please note, the terms of the express, written handset warranty is provided for all customers in the Terms & Conditions Return Policy Limited Warranty which is included in the box of the new handset. 

Please be advised T-Mobile offers a 30-day buyer's remorse period which provides customers the ability to return recently purchased handsets for a refund. ____ elected to keep his handset beyond the 30-day buyer's remorse period.  As such, ____ is not eligible to return his handset for a refund or to exchange it for a different device.  It is important to note that by keeping the handset past the 30-day buyer's remorse period, ______ accepted the terms of the Limited Warranty.  Outside of our Limited Warranty program outlined above, T-Mobile respectfully declines to take any other action in relation to this matter. 

Based upon the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 1-877-290-6323 ext 341-8013.

Very truly yours,


Angela Beckett

Executive Customer Relations

04/24/2012   WEB BBB CONSUMER REJECTS BUSINESS' FINAL OFFER : (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)

T-Mobile, as for the entire first year that I have been on their substandard service, provided no resolution. They left their customer, who purchased premium equipment at top dollar, and premium services at top dollar, in misery,  regretting his purchase every single time he used his phone. But, this is nothing new to T-Mobile. Go to ripoffreports.com and search by T-Mobile. You will see 45 PAGES, forty-five pages of complaints JUST LIKE MINE. Some mirror mine exactly. The same old story: "I paid top dollar for a handset and services that didn't work. T-Mobile gave no asssistance. I either had to pay more just to get something that worked, or I had to leave their service". Read them for yourself. I did. I also saw the complaints by people who left the T-Mobile service, and T-Mobile kept taking money from their accounts, and a whole host of other such horrible business practices.

I offer no new solutions? I have spent the better part of a year dropping every other call, or being unable to hear during calls. I tried MANY times to get a solution from T-Mobile. As evidenced by the fact that I just paid yet another large amount of money to buy a new handset without ANY help from T-Mobile whatsoever, the evidence is pretty clear that I am not the customer who was out to get something for nothing.

The evidence is overwhelming, on the other hand, that T-Mobile is out to get EVERYTHING FOR NOTHING. They offered no assistance, and offer none even at this very moment. T-Mobile decided that it would be a better business decision for them to fail to provide any solution for their "valued customer" who had spent a great deal of money to get premium equipment and premium services. See, it costs T-Mobile nothing to say NO. It is quite an easy thing to do. They hold out their hand for the customer's money, and in return, they extend their middle finger, and swirl it under their customer's nose. They make their customer suffer with shoddy equipment for an entire year until THEIR OWN CUSTOMER SOLVES THE PROBLEM by buying yet more new equipment. When the customer files a BBB complaint against them, T-Mobile then tries hard to give the appearance that that are the injured party... and that they have made every effort... Rubbish. They did nothing. T-Mobile outsourced its customer service to its own customers. The contempt that T-Mobile holds their csutomers in is evident in every response they make.

As previously stated, THIS unhappy T-Mobile customer solved his own problem, after a year of complete misery, before this BBB complaint was filed. Sure, this complaint gives T-Mobile the opportunity to offer to help with the costs to replace the handset... but did I (or you) really expect that they would? Of course not. That would require character and ethics; both clearly lacking at T-Mobile. So, as previously stated, I consider this matter closed... HOWEVER, I consider this matter closed in an UNSATISFACTORY MANNER, since T-Mobile, clearly evidenced by their own responses, failed to provide any reasonable solutions for the entire year, or now. The closing of this case should reflect a NEGATIVE, UNSATISFACTORY settlement from T-Mobile.



04/24/2012   BBB MORE INFO RECEIVED FROM THE CONSUMER : Additionally, the previous response from T-Mobile, along with my response to it, will both be posted online at:


You can also see the previously mentioned, (now) 46-pages of complaints about T-Mobile, with 25 complaints per page, here:


Forty-six pages of complaints. Let's do the math. Forty-six... multiplied by 25... equals 1150 T-Mobile complaints, and growing! That's funny. I don't have 1150 complaints against me by those I do business with. Perhaps this is why T-Mobile is rated a "C" with the BBB, for now. I have faith in T-Mobile, though, that they will not stay at a "C" for long. It is just a brief stop, in their long slide to the bottom. I urge the BBB to read the 46-pages of complaints at ripoffreport.com. You will see MANY complaints by honest consumers just like me, many that are exactly like mine.


04/24/2012   BBB MORE INFO RECEIVED FROM THE CONSUMER : One last comment, regarding the T-Mobile assertions: the new "buyer's remorse, 30-day" rubbish. As I stated CLEARLY in my original complaint... when I purchased this phone, I was told (rightfully so) that the signal in this area was not the best, but that it would rapidly improve. So, during this subjective 30-day period, I was under the assumption that the issues I had been experiencing were as a result of a weak signal from the tower that would get better. Why would I look to the handset as the problem. As stated, as months went by and it DID NOT IMPROVE, it became very clear that I was operating with a bad handset. I complained from DAY 1 about the issues, to the dealer. When I determioed that the handset was the issue, I immediatey called T-Mobile. They did NOTHING. I called them a few moths later. THEY DID NOTHING.

This is more smoke and mirrors from T-Mobile. Welcome to the club. I, and 1150 others at ripoffreports.com are pretty used to it by now. Apparently, based on their "C" rating that T-Mobile is defending with vigor as they attempt to prevent it from becoming the "D" or "F" that they deserve, many people that have filed complaints with the BBB feel the same way about T-Mobile.


UPDATE: BBB communicationa

#5Author of original report

Wed, April 11, 2012

I received this from Angela at T-Mobile, via the BBB:

"To Whom It May Concern: T-Mobile USA, Inc. (''T-Mobile'') is in receipt of your letter dated March 27, 2012, regarding the above-referenced account.  Please be advised that T-Mobile provides customers with a one-year Limited Warranty on new T-Mobile handsets purchased from T-Mobile or T-Mobile authorized dealers.  During the Limited Warranty period, T-Mobile will provide a replacement handset of the same or equivalent model, provided that the non-working handset is in good physical condition with no modifications or damage, such as broken or cracked plastics, LCD or internal parts, or water damage.  T-Mobile has confirmed that Mr. ______s LG G2X is under warranty until May 3, 2012. As Mr. ______s G2X is currently under warranty, he has the option of replacing the handset in accordance with the above outlined policy.  T-Mobile respectfully declines Mr. ______s request to replace the LG G2X with a new Samsung Galaxy S2.  If Mr.  ____ is interested in a different model handset, he has the option of purchasing a new handset through the handset upgrade program.  Mr. _____ may Customer Care at 800-937-8997 to inquire about handset pricing. Based upon the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 1-877-290-6323 ext 341-8013. Very truly yours, T-MOBILE USA, INC. Angela Beckett  Executive Customer Relations"

So... let's get this straight. After a year of the WORST service I have ever had with a cellular phone company; a year of repeated dropped calls, and dropped internet connections, and having to constantly take out the battery to reboot WIFI, not to mention the relentless spamming of my phone number (again, with no option except to change my number to yet another number that is likely getting the same treatment), I finally had it. I was ready to leave T-Mobile. I had made numerous calls. The only option I was given, as Angela Beckett reinforces, was to send the phone in for repair under warranty. A phone that did not work, from day one. The dealer will tell them it did not work from day one. I was told T-Mobile's signal in my area was not great, but it would improve. I held  on, tolerating the problem, waiting for the signal to improve. It never did. I called T-Mobile after a few months. The only option is to get another phone, of the same model, via insurance.... or now, as Angela is offering, through warranty? Why would I want to replace a problem with a problem? Why, early on, did T-Mobile not call my dealer, verify that the problem has been ongoing from day one, and work with me to get me at least what I paid for: a new phone with ZERO problems?

After an entire year, I was ready to pay the early disconnect fee, get my deposit, and go to a different carrier. The dealer talked me out of it. They did what T-Mobile FAILED MISERABLY at doing: customer service. Yes, I had to pay a bit more. But, for the very first time a year, I have a handset that works. I now get the 2-3 spam calls per day, without fear that they will get dropped! No need to call T-Mobile about it. I already have. They have no solutions... and frankly, they couldn't care less that through their service, your cellular phone is being bombarded with many spam calls per day, or that you have well over 50 numbers programmed to a dummy contact, to prevent your phone from ringing. Hell, T0-Mobile will everything in it's power to help the spammers. They will even send the voicemails as text, to your text message inbox, to make sure you get the spam!

Imagine if T-Mobile gave their own customers equal coinsideration.

Anyway, here is my response to the cruds at T-Mobile:

"The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)

As already stated, since T-Mobile FAILED to provide any reasonable option in the ENTIRE YEAR that I had the G2X handset... I had to go out-of-pocket to buy a new handset, so that I could manage to make calls without suffering repeated and chronic droppd calls, intermittent internet usage, and being forced to take the battery out in order to re-start WIFI.

T-Mobile failed, for an entire year, to provide me with ANY option, other than returning my phone through the insurance, which I would have had to again pay more money to get a replacement G2X unit, which very likely would have the same shortcomings as the first, based on the vast amount of published complaints about this handset.

The only reason I remain on T-Mobile's service, versus paying an early termination fee that I was very prepared to pay within a month, is because my local T-Mobile dealer is a very good dealer. The helped me. T-Mobile helped themselves to my money... and like this response, made veiled insinuations that I was out looking to upgrade at zero cost, which was never the case.

As stated in my previous communication, I doubt there will ever be a reasonable solution offered from T-Mobile, to satisfy this complaint. T-Mobile clearly thinks that at least one (me) of its customers are scumbags out looking for something for nothing. That mindset will never allow them to see the human beings that they s**t on, as part of their standard operating procedures.

So, while the matter is resolved because I paid a great amount of money on top of the great amount of money I already had to pay, it is not resolved because T-Mobile did the right thing, or because T-Mobile took any interest whatsoever in the customer that suffered their cruddy service for an entire year, with equipment that did not function.

The BBB should not close this case, indicating ANY satisfactory resolution. T-Mobile took my deposit, the massive amount I paid for the original handset, the $90/mo. fee of which little airtime was actually used... and gave nothing in return. No help with the year long issue. No help getting into a handset that worked. No consideration whatsoever. If closed, this case should reflect a completely unsatisfactory resolution. I will post the text of this to ripoffreport.com and other consumer advocate websites. Consumers should know that this is how T-Mobile deals with customers who buy premium handsets, with premium services, and insurance. They consider them to be thieves, out looking to get something for nothing.



T-Mobile calls me, then refuses to talk

#6Author of original report

Fri, April 06, 2012

I have received two calls from an Angela at T-Mobile Executive Offices. I would like to know where THOSE are, since you cannot find much info on T-Mobile online, to get you to their corporate execs. Usually, when companies go to such great lengths to be anonymous, it is because they don't really much care about customers with problems, and certainly do not want to waste their time hearing about it directly.

The first call went to voicemail and remained unanswered. I filed a BBB complaint because I was done trying to deal directly with T-Mobile. I had made several good faith attempts, and each time, I was treated like someone who was attempting to get something for nothing at best, and a convicted felon at worst.

The second call came today. I answered it. It was Angela again. Right off the bat, she told me that this call will be recorded. I told he NO. She then stated, "OK. Well, we will respond directly to 'the agency (BBB)". UH. That is the point of a BBB complaint, Angela. You are SUPPOSED to respond to the BBB, and not call the customer you screwed at home, insisting that you record him... and then hanging up, refusing to talk unless you are allowed to record. How is this NOT treating me like I am out looking for "somthing for nothing", and NOT treatring me like a convicted felon? Screw you, Angela.

Someone at T-Mobile corporate should look into why T-Mobile allows issues like mine to fester for a year... and then why when the customer gets angry and begins assertively demanding a solution... why T-Mobile treats them like they are crap stuck to their shoe. If I were the respopnsible exec at T-Mobile, I would fire the Customer Service VP, his Director, and the responsible managers underneath. Starting over would be better than going forward with a completely dysfunctional group like they have right now.

Want crappy customer service who will stick you with defective, premium-grade equipment from day one, with little recourse? Want to be insulted and treated like a convicted felon? Sign up with T-Mobile!


UPDATE: T-Mobile BBB Report

#7Author of original report

Tue, March 27, 2012

T-Mobile is rated at a "C" by the BBB (A-F system).

BBB rating is based on 16 factors.

Factors that lowered T-Mobile's rating include: 29033 complaints (in last 3 years) filed against business. That would be about 806.5 BBB complaints filed per month, for 3 years. The complaint types are:

Advertising / Sales Issues - 1457

Billing / Collection Issues - 10554

Delivery Issues - 387

Guarantee / Warranty Issues - 474

Other - 391

Problems with Product / Service - 15770

My complaint(s) relate to service. I am not one of 15770 people who think T-Mobile's service blows chunks. It does blow chunks. That is why they are rate MEDIOCRE (C) by the BBB. Yes, it could be worse... but "it could be worse" is hardly a corporate motto to strive for. If T-Mobile treats more of their customers like they have treated me, I expect this "C" to turn into an "F" within the next year of two.

On the other hand... I paid my bills before invoiced. Regularly. I put down about $760 just to get an account and phone set up. I am an "A" rated customer. Too bad T-Mobile couldn't acknowledge that fact, and afforded the respect I should have been entitled to, based on my record with them.

Sad. Hurry up. Get me my deposit back, so I can move to a new company.

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