  • Report:  #434506

Complaint Review: TACO CABANA - SAN ANTONIO Texas

Reported By:
- San Antonio, Texas,

8918 Tesoro Dr # 200, SAN ANTONIO, 78217 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
A Life changing experience as I arrived to San Antonio, Texas; from Los Angeles, California. Two very different cities. Adapted to being fast paste, and involvement in my community, I was excited to change enviroments and try new things, it was time for some change in my life. Here, I found my very first JOB, Taco Cabana.

At first, it was very hard, I'd never had a job before. As time went by, I got used to it. Going to school and working as a Full-Time Employee, was turning out to be a very challenging experience. Taco Cabana worked with my schedule and was able to attend to college with no agitations. 3 months later, I started to realize that it was getting harder. Why?...I worked long hours and left the restaurant very VERY late! Since it was 24 hrs., it is very busy. I was working long hours, short-handed, no breaks, taking and doing orders by MYSELF, cleaning the patio by MYSELF. There was one time that I was alone in the store by Myself.

This was very frustrated for me, and others. At first, I was very excited to go to work at one of the places where families most enjoy going, and spending time together, where the food is our tradition, and being part of it. NOW, now I feel lazy!..I'd never felt this way before; after I saw that my co-workers were eating in the kitchen and talking on the phone while they were all in the office, I felt very disappointed. I wanted to do the same. If I were to do so, I will get in trouble.

Taco Cabana has great food, but, as an employee that I was, I really don't recommend it!...Customer Service is horrible!..Yes! I know, how can an employee say that, she is putting her self down?...I can raise my head up and say: I ALWAYS treated every customer with respect. However, other employees did the opposite.

I don't recommend it for a "career" or a job. I still cannot believe the horrible treatment I received while a employee in Taco Cabana. It is NOT only me. Many others are afraid of speaking up. I have witnessed many situations where employees "call in" letting the store they are not coming in , or emergency in many situations. The manager's ALWAYS think it is a LIE, they think they just don't want to come in. they do bring a doctors note or an excuse of why they didn't come in. The Next day, when they show up, they have to do a DOUBLE SHIFT. Just because they did not show up the day before! I mean, we do love having hours to work, but in many cases, those employees are not notified that they are going to be doing a double shift. Now tell me, DON'T they know that we have a LIFE? We certainly do.

I have a co-worker that has 7 kids, and she work's in Taco Cabana. I really do admire her for working and still managing to take care of her children. Now, there was this time were All of her children got sick, and she had to take them to the hospital. She called the store and told the GM( General Manager) she wasn't going to go work....he only said" I am going to need a Doctors NOTE", and then he hung up and didn't let her talk. Rude isn't?.

This lady has a lot of potential, and was working as a Shift Leader on the Night Shift. She did an amazing job.Cleaning, and serving the customers as she was supposed to. Just because she was working as a Shift Leader, doesn't mean that she was certified or was compensated with a fair/good salary. the minimum salary for a Shift Leader is $8-8.50. This lady was getting paid 7.65 and HOUR. Doing paper work and doing the job of a Restaurant Manager/GM, was getting paid 7.65 for a more than a year. Even when she was expecting a baby she still worked very hard until she had to go for Maternity Leave.

This is not all. There is more thing's to be mentioned.

When I started working in Taco Cabana I wasn't trained by a manager. I was trained by my aunt that had been working for 15 years in Boerne, Texas. While working and talking other employees, I learned that Managers HAVE to train you. At that time for me was NOT a problem. I learned fast, and was accurate. Form Boerne, Texas, i transferred to the nearest Taco Cabana in San Antonio, where I lived. They knew I had been working in another Taco Cabana. However, the way I did the orders and what I put in the orders, they thought that i needed to be trained. I was trained by a regular employee. I did learn, but i wasn't thought many things that I needed to "know".

after being there a year, I trained new employees. As far as I'm concerned, I don't get paid to train other people. As far as I know, I'm only a line server, when I do cashier, and cook stuff in the back.

This is where I'm leading at.

Our Afternoon Shift-Leader arranged a meeting for only afternoon employees and with the GM. The say that we found out that we were going to have a meeting so we can talk about the things that concern us; We were so happy. But I asked, why?..why did it take them 3 hours to organize a meeting during that shift we were busy. We didn't have a cook. The Shift-Leader and the GM were talking in the office for 3 HOURS!!!!

The day of the meeting came, and our after-noon shift leader handed out a quiz based on our shrimp Quesadillas. I was shook. I didn't know how many ounces or how to prepare it. The only thing that I knew was to cook the quesadilla and the amounts that had in it. I got very angry. We Never been trained or informed about this. I was going to be test on something that I wasn't thought.

I was scared, but then the Shift Leader started to give us the answers,and then soon I found out that our GM( General Manager), agreed with us knowing the answers, basically cheating. He was the one who gave those answers to our Shift-Leader.!!! Everyone was happy, except for me, and you know why? Because those quizzes were going to be sent to corporate, so that they know that WE do know how to prepare our Shrimp Quesadillas. But, I knew what was going to happen later on. We always receive a visit my the District Manager in this case: Pete Palomino. so I'd thought; "if he sees us not doing the shrimp quesadillas right, we are going to get in trouble; because our store "trained us", and we are the ones who get in trouble.

There is so much more to say. This is NOT only in Taco Cabana #111, it is in every store. So for whom ever is reading this, I am letting everybody know what goes on "behind the scenes." It is not always a good thing to work in Taco Cabana, sometimes is scary. All this and More goes on. But I cannot stress enough the Importance of this message. There are lot of employees who are being over worked, adn I am not talking about 10 hours, I'm talking on the average of 15-18 hours a day with out any breaks. Really, these people feel like they don't have a choice, they feel like they need to stay after having a very busy shift.

I really hope that I can get somewhere with this. I am going to strive until there is change made. It is unfair , very unfair what goes on behind the "scenes" in Taco Cabana.

Thank You for reading and God Bless those who decide to work there. I finally quit this Friday After 2 long years.


San Antonio, Texas


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San antonio,
Well it's fast food

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, February 17, 2016

 Honestly fast food sucks in general I also did it for 2 long years. And don't get me wrong that's still not a reason for fast food places to treat you like that or take advantage. But it's hard work trust me the management staff also gets very stress. Honey it's life, but don't bash them that company provided for you. Your going to the extremes, mostly all fast food places are like that even today. Suck it up its not the end of the world


San Antonio,
United States of America

#3UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 31, 2009

Well, this is mainly for the person who last responded to the above reports. First of all if you are going to write something which points out how dumb some people are, you should learn how to spell properly. It is true that there are some people, usually younger people, who act as if all they have to do is show up to work and have everyone else do their job. Hell, that is even true of some of the older people as well. One of the biggest problems with Taco Cabana is that there is no team work. My boyfriend, as a manager of one of the stores, is always being sent to these bullshit meetings arranged specifically for managers in order to teach them managerial skills and improve their methods for creating successful teams with which to work. I say these meetings are bullshit (and a waste of time and money) because it seems that they are not implemented by most of the managers anyway or because the managers' authority in most stores is simply disregarded as a result of a lack of consequences for offending employees. Store 120 is supposedly one of the best, if not the best, stores in the city. The GM is Cesar Andrade, and I know from personal experience that he imposes no standing consequences to employees who are late, no call/no show, and steal; in addition he always hires back the same stupid employees who decide to one day quit and never give notice until they come for their final paychecks. According to store policy these people are to be terminated and not allowed back at to any store again. There are many, many corrupt managers, shift leaders and GM's in the stores and whenever some sort of situation arises where that person should be fired, they are simply transferred to another store. That is a terrible solution because all that happens is that problem employee is allowed to spread their corruption to another store. Secondly, all employees are supposed to be allowed to have a break, and although it is understandable that this is not always allowed because of rushes, or lack of enough employees, it is ridiculous when that is the case just about every single day. So if someone comments that it is not right that they are not allowed a break, they are totally right and for someone else to call that "immature" is just plain stupid. I don't know what country your dumb a*s came from but we are in America and getting a break even if it is 30 minutes is not much to ask when you work an 8 hour day on your feet all day. Not everyone is as shallow as you with your philosophy of get in get it done and leave, only take care of yourself. It's that mentality that leaves no room for teamwork and helping others. As to the "free food" in lieu of a break, that is stupid because not everyone does take food home when they leave. I honestly do not do that and despise when other people take food home and give out free food to friends or family members. As far at training it is true that most new team members are just basically tossed in one day and expected to learn from the other experienced employees. Why is there basically no real training before they are tossed in? Who knows. I was tossed in and caught on quickly how to do everything by observing other employees and asking questions. The only problem with this is that not everyone has the initiative to ask questions and do the best they can. What if Pete Palomino or another regional manager decide to pay a surprise visit to the store and spots a new employee doing something wrong? That person gets in trouble. Even though they may have been doing something according to what they saw or were told to do by another employee, who also may have been taught wrong, it is just a never ending cycle of the blind leading the blind. Oh and how the hell do you tell somebody that sexual harassment is b.s.? It is never bullshit and saying "get over yourself" what the hell is that supposed to mean? It seems like you are the one that is air headed and immature. Being a hard worker is always a good thing and should be something everyone should aspire to, however hard workers are usually easier to come by and maintain when the employer treats its employees with the proper respect and consideration. If Taco Cabana wants it employees to do a good job for them, then they should take into consideration that if they treated them correctly, didn't overwork them or unjustly cut hours then they'd have more hard working and loyal employees, in turn providing the excellent customer service needed to keep the customers and their money coming in. 

Truthful Wind

San Antonio,
The Truth

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, May 04, 2009

Ok I have to make a comment to the entry of the Behind the Scenes of Taco Cabana. Taco Cabana is not a hard job. I've worked there before at numerous stores and the stress level is different between each one. If your in a store that is one of the busiest in its district the stress level is going to be more then one that is not as busy. You have to make timer (which was hardly ever made), listen to customers complain to stupid things that are out of control. People were NEVER left alone (1 person in the store) especially not during the day. Overnight yes there has been times when it was only two people that being either it was a really slow day or people called in. People are not forced to stay and pull double shifts, they are asked if they want to and they have to agree. That particular store that she was talking about is always short handed in the afternoon and especially overnight because people are always calling in for stupid reasons and that is part of the reason why management doesn't believe people when they say that they are sick or have an emergency. Everybody in that store does what they want when they want and doesn't care about anybody around them. They show up to work when they want and most of them drag a*s all day. Most of the employees there do lie about why they can't come in, and an excuse is not acceptable. If your missing work it should be either your sick enough that you could seriously get others sick, your seriously injuried or dying, or your spouse/immediate family is seriously injuried or dying. Just because you have a stomach ache or your head hurts or your tired isn't a good excuse to call in or be late. Also wanting to do the same as your co-workers knowing that its wrong is not right. Two wrongs don't make a right. So if everyone jumped off a bridge and came back and said it was fun are you going to do it. I don't think so cause you know its not right. Or for a example if a friend steals from the store and says its fun to try it are you going to? Nowait you have right..never mind. Yes some of the employees there can be real jerks to the customers but not all of them are and this one person she is talking about is not all that high and mighty. When she was shift leader she was always calling in, showing up late, making excuses and didn't do the best she could have. When customers would leave if they upset her she would flick them off and talk s**t about themalmost every employee in every company does that..she's no saint. Plus she's not a single mother she has a husband to, if it was that big of a deal she should have had her tubes tied. And you know what she chose the position knowing the pay she would get and she didn't have to work thru her pregnancy, she could have stayed home but she chose to work. Further more, employees do not need to be trained by managers. When I first started I was thrown onto the register (being lunch rush) and had to learn myself. Also had to learn the line myself with some help from fellow co-workers not management. Its not that big of a deal its an easy job, #111 is just a very demanding store. I gets extremely busy and like you said always short handed so that is why there are no offical breaks but you know very well that you got a few moments to run to the restroom or eat a taco (for free). Heck you were even able to take food home which is considered stealing. If you didn't want to train you should have said so. If you didn't know how to make the shrimp quesadillas then you should have said something instead of making a big deal over nothing. Your high and mighty district manager Pete Palomino is more full of s**t then your entry. He is part of the reason why the store was always short handedgotta cut hours here and there. Why are you going to strive to make a change. Your no longer working there what does it matter to you. If your worried about this one person, honey you got another thing coming. She is a back stabber so watch it. She's a grown woman, or at least she should be with 7 kids, she can take care of herself and if need be find another job. The person who wrote Behind the Scenses @ Taco Cabana is not self-confident and a airhead. She makes a big deal out of nothing and takes everything to heart. She doesn't know what a joke is, she was sheltered way to much and doesn't understand real life when you have to deal with things you don't like because you have bills to pay. One thing I do agree on though is Taco Cabana is not the best place to make a career. Pay is shitty especially if your in a busy store where you actually have to work. However just for a side job or for some money then if you don't let stupid little things get to you then its not that bad of a job. People make a big deal out of nothing. You make your job the way you want it. If you hate your job your going to be miserable there, if you enjoy or are ok with your job then its no big deal. Furthermore to the very first entry I see here about the sexual harrasement b.s., had the person really sexually harrassed this fiance, the significant other would have done some serious damage to this guy. Yes this guy has sexually harrassed co-workers but as long he doesn't mess with you then what does it matter. If they want to move him to another store then so be it otherwise move on. Now I'm not defending this person because I personally hate him with a passion because he did the same to me but get over yourself and forget about it. Also, hours are cut in that store because that person is always calling in or showing up late to work and making problems. If you just go to work, mind your own buisness and do what you need to do and leave then there wouldn't be that situation. When you tell the gm that you want hours but then your picky with your hours when you know you really don't have anything better to do but sit on your rear then you shouldn't be complaining about hours being cut. You don't know everything despite how much you would like to think so. In summery the two people who wrote those messages are immature people who don't know the real meaning of hard work. Both have been spoiled their whole lives so that when they are asked to do the slightest thing they think its crazy and unfair. They need to move on and get their lives together and stop worring about the past.



#5Consumer Comment

Tue, March 17, 2009

THE LAST TIME I HEARD, TACO CABANA WAS STARTED IN SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS BUT THEY HAVE BEEN SOLD TO A RESTAURANT CHAIN OUT OF STATE;'Taco Cabana is a division of quick-service restaurant firm Carrols Restaurant Group (NASDAQ: TAST) owns a number of Burger King, Pollo Tropical and Taco Cabana restaurants. About the Company Carrols Restaurant Group, Inc., operating through its subsidiaries, including Carrols Corporation, is one of the largest restaurant companies in the United States. The Company operates three restaurant brands in the quick-casual and quick-service restaurant segments with 560 company-owned and operated restaurants in 16 states as of December 28, 2008, and 28 franchised restaurants in the United States, Puerto Rico and Ecuador. Carrols Restaurant Group owns and operates two Hispanic Brand restaurants, Pollo Tropical and Taco Cabana. It is also the largest Burger King franchisee, based on number of restaurants, and has operated Burger King restaurants since 1976. ### I THINK THEY ARE HEADQUARTERED IN FLORIDA BUT I WAS ONLY ABLE TO FIND OUT THAT THEY REGISTERED THEIR CORPORATION IN DELAWARE --NOT EXACTLY SAN ANTONIO,TX. I DID GOT TO THEIR WEBSITE AND THINK THAT THIS MIGHT HELP YOU. Employees may make reports by calling toll free 1-800-511-8439 or through our Internet-based reporting system at (((Redacted)))Employees are encouraged to refer to our Code of Business Ethics and Conduct, accessible above, for further information. We also encourage reports regarding concerns with our accounting, internal controls, auditing and related business practices by non-employees. THEY HAVE A WEBSITE BUT IT IS NOT VERY HELPFUL REGARDING CONTACT. SAN ANTONIO IS NOT THEIR MAIN CORPORATE OFFICE ANYMORE. * o SEC Filings o Annual Reports o Quarterly Results o Key Ratios * Stock Information o Historic Stock Lookup o Investment Calculator o Analyst Coverage * Investor FAQs * Contact Us Investor Relations Contact the Board Stock Information NASDAQ:TAST $3.00 + 0.01 Mar 16, 2009 4:00 PM ET Quotes delayed at least 20 minutes. Information provided by eSignal. * Shareholder Tools * Briefcase Shareholder Briefcase * Printed Materials Printed Materials * Email Alerts Email Alerts * Download Center Download Library * Glossary Glossary * RSS RSS News Feeds * Search Investor Relations * Investor site Section only Print Print page Email Email page You can contact Carrols Restaurant Group, Inc.'s Board of Directors to provide comments, to report concerns, or to ask a question, at the following address. Joseph A. Zirkman Corporate Secretary Carrols Restaurant Group, Inc. 968 James St. Syracuse, NY 13203 United States You may submit your concern anonymously or confidentially by postal mail. You may also indicate whether you are a shareholder, customer, supplier, or other interested party. Communications are distributed to the Board, or to any individual directors as appropriate, depending on the facts and circumstances outlined in the communication. In that regard, the Carrols Restaurant Group, Inc. board of directors has requested that certain items which are unrelated to the duties and responsibilities of the board should be excluded, such as: * Product complaints * Product inquiries * New product suggestions * Resumes and other forms of job inquiries * Surveys * Business solicitations or advertisements (((Redacted))) Hope this helps. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Hello Halley in San Antonio, Texas

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, March 16, 2009

I am in the process of filing reports on the taco cababa at IH 35 North & O'connor rd. I have had nothing but problems since i have been eating there! I have filed a complaint to the health dept, stating how dirty the store is, and have called several times to d. smith who is in charge of customer service, in the tesoro building, I have also sent several emails in which she has not responded! The first time I complained to her, she responded the same day, now when i call she says that she has alot to do, and will get back to me! I'm not stupid, I know what she is doing!! But, I have sent her emails, and left messages letting her know that I am not going away until the problems are solved! I even left a voice message to the president and ceo at that same location! Since they started in s.a., their main office is located here.


Hello Halley in San Antonio, Texas

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, March 16, 2009

I am in the process of filing reports on the taco cababa at IH 35 North & O'connor rd. I have had nothing but problems since i have been eating there! I have filed a complaint to the health dept, stating how dirty the store is, and have called several times to d. smith who is in charge of customer service, in the tesoro building, I have also sent several emails in which she has not responded! The first time I complained to her, she responded the same day, now when i call she says that she has alot to do, and will get back to me! I'm not stupid, I know what she is doing!! But, I have sent her emails, and left messages letting her know that I am not going away until the problems are solved! I even left a voice message to the president and ceo at that same location! Since they started in s.a., their main office is located here.


Hello Halley in San Antonio, Texas

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, March 16, 2009

I am in the process of filing reports on the taco cababa at IH 35 North & O'connor rd. I have had nothing but problems since i have been eating there! I have filed a complaint to the health dept, stating how dirty the store is, and have called several times to d. smith who is in charge of customer service, in the tesoro building, I have also sent several emails in which she has not responded! The first time I complained to her, she responded the same day, now when i call she says that she has alot to do, and will get back to me! I'm not stupid, I know what she is doing!! But, I have sent her emails, and left messages letting her know that I am not going away until the problems are solved! I even left a voice message to the president and ceo at that same location! Since they started in s.a., their main office is located here.


Hello Halley in San Antonio, Texas

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, March 16, 2009

I am in the process of filing reports on the taco cababa at IH 35 North & O'connor rd. I have had nothing but problems since i have been eating there! I have filed a complaint to the health dept, stating how dirty the store is, and have called several times to d. smith who is in charge of customer service, in the tesoro building, I have also sent several emails in which she has not responded! The first time I complained to her, she responded the same day, now when i call she says that she has alot to do, and will get back to me! I'm not stupid, I know what she is doing!! But, I have sent her emails, and left messages letting her know that I am not going away until the problems are solved! I even left a voice message to the president and ceo at that same location! Since they started in s.a., their main office is located here.

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