  • Report:  #710732

Complaint Review: tampa bay investigations owner carol sciannameo - gulfport Florida

Reported By:
april - Gulfport, Florida, USA

tampa bay investigations owner carol sciannameo
2834 upton st south gulfport, Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
i have been complaining for years  about a pineallas p.i., who is preying on women, elderly, using an m.o. to embezzle, blackmail, harrass and distroying lives and families.
carol sciannameo  2834 upton st. gulfport fl
the 5 new victims have  reporting that they have been enbezzled, attacked, brutalized, blackmailed and robbed by carol sciannameo over the years she has been licensed.

because she conns these people into investing into her home, moving them into the upton st address,  making house-slaves out of the vulnurable persons,  charging them rent, and conning them out of all their money and benefits,  then she evicts them, and moves in another= in the eyes of the gulfport police to be a civil matter.

she has been successfully sued by one victim of a $30,000.00 embezzlement, but the 5 others or still " victims"

we are asking that you investigate and contact these victims and revoke sciannameo's p.i. license. she is a known criminial and  a person-of-interest, known by the Pineallas state attorney's office, tampa police, gulfport police.
new names are;Diane at 727-492-4275, currently embezzled out of thousands and being blackmailed by sciannameo as we speak.

Diane will provide last names and contact numbers for the persons, also current victims, all having been lured into 2834 upton st and embezzled by sciannameo:
all live in pineallas co.
gale carolein
ms penny
linda roderiquez
ms melissa
current victim living at 2834 upton st is carolyn valchamp , who is innocent of her current dangerous association with sciannameo.
my name is April howard, embezzled 9 1/2 yrs ago for over $30,000.00, by illegal phone bank transfers by sciannameo inpersonating me.
i live at (((ROR redacted))) 
i am 73 yrs old, handicapped widow, reduced to $5.00 in my account, and now living my last years in dire proverty, due to this criminial psychopath.
i have filed many police reports, sued, place web sites warning people.

it is because of these web sites that the above victims have surfaced and become known  to me.
i am certain there are others.
please. please, we beg you, investigate this criminial preying on  elderly, and others.
April howard

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

43 Updates & Rebuttals

sciannameo is a con,gulfport fl

United States of America
Last poster, legal adviser, please contact me.

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 09, 2012

i am the senior that was embezzled by this woman. i do appreciate your comments.
i would like for you to contact me, so i can advise you of ' THE TRUTH".

TAMPA POLICE, GULFPORT POLICE, DA IN 2 COUNTIES have reviewed the documents, bank transfers, and all that has been claimed.

there is a letter from the DA to me,  stating after reviewing my documents, that there had been a fraud, for over $30,000 .00 taken via computer and phone transfers while i rented from her, for only 4 months. however, due to her evasions, and duplicity, helped by FBI short  schooling, she is slippery.  Statue of limitations run out. that does not erase the crimes she has committed.

everything stated is true.

if she wants to sue me, actually, i would love to have a real court judge review all. i am not trying to take her business. that is her claim. i am informing others, of her true actions.

i can't help it if she spends days posting her virtues and honesty on the net, when she is in fact, a known abuser, manipulative grandiose liar and dangerous.

she was recently fired from 2 teaching jobs., for of all things, bringing guns onto campus. What was she going to do? shoot the student?

Those are facts. There are police reports against her. there are others who have been victims of her. that is a fact. another fact, is that many of her supporters are unaware  of her true " hidden activities".

as far as her having 3000 of anything, supporters, students etc, that is meaningless.
they just have not been stolen from by her. i was. and she herself posts she has had 58
live-in girlfriends.   come on.  Is that anywhere near a normal person's activities?

She posts in a bragging manner how she had to use a ladder to enter her apartment in Brooklyn, because  3 other  women were blazing angry at  her. All at the same time.
I was in Brooklyn when she retired.  I know she was under " house arrest" I do not care how she explains it, or how her Blue-Boys write in support. I was there.

She must of done something. Why are so many people angry with her, some of her clients are very unhappy. I know St Pete College and Eckard School in Largo were outraged at her judgement.

while i appreciate  you advising me of slander laws, perhaps you could inform her of penalty for criminal fraud. perhaps she had you post this. i  do not know. but, i am perfectly willing to have you speak to  Temple Terrace police, Tampa Police and Pineallas County DA.  who have all viewed bank records, phone records etc, and denied her from filing charges against me.

i will offer you the possibility that you are trying to " warn, assist(?) me, should that be so, please contact me. Please contact me...

While i did have to file a civil suit, i recovered only  a small amount. Should i just sulk away and let her continue to pile up female victims, while all the while claiming to be next-to-God in her truthfulness,  her  motivations, her dedications.?

Is that what victims  are supposed to do? Let the cruel criminal rogue-cops hide behind exaggerated deeds. She has been told, under threat of a lawsuit, to stop claiming she is a member of F.A.L.I. , which she is not.

Check it out.  Their site is listed. contact them. They know me. check out some of the sites where court documents, attorney statements, police reports and other victims have posted.

i sincerely do want you to contact me. maybe you can help me. Gulfport  police tried, but because i was renting from her, they deemed it civil.  So we went to court, and she delayed that for over 2 1/2 years. all the time, continuing moving renters in and out, inflicting pain, financial ruin, emotional disaster, hardships on all of these people.
So that court room would indeed be very crowded. I might get some " heat", but, any judge would also point the flame at her.

since i cannot post my number, as you advised, i am sure she would give you my contact information as i am not a stranger to the city i live in, and i have a spotless reputation  in several respected fields.

I have stated over and over, I did not hire her company. Her company has nothing to do with what i write. It is about her embezzling an elderly (me) handicapped widow ( me)  out of my life savings, which has taken a vast toll on my health, not mention my financial being.

Surely, you would not let someone do that to YOUR OWN MOTHER, without doing all you could to bring the TRUTH out to the public.

Would you?

it is so easy to contact those who have posted complaints, some vicious complaints against this woman.

thank y ou for your advise. i am hoping that you have not been put up to your post.
i am hoping you are a sincere good  person. I am asking you to contact me, and see  THE TRUTH.


Carol Sciannameo

Instant Karma

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, June 15, 2011

I look at this thread of postings on this site from time to time and  try to make sense of it, and ponder why would someone post in a public forum?  If it were truly to warn unsuspecting clients about bad business practices, I believe that posting in a public forum could be useful.  In this case I am reminded of the old adage of airing ones dirty laundry in public.  The internet brings new life to this old adage.  I am almost old salt in this arena as I have been posted about by the first woman for almost ten years.  I shared the dynamics of the way the internet works with each of the next two women involved in this post.  I discussed the way that web crawlers work, the way that this site does not remove things, and see that they took a risk that ultimately brought them their own web presence.  Did they not, even after being counseled about web ranking and presence think before they posted?

When a person posts in a public forum they create an imprint on the internet it is imprinted for good.  The web crawlers get it, index it and it is available for search engines forever.  For the sake of seeing how fast things populate in search engines, I did searches on each womans name + ripoff, and found that the web crawlers have already found them using those terms. 
This post began on March 27 and less than three months later there is web presence.  The searches of their names led right to the post about me, and contains all the information and documents posted about them.  In this environment, it is common for  people to google everyone before hiring, before employing, before dating and for a myriad of other reasons.  How open would you be to hire or employ someone who has taken a personal issue to the internet?  Would you not be afraid that at the first provocation you would be the next one to end up with your laundry aired in public on a global scale? 

In time due to the sophistication of technology and web crawlers, when searching either of their names without the + ripoff, using their names either misspelled or spelled correctly,  the posting will appear.  In more time, the rankings will push them to the top of the page.  That is what happened with the postings made 10 years ago about me.  In actuality, those posts fueled my business web sites, as on the internet everything that is connected and interrelated helps index a website.  On my back pages in my html I use the sites as links to direct traffic to my sites.

One woman started it ten years ago.  The post aged over time, on a site that is aged and has a massive web presence.  They posted to a thread with prior threads of postings that also has a high web ranking and presence. The thread has so many posts to it that the content causes even better web ranking.  

I have learned so much about the internet and the way that web crawlers and search engines work from this experience that I have been able to build my web presence for all of my businesses without having to pay per click.  It is all about age and content.  When the first poster speaks to have a ninety page web site, the site is that size because the more information aka content the better the web crawlers work to index a site. 

The reason I am posting is so that anyone thinking about using a site like this to defame another is in the position of ultimately defaming him or herself. From a macro perspective, it is the closest thing to instant karma.  We have all heard that to wish or do harm is to direct it back at yourself.  This is karma in the digital age. 

Carol Sciannameo


#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, June 09, 2011

Thank you for coming out and stating that I customarily carry a concealed firearm and that it was never a violation of policy of the corporation.  In this thread, when the telephone call was made, one of the women alleged that I was fired for inappropriate behavior towards a student.  This was not the case, as evidenced by your post.

I am grateful that most, if not all of the claims made in the telephone call are being dispelled and that it is evident that this is a personal vendetta where as much false information that can be cast about me, regarding any incident in my lifetime that they can muster, are just  false claims by individuals who are set to attempt to ruin my personal and professional reputation.

Reputations and foundations are built over time, and I have built both through hard work and determination and in a manner by which I try to be the best person I can be and to treat others like I would like to be treated.

I appreciate your confidence in my weapon safety and my competency as an instructor and employee.  It was a pleasure to work with you and I am sorry that particular situation is not still in existence due to corporate bureaucratic decisions and edicts.  I miss working with you and hope that somewhere down the road we will work together again.

Report Attachments

C. Cozz

United States of America

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, June 07, 2011

I was a manager at the University where Carol Sciannameo was employed during the incident in question here. 
First and foremost I would like to say Carol is an excellent instructor and she was always an exceptional employee. Carol is honest, credible, trustworthy, and professional at all times and it has been my pleasure working with her.
Being a retired NYPD and current private investigator, Carol has extensive firearm training and knowledge. She carries a licensed concealed firearm regularly. Carol has always carried a concealed weapon as it was never found to be in violation of the companys policies. She did not just start carrying a gun because of any individual or student. It was part of Carols routine to carry her firearm. Further, Carol is one of the only instructors I have met that felt comfortable enough to take students to the firing rage to learn about handgun safety and operation. Carol is in no way a threat to others. She in fact has emphasized handgun safety to hundreds of students over the years.
C. Cozzolino

Carol Sciannameo

Mr. Rik

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, June 06, 2011

You are a character for sure.  Thank you for everything!

mr rik


#7Consumer Comment

Mon, June 06, 2011

Glad I could set you "straight"!

Carol Sciannameo

Mr. Rik

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, June 06, 2011

Mr. Rik thank you for taking the time to show me the ropes, of ripoff nuances.  I could tell from the way you posted and things you posted to that there was somebody in there.  Not everyone who posts in provocative ways lacks depth.  You are the character I saw and I appreciate the time you took in responding to me.

I too agree that the first amendment (and pretty much all the amendments are very important) and in my line of work I often need to know and rely upon them to do my job and/or to facilitate classes for my students.  I know this is probably very Dudley Dooright of me, but I carry a copy of the Constitution with me, in a small pocket sized book.  I often say that I am not Democrat or Republican, but a Constitutionalist.  I do not know if that has any particular connotation, other than I really believe in our Constitution and the amendments thereto.  Despite this almost 10 year assault on the internet by one woman who vowed to cost me money for as long as she is alive despite a signed agreement not to engage in this type of behavior, I still believe the 1st amendment right is more important to me than taking this ability to vent away. 
I compare it to the years I was a cop and when some of the other officers would want more legislation to give us more authority and this legislation flew in the face of the constitution (like the hastily drafted Patriot Act) giving a broad brush stroke of power to government without oversight and similar to what it spoken of in the HBO movie, Too Big to Fail, regarding the financial turmoil of recent years.  I was the liberal in the lot, and always took lots of healthy flack for it, but I truly believe that our country is founded on a very strong document that has served us well for many years.  In realizing this, I have to keep going back to what my mother said when I was a young child and that is, you cannot control what people say about you, you can only control whether or not it is true, and she also said if you need to say something be certain to say it in the kindest way possible.  I continue to be the best person I can be.  I try to serve my clients in the best way I can always trying to make investigations cost effective and I am often heard saying, I can make a lot of money from you if we do it that way, but I dont think it will do anything for you if this case goes to court, dont waste your money on that.  In terms of my students, I love them most and try to give them the best of me, in terms of sharing my years of experience in the field so that they can not only get book knowledge, but where they can get a practitioners view.  I love that I can show them public sector vs. private sector from first hand knowledge, as I have done both.

In my classes, I teach through my stories, and I truly believe (and this is evidenced by many of my student evaluations and comments they make to me) that is what makes them remember the concepts and theories best.  I often say to them when they say, Ms. Sciannameo, that does not say that in the textbook, and I tell them, that is what I am here for, and we laugh a bit and I explain that when I got out of the Police Academy, the first thing my training officer told me was, kid you are in the real world now, forgetabout that manual, unless you want to end up dead.  He was right.  The manual was for liability and liability only.  The real world of policing was taught to me by the men and women who were kind enough to take me under their tutelage and share their road experience with me.  I was in a very dangerous place back
then, and realize that I am alive only due to what my elder Transit Police officers taught me.  I was one of only 8 women who came to the Transit Police Department under the new title Police Officer.  Prior to that there were Policemen only.  There was resentment within and without the Department and crime was up to killer proportions.  While I was in the Police Academy, three Transit Police officers were killed.  When I got out of the Academy and spent my first few months in District One, at 59th Street Columbus Circle, I went home many a night thinking WTF am I doing this for.  The hours were long and I remember the first time I responded to a 10-13, Officer Needs Assistance (Fast) in a bar in Times Square, and we entered in uniform into a dark bar my knees were knocking afterwards.  I believe that if I were not 24 when I went on the job, I would have never lasted.  I think I did not think of the consequences or the risks back then.  What I bring to my students is this type of information, so that when they go out on the road, they will be more prepared than I was for what could and would happen and what they could and will see.  Police Officers are the garbage men of the world, we pick up what no one else dares to touch.  Many times it is not pretty, and I want to be sure to give my students the version that is not sugar coated.

I understand your definition of shilling and in the beginning, I posted one rebuttal and over time more and more of my friends found these posts and told me they had seen them and many wanted to post.  Some wanted to organize in groups to have postings occur every day for a long period of time.  In this era of social networking, the news gets out quick.  Back when this started only a few people saw it.  I have over 800 friends on Facebook, many retired NYPD and Transit Police, many childhood friends, many students, family and others.  When one of them sees something, they post and immediately everyone sees it.
I am grateful there are people out there that take the time to track back and see if there are other posts, and hopefully to see that the posts are all from one woman initially and then from the recent flash mob of two LOL.  I think that the posts clearly speak to personal vendettas. On occasion a prospective client has asked about the posts and I have explained the dynamics and have retained the client.  I believe I have actually gotten more clients from these postings because in the time I am speaking with the client about this negative stuff on the internet, it gives me a chance to build rapport with the client and ultimately get the assignment.
When this most recent thread appeared on my blackberry as a notification I have set through Google, I read in disbelief.  One of the women named about a month prior asked me, who do you think is more dangerous (the other womans name) or me?   I thought to myself, what a strange question.  I responded that I believed the other woman was, as the one asking the question had never done anything.  What I should have added to that was, yet.  I see now that must have been around the time she set out to organize this interesting group to embark upon this quest to take me down. On occasion I said to each of them when times were good, I have to be impeccable in my treatment of people because I can dispel one woman posting on the internet, but it will be hard to dispel if there were more than one.  Now that it has happened, and after confirming that it was not the one lone woman and heard the two women known to me to be who they claimed to be, I know now that continuing to show my true character as you recommend, staying positive, focused and remaining non-reactive and unprovoked, is the way to go.  As you say, people will judge for themselves, and I am confident that the malice, anger and nature of retribution in the posts will come through.  I am also confident that my character, by no means perfect in terms of long term relationships but pretty exceptional in terms of career/business/teaching will come through.

When I saw it I thought to myself, I wonder if they know what they are in for and that none of this is within any of our control.  Once you are out there on the internet, you are out there, there is no going back.  You never know who will read it, you never know who has added you as a like to their Facebook page, you never know how many people are tweeting, and you never know what wacko could see it and really go after you.
I have sat with each of the two women who are recent additions to the site and one separate occasions spoke to them about the dynamics of the postings and what it could or would do to a person in the long run. I always realized that as it is a relatively new medium for the transmission of information, we do not have enough hard evidence or data to prove if it helps or hurts in the long run.  When I was studying Marketing and Advertising in undergrad, I had a professor who continuously impressed upon us that all advertising is good advertising whether good or bad.  Knowing that theory typically proves out in the long run, I choose to believe that this will all turn out in my favor and am seeing the tide turn as time passes with all of these postings.

I have taken many risks by rebutting.  Many, including attorney colleagues have told me that I should not because it shows the person they have gotten to me.  Others in web design have told me it is bad because it give the post web ranking. Others have cautioned me as friends and colleagues do, from many different perspectives.
Can they glean gratification for causing damage to me?  Yes, to a certain extent they have done temporary damage from time to time.  I do believe, however, that I am where I am for a reason and that everything happens to and for me because it is supposed to happen.  That job that I did not get here and there along the way because of these threads on this site and letters sent to employers and or prospective employers, was a job I was not supposed to get.  It has been somewhat a protection on some levels.  I hope that this gratification will ultimately satisfy their need to strike out, or conversely help them to come to the realization that this may not be the energy they want to put out and especially in a public forum.  What I do realize is that I can survive many things and these assaults and the other hard lessons I have learned in my lifetime have helped me to grow and transform in other ways.  As each door closes another opportunity comes to me and I am tremendously grateful for a lifetime of landing on my feet.

I have chosen to rebut and continue rebutting and to address only the items that relate to my professional reputation as the internet serves me in one way, to drive clients to my business.   The first woman who started all this is not stupid, she knew that and she was on the cutting edge of social media and used this to get her word out.  I do not think she or anyone then, knew that in the long run, we would be where we are now in terms of social networking and that all of this is actually helping me.

Is it totally comfortable for me to have my whole life out here on the internet?  Probably not, but I say, I have nothing to hide.  Fortunately for me and unfortunately for them, I have really lived a good, decent and honest life.  In holding the positions I have held, I know a lot of people who know me for who I really am and who know how loyal I would be to them if this happened in reverse.  I guess I choose friends well because many have risen to the defense of my reputation, sometimes giving TMI, but all with good intentions.
I look at the past ten years and sometimes I use it as a scenario when I teach, especially when I teach a computer crime class, and I say that I would rather it did not happen to begin with, but now that it has, I have found myself again on the frontier of a new beginning with yet another true story to tell. 

mr rik


#9Consumer Comment

Mon, June 06, 2011

Ripoff is great for exposing many a crooked operation and educating the masses.  It is a great "referencebook" to check before dealing with an unknown person or business.  I'm sure it's saved me and countless others from money/time loss and hassles.

I'm not sure if "most" know about it yet because I think if they did there would be a hell of alot more rors here on certain businesses.  But the word is getting out, and the rors just keep coming in!

I think the reports are only as credible as the people who write them, (so you have to be a discerning reader) and the sheer number of reports (if written by different people) also say alot. 

Another thing to consider is the amount of SHILLING going on, usually by corporate apologists, losers, or the company employees themselves.  When I see these regulars on here- (some will change up their names from time to time)- shilling their lives away one has to ask the question "WHY? What's in it for them?"

I usually don't even notice or respond to most reports unless I am familiar with the company or something gets my attention, but when I notice an overwhelming amount of "shillary" being done my interest piques.  This was the case with your report.  However after more reading it seems like you say that (most likely) people are just chiming in to defend their friend or "ex-lover".  Honestly this is the only report that I saw about you and I really wondered why all the shillary over one accusation- I thought it was overkill- but then I typed in your company name and saw at least 6 reports dating as far back as 2004.  So it looks like you have made at least one person mad and they're not taking it lightly.  Im not going to take sides here only to say if you did what they claim-shame on you, but if you didn't- shame on them.  Time to move on regardless.  The "ripoff" reports are out there, and as you say probably "never going away".  Not sure about the "repair your reputation" thing but  I think the best course of action is the one your taking- just showing your true "character".  

Where do I think this is going? Well I think this is a great resource that people have wished for for a long time.  I think it is just as important (or more) than lots of modern conveniences we take for granted.  And I think it would be sorely missed if it were restricted in any way.  Some people will complain that this site allows anyone to "say anything" but that's the beauty of it, and the Editor has done his part in making sure all parties have a say.  Just like in a court of law, both sides have a chance to present their "case" and (usually) the judge will side with the more reasonable one.  In this forum everyone is their OWN judge!

I am glad this freedom exists and to really appreciate it you only have to look elsewhere- and wonder what would happen to you if you "aired your laundry" like you are able to do here.  For some good reading, google the "McLibel Case".  

And like you said this is a great arena for characters. I will be tuned and now I will know where to go if I ever need some "investigative work" done in the Tampa Bay area.


Report Attachments

mr rik


#10Consumer Comment

Mon, June 06, 2011

Ripoff is great for exposing many a crooked operation and educating the masses.  It is a great "referencebook" to check before dealing with an unknown person or business.  I'm sure it's saved me and countless others from money/time loss and hassles.

I'm not sure if "most" know about it yet because I think if they did there would be a hell of alot more rors here on certain businesses.  But the word is getting out, and the rors just keep coming in!

I think the reports are only as credible as the people who write them, (so you have to be a discerning reader) and the sheer number of reports (if written by different people) also say alot. 

Another thing to consider is the amount of SHILLING going on, usually by corporate apologists, losers, or the company employees themselves.  When I see these regulars on here- (some will change up their names from time to time)- shilling their lives away one has to ask the question "WHY? What's in it for them?"

I usually don't even notice or respond to most reports unless I am familiar with the company or something gets my attention, but when I notice an overwhelming amount of "shillary" being done my interest piques.  This was the case with your report.  However after more reading it seems like you say that (most likely) people are just chiming in to defend their friend or "ex-lover".  Honestly this is the only report that I saw about you and I really wondered why all the shillary over one accusation- I thought it was overkill- but then I typed in your company name and saw at least 6 reports dating as far back as 2004.  So it looks like you have made at least one person mad and they're not taking it lightly.  Im not going to take sides here only to say if you did what they claim-shame on you, but if you didn't- shame on them.  Time to move on regardless.  The "ripoff" reports are out there, and as you say probably "never going away".  Not sure about the "repair your reputation" thing but  I think the best course of action is the one your taking- just showing your true "character".  

Where do I think this is going? Well I think this is a great resource that people have wished for for a long time.  I think it is just as important (or more) than lots of modern conveniences we take for granted.  And I think it would be sorely missed if it were restricted in any way.  Some people will complain that this site allows anyone to "say anything" but that's the beauty of it, and the Editor has done his part in making sure all parties have a say.  Just like in a court of law, both sides have a chance to present their "case" and (usually) the judge will side with the more reasonable one.  In this forum everyone is their OWN judge!

I am glad this freedom exists and to really appreciate it you only have to look elsewhere- and wonder what would happen to you if you "aired your laundry" like you are able to do here.  For some good reading, google the "McLibel Case".  

And like you said this is a great arena for characters. I will be tuned and now I will know where to go if I ever need some "investigative work" done in the Tampa Bay area.


Report Attachments

Carol Sciannameo

Mr Rik, you Slay Me

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, June 05, 2011

Mr. Rik, you make me laugh.  Alot!  Do you really live in Miami?  Too bad you don't live around where I live, you sound like a character, and I like characters.  That being said, I would not even respond to you if I had not checked you out.  At first, I thought you might be one of the women using a different name to cause me to respond.  I did some searching around and see that you have commented in kind about many things for a number of years on this site. 

You certainly do have persistence.

To answer your question about us fooling around, I am not absolutely certain who posted that last post but I am fairly certain that I do.  If it is who I think it is, we are just friends.  I have very many straight girlfriends.  I ask you this, would you sleep with every woman?  Neither would I.  Friendships are sometimes much more rewarding in the long run than relationships.  I think the diatribe of postings thus far of women scorned is enough proof of that!  My friends have known me forever and I will love them as friends.

I am taken aback that so many have even read about this and have responded for me.

I laugh every time one posts, I am waiting for someone to say that they knew me in a past life. Each time someone says they know me a number of years the next person trumps them by a year or two.  Soon it will need to be past lives.  I do know people since I am in high school so I think we can only realistically go back around 42 years, 37 is close enough LOL!

I admit the qualities they speak of make me sound much like a Saint Bernard.  I think what they are all trying to say in their own ways is that I am a loyal friend, most of the times pretty easy going and fun and that I have a good time and like to laugh. 

Seeing these posts has made a negative situation into a positive one, kind of like making lemonade to lemons.  Without this arena I would have never gotten to meet you Mr. Rik.

I have a question for you, and you can respond if you like as you seem to know the ropes of ripoff rather well.  What do you think ripoff really does?  Do you think most people know about it?  What kind of credability does it have?  I get called all the time by companies wanting to repair my reputation, and I know that cannot be done because as soon as one post is taken off another can be put on somewhere else by someone else.  Do you think the bulletin boards are in cahoots with the repair companies?  I did lots of poking around when this all started and corresponded with the owner of the site and his attorney.
Magedson is quite a character himself.  I think his has big brass ones to keep this stuff going.  Another character that I like, and I told him so in an email.  I respect people who stick to their guns.  Ooops, I need to stay away from comments about guns LOL There is stuff out there saying that the sites that post the stuff are the ones that you pay to repair and I now think that they are probably not.

I think the internet has created a phenomenon of unparalled breathe and depth to post things that will never go away.  It is unchartered territory and I guess ultimately someone will take the initiative to legislate it, but for now, this is what it is.  Do you have any opinions about where this is going?

See you again out here.  Thanks for staying tuned.

mr rik

Oh C'mon

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, June 05, 2011

I'm sure you guys fooled around a "little bit"!

Report Attachments


New York,
New York,
United States of America

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, June 04, 2011

I have been a friend of Carols for 37 years.  I am not a l*****n, I am a straight married

woman with children.  I have never dated

Carol.  I have never worked with Carol.  I know many of Carols friends.  I knew Carols mother, I know her father and

her sister.     

When I first met Carol she did not know she was a l*****n

and she was dating men.  We were young

then and spent a lot of time in the Hamptons on weekends. She played

paddleball, softball, football and jogged during the week.  After a few years of knowing Carol she

realized that she was a l*****n, and when I found out I was uncomfortable.  If you know Carol you will know one thing for

sure, she tells it like it is, and she told me when she started dating her

first girlfriend.  Back in those days it

was not popular to be a l*****n and I did not know much about it.  Even though I did not feel comfortable with

Carol and distanced myself from her for over a year I missed her and I called

her up and she acted as if the time had never passed, that was Carol it did not

matter what happened once a friend always a friend.  Carol has always been careful of me as a

straight woman and has never made any advances towards me.  Through Carol I have come to know many other

lesbians and have grown comfortable in their company.  I went with Carol many times to the Village

and out to gay bars.  I would never have

done this without her.  She always was

protective of me when women would be a bit aggressive with me, asking me out on

dates.  I liked to go to these bars

because I could dance for hours without men asking me out.  I went to Infinity, the Sanctuary, LeJaDan,

Private Eyes, Blue Cloud in Easthampton, Bonnie and Clyde, Sahara and many

other gay clubs as well as straight clubs. 

Some of the clubs we loved were Fokus in Long Island and Uncle Sams.  Carol had many other friends, straight and

gay and we were always out dancing and having fun.  Carol loves to have fun.  Carol loves life.  Carol is a person who is full of humor, joy

and enthusiasm for living.  Carol and her

best friend Michele, a fashion designer, also a straight woman were out every

night of the week dancing before Carol became a cop.

I can see why women and men have been and will continue to

be attracted to Carol.  She is one of the

funniest people I know.  Carol can tell a

good story.  Carol can make you laugh

like no one else can.  Carol comes from a

city that is full of story tellers, Brooklyn, New York; from a background Italian

and Jewish that are story tellers and from an incredibly fun loving, dancing

and story telling extended family.  Carol

had some of the nicest boyfriends Gerard stands out as my favorite.

I cannot understand why these three women are not admitting

that they were attracted to Carol.  I

cannot understand why these women have given up all of their power by saying

that Carol sucked them in.  The Carol I

know and love is a person who tells the truth, laughs a lot and will tell you

like it is.  There were times when Carol

was dating a number of women at the same time. 

There were times when she would say that she liked to go out to the

Hamptons to hide out on weekends to get a break.  She always said, I am just a fat little

Italian girl, I wonder what they see in me,  and we would laugh because Carol is not fat,

and Carol is very cute. 

When she lived in a building in Brooklyn she had to have a

wood ladder built to climb out her bedroom window to leave the building because

there were cameras on the front door of the building and she was dating a few

women in the building and they would all suddenly appear if she was to come in

or go out.  It was hilarious.  I left with her through the bedroom window on

one or more occasions.   What I think they saw in Carol was a kind

heart.  The kind of heart that would give

you the shirt off her back.  They also

saw the playfulness of someone who would climb out a window, jump at a balloon

in a parade, want to go to the zoo three times a week and ice skate or

rollerblade whenever she had a free moment.  Carol loved the beach and had a standing

saying I cannot stand sand.  She would

lay out a tremendous blanket, with a towel on top of towel to avoid sand.  This was another funny thing about Carol, she

spent her life at the beach and hated sand!

When I had a four year period of unemployment, Carol paid

for everything, and I mean everything.  I

went to the Hamptons without any money at all and Carol took care of all the

gas, the car, the food, and anything else I needed.  Carol did the same for anyone who did not

have enough to have fun and enjoy the things that we were doing.  She never once in all these years asked me to

repay her and when I offered she said it was her pleasure to have me in her

life and was grateful that she had the money to spend.  She would say fughetaboutit.

Carol became a police officer.  Carol told me heartbreaking stories.  Carol had a best friend Ziggy who died young

and another ex-girlfriend Laurel who died young as well.  From these early losses, Carol began to take

a different view on alcohol and drugs, realizing that they play a big part in

some of the deaths of her friends.  Carol

told me a story that she knew things had changed when John Lennon was

killed.  She was an officer only a few

days when he was killed, and when everyone else was going to Strawberry Fields

to have a memorial for him, she knew that because of the drugs and alcohol and

her new job, she would not be able to go. 

Carol always did the right thing.

There were times as young adults that we had opportunities

to do things that were not legal. Carol always pointed out to us that we needed

to follow the law.  It was almost

predictable that this legal secretary would go into being a cop.

She was not born to be a cop.  When she went to be one, she thought she was

going to the academy and then was going to quit.  She thought it would be fun to get in better

shape and get paid.  She was supposed to

move to San Francisco with some of her friends. 

She told them she would see them in about 6 months.  Carol never went.  Carol stayed and helped to make NY a safer

place.  Carol worked with Jack Maple.  They made a difference.  That team of officers that worked 42nd

Street/Times Square were the officers that changed New York. 

I did not see Carol much during these early years as she

worked night and day.  Jack would change

her shift to meet the needs of crime. 

Carol loved to fight crime, she often told stories about the arrests,

the fun she had at work, and some of the hard decisions she had to make.  She loved Jack, she loved crime and she loved

the Transit Police.  She called them her


After awhile Carol had weekends off again and we saw each

other in the Hamptons again.  After

awhile more she went off to the FBI Academy and she took me down to see

Quantico.   It was an incredible experience to see

Quantico first hand.

When Carol came back she was driven to continue her

education, and she went to school at night for I think 10 years to get first

her bacholors degree and then her masters degree.  I know she got a scholarship from the

Mayor.  I did not see her much during

these times as she worked full time and went to school two nights a week she

studied and did homework on weekends. 

She would sometimes call me while cleaning the house playing Frank

Sinatra on Saturday mornings and while she was making sauce.  She loved my mom and dad, and would come

around sometimes to see them.  Carol was

adopted by everyones family.  Everyone

treated her like she was part of their family. 

Carol fit in and loved many people and many families.  On Christmas Eve if Carol was not working she

made about 15 stops to different homes of friends and family.  We never wanted her to leave.  When Carol came into the room we were all

happy to see her and hear stories about her life as a cop.

Carol decided that she wanted to be a detective and she made

a lot of arrests and became one.  Carol

decided that she wanted to be a sergent and she studied for 6 hours a day and

became one, Carol decided that she wanted to be a leitenant and she studied

again for 6 hours a day and became a leitenant. 

Carol does what she says she is going to do. 

Does this sound like a person who would do what these women

are saying?

Does this sound like a person who would need to embezzle

money from senior citizens?

Does this sound like a person who after all the years of

protecting people would beat women up and take advantage of them?

I do not think so.  I

know not.

And then we have the ripoff report shock jock mr. rik who

takes the postings to the gutter talking about sex acts.  Where do these people come from?

I am tired to hear that these people have the gall to speak

badly about my friend.  None of them

could fill her shoes.  None of them could

have done what she has done in her life. 

She is not done.  She continues to

work, she likes to work and I believe she will work, earn money and pay for

everything she wants on her own.  Carol

does what Carol says she will do.


Carol Sciannameo

My Point Exactly Mr. Rik

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, June 03, 2011

Whether or not I am the picture of relationship health has nothing to do with the way in which I conduct my business, my level of professionalism or experience in the field of investigations.  It is my understanding that this site is a place where individuals can lodge complaints against businesses, not where the intent is to bash individuals. 

My business has nothing to do with my personal life. In actuality, it has been said that it takes one to know one.  As I am in the business of many times uncovering wrongs in relationships.  If what these women are saying about me is true, I would be the best person based on this claim.

We are not living in the cave man days where some bonks someone over the head with a club and forces them into a relationship and keeps them captive while out hunting and gathering food.  In this day and age we have choices and the individuals who have entered into relationships with anyone need to take responsibility for their part in the relationship.  When a relationship ends and individuals choose a public forum to attempt to ruin a person's business and misuses the forum, I believe then I have the right and responsibility to address the issue of my reputation.  It might be better for them to look at the choices they have made.  It certainly has made me look at my choices.

We are adults, we all have a part in everything we choose.  When adults choose to enter into a relationshp and they are consenting adults without any mental limitations to cause them to be taken advantage of due to diminished faculties, it is a fair playing field and what happens within the relationship is for them to work out or leave.  It is not their responsibility to hunt out former partners and others with whom they have had relationships in an attempt to further bash reputations.  What they are set out to do is based in negativity and will beget them negative karma. 

I choose not to bash back, and I will only address the facts and issues that are necessary to protect the reputation of my business.  Back when Clinton was under scrutiny for sex in the oval office and other politicians, political figures and most recently Tiger Woods got jammed up, I expressed the view that their personal life and who they sleep with is none of our business, unless they do it to a person who is incapable of consent such as a child or someone with diminished mental capacity.  It is what they do for us in the capacities they hold that matter to me.

In terms of where this is going, and your points I have two quotes that apply:

"It is better to have loved and lost than to live with a psycho forever," and

"You may be right, I may be crazy, but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for."

On that note, to address your change of subject, "I have a hat like that too."

mr rik

You guys are MAKING ME SICK!

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, June 03, 2011

wtf.  It doesn't matter how good Carol is at cunnilingus/fellatio, that's not what this report is about!

Give it up already!


United States of America
Carol's Friend

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, June 02, 2011

I have known Carol Sciannameo for over 35 years.  I have known her to be a person of high integrity.  I know many people who knew Carol as a child, and who tell stories that Carol never wanted to do anything that was considered hurtful or disrespectful of anyone or anything. Despite prompting by elder cousins, friends, aunt and uncles, and neighbors she refused
temptation and even back then, I could have predicted that she would ultimately end up in law enforcement.  Many times,
knowing that something was being planned she would tell an adult, much to the dismay of her contemporaries, and be certain that the plot was foiled before any harm could be done.  She did not care if this made her unpopular.  For Carol, doing the right thing was the most important thing.  She does not care if someone does not like her if she has done the right thing.  She
often says, life is not a popularity contest.

Early on in her life, she slowly became a vegetarian because she did not like to see animals killed and meat type by meat type she stopped consuming meat.  In the mid-eighties she became a vegetarian.  

When in the police academy, although wanting to be a police officer, she winced whenever she went to the range and although she owns weapons to this day, she realizes that they are a necessary tool in her profession, and has never discharged a weapon at other than an authorized range.  Knowing Carol as I do, I know that she would think of using he weapon only as a last resort and have heard stories from her past partners in the police department that she has taken guns out of the hands of suspects rather than to use her weapon on them.  This caused much dismay to her partners because they were always afraid that something would happen to Carol when she did this again and again.  Carol told me that she felt back in the days when she was first an officer, that no one would ever expect a small woman to grab a gun out of their hands, and she bet her life on that on numerous occasions.

Carol is gentle, kind, honest, generous and trustworthy.  I have never seen her in a situation in which she has lost control. I have never known her to be vindictive or judgmental.  I know that as an officer she was much against the use of excessive force and as a police supervisor she was vigilant to protect the rights of offenders, becoming an expert at handcuffing.  Carol felt that the sooner she could get the person in cuffs, the sooner the force necessary to apprehend the person would cease.   Carol went on the police department when excessive force was common, and she to this day says the reason she became a supervisor and her primary motivation was to be in a position where she could counsel and help her subordinates make arrests and enforce the law using their brains and not their brawn. 

Do not misunderstand me, Carol is not a wimp, Carol does not back down, and if necessary as her reputation will tell, she will do what is necessary as a police officer or in life to do what is expected of her.  Carol generally exceeds the expectations of
any and all positions she has held.

Carol is an advocate for human rights.  She was on the board of the Transit Womens Association, the Gay Officers Action league, and St. Pete Pride.  When she was a sergeant she produces a diversity video for the Chief of the Transit Police Department.  This video won the LESVA award.  The video addressed issues of racism, sexism and homophobia at a time when the topic was cutting edge in New York City policing.

Carol is brave.  On many occasions while in her company, while off duty from her tours as a police officer, she would observe violent crimes and she would stop whatever it was she was doing, whether it be on the way to a Broadway play, a dinner with
friends, a baseball game or anywhere/anytime and she would make an off duty arrest.  Carol could not stand to see someone victimized.  Carol could not look the other way.  Carol has been an advocate for inner city youth, for the LGBT community, for women, for animals and for the planet.

Carol always counsels people to do only what is legal, she says often it is not worth doing something wrong when the price to pay is jail or a bad reputation.   Carol has helped many an individual make the right decision.

Carol has helped her friends and their families work through difficult situations.  Carol has helped make difficult decisions and been supportive to friends, family, colleagues, students and others who have crossed her path. 

In recent months, she took in a homeless man as she wanted him to be out of the cold months on the street.  She shared with me that he had only heightened levels of the idiosyncrasies that she herself had, and that others she knew had. 

She had compassion for this man, identified with some of his issues, and did take him out of the cold for the months he was at her home.  She told me that she learned a lot from this man in this economy and has been humbled by the experience of knowing him.

Carol will do any work that is legal and has been working security for a much smaller hourly wage than she is accustomed to making.  She says that some dollars an hour is more than $0 dollars an hour and quotes this as a saying from her father and
mother.  Carol comes from a blue collar working family where no one is too good to do any work that is legal.  She often says that her dad worked in a factory by day, as a janitor at a college at night, and shining shoes, washing and fixing cars on the weekend, while her mother worked as a bookkeeper, always close enough to her two daughters to be able to be there to get them if anything went awry like illness or injury. 

Carol says that her family was much like Donna Reed or the Cleavers with lots of love, caring, generosity and structure.

Carol is not a person who would decide that her home devalued by the economy was a bad investment and that it would be ethical to walk away from a mortgage payment.  Carol believes that when she signed on the dotted line for the mortgage, expecting the value to increase by signing her name she was assuming responsibility for the loan now when the value of the home is less.  When the economy went bad and business was not up to its usual par, Carol reinvented herself drawing on her skills and experience and going out to work to keep a roof over her head and the heads of her beloved French bulldogs and to keep food on the table for herself, her friends who need help and her dogs.

Carol will never be the one to jump in and make the quick buck.  She knows that if something sounds too good to be true it is too good to be true and I have heard her say many times, there is no free lunch.

Carol despises criminals and criminal behavior.  She understands the social dynamics that support some of this behavior but will not accept these as excuses.  For Carol it is black and white, right or wrong.  Whether you are a friend or a foe, if you ask her for advice, she will give it to you and it will always include doing things the right way, not cutting corners, staying on the right side of the law and preserving your good name and reputation.  She will not make any bones about calling a criminal a criminal and again does not think life is a popularity contest.

Carol believes that drugs (illegal and abused prescription) and alcohol abuse are the root of many of the break downs in our social system.  I have heard her say that much crime would not happen if there were no drugs and alcohol abuses.  Carol taught DARE and Carol lives by these premises and principles.

Over the course of the many years that I have known Carol I have seen her in various relationships. 

I have seen Carol overlook many things, and many times I have seen her taken advantage of by those with whom she has been in relationship.   I believe this is a classic case of confusing someones kindness with weakness.  I have seen friends counsel Carol and tell her to see the handwriting on the wall, to see the red flags.  Carol has a short memory for the injustices done to her, and has always forgiven and forgotten, much to her own detriment.  She would often take someone back and make an excuse for them, and move forward as nothing had ever happened.  I have heard Carol reminiscing, talking with love and caring for someone with whom she has parted.  On many occasions, the partings have been damaging and hurtful towards Carol, and still she forgives, forgets and chooses to remember the good things.

By the time Carol takes action to terminate a relationship, it has been long over, tried and tested and tried and tested again.  I have seen her in breakups that were damaging and where she was afraid of retribution and where she did all that she could do to attempt to make amends and mitigate the circumstances.  I believe that Carol has often been a mark chosen by  individuals who are preying upon her generosity and kind heart.

No matter what people say about Carol or where they say it, I can attest to the fact that she is a friend, someone that I admire and someone that many people look up to and admire for her tenacity, loyalty and desire to do the right thing.  The only thing that Carol is guilty of is being too nice.

Hows your Karma

United States of America
Carol Sciannameo, Tampa Bay Investigations

#17General Comment

Thu, June 02, 2011

I have known Carol Sciannameo for over five (5) years. In that time I have come to know her as a person of great integrity and high moral standards. I have a deep respect for Carol. There are very few people I trust and she is among the few. 

Ms. Sciannameo was an insructor of mine at Everest. She constantly challenged our thinking process in matters of ethics and philoshy. It was a great honor to be under her tutelage. I personally believe she was a major factor in my becoming Valedictorian of my class. Thank you Carol for all the knowledge you have shared with me. I will be forever grateful.

As for the vicious comments and complaints made against Carol Sciannameo, where is the documented proof? All I have been able to find are the ramblings typed on these pages. There are no formal complaints. There are no pending law suits. Just the spewing of ridiculous hogwash. Again I ask, Where is the proof?


St Petersburg,

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, May 28, 2011

I think when you push on a sponge it regurgitates all the stuff it has sopped up.  Sponges do not discern what they sop up, they sop anything that is lying around the item that is intended to be sopped.

It is like being in school and memorizing everything without taking in what is really important, and for a test squeezing out whatever is there and hoping that some the information is what needs to be remembered to pass the test.  
Does the sponge method work in real life, or is it better to have the important things stick?

As for the qualification as a womanizer, I am not certain what that actually means.  I have heard the term used in many ways.  I certainly have been involved with a number of women, and have chosen to move on in many cases, and in other cases they have chosen to move on. I am not certain that moving on is a bad thing.  I have found that I have learned alot and have some great memories and for the most part, have nice friendships with many of the women with whom I have been involved, so I guess you win some and you lose some.  In the case of these three, it seems it was three strikes you are out!

I too, like you, hope that we can all just move forward.

Thanks for the good luck wishes.

mr rik


#19Consumer Comment

Sat, May 28, 2011

Ok so it appears that you (have been?) a womanizer in the past and have alot of scorned ex-lovers?

You know what they say about a woman (women) scorned.

Anyways everybody needs to grow up and move on.  What's the saying?- If you put spoiled milk back in the fridge, it's not gonna make it fresh again.  Just my two cents.

Good luck

Oh yeah, what happens when you push on a sponge?

Carol Sciannameo

Third Law of Motion

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, May 28, 2011

Mr. Rik states in his post, It is obvious that there is

some real disgusting stuff going on here. Im not sure what, and don't really

care, but the amount of attempted damage control sure says alot. 

I think his statement about something disgusting going on

hits the nail right on the head.  The

first individual who has been posting for 9.5 years has been a springboard for

others to use in an attempt to discredit my good name and the name of my


Unfortunately, her attack on my reputation has put a

question in everyones mind about my reputability.  It somehow gives people license to ask me

questions and for me to be in a position of defending my life.  Fortunately, this has made me a better person,

it has made me rise to a standard of ethics that is beyond reproach and to

every day do the best that I can do. 

The women who are posting were in personal relationships

with me and during the relationships have both said to me on separate occasions

that I better be good to them, as they could post as did the first

individual.  My only mistake here was not

paying attention the many red flags such as a statement like this one made to

me in jest.  It has been said that jest

is the way that true feelings come through. 

Now the true colors of these women and the red flags I chose to ignore

have evolved into Technicolor and have painted a picture of the type of

individuals with whom I was involved.  I

am not certain how I allowed this to happen, but I take responsibility for my

part in attracting these individuals to myself.  My goal now is to change the energy that attracted this to me.

I was watching the recent last episode of Oprah, and

during the episode, she said that we are all energy and we need to take

responsibility for the energy we bring to any given situation.  Throughout this online bantering, I have taken

the high road, and I accept responsibility for what I have said and done in the

face of this onslaught online and in my community targeted at and towards my

friends and colleagues.

Many of my friends, colleagues, students and

others who know me have read the postings and have commented online.  I have had to advise friends ready to defend

me to do so in a productive way and  that

retaliation is negative energy and will only beget more negative energy.  For every action there is a reaction and that

is Isaac Newtons Third Law of Motion, The Third Law is concerned with how

objects push on each other and exchange momentum when they interact. The third law states that for every force there is an equal

and opposite force. For example, if you push on a wall, it will push back on

you as hard as you are pushing on it.

I prefer not to push, not to retaliate, but when it comes

to defending my name, my honor and the reputation of my business, I will not


I continue to take the position that I wish these women

well, that I hope that they move past this as behavior of this nature is

unbecoming as well as being detrimental to their own energy and to the energy

of all with whom they interact.  As Oprah

says, we all need to be responsible for the energy we bring to any situation.  I am responsible for mine and am thankful

that I have the moral turpitude to stay positive and non-reactive through this

barrage of negative energy levied at me. 



mr rik

The filth runneth deep

#21Consumer Comment

Fri, May 27, 2011

It is obvious that there is some real disgusting stuff going on here.  Im not sure what, and don't really care, but the amount of attempted damage control sure says alot.


United States of America
The Only Real Truth!

#22Consumer Comment

Fri, May 27, 2011

First off you are a liar and may the divine have mercy on your souls. Carol Sciannameo is one of the most honerable and loyal person I know. She was the best teacher Everest has ever had and upon her dismissal many students dropped out becuase we refused to get a second class education. In the roughly 5 years I have known her she has been the most honest, caring, respectful woman you could ever hope to meet. These women on this site are downright liars! Take it from me and anyone else who knows Carol, there isn't a more upstanding citizen out there. She is nothing but professional and ethical. Seriously stop showing your unintelligance and get a life. You will never be half the woman Carol is and we've all got her back in this war of your insanity.


United States of America

#23General Comment

Thu, May 26, 2011

I am a former student of Ms. Sciannameo's and have not had any poor expirences with her. I have found her to be an open and honest person. I have sought her advise on jobs and continuing education even long after finnishing college. I trust her opinion and believe that she acts in the best interest of a person. I know she will act on what is right and help people that are in need. She is always willing to offer her knowelge and/or assistance when asked for it.

I would use her professionaly and am glad to know her personaly.

Carol Sciannameo

To Remove All Doubt

#24REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, May 24, 2011

In a posting by Maryellen, she confirmed Penny's post that Lynda Rodriguez arrived at Penny's home with an article and allegedly stated, "this will take her down."  Last June 2011, I was being interviewed by Watermark for an article about LBGT population in Law Enforcement and I was speaking to the importanct of education to enter the field, as I was a professor at Everest University and had been for over four years. During those four years, the administration of the school knew that as a licensed individual, and retired Lieutenant that I was carrying a concealed weapon on my person on campus.  Active duty officers carried and so did I.  On numerous occasions, I was called upon by one of the deans over an altercation, and having the weapon on my person was an asset to the school.  I never pulled the weapon, used the weapon or threatened the use of the weapon.  A "house cleaning" occurred at the college and many of the prior admistration were let go.  When the new administration arrived, I was told that "you are an asset to the team," and told I would be retained.  There was never any mention of my prior carry privileges or a change in the policy.  There was an inicident where I had to counsel a student for donning apparrel with the confederate flag on it.  It was against policy to wear this type of insignia.  Many students had complained that they were uncomfortable with the attire, and the former program chair had spoken to this individual about wearing this attire.  After the program chair was let go, the student began to don the attire again, and I spoke with him.  He vowed never to take a class with me.  On one evening, I sustituted for another teacher who was ill and the student was in my class.  The student stormed out when he saw I was the sub.  He remained outside and students coming a bit late to class stated that he was saying he was going to kill me.  One of the students was in law enforcement and I made a motion where I tapped my pocket that is known in the field to indicate that I had my gun, and not to worry.  I had to explain to the class about the disruption as many African American students were horrifed, because when the student left, he allegedly stated, "I will not sit in class with that n****r loving d**e."  A friend of his remained in class, and later that night her mother and she called the headquarters of the college and stated they felt I was going to shoot the student. 

Next day I was asked by the new dean to produce licenses and I produced all six of them.  The following day I was told I was no longer authorized to carry.  I no longer carried according to the new rule, but did not want to be at the school as I was afraid the student would kill me as he stated, and went in on the following Monday (without the weapon) and that I wanted to take the summer off to consider my options.  She escorted me to the office of the President and he asked what happened and I told him that I needed time off to consider my legal options.  He asked if I spoke with the press and I said that I was in the middle of the story about the LBGT community and now the story was going to include the information about this incident.  I was immediately ordered off the premises, despite the fact that I was about to administer a final to my Strategies for Success class.  In the article, the editor failed to state that I did in fact cease and desist in carrying my weapon and it appears that I disobeyed and carried despite the notification of change in policy.  I did not.  I have been on many gun advocacy and anti-advocacy websites clarifying this information.  I want to make it clear that I did not suddenly carry a gun because of an altercation with a student with a vengeance to get the student.  I had always carried and was authorized to do so, and as soon as the authorization was revoked I did not carry and left the employ of the college.


St Petersburg,
Lynda Rodriguez and Diana Armbrust

#25REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, May 23, 2011

Confidentiality Agreement signed by Lynda Rodriguez is attached to this post as a reminder that if the allegations are true that she may be approaching individuals in an attempt to have them discredit my name, using information overheard at my place of business, there is a confidentiality agreement in place to cause her to cease and desist.

Diana Armbrust is covered for confidentiality under Section 493 of Florida Statute for the period she was privvy to information of the business as she was a licensed CC private investigator.

A copy of a letter to the Pinellas County Sheriff by Ms. Armbrust is also attached to show that this course of attack of my reputation has been ongoing since last year.

Report Attachments


United States of America
Lynda Rodriguez

#26Consumer Comment

Sun, May 22, 2011

My name is Maryellen and I am a friend of Carol Sciannameo.  I have known Carol for 11 years since she moved to Florida.  I have spent time on her boat, in her home, enjoying meals cooked by her, and getting to know her as a person of high moral fiber.  Carol is a generous, caring and compassionate person, and I find it repulsive that the women mentioned in the post by Penny are going after Carols reputation and livelihood.
I was at Pennys home when Lynda Rodriguez came in with some paperwork about Carol stating that this would take Carol down.  The paperwork was an article in Watermark about Carol leaving the employ of Everest University.  This was over a misunderstanding in policy and as a result of this misunderstanding, Carols students and the institution lost an excellent professor.
I know that Carol is a law-abiding citizen and she would never commit a crime.  I say this because I have been in her company when people have spoken of doing illegal things, and she has always stated that it is illegal and not worth doing.  Do these women even realize what it means to have been a Lieutenant in the NYPD, and to have risen through the ranks as Carol did?
I cannot understand the audacity of the woman, and the two other women, one of whom has been harassing Carol for about 10 years, and the other who recently jumped on the bandwagon, at the obvious behest and coaxing of Lynda Rodriguez.  Diana trashed Carols home last July upon her departure, and Carol having the opportunity to have her arrested, thought of her livelihood and did not.
After Lynda left Pennys home Penny and I were horrified at the approach, attempting to have us say bad things about our friend and for such a nefarious purpose as to attempt to hurt her.
Since the episode at Pennys I realize that Lynda Rodriguez was in a relationship with a friend of mine. This friend was the victim of the domestic violence for which Lynda Rodriguez was arrested in 2008.  I did not put two and two together until the arrest report was shown to me at Pennys house.  It was only due to the compassion of my friend, that she declined to prosecute, thereby saving Lyndas livelihood.  One would think that someone benefiting from charity such as this would count her blessings and not attempt to ruin the life of another person.
Carol tells me that Lynda began this crusade to bring her down after Carol made a simple comment about greeting some workmen at Lyndas home, as being a southern thing.  This is really an over the top reaction to something as minor as this statement.
This behavior by these women is juvenile, and I am hoping they grow up, get a life and move on.  What they are doing is nasty and if I were either of them, I would be embarrassed by this behavior, especially at their respective ages of 60 and 61.
I will not have any part of this negative crusade and hope that anyone reading this will realize that these women are vicious and evil.


St Petersburg,
United States of America
Lynda Rodriguez

#27Consumer Comment

Sun, May 22, 2011

I am Penny one of the women named in the original message about Carol Sciannameo.  Carol is my friend.  I was with her in the summer of 2001 when Carol repossessed her SUV from April.  Prior to reclaiming the SUV, we went to the Tampa Police Department to ask if we could get Carols SUV back.  The community officer said that the titled owner could take the car back and asked if we had keys.  We did have keys and he said, go get the SUV. After confirming that this was legal, we went to get the SUV.  Repossession of the SUV was necessary after April called saying she was drunk and that she would run the vehicle into a pole to collect insurance money unless Carol gave her some money and that her friends say that Carol should give her money.

Carol and I drove in one car from Gulfport to about a block away from where April lived in a trailer park, in a trailer owned by her friend Cheryl Miranda. This trailer park was around 50th Avenue in Tampa, off of what is now I-4.  We parked our car in the fast food restaurant parking lot, and walked into the trailer park.  Carol used the FOB to unlock the doors  of the SUV and entered the SUV.  She began to back up when April (hearing the SUV turn on) exited the trailer and fell to her knees begging to keep the car.  Carol stated calmly that April had breached the terms by threatening her with insurance liability and continued to back up.  I was in the passenger seat.  We left the trailer park, we picked up the car that we came in and went back to Carols home.

When we arrived home at Carols Cheryl Miranda called and wanted to come over with a friend to pick up some of the property of Aprils that was left in the SUV (a handicapped tag, some cosmetics and sunglasses).  Cheryl Miranda arrived perturbed that she had to be involved and was unhappy that April was in her home.  She said that it was costing her money and now that April did not have a car she was really going to be a problem. Miranda, a woman of small means asked Carol for some money to help her cope with the bills, and because her father was dying and she needed to provide April with some transportation money so April could continue performing in nursing homes, and to help April get on her feet.  We
all travelled to the Bank where Carol withdrew $500 and gave it to Miranda.  April was on social security disability and
taking entertainment jobs in nursing homes singing and dancing to supplement her income.

A short time after Miranda and the other woman left, the Gulfport Police arrived with a complaint by April that the car was carjacked, and that Carol had pulled a gun on April to get the vehicle and that April had witnesses.  Carol showed the police the title and I confirmed that Carol was not in possession of a gun that day nor that there were any other people present when she turned on the SUV and left the trailer park.  Miranda, to whom Carol was kind enough to give the $500 complained that Carol pulled a gun on her while in Carols home.  I was at Carols home and there was no gun brandished, pulled or used at that time.  The police reports were false

About two months ago, Carol called me and told me about the postings on ripoffreport.com by April and in these posts April names Linda Rodriguez, Diane Armbrust, me, Gail and Ms. Melissa.  I do not know who Ms. Melissa is.  I do know that Diana and Lynda were girlfriends of Carols in recent years.  I was horrified to see what they were doing to my friend.  They were trashing her and trying to ruin her reputation.

I called Lynda because I did not want to be a part of this and asked her why she put my name on the internet.  Lynda stated that April posted the names and they were shocked too.  During the phone call Lynda told me, look what she did to your girlfriend, alluding to Judy.  Doesnt that tell you something.  I stated that I did not care and did not want to be involved and that I would go over to Carols and help her post a rebuttal because she was so upset and I felt that she needed support.  Lynda said, why would you do that.

Lynda Rodriguez arrived at my home on a later date, and bore some paperwork with Carols name on it, and stated this will take her down, and she attempted to have me join in with her and Diana AGAIN to do this to Carol.  I did not understand why she would want to take Carol down.  Carol is a nice person and did not deserve this.  Lynda kept asking me what Carol had done to me. 

I kept replying that she had done nothing to me and I did not want to get involved.

My good friend Maynay was present in my home when this occurred, and she too will post a rebuttal showing that I am telling the truth.  Maynay was taken aback that her friend C was being trashed in this way.

A friend of Carols, whose post is above under the name of Chris, called to see what they had to say, and he did this in front of Carol because she did not believe they were doing this, and thought it was April using their information.  Carol was appalled to hear their voices on speakerphone as they trashed her, lied and were diabolical in their attempts to make Carol look bad. 

Carol could not believe that they would go to this length.  She was and still is shocked that it was actually these two women on the phone.

I have an arrest report with Lyndas photograph and a domestic violence charge on it as well as the civil injunction. I have posted this paperwork on this site so you reading this can see it.  It is apparent that this woman cannot control her rage, and I believe this same rage is what is causing her to try to do this to Carol.

When you read this post about Carol and look at this paperwork and see what people have said in defense of Carol and see the type of person Lynda Rodriguez is, you judge for yourself who is the person wronged. 

Who is the woman of character and who is not?

What kind of woman comes to someones house and offers to take someone down knowing that we are friends and trying to pump me to say something about my friend?

What kind of woman would go to this time and trouble to waste energy on this negative stuff?

I  hope that these women trying to hurt Carol get a life and stop using her life as their own entertainment.  Both seem to have issues that have not been dealt with over the course of time, and the anger they are seething is being cast at Carol.

Carol is my friend, and Carol is a good person, and I am hoping that anyone reading this can see through all of this and know who the malicious and vindictive women are in this matter.

Carol has many friends who love her and know her, and we will be here to have her back against these diabolical women who are set out to attempt to discredit her name and go after her sources of income.

In the North, where we are all from, we do not go after anyones livelihood. Maybe this is a southern thing to trash someone this way.

It is unbecoming and demented to say the least.

Report Attachments

Carol Sciannameo

Update to Rebuttal

#28REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, May 22, 2011

Many people have been asking for pictures of these women.  I have posted a photo of Lynda and one of Diana so that you can see if you recognize either of them.

Report Attachments

Carol Sciannameo

A Face to Describe this Incident

#29REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, May 22, 2011

I am uploading a picture of someone whose face tells it all!

Report Attachments


St Petersburg,
United States of America

#30Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 19, 2011

I am writing on behalf of Carol Sciannameo as a friend and employee who has been privy and witness to the behaviors of two of the women named in the report.  I have known Carol for approximately eight years to be a woman of integrity, fairness, compassion and generosity.   I have seen Carol tell clients not to do a, b or c, as it would be a waste of money and at times reduced rates or worked pro bono due to the nature of the case.  As an employee, I have always been treated
fairly and with respect.  Carol has been overly considerate in accommodating my needs around my hectic life.  I have also worked around Carols home and  have never felt threatened, intimidated or taken advantage of, and have always been compensated at a very fair rate.
In working around her home I have been privy to a particularly troubling incident regarding one of the women.  While I was here Carol did not want to answer the door for one of the women because the woman had been abusive to Carol and
threatened her.  I suggested that we call the police when the woman arrived.  Carol was reticent as she did not want the woman to be arrested as it could impact her job.  Instead we stayed and did not answer the door.  The woman knowing where Carol keeps a spare key used the key to come in.  The alarm code had been changed because Carol was afraid.  When the woman came in she appeared maniacal and was raging that she wanted to kill Carol and when I
appeared she demanded incessantly for me to give her the alarm code.  By now, Carol had called the police and was
hiding under a piece of furniture in the Florida room.  I tried to calm the individual down and I ultimately had her comply and leave.  The police arrived, and Carol, in a very generous act, stated that the situation had been resolved and she did not give the name of this woman or press charges.

On another occasion, when Carol was away in Easthampton this past July, another of the women was asked to leave Carols home.  She was not a resident, she was a woman with whom Carol was in a relationship and she spent time at Carols home often.  The woman refused to leave and Carol asked that I go over and be certain that nothing happened to her many dogs, as the woman was texting stating she would leave. The woman would not allow me into the house, the police were called, and ultimately I remained therein while she was in a rage and packing her things with two friends.  The woman was emptying drawers that contained property of Carol and was in a rage.  This woman was acting in a rage towards me, and
I had always treated her with respect.  She and one of her friends seemed to be putting on a performance for my benefit in
an attempt to make Carol out to something she was not.  She kept repeating that she was on a sleeping medication and then drove a vehicle after making that statement.  Upon her departure, she ripped plants out of the garden and did other damage to the property of Carol.  She was yelling Carol this and Carol that, trashing Carol.
On many prior occasions I observed Carol with each of these women and neither appeared to be unhappy in the relationship. I cautioned Carol early on that one of the women appeared to be very controlling and manipulative, and after hearing her counsel one of Carols students who was also doing work at Carols home, I stated to Carol that she was dangerous.  I and others in Carols home spoke amongst ourselves and agreed that this was the case and we all were concerned for Carols emotional and physical well-being. It appears that both were not happy to have the

relationships terminated and have gone after Carols livelihood.  This is not a becoming way to act. I have never observed Carol acting or attacking in the same manner, and on the converse, she has always taken the high road.  These women are not youngsters and this behavior is at the level of kindergarten. I feel very bad that at their respective ages they have been harboring this anger and carrying this emotional baggage around for so long. 

These are personal matters, not business matters and I am hoping that anyone reading this can see through this.  The resolution I recommend is that you move on with your lives as Carol has.

Carol Sciannameo

Thank You

#31REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, April 11, 2011

 In going back and reading and re-reading all of the posts in this string of posts, I choose to remember the good things about the two individuals who have expressed their feelings about me. I believe that anger is sadness turned upside down, and in all of us there is sadness upon parting whether we want to admit it or not. 
I choose to be grateful and thankful for the time we spent together, for the experiences shared and for the things I learned along the way from each of you.
I thank you Diana for:
        Having the salt of the earth common sense that you have
        For the simplicity in helping me accomplish things that I often overcomplicated
        For planting potatoes
        For hanging a picture
        For fixing things using tools
        For appreciating tools
        For getting my jokes
        For understanding a neurotic New Yorker
        For understanding that I was really a cop and knowing what that meant
        For accompanying me around the southwest as we broke every bathroom along the way
        For going with me to the movies, as that is what I loved to do with you most
        For noticing that I needed the light over the kitchen sink
        For planting herbs and flowers
        For having fun with the Wii
        For keeping me from a job that I would not have liked
        For coming with me on Carls boat
        For coming with us to the country club and being kind to Jimi
        For catching an occasional rodent
        For rescuing the stranded baby raccoon
        For helping take care of the puppies
        For naming Beatrice baby
        For going to so much trouble to look nice always
        For having beautiful blue eyes
        For laughing whole heartedly when I did something stupid that lacked common sense
        For trusting me to care for you when you had the heart scare
        For trusting me to care for you after your surgery
        For listening in general
        For listening to me when I needed advice
        For providing good advice when I asked
        For helping me work through some very difficult situations
        For being with me and calming me down at my first hot flash at the Middle Eastern Restaurant in Tampa
        For laughing at others with love and not in judgment
        For accompanying me to so many events including police reunions
        For understanding the emotion of the fallen officers
        For your company in my home
        For helping me paint the wall in the living room
        For being compassionate when I had a migraine
        For mixing all the organic cleaning supplies
        For explaining the simple things to me
        For knowing how to spell every word
        For showing me Michigan
        For watching television with me
        For going to Rays and Yankees games
        For watching lots of baseball on T.V.
        For baking chocolate chip cookies
        For going with me to eat gelato
        For going with me to a few MRIs and getting me safely home
        For going with me to Elements
        For helping me cope with being away that Christmas in the hotel
        For encouraging me to go and understanding why I went
        For being a good friend
        For teaching me a bit more geography than New York, Europe and California
        For making me an egg
        For going with me to the farmers market
        For riding around on the scooters
        For going with me for a mammogram
        For having lots of patience
        For going with me to the veterinarian to birth puppies
        For making bows that Christmas for the tree and for all the presents
        For doing the best you could with a difficult situation
        For understanding what it was to be an Italian from New York
        For being calm
        For understanding and supporting me when I did my seven day fasts
        For riding around with me in the S2000 in the rain with the roof down
        For riding around with me on Christine, my Honda Shadow Ace
        For Indie music
        For getting the hose when I was in a panic with puppy poop everywhere and the hose was broken
        For showing me that technology was for more than doing work
        For interesting and stimulating political conversations
        For going to see Obama speak with me when he was in Dunedin
        For sharing similar political views
        For taking me to all of the art and crafts fairs
        For doing fun things on short notice
        For being flexible
        For the peace house at Christmas
        For imagine
I thank you Lynda:

        For teaching me how to make beans
        For helping with the puppies
        For utilizing your nursing experience to know if the puppies were ill
        For taking out stitches
        For baking gluten free desserts
        For cooking gluten free foods
        For teaching me about calories
        For teaching me about metric conversions
        For calming me down when Diana had the heart scare and offering me good advice when I was in a panic that she was really having a heart attack
        For running over in a quick second when I thought I had done something to Buster
        For checking the puppies to make sure they were not dehydrated
        For helping my family understand why my mother died
        For helping me to understand the south a little better
        For sharing the trio of celery, bay leaf and pepper (and onions?)
        For being compassionate when I had a migraine
        For showing me to shop in the back of Marshalls for great ingredients
        For (and I never thought I would say this) introducing me to WalMart
        For going with me for a mammogram
        For showing me your favorite beach
        For introducing me to night blooming jasmine
        For consoling the hypochondriac in me
        For helping to redesign the back yard when I removed the pool
        For helping me learn to save money in little ways
        For helping me understand the value of eating at home more than eating out
        For keeping me at home more than going out
        For teaching me to enjoy staying home
        For telling me stories about Arkansas
        For cooking so many delicious meals for me, for friends and family
        For bringing me dinners when I was working
        For going with me to the veterinarian
        For telling me stories about New Orleans
        For helping me to understand the culture of New Orleans
        For helping me to understand the impact of the oil spills in the Gulf
        For New Orleans s****.>         For finding great restaurants
        For telling me the significance of all of your various pieces of art
        For telling me stories about lots of things
        For trying to understand who I was and what it meant to be an Italian from New York
        For sharing the experiences of your life with me through stories about places I had never been
I am sorry for anything I have done to cause either of you any hurt, sadness or anger.  I am thankful for all the positive experiences and the time spent with each of you.  I harbor no resentment and wish no ill will.  I am hoping that we can all move forward into a place of gratitude and appreciation for all we shared that was good, joyful and lighthearted.  


United States of America

#32General Comment

Mon, April 11, 2011

I am a retired Lieutenant of the NYC Police Department. I have known Carol for over 25 years both personally and professionally. In all of that time I have come to believe that Carol is a person of unquestioned integrity. She is a graduate of the FBI National Academy and a respected member of the law enforcement community. She has always lived her life above board and honestly. These allegations appear to be completely based on the ravings of scorned past relationships and are not based on any credible facts. Carol has, without question, always proved to be an honest, hard working and dependable professional and would never have committed any of the acts alleged by these complainants. 

Carol Sciannameo

Thank you for your support

#33REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, April 10, 2011

I have been reading the support I have been receiving on this site, and am grateful for the various perspectives speaking to the veracity of the statements as well as the motivation for this collaborative attack by individuals who were seemingly satisfied in the company of many friends in the past.

I have always believed that when people accuse you of something, in actuality, it is they who are the ones who are doing what they say you are doing.  It is something I learned to be true over the course of my life.

In looking back at the women, I know of at least one who has had a domestic violence arrest and it has been expunged, however, expungement does not mean it does not happen.

I have had occasion to follow up on some of the details of the incident that occured leading to the arrest and subsequent expungement by talking with the victim, and was grateful to have my own presumptions validated, and know that the things I was seeing along and feeling in my gut were right.

I am not going to retaliate and start posting information, documents and photographs about this arrest, as it is not my style, however, at least in my heart I now know the truth. 

I know the pain of having one's life posted for all to read on the internet over the course of the last 9 years, and despite what has been said by these women about me, I would rather not have then experience what I have experienced. 

I forgive them, and pray that we are all allowed to elevate spiritually and live in accordance with the laws of the universe, and have peace,  prosperity, love and respect for human dignity.  I believe that we are on this planet to grow and evolve and despite our human frailties and mistakes along the way, we all need to do the best we can.  Again, I forgive them.


Floral Park,
New York,
United States of America
Scorned Women

#34General Comment

Sun, April 10, 2011

I have been a personal friend, co-worker and supervisor of Carol Sciannameo in the New York Police Department and the NYC Transit Police Department for over 25 years.   I knew her in New York and I have visited her in Florida. Carol was an exemplary police officer both in the ranks of Policeofficer, Sergeant and Lieutenant. She always demonstrated the highest integrity in all matters.   She was a role model for other female officers. Carol was recommended to attend the FBI Academy in Virgina.   This privilege is only accorded to the best officers in the police department.   She did attend that Academy and graduated with no problems.

I have met socially with one of the people mentioned in the report, Diana.  Dianna has been in my company numerous times with Carol over the past 3 or 4 yeas.   I have never heard her complain about Carol as long as Carol was supplying her with room and board. I am also aware that Diana has written reports to this site atesting to the lies told by April.   Could it be that Diana has an ax to grind now?  I think so.  Is it true Diana that you trashed Carol's house when you were asked to leave?   I believe so.

Nothing worse that\n a bunch of women scorned and that is what this situation is, along with some other problems better left to a therapist.

If Carol did any of the things mentioned in the reports here, she would be in jail, and so far I haven't seen anything like that.   I haven't even seen a report to a police department.

Girls, grow up and get a life.  

Carol Sciannameo

Let's Talk About Another Named Victim

#35REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, April 09, 2011

In the original report filed by the person who began this string, there are several women named.  I called one of the women, who was in fact the woman who was with me during the time I collected some belongings back from the original poster, and who witnessed many things and has come forward to rebut them for me to various authorities throughout the years.

This woman needed some serious treatment for something that was pressing, and needed immediate attention.  I paid about $2000 out of pocket as she did not have insurance.  Without this attention her overall health would have diminished.

I spoke with her yesterday and she said that she was not contacted by any of the individuals claiming to have contacted her and she stated that her partner is the dog groomer for one of the women and that she has not had any conversations with either of them about me at all.  She said her partner no longer grooms where the woman was taking her dog, and therefore, she will not have a way to contact her.

She stated that she is willing to file a rebuttal to that effect, and I am certain she would if I asked her to as she has stood up throughout the years to defend me regarding the allegations initially made. 

I asked her point blank, did you ever tell anyone I abused you, beat you or stole from you and she said, "I have no money, and when I left you were the one crying."

This woman has kept in contact with me throughout the past 10 years, I have been to visit her in New York, she has been back to my home in Gulfport, and I was the one who helped her transition back by helping in finding lodging for her and five (5) dogs upon her return with her partner.

I ask again, if I beat, abused or stole from this woman why did she continue to befriend me and spend time with me, and ask me for advice on occasion?

I am accepting all of this drama with gratitude as it is helping me in my practice, but I am still baffled at the concept that I met, had relationships with, and continue to remain in touch with individuals who are somehow magically entranced and connected to me forever that despite the level of abuse, beating and other alleged deeds, they are still around.

I am also baffled that if these allegations all were true, how would I not have ever had a complaint lodged against me in all these years, and been arrested?

I know that police officers and others in professions with guns are often falsely accused of pulling a gun, and in my years as a police supervisor, I often counseled my subordinate officers when involved in domestic problems that they should voucher their weapons and have a log entry made so that when a false complaint was made, they would have proof that the weapon was not in their possession.

Unfortunately, here in Florida, I do not have that luxury.  I will state, however, that in the 30 years I have had a weapon, and even in the course of my duties as a police officer I never had the weapon out of its holster except at an authorized range facility.  I used to grab guns out of people's hands with a partner covering my back, because I knew that most people could probably overpower me and use my weapon against me.  That is what happened to a dear friend and colleague on the Transit Police Department.

I know the risks of taking out a weapon.  I know that it does not come out unless you intend to use it.  I know that by taking a weapon out, it is most times more dangerous for all parties than when it is away.  I would not risk taking out a weapon and threatening with it, knowing all of this.

I am not a police officer now, but I did not forget where I came from or all the training I have. 

Carol Sciannameo

Woman in New York

#36REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, April 09, 2011

In reading the transcript of the telephone conversation made by Chris to Diana Armbrust and Lynda Rodriguez and seeing the claim about the woman in New York who I allegedly beat up and/or abused, let me qualify the way in which that particular individual was treated.

When I met her she was a waitress at a steakhouse in Manhattan and an actress.  I was about to attend the FBI National Academy.  We left our respective partners and we went on to live together in Bensonhurst after I housed her in hotels in Quantico to be able to spend time together while I was attending the academy.  We shared a summer home in Easthampton with Carolyn and Robert.  When we were together, I was starting my undergraduate studies at John Jay College. 

Realizing that this individual was intelligent and had much potential, I tried to figure out a way to get her interested in college.  I took her with me to a Government 101 class facilitated by Dr. Marina Mercado (currently a dear friend), and went out with Dr. Mercado and the woman for dinner.  Dr. Mercado and I pointed out to this woman that she was highly intelligent and that a college degree would be a great thing for her to get.  She was convinced.  We spent hours on Two Mile Hollow Beach in Easthampton with Carolyn pointing out how it would be great to have a career off one's feet when we were 50, at the time we were all about 32-35.  The woman wanted to go to school but did not want to go to one school to get an education, as she wanted a degree in something she loved.  I researched the CUNY BA/MA program and developed a curriculum that was subsequently approved by the CUNY school system and the woman ultimately graduated with a very high GPA and was able to attend Baruch, John Jay, The New School and one other school, if I recall correctly, to achieve this standing.

During this time, because she was in an off Broadway play and working a night or two in Manhattan Benshonhurst was too far and at the time a dangerous and cumbersome train ride.  I moved from an apartment that cost $600 to an apartment that cost $1100 a month, plus $300 a month for parking so that she would be close enough to take a taxi or at worst a short train ride from Manhattan.  Despite this move, I went into Manhattan to pick up up 90 per cent of the time as it was a dark lonely walk from the train and I wanted her to get home safely.

We ultimately moved to the top floor of the building into an apartment that was $1300 a month still paying the $300 a month for parking as it was a gorgeous loft with 25 foot ceilings and 18 foot windows with a view of the World Trade Center, roof rights and a fabulous view from the roof.

On most weekends we went to Easthampton.  As I made more money (she was receiving Pell and other loan and grant monies), I paid for the vehicle, the gas, the food in the Hamptons and most of the other expenses incurred during these years.  The Hamptons is not inexpensive, it is Beverly Hills East.  At the time most good restaurants were $100 and up, especially for a woman who liked fine wine like Cote de Rhone.

As the commanding officer of the career path unit in the Human Resources Division of the Transit Police I was able to keep my eyes open for positions so that this woman, who was in college could have a career other than waitressing.  I helped her to take a position as a police administrative aid and ultimately a staff assistant, that was a laterally transferable position so that she could move over into other City employment.

This individual had some prestigious positions thereafter and achieved very high goals in City jobs.

I am not taking credit for this, I am taking credit for planting a seed and making it possible for her to achieve her dreams by subsidizing entertainment and intellectual input into a degree and emotional support for her to be able to actualize her dreams.

This person is a talented photographer, one of the best I have ever seen.  She has done tons of charity work and gone on missions to help people less fortunate than herself.  I gifted her my Minolta XK Camera after we parted ways, as a gift, knowing she always liked it.  This when she was already in a relationship with someone else and I with someone else.

About 5 years after we parted she was invited to and attended my 40th birthday party, where her current lifetime partner sang Over the Rainbow in opera for the celebration, bringing the other patrons of the restaurant to their feet in applause.

Her father died around the same time as my mother around Christmas 2004 and we offered each other condolences as one of us was travelling to Florida and the other to New York for funeral services.

My question is, if I abused and or beat up this woman, why would she have come to my birthday party, accepted a gift of a camera and stayed in contact with me?  How would I have been able to beat up anyone and not get arrested?  How would I be able to remain employed as a police officer in the City of New York if I was beating people up?  There are strict rules for conduct as a police officer.  I would have never jeopardized my career by doing somethng stupid.

I would like to qualify this current witch hunt for women who have been scorned by me by saying, I am sure if you look you will find women who are not happy that we broke up or are not happy that the "gravy train" ended, and some may jump on the wagon and make claims and others, hopefully will tell the truth.  I cannot control any of that.

I can state unequivocally, that most individuals have left the relationship in a better way that before they entered the relationship, whether it be with richer memories of fun times, lessons learned, encouragement, empowerment as this woman experienced and some may be disgruntled as happens in life.

I assure all of you reading this that I am not a Ted Bundy, I am not a sociopath.  I am an individual who treats partners well, and when it is over, like a good job and the benefits end and the toys are collected, a severence package is expected.  It is faulty entitlement.

I have made every cent of money I have spent and much has been spent in relationships.  I do not begrudge a dime or an experience had.  I have a had a rich life, filled with amazing experiences, friends, a career and no matter what the witch hunt incites or fabricates, I know who I am and how I treat people.  Many people can attest to that. 

Alexander Stewart

Pinellas Park,
United States of America
ATTN to all who have read negative reports about Ms. Carol Sciannameo. Please read.

#37Consumer Suggestion

Sat, April 09, 2011

08 Apr 2011


Attention to all who have read negative reports PERTAINING TO Ms. Carol Sciannameo:

 My name is Alexander Stewart, and I am an Airman First Class enlisted with the United States Air Force. In a negative report filed about Ms. Sciannameo, there is mention of a student that was forced to work on her home in order to obtain good grades in her classes while she was an instructor at Everest University between April 2008, and April 2010. I am that student, and I writing this rebuttal to that report, defending Ms. Sciannameos name, along with my own. There were several home-improvement projects that I planned, supervised, and/ or performed between April 2008, and May 2010 for Ms. Sciannameo at her Upton St. residence. She was always a pleasure to work for, and was the fairest client I had while working for myself, part-time, in the Tampa Bay Area.

Not once, did Ms. Sciannameo ever threaten, and/or bribe me with issuing a grade that I didnt deserve in her class, in exchange for work. I never turned down a project that Ms. Sciannameo asked me to undertake, because of how pleasant of a client she was, and wholesome of a person she is overall. I maintained a 3.8 GPA while I was in attendance at Everest University.  Every outstanding grade that I earned on a term paper, test, or practical evaluation was based solely on my effort, and performance that I put forth on every endeavor.

While I was one of her students, Ms. Sciannameo always preached how important it was to maintain morals such as integrity, honesty, loyalty and professionalism in every single aspect of ones life. And while my career in the Air Force has just started, I have achieved much success already, because of the words, and beliefs, that Carol Sciannameo mentored to me.  I have had to solicit the services of Tampa Bay Investigations, and was never taken advantage of in anyway. I was charged fairly for services rendered, and was not hassled in anyway, what so ever.

As for all the allegations of Ms. Sciannameo taking advantage of individuals in any fashion, I believe them to be the petty attacks of a very small group of individuals with less than solid, concrete evidence to support their claims.

The only thing that Carol Sciannameo is guilty of is taking every person that she meets for face value, treating everyone fairly without any prejudice, and trying to help those that she truly cares about. I have personally witnessed her kind, unbiased nature numerous times. Unfortunately for her, she offered to help the wrong people ( i.e. these three individuals that are now attacking her).

If anyone still has questions, or concerns about Ms. Sciannameo, I can be contacted via email through this site. Leave a comment about this rebuttal, good or bad, and I will be alerted. Just please dont waste my time with false, unfounded allegations, about Ms. Sciannameo, or myself , in a petty attempt to slander either parties character.

Any serious detrimental or slanderous content, and/or feedback left about myself will be routed through my chain of command, to the level of a Staff Judge Advocate, for review. If grounds for legal action are founded by the SJA, I will pursue.

Alexander Stewart


United States of America
The Extent of the Bashing

#38Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 08, 2011

After seeing the post and the telephone number for Diane, saying she wanted to share information about Carol, I made this call because I am a friend of Carols and I know that she is not any of these things and I felt bad that she was going through such bashing.  I made this call in front of her because I wanted to be certain that she heard for herself as she did not believe the women would have stooped to this level and thought the original poster had used their information without her permission.  Knowing Carol I did not feel she should have this posted and have to explain to anyone who sees it what it is about.  I feel that these statements were spoken out of context and after speaking with Carol and seeing her reaction to what the women said, that I believe much of this is not true.  I feel that if someone can change your perception of someone else based on gossip, you are not a person who can think for yourself.  I would like you to read this knowing that this behavior is nothing more than retaliatory.  For the record, my mother is not dating Carol but I knew I had to use a tactic that would cause them to speak with me, and to prove that they want to maliciously damage Carol  Read for yourself and see what they have said.  I feel these women are hypocrites, they say Carol is verbally abusive, and I argue that in this transcript they are verbally abusive and they are the ones harassing Carol.  Did they have no responsibility for engaging in the relationships?  Why did they continue to return?  Neither of them lived with Carol they came in and out of her home and her life and spent time with her and her friends willingly and of their own free accord.
Diane was called by me at 727 492 4275 and the first question Diane asked me is how did my mother meet Carol and was it through a spiritual group?
I said that I did not know.
Diane stated to me that she was in a personal relationship with Carol for four years and Carol is financially and emotionally abusive.  Carol goes after women with a little bit of money, not a whole lot, working class types. 
Diane stated to me that Carol is a predator, a sick woman who is a sociopath.  Diane stated that she is not a woman scorned but she has been preyed upon and abused by Carol. 
I asked Diane if I could talk to the other women and although I named Linda Penny and Gail, she only offered that she would have Linda call me and that Diane had already given Linda my number.
Diane said to me that Carol sucks you in to move in with her, and then you are thrown out with nothing selling homes and condos.
Diane did not fall into that trap she kept her own home but says that all the women put money into Carols house and never got anything back.
Diane told me about a hot tub on her charge that Carol stated she threw out and later learned she sold it on Craigs list.  Diane said that she had a car leased by Carol.
Diane said Carol is threatened by her son as he is close by (that Carol is not threatened by Dianes daughter as she lives in Michigan). Diane stated that when her  son was 23 he made a mistake as young men do and had a DUI and Carol called him a criminal and put a wedge between him and all of Dianes friends.  Carol did not like any of Dianes friends, and isolated Diane from all her friends.
Diane stated that Carol called her granddaughter Zoie dark and disturbed.
Diane stated that Carol was involved with the mother one of his children and that Carol told lies that the son had to go to court to defend himself against the claims.
Diane stated that Carol called her son a grifter and a drifter and she will stop at nothing.
Diane asked if my mother owned her own home.
I stated she did and that she worked as an independent contractor for banks in foreclosure proceedings.
Diane asked how long Carol was involved with my mother and I told her about 6 months. 
We left off  and asked that Linda call me.
Diane returned the call  and stated that Linda must be at work.
Diane stated that Carol cheated on her, Linda, Gail and Penny and that she never had any long term relationships.  Three or four years is tops.
Diane stated that Carol likes to see women every day and gets them in her clutches.
Diane stated that another woman lives with Carol.
I stated that his mother is in a wheelchair and had a settlement.
Diane stated that Carol goes after women like that.
I stated that his mom gave him a little money from the settlement.
Diane said that Linda is calling in, terminated the call
I received a call from Linda at but could not answer the call, I returned the call and went to Voicemail.
Linda called back and said, I see you have a dilemma
I said I have a big dilemma
Linda said you have a predator and sociopath in your life.
I said I cannot confront my mom with this.
She is a bad girl, she has had 58 girlfriends in her life.  She has taken every one of them.  She is physically abusive, she beat up two other girlfriends, she did not beat me up.  She is a user and an abuser and has told no one to the best of my knowledge that she is seeing your mother.
The woman who lives with her is Carolyn and she is being used too, I had to warn Carolyn.  Carolyn said why should I believe you.
I said my mom is planning to move with her to Tucson
Linda said there are plenty of people out there like this, you can talk to fifteen or twenty people besides me, she wanted me to move to Tucson and buy a house.  I am a nurse, a critical care nurse.  It is about taking care of Carol and taking money and have never seen Carol take care of anyone, imagine being in Tucson, and being taken care of by Carol.
How did Carol meet your mother?  I told her a banker she new forever
Carol doesnt tell the truth even when the truth will do.
Carol went to the Hamptons in July with my mother. 
Linda said that Carol dumped Diana in July and while Carol was in the Hamptons with your mother, Diana was home taking care of Carols dogs.
Carol tried to break Diana up with her family.
Carol cheated on me with Diana and on Diana with me. 
Carol has money problems, she was fired from a job for threatening a student and inappropriate behavior, and I would bet my life that your mother paid for those trips.  Carol was in dire financial straits in July.
I can tell you more, she is using your mother.  She will not only take your mothers money she will take her soul and emotionally destroy her.  She tries with all of her girlfriends to turn them into whimpering little things.
I said Carol seems like a really nice lady.  Diana says that later on things come in.
Once she gets your mother in the bag, you know about players, she probably has given her lavish gifts and told her that she is a soul mate and looking for her all her life.  She will make your mother feel good, it does not last and is not real.  Carol does not give a s**t about anybody but herself.
Let me ask you how long is your mother wheelchair bound. 
After the accident the past girlfriend left her.
You sound like my son. If you were with a crazy gold digger your mother would be right there for you. 
Linda said my sister did the same thing you are doing for your mother, my sister googled and investigated and she came up with all kinds of stuff, 6 domestic partners, orders of protection and makes her money by suing people.  I did not listen at first but then listened later.  Your mother needs that information.  Carol threatened me with a gun and said I will kill your a*s.
She does sue people, and she is suing someone and claims and injury, it was not the car accident she is heavy and the knee was already bad.  The woman carries a gun 24/7 and sleeps with it.
When I went to leave her, she blocked my way and did not let me out of the house, and she had the gun in her pocket and reached for it, and I had my cell phone in my hand and was going to call the police.  I went to CASA, the abused womens shelter and told me that she is a rogue cop, dangerous and will hurt you.
When I went home, I had fifteen bars to push for 911, I had the locks changed, slat fashioned for sliding door.  Diana and I are here for you.  We will talk to your mother with you to see our faces as Carol is really good at talking her way.  I am not a woman scorned.
I get sick even thinking I had a relationship with Carol.
She owns a business, she took April walking with a walker, she took her and she is 20 years older than her.  I do not think that is the first girlfriend she took. 
She beat up a woman in NY named Lorraine.
Linda said that Diana and she made friends and they have been contacting all the ex-girlfriends and want to put me down.  Let her get out of the state of Florida. Let her do it somewhere else.
Linda says I was present for a lot of her PI work and she takes people for money all the time in that business.  She runs up the bill.  Even her own employees were questioning regarding running the bill up.
A lot of people have been taken.
Her own students have been taken advantage of and she held the grade over their head to do work for her.
Diana and I got out and we have to get your mother out.
You do not have to jump the gun.
Carol cannot sell her house. There is a lien on it from April. She is upside down in the house.
Carol will walk away from house and was bankrupt twice in her life and let your mom pay for the house in Tucson.
She will dump your mother and find another victim.
Other women will tell the story.
Penny will talk to you and started talking to all of her ex girlfriends.  Gail was physically and otherwise hurt but she may not cop to that as she is afraid of Carol and she is married to a guy and raises his son, she might be willing.  Diana knows Gail well.  Gail had her head split open on cement by Carol.
Linda said when did you start getting suspicious?
When my mom talked about Tucson Arizona and when I knew she never had plans for that before
Does your mother have a brother or adult male relatives?
Linda offered that she and Diana would go to speak to his mother, as his mother had to see they were real people, Linda said I am a critical care nurse and Diana is an ultrasound tech, your mother needs to see our faces.

At this point I put Carol on the phone and she told them that she was present and heard everythng they said.


United States of America

#39Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 08, 2011


I am saddened and sickened to have to contribute any energy to this negative, vile dribble regarding my good, true friend Carol Sciannameo, but it must be done in the name of truth, honesty and righteousness. I have known Carol for over 20 years. My boyfriend and I shared a summer home with Carol and her girlfriend for several years, and we spent alot of time together in NYC and Brooklyn Heights, where we all lived. I also knew her fellow police officers, who came to our yearly summer party on Long Island. Carol was a wonderful friend. She was and is honest, loyal, kind, generous and selfless in many regards, as her many fellow officers and friends will attest, me included. I have known several of her past paramours, many of her friends and collegues, all who will attest to her impeccable ethics and moral fiber.  We both relocated to Florida, and continued our friendship. While spending time with Carol, I also often had various outings with her and her friend Linda Rodriguez. We went to the farmers market, out to lunch, dinner, to the spa, and we cooked dinners together at Carols for ourselves and friends.  Carol and I also cooked dinners for Linda when she worked late. Carol mentioned to me that she wanted to extend this  courtesy to Linda  as Linda often cooked  for Carol when she worked late, tailoring every dish to Carols gluten free diet. Linda also had us to dinner at her apartment, as she wanted us to sample her excellent asian cuisine.  These occasions were always pleasant and enjoyable.  When Linda and Carol were involved in a rear end accident, both being injured, Carol subsequently required knee surgery on January 25th. Linda was willing to care for Carol post-op, but was unwilling to care for the dogs. I was happy to come and help her in doing whatever was required. Linda came over often after the surgery to visit, dine with us, and help Carol bathe and offer her expertise as a registered nurse. Two weeks later when I had to return home temporarily for business, Linda declined to help anymore. This was due to a silly comment regarding workmen at her home needing to be greeted since she couldnt be there herself. At this point Carol was not able to care for herself, and decided to have no more contact with Linda because she felt abandoned by her friend in her time of need. Some time after this episode, which I witnessed, these ridiculous postings regarding abuse and scamming began to appear online. Linda alleged in a conversation with someone who called her about these postings  that she spoke with me to warn me and that I replied why should I believe you?. This conversation never took place. I have not spoken with Linda since dinner at a sushi restaurant  with Carol and friends David and Melissa after Stevens funeral early in February. Another person mentioned as having been abused by Carol, Gail, also attended the dinner after the memorial service with Carol and myself. The day before Carol and I had our hair done at Gails salon, which was relaxed and enjoyable. Gail came to Carols house the following day. Do these sound like abused, scammed women? This all occurred less than two months ago. If Linda stated that she called and spoke with me when she clearly didnt, I doubt the veracity of her other claims and statements regarding Carol. Especially since I spent many pleasant occasions with them. Oh, and by the way, I went to greet the men at her home because Carol was still unable to walk.


Greenwood Lake,
New York,
United States of America
Defending Carol Sciannameo, again...

#40General Comment

Thu, April 07, 2011

As a writer sitting at a computer typing elegant prose is what I prefer to do; yet I find myself compelled to, once again, defend someone that I know to be of such high moral fiber that the need to defend them is as repugnant as the slander directed at them.

I know Carol Sciannameo some 25 years. I could make some statement that I trust her with my life but it would not simply be a statement, it would be a historical fact. As members of the NYC Transit Police and later the NYPD I did indeed depend on Carol with my life and I'd do so today unhesitatingly. Unless you have ever been in a life threatening situation you cannot fathom the feeling of knowing the person you are partnered with, "has your back." Carol is such a person.

I find it troubling that the stilted writing, bad grammar and all, is routinely posted for all to see without so much as one shred of truth. Carol deserves so much more than to have to defend herself against these blatant falsehoods. Her friends, and we are many, are equally troubled that her life and her livelihood are so easily thrust into this nonsense time and time again.

The facts are these: Carol was a well respected and highly decorated law enforcement professional. She was a member of the late Jack Maple's inner circle; Jack's law enforcement credentials are legendary. Carol is well respected in the field of private investigations and her integrity is above reproach. Carol is a well respected dog breeder whose ethics and humane policies would pass the muster of any organization charged with overseeing the breeding industry. Carol is well respected by her friends for her advice and counsel on a myriad of subjects, time and again. The overuse of the words, "well respected" is intentional, I can think of few people that command respect more than Carol.

When statements such as "shamu the whale" and "her  dogs die to get away from her" are part of a complaint, as well as so many other ridiculous statements I won't bother to repeat,  I think the true nature of the complaint should become obvious. So too should the nature of the person(s) making such statements.

Let me say this in closing so it is abundantly clear. Working with Carol, be it in law enforcement; private investigations; teaching or dog breeding is a privilege I would wish on anyone. Calling her a friend is an honor that goes beyond words.

Carol Sciannameo is my friend...

Carol Sciannameo

Words of Wisdom and Peace

#41REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, April 07, 2011

I do not recognize your name but thank you for qualifying me as the victim here.  I have endured and grown from the bashing by the first individual for 9.5 years and have refused to retaliate.  I have used a martial art that I have studied. Aikido is executed by blending with the motion of the attacker and redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on.  To attempt to attack this malicious vengeance head on would be fruitless and would only beget more vengeance and anger.  I believe in taking this position, the true intent of the first individual posting and the new group has become apparent.  It is wonton vengeance and anger.
Despite this victim, classification,  I am grateful for these experiences as they have made me stronger.  I believe the true test of a persons moral turpitude is to be non-retaliatory and non engaging in the face of this type of continued and practiced assault.  We all know it is easy to be nice to those who are nice to us.  It takes a practice to be nice in the face of this type of bashing.  I often say jokingly to my friends and colleagues that in Lifetime movies, we see people murdered for less serious allegations than these.  The true test of my non-aggressive behavior is that none of them have been or ever will be harmed by me or anyone associated with me, as I do not believe in retaliatory and/or violent reactivity.
For the many years I have been teaching in the criminal justice arena, students are always surprised that I do not support the death penalty, as a great majority in the field of policing do, in fact, support the death penalty.  Although I am not a practicing Catholic I was raised with a strong Catholic background and believe that only the one who gives life has the right to take it, and this thread of justice has permeated almost everything I do.  It is not up to me to levy justice, or to take action against those who want to continue this bashing.  I am sure it is clear to all that read their posts that anger and malice fuel are their fuel.
Although each time I discover a new post, I am blindsided for a bit and yes it may ruin a day or two, but I am in it for the marathon and not the short sprint.  In the long run, I am grateful for all the tests as it is I who gets stronger and they who look more foolishly angry and reactive. 
Through these posts, I have discovered something that many people do not know in their lifetime and sometimes it is only at their eulogies that they know how people feel about them.  In the years my friends and colleagues have stepped up to the plate to defend me, to write letters of reference to discredit these postings so that I could have gainful employment and maintain a solid client base despite these postings, and have called me to offer moral support.  I have found that I have people in my life who truly love, respect and care for me.  Of course, I would not wish this trial by fire on anyone else as it is not the best way to discover true friends, it has shown me how really blessed I am to have so many people who love me.  I can say with certainty that I am loved.
Someday, when I am older and greyer, and having the good sense of humor I am know for, I will look back on all of this, playing the theme song of Twighlight Zone in my head as that is as incongruous this entire experience has been to me.



#42Consumer Comment

Thu, April 07, 2011

So Darrie you are "currently working for a civil trial and criminal defense attorney".  I wonder how they would feel if you were providing what could be considered legal advise?  Especially when some of your advise is "interesting" to say the least.

My suggestion at this point is to stop this childish behavior and remove yourselves from further comment and involvement in this malicious personal bash-session instigated by an obviously mentally unstable individual with poor grammar.
- You talk about libel, yet only a few sentences later you state that they are "obviously" mentally unstable.  So what proof do you have of that?  Do you have Doctors reports?  Do you have years of education and a degree that enables you to make that diagnosis from a posting on the Internet?  It can't be because of their age, I know people in their 80's that are more mentally "stable" than some people in their 50's.  So please tell us where do you get the justification for your diagnosis?

Because without proof that statement could be seen by some as Libel.  What if the OP decides to sue you, and since you say you work for an attorney sue them as well.

Perhaps you are not some totally disinterested party.

By the way I am not an attorney and nothing I am saying should be taken as Legal Advise.  Just as you say some "friendly words of advise" that you may want to be careful what you post.

Darrie McRenolds

United States of America
Words of Wisdom

#43Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 07, 2011

I am writing here after reading numerous postings and responses on RipOffReport.com. Having been in the legal industry for many years, and currently working for a civil trial and criminal defense attorney, I am writing to offer you some friendly advice so you aware of the ramifications of your posting on ripoffreport.com. You invite people to call you so that you can provide the telephone numbers of others allegedly victimized by the subject of this posting. After reading, I am concerned that you are exposing yourselves to an enormous liability, both criminally and civilly. This posting was not done while using good sound judgment and may have been motivated solely in anger. This posting is confusing because in an earlier rebuttal all the comments were positive indicating something personal in nature has occurred to change that. In court this will speak to your credibility or lack thereof. Some areas I would note for as concerns for you are as follows: In Florida liable and slander is not based on the truth of the statement, rather intended malice, so regardless of what you are saying is true or false, you can still be sued for liable and/or slander.

Liable can be considered a 1st degree misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and holds civil punitive ramifications that are treble damages (meaning that triple damages may be assessed). You and the others mentioned in the list of victims are not judgment proof.

I know the subject will be able to sue any and all of you for any statements made, true or false, which are maliciously intended to injure her reputation and or her business causing loss of income. From what I have been able to research, the subject has a former student population of over 3000 and has many friends and well respected colleagues in this area and in other areas, many of whom could have contacted her and could have expressed a willingness to pretext you and keep a record of what you and the others said about her, whether true or false. These individuals could certainly swear out affidavits regarding your statements and statements of the others, and appear in court on her behalf. Many of these individuals would be unknown to you and might be willing to meet you personally. My suggestion at this point is to stop this childish behavior and remove yourselves from further comment and involvement in this malicious personal bash-session instigated by an obviously mentally unstable individual with poor grammar. Whether you feel you are judgment proof or not would be irrelevant as this matter would surely cost thousands of dollars to defend against, civilly and criminally, should the victim here decide to proceed with formal civil and/or criminal charges against those involved in this. Again, friendly words of advice.

Carol Sciannameo


#44REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, March 28, 2011

It is interesting to note here that one of the individuals named in this posting, Diane (misspelled) actually Diana, posted a rebuttal to a claim by this individual and it is as follows, and was posted about a year ago:


In support of Carol Sciannameo
DA - Palm Harbor (United States of America)

SUBMITTED: Monday, March 01, 2010 POSTED: Monday, March 01, 2010

It is really a pity in today's society that angry, malicious individuals can attempt to ruin someones reputation and attempt to cost them and their business money by posting sensationalism and it all seems so easy.  I have known Carol for 4 years now and am always impressed at the professionalism that she uses with her clients as well as compassion for ones that are frantically looking for loved ones.  I have seen her listen to her clients for hours to calm them when they have very emotional dilemmas and no where else to turn.  I have always been impressed with Carol's problem solving skills in dealing with clients and see her as the best in the business. 

I also have property in the Gulfport area and I am quite certain that Carol has had nothing to do the the current housing market! These allegations are almost amusing.  The woman also goes on to say that Carol's dogs died to get away from her.  To this statement I can hardly contain myself.  PLEASE!!!  If I have a choice to come back as a dog, PLEASE let me be one of Carol's dogs!
Well, now there is Shamu! LOL.  Carol is far from being close to the size of a whale.  She works out with weights three times a week and then walks 7 dogs the rest of the week.  I am sure that all of Gulfport would be talking if there was a whale size worman walking around with 7 dogs.  That would be the talk of the town!

I have been with Carol to two of her Transit Police Reunions and she has numerous friends that I met that have the deepest respect for Carol as their fellow officer.  From conversations and stories with these officer friends there is no doubt in my mind that she knew and worked with Jack Maple.  I heard numerous and amusing stories of the antics of Carol and Jack Maple.  I have read the book,  http://search.barnesandnoble.com/The-Crime-Fighter/Jack-Maple/e/9780767905541 and have read on page 2 a story of an arrest made by the decoy unit where Carol's full name is mentioned.

As for the "house arrest" that is stated in the posting.  House arrest is a term that police officer's use when they are home on sick leave.  When they are home they are required to remain at home and a supervisor can come to their home to check that they are there.  Carol is a consummate storyteller and in telling stories about her career she often jokingly used the term house arrest to describe being out on sick leave.  It is reprehensible that this joking term has been used against her to have it appear that she was under true house arrest.

Carol attended and graduated from the FBI National Academy.  To my knowledge this is not a community college that anyone can pay their tuition and attend. The people attending the Academy must be chosen and it is as honor to be selected. 
This worman has made numerous untrue and vindictive claims against Carol and I am also aware of others that she also defrauded.  It is very sad that our society has entertained these individuals that spend a lifetime victimizing innocent people on such sites as this.

(Readers can verify this post by searching the ripoffreport.com database and will find that it is in fact posted in its entirety from the original post)

I have notified the individuals named in this latest allegation that their names and in one case a telephone number is included by this person.

All of these false allegations made by this individual are related to me and my personal life, I know that  over the course of this past 9 1/2 years she consistently relates these allegations to my business. 

My business was not even in business at the time she alleges these things.  In seeing that my business is consistently named, and the writer continuously pleas for my license to be taken, I can only take this and all other postings as purposeful attempts to hurt my business and my professional reputation.

I can only hope that this writer and any and all others attempting to air personal issues and use them against my business will look to the last sentence written by Diana, "It is very sad that our society has entertained these individuals that spend a lifetime victimizing innocent people on such sites as this."

Sites like this were created for individuals to make valid complaints, to give them a voice so that they can pursue businesses for wrongs they have incurred.  It is not the site that is at fault in situations like this one, it is the misuse of the site by individuals set out to stalk, harass and victimize.

Despite these attempts at my credibility, those people who know and trust me will always know and trust me, and those clients served by my business know the quality of what I do.  The many colleagues I have in the various fields I have been in, know the calibre of my morals, ethics and values.

I can only control what I do in the world.  I cannot control the actions of others when they set out to attempt to attack my reputation with false claims and accusations.

I will continue to endeavor to be the best person I can be, to leave all of this demented vengence where it belongs and that is in a compartment where it cannot harm me. 

No amount of vengence can change the person I am.  No amount of vengence will cause me to strike back.  I refuse to stoop to the level of this individual and engage in the throwing of stones. 

I believe she is waiting for me to do something in retaliation for all of these many years. That is not my style. I do not engage in behavior that is retaliatory.

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